#gimme what we want RIAN )
expluere · 5 years
      HIS FROWN ISN’T so much a simple display of his bone - white / marrow - sullen frustration as it is a pure snag of teeth. this is a scene he exists outside of: perilous anger phrased as a tale, in which ---- is a prison. prison of blasphemy, prison of a deeper breed of despair: snakeskin secrets ,  your blood ruptures like gunfire / you smile like a rifling gun.
            ❝ martha ... martha .. ----- martha ! ❞
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      kurt’s movements are jilted from its abandoned duties and the grueling peel and bite of ruddy - bruised knuckles against walls that sounded just moments ago were nothing if not short - ended tributes to his own carnal feat. kurt finds that martha dishes out death like alms, an altar ransacked of completion. through this -- through martha, he witnesses that death and women are clearly aligned.  ❝ martha, please --  ❞ the cadence that creases from his lips tells a period of exhaustion, exasperation, empathy ; in a clipped tone he reserves for only martha, his dearest friend. he’s known the beat of this rhythm as if it were the own beat in his blood, an ode to his pulse and the thump to his heart ---- grabbing her wrists as a means to prevent further contusions and shabby knuckles would only escalate it :  his body flutters about with as much grace as a large man like him could supply and makes it so her fists comes into contact with his chest, his hands firmly gripping around the strong divot of her elbow.
                  ❝ what has gotten you so riled up ! ❞   //   @coordinator-behamfil​
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celticdoggo · 5 years
Gelfling skekdad au fic 4
Rian wriggled underneath his childhood bed and grabbed his hunting bag. He checked it over grabbing the herbs and other things he needed restocked when they came to the castle. He peeked in on the girls to see them packing as well and he was pretty cute he’d after go through them before they left but first he needed someone to be a guard.
Rian was well aware that compared to the guards here he was a one gelfling army, but even he couldn’t be everywhere at once protecting Brea and Deet. He walked silently through the barracks staring at each sleeping gelfling. If she was still alive he would have chosen Mira, but there was the next best thing. He stopped at the foot of a bed. It was a Drenchen gelfling named Gurjin that had been friends with him and Mira. They were not particularly close but Rian had no one else to turn to.
He poked him like Mira had asked him to do to her if he had needed something past lights out. Apparently standing menacingly over someone to wake them was not something normal to most people, Rian had been quite surprised as his father had woken him like that for years. There were a few groans until the swamp dealer finally opened his eyes to blink at him in the dark.
Gurjin jumped back slightly before whispering, “Thra don’t do that. You look like a monster with that mask. Going to give me a heart attack someday.” He sat up and rubbed his face. “What time is it,” he asked and moved to look at the window when Rian grabbed his arm. “Mira was murdered,” he said expectantly. Gurjin turned to look at him in shock. “She was what,” he hissed, “how do you know?!” Rian looked confused. “Didn’t I do that dream thing when I touched you?”
Gurjin shook his head and let out a startled chuckle. “Doesn’t work like that kiddo,” he said, “gimme your hand. Gauntlet off please I don’t want shredded fingers.” Rian took it off to press his fingers to Gurjin’s. There was a spark of something and Rian was dragged back into the memory of Mira’s death and what his family had done…..what he had done. Gurjin pulled away and Rian pulled his hand in close.
“So they murdered her,” he said sounding defeated, “and they ate her and forced you to eat her to didn’t they?” Rian looked away from him. “I have seen my family do terrible things,” he admitted, “but never to someone I called a friend. We need to know about the gelfling they plan to drain.” Gurjin nods then Rian stiffens as he’s suddenly wrapped in a very different hug than he’s received from the girls. “What are you doing,” Rian said muffled by Gurjin’s tight hug.
It was warm and felt like he was being smothered but in a good way. Like when he was small and hid in his father’s cloak so he could ambush people. “I’m giving you a bro hug,” Gurjin said into his hair, “why? Do you want me to stop?” Rian shook his head. He didn’t hate it. He felt his arms go up to return the hug rather awkwardly making Gurjin let out a quiet sobbing laugh before he pulled away. He wiped his face. “Alright get your stuff,” he said, “I’ll take the three of you to Ha’ra.”
Rian nodded and hurried to go check Deet and Brea’s bags for unneeded contents. After taking out Brea’s veritable mountain of books and more than half of Deet’s pets, Rian led them to the carriage house where Gurjin was waiting. “We will have to walk,” he says, “if we take landstriders everyone will be alerted you’ve left that much faster.”
Rian muffled the Brea’s protest by yanking her cloak over her face. “Let’s go,” he hissed causing Gurjin to laugh a little. They set out into the night air. Deet had never been outside the castle. It was so beautiful out here. She stared in fascination at every little thing they passed. Deet recognized some things from when Rain would bring her plants from hunts. When they sat for a moment to rest as dawn came she wandered off. By the time she noticed she had wandered rather far away, it was too late as an anthrim tried to pounce on her.
She screamed. “Oh no don’t eat me,” she said stumbling back, “daddy would be very cross with you and I’m sure we could be friends.” There was a shout of podling language and Deet whirled to see a podling standing on a rock brandishing a spoon in one hand an a vine in the other. “Oh oh be careful,” she shouted as it swung itself toward the anthrim with a battle cry. Sadly, it spat a goo at him binding him to the vine. She reacted to his swing back towards her by shoving him towards him causing him to knock heads rather harshly with it.
“Oh Thra I’m so sorry,” she said waving her hands about in apology only to be interrupted. “No again,” the podling shouted and she launches him one more time knocking it flat but also launching himself far off into a rock. She ran over to him and caught a glimpse of Rian bursting from a tree Gurjin hanging on for dear life as he drops on the Spitter in a whirl of claws. Gurjin inches away from the spitter he feels kinda sorry for as Rian pulls the things legs off as Brea cheers him on.
“You alright Deet,” he asks checking her over. “Oh yes,” she says sounding breathless, “my new friend helped me.” She pulls the podling to his feet and pulls the goo away from him. “Hup,” he says pointing to himself. “Is that your name,” Deet asked. The podling nods letting out a string in podling. “I am Deet,” she says pointing to herself, “this is Gurjin, my sister Brea, and our well….our Rian.” Rian looks over at his name being called as he holds the spitter’s struggling face in his hands.
“We are headed to Ha’ra,” she says ignoring the crunching sound behind her and Gurjin’s rather horrified stare, “what about you?” Hup brandishes his spoon proudly in a string of language. “You a paladin,” Gurjin says rather incredulously. Deet elbows him in the stomach rather harshly. “I think it’s wonderful,” she says making Hup puff up, “why don’t you travel with us? Safety in numbers.” Hup eagerly agrees as they start back on their journey. “I hope it rains as we walk,” Gurjin mumbles, “I don’t think they’d be very welcoming to someone who looks like they bathed in Spitter blood.”
Rian looked back with an annoyed look and Gurjin laughed and reached out to ruffle his hair. Rian accepted it begrudgingly. Gurjin was fun and hadn’t gotten indignant when Rian did most of the work or demand he bathe. He was kind and attentive to both him and the girls. He wondered if this was what it was like for the girls when he took care of them. It was nice to have someone be there besides father. However, Gurjin seemed to have brought them bad luck as it did start to rain rather hard on them.
Hup their new companion brought them to a podling tavern. Everyone was drinking rather merrily and Gurjin kept taking his mug. “I know for a fact you all are too young,” he would say drinking his own, “your parents would murder me if I let you drink.” Rian poured causing another bout of laughter. Deet and Brea danced with Hup and the other podlings. Rian was left mostly alone at the bar with Gurjin. “Found you,” said a voice and Gurjin almost spit his ale in the face of the captain of the castle guard Ordon.
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chiclet-go-boom · 5 years
in case you didn’t know
I’m really sucked into Star Wars right now in general and Kylo Ren in particular. You can’t have missed it, my entire blog is covered in black armor and tastefully done softcore porn of Ben Solo’s alter ego. But we’re down to less than 30 days to the last movie so I figured I’d better put this out there into the void before its too late and listen to it scream on the way down.
I love all the sequel characters. All of them. I think Finn is fan-fucking-tastic, I love Rey to pieces, I dig Poe a whole shit ton and adored his arc in TLJ. Adored. Rose is amazing (go tazer girl!), Hux is my murder-baby who ain’t getting no love, and Kylo Ren is, like... yeah. Hell, Holdo turned me around twice with how I felt about her and I ain’t forgetting it.
I am at once flabbergasted and proud of Rian for subverting Luke Skywalker’s story. Again, did not see that coming. Really struggled to come to terms with it actually but holy shit, the golden child of the first three movies is a person, with flaws? Flaws that cause untold damage, equal to and more than the redemption he originally brought? That Luke Skywalker was traumatized like the rest of us and fucked up because of it? That he died unforgiven by the person he wronged most? Holy shit. Have the bouquet of roses and the tiara, Rian. That really meant something to me. 
I liked The Force Awakens but I loved The Last Jedi if you couldn’t tell. Rian blew my socks off. Did not see ANY of that coming and I squealed excitedly at that final trailer like the rest of us goombas. How did we manage to get a trailer that looked like it showed damned near everything and pretty much showed nothing? Magic. That was fucking editing magic. Bless you magic editing woman in the background whom I will never know. 
Kylo Ren speaks to me on an emotional level that would take many paragraphs to touch on, let alone explore. 
I am beyond excited for The Rise of Skywalker. 12/10, already have my tickets for Thursday and Friday night showings. 
I have thought deeply about this and have come to the following conclusions:
Kylo Ren must choose to be redeemed*
Kylo Ren must live
Rey and Kylo have some fucking unambiguous romantic ending. Is that a kiss? A clutch-hug just before a fight or in front of a double sunrise? Murmured words of love on the battlefield and a promise that might be impossible to keep? A SACRIFICE MOVE?! Don’t care, surprise me. Won’t die if it doesn’t happen but yeah, I want it bad enough to taste it.
Something more than 5 minutes onscreen with the Knights of Ren. I don’t expect they’ll spend much time on it, but I want it. I want to know more about this cadre, where they came from, who they are, if they’re loyal to Snoke, or the First Order or Kylo in specific (please be loyal to Kylo, please be loyal to Kylo).
Some really bad ass moves from Kylo. I don’t know. Crush a Star Destroyer or something. Give me something to squeal about and possibly touch myself over later. 
Gimme Stormpilot. I not so secretly wish for Poe and Finn to move beyond bro territory, although there’s nothing in TLJ that supports it as a viable canon relationship. But damn it, I want it anyways. 
Stormtrooper rebellion. Sue me, I want more Finns to find their way out.
* Kylo Ren can stay Dark, in fact, I hope he does. I don’t want him to have to drag his bleeding trauma back over that sith/jedi line in the service of forgiveness and redemption. I don’t really need the guy to go back to being Ben Solo, unless he truly decides he wants to pick that identity back up again. Acknowledge it, yes. Can’t escape your past, amigo. But be Ben Solo again? Don’t need it, that’s on Kylo to figure out (and if it does happen, I really hope it’s not a cheesy 4 second declaration of allegiance switching). But I do want him to realize how damaged he is, how much of it isn’t his fault but he still Did The Bad Things and start... working his way back from it.
So, we’re clear on this, yes? I have -expectations- of the last movie and I have deep feelings about all the sequels movies. 
(In the entire sequel trilogy, the only thing I am meh on is the standard cutesy animals. They’re cute. That’s what they’re there for. The exist for about a combined 3 minutes of “d’awww!” and I’m too old to really care but I appreciate that the plushies are likely doing well in the toy stores. If somebody bought me a little crystal fox I’d be fine with that but my world is complete without one.)))
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aweirdkindofyellow · 5 years
Here I Am, There You Are Pt. 4
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Jack Barakat x OC ‘Rachel has been best friends with Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zack since high school. What happens when one of them gets married?’
Part 4
“Hey,” I whispered and dipped down to kiss Jack’s neck before continuing the whisper in his ear, “it’s Christmas.” He softly groaned and his eyes fluttered open, falling directly on my figure. “Am I still dreaming?”
“No,” I shook my head and hit his chest lightly in disgust, “I’m only sitting on top of you because I’m trying to wake you up!”
“Well, I’m awake, so…” His hands, which were first at his sides, now trailed up my legs and towards my hips.
“Dude,” I climbed back off of him and got off the bed as well, “it’s Christmas.”
“Why do you keep calling me dude?” he breathed out loudly and looked at me, catching a glimpse of my shirt rising up as I put my hair up in a ponytail.
I gave him a weird look and slid one of the hair ties from my wrist before dropping my arms down again. “Bro.”
“Ah, yes, so much better,” he commented sarcastically.
But he got his revenge. While I was still standing close to the bed, he suddenly sat up a little, reached out, and managed to grab me around my waist, pulling me back on the bed. I yelped in surprise and couldn’t help laughing loudly as he started tickling me. I was squirming around, subconsciously trying to kick him off me, while he was poking at my sides. There was no way to deny it, I was super ticklish, and Jack knew that. He always took it to his advantage. I could break into a fit of giggles if he grazed my skin too lightly while we had sex.
There was a loud knock at the door before it was harshly kicked open, hitting the wall loudly. Ethan was stood on the other side, still in his pajamas, and looking very excited. Although sixteen, he didn’t let anything take him down on this day.
“It’s Christmas, bitches!” he announced with a power stance.
“That it is!” I agreed just as enthusiastically as I jumped up from the bed yet again that morning, now completely awake and pumped due to my laughter. “Time to go downstairs!”
“Hell, yeah!”
Ethan and I started charging towards the stairs, but I took a detour. “But first, I gotta go to the bathroom!”
I disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door behind myself. Although I knew my brother was waiting for me, I took my time to use the toilet and wash my face. Since it was Christmas morning, I knew I wasn’t going to get to take a shower for a long time. We always stayed in our pajamas until the afternoon. I wanted to be at least a little clean.
To be honest, I wasn’t actually planning on being home for Christmas, let alone with Jack. It would have been the first year I wouldn’t have spent it with my family. I was going to stay in LA, but I was actually going to spend it there with Jack. The whole plan was already set. So, why did I end up buying last minute tickets and coming back home? Well, my sister was originally going to come over with her almost-husband. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to come as well, and it wasn’t at all that I was trying to hide Jack from her--she actually knew about our relationship, just not many details. I just figured it would have been way too much for my parents to handle for an entire week. But, then my sister canceled. Her fiance, Christopher, had to make a last minute business trip to the Bahamas, and Anna went along--don’t ask me why the hell why work required him to go there, because I did not know either. So, I felt obliged to go home. I told Jack I was going to go home after all and he asked to come along. I was okay with it, as were my parents, and that was that.
I exited the bathroom again so see Ethan waiting, both bored and excited. He perked up a little when he saw me again. “You were taking ages, so I told Jack to use my bathroom.”
Just at that second, Jack came back out of my brother’s room. It was as if his action had flipped a switch for both me and Ethan, and we both rushed up to the stairs. Before we went down, though, we both froze on the first step and looked at each other. The adrenaline was already rushing through my body and it was urging me to get a move on already.
There were no instructions needed as Ethan started counting down, “three, two, one, go!”
We both sprinted down the stairs, trying our best not to mess up and trip while also trying to get the other out of the way. Our arms were in front of each other so we could try to block each other while still moving. Once downstairs, we took a sharp turn of nearly one-hundred-and-eighty degrees, down the hall. The wood floor was particularly slippery ever since my parents had polished it again for Christmas, but neither of us was wearing socks. Still, it was easy to face plant at a speed like this. We took a sharp left, through the two-way swing door, which could screw you over. If the other was just a bit faster, you’d get hit by it in your face. But it was a close one this time and we both rushed into the kitchen. Our parents were already there, making breakfast. On the bar were three mugs waiting for us. Ethan picked up the last one, meaning I got to take a closer one and we both started chugging the hot chocolate with marshmallows. Although it was a perfect temperature--meaning nobody could burn themselves on it--the mini marshmallows were always my downfall. Ethan just swallowed them like it was nothing, while I had to make sure I wouldn’t choke like I had done eight years ago. Surprisingly, Ethan and I slammed our mugs back on the counter at the same time this year and started running through the dining room, dodging the chairs and other furniture, and into the living room. Ethan jumped over the back of the couch and laid down quickly, bringing me to a halt.
“Oh, come on!” I shouted in annoyance.
“Ha, ha! I won!” he laughed with glee. “And you didn’t even have to let me win!”
“I totally let you win!” I argued and walked around the couch to join him.
“Oh, yeah, totally,” he snorted and brushed my argument off.
“I used to let you win, and now I regret that,” I sighed, nudging him with my foot since I was still standing, and joked, “The number of times I kept that door open for you… I should have just let it slam in your five-year-old face.”
“Yeah, you might have actually won now if I had sustained enough injuries back then.”
I walked up to the fireplace and took the gift in Ethan’s Christmas stocking before taking the two gifts out of my own. My sister’s was also hanging alongside them, right in between mine and Ethan’s. But that one was empty. I assumed my parents must have sent her her gift in the mail, but it was still quite upsetting to see.
When I went to turn around to go back to Ethan, I saw Jack going into the kitchen from the living/dining room entrance, looking a little traumatized. He was treading carefully, looking around in shock.
“Don’t worry, Jack,” my mom assured, putting down the oven mitts as the smell of freshly baked goods entered the living room, “you don’t have to chug your hot chocolate.”
“This is mine?” he carefully asked, pointing at the mug Ethan and I left on the bar.
“Yes, all yours. I’m also making coffee, but we always start Christmas off this way.” She smiled and Jack nodded cautiously before taking a sip of his drink. “Oh, Rachel, look what you did. The poor boy’s wondering what he got himself into!”
“Don’t worry, he loves me,” I shrugged off and let myself fall onto the couch, causing Ethan to retract his feet.
“Yeah, keep telling yourself that,” Jack commented and slowly came to join us.
“Rather break up with you than break a tradition with my brother.” I stuck out my tongue at Jack and hugged Ethan’s legs to me.
“Don’t touch me,” Ethan complained and kicked his feet so I couldn’t do anything but let go.
“He knows what’s up,” Jack gave Ethan a nod and sat next to me, drinking some more of the hot chocolate he was savoring.
“Dude, you can talk,” I accused, referring to what went down when I had woken him up that very morning.
“Really? Again?” Jack breathed out with exasperation and looked at me. But it wasn’t because I practically just said out loud that we were quite sexually active.
“Fine,” I sighed dramatically, “you can talk, babe.”
“Gross.” Ethan scrunched up his nose while he looked at us.
“Right?!” I was so happy that there was one more person who thought that nickname was weird for me to use. Not even a second later, though, I leaned back against Jack and he put the arm, which I was pushing against, on the backrest while drinking more hot chocolate.
If you couldn’t tell by now, Jack and I had quite a… casual… relationship. Not in the sense that we were sleeping with other people or dating on the side. We were completely exclusive and all the labels were set. If that didn’t say anything, then us approaching nine months of dating should. It was just impossible for us to act all lovey-dovey to each other. I had been able to do it towards some of my ex-boyfriends, but I just couldn’t leave behind the deeper underlying friendship Jack and I already had. We had just seen too much of each other to act like we were ever perfect human beings. And to be honest, I preferred it this way. There was no real standard to uphold, we were just ourselves. And, yes, that included it being weird for me to use cute nicknames.
“I can call you cheesepuff if you prefer, cause I do really like cheesepuffs,” I offered as a genuine idea.
“That is so sappy,” Ethan shook his head before Jack could make a comment, and sat up to snatch the gift I had taken from his stocking and meant to give to him. “Now, gimme that.”
I rolled my eyes and took a look at the two gifts I had left. There was a label stuck to both of them. The first one had my name scribbled in my mom’s handwritten, so I assumed and checked that the other had Jack’s name. After I confirmed that it was indeed for him, I handed it over. He seemed quite surprised.
“I also get something?” he frowned in confusion and looked at the gift suspiciously while Ethan had already opened his.
“You really have to catch up on your Steward Christmas traditions, Cheesepuff,” I nudged with a wink and started carefully lifting up the tape on my gift.
“Yeah, ‘Cheesepuff’ isn’t going to work.” Jack pursed his lips and shook his head.
“I’m just going to have to start calling you ‘babe’ then, aren’t I? The more I say it, the easier it will be to get used to… But, hey, that will be my Christmas gift from me to you.”
“And your New Year’s resolution!” he added with a grin.
“There we go! Two birds with one stone!”
Finally, Jack also started opening his gift. I already knew the main gist of what was in the gift for all of us. Like I said before, it was a tradition. It was a tradition that had been around ever since Anna was four and I was six, way before Ethan was born. The object was always the same, but what exactly it was was always different.
So, to me, it didn’t sound weird when I heard Ethan exclaim, “Okay, I’ve got the best ones! Reindeer pugs!”
“Umm, excuse me, mine are the best,” I corrected and held up the socks I had gotten for him to see. “Sloths with Christmas hats on gifts.”
“Okay, this is pretty adorable,” Jack chipped in with his own, showing the black socks that each had one kitten with a Santa hat on and a couple of gifts. They were the most neutral, but I understood that. Ethan and I would get the weirdest ones, and it would get weirder every year, but my mom did want to get something nice for Jack.
“Did I do it right or are you going to trade?” My mom asked as both my parents joined us, sitting in the two recliners. We had done it before, when we both preferred what the other had gotten--of course, that was only in the recent years because we had similar sizes.
“Mine are the best,” Ethan repeated with a nod.
“No, mine definitely are,” I snorted and pulled the tag off, putting them on immediately.
I helped Ethan do the same to his socks since he just cut his finger on the plastic while Jack understood what he had to do next. He didn’t need any help and slid on his socks before I could even put on mine. Immediately, he thanked my mom, which was the polite thing to do. For me and Ethan, though, our excitement was more than enough for my mom to know we loved the gift yet again and that we were grateful.
And then slowly but surely we transitioned to the rest of the gifts. My dad brought coffee to the table and we started with our secret santas. At least my sister had canceled just soon enough for nobody to have bought their gifts when they were still doing it together, after all everybody always bought their gifts last minute. I didn’t know how much the order had changed when Jack and I joined, but I sure was glad with the person I needed to get a gift for.
Ethan was the first allowed to open his gift. It was the largest on the table and he was the youngest, so that was just an immediate election to go first. As a kid, I hated never being allowed to go first, but I appreciated it now, especially during Secret Santa. Having to guess who got you the gift first was horrifying.
It was now always my brother’s job. He made the most of it and ripped away the paper that had been so carefully wrapped despite the difficult shape. Eventually, one wheel was revealed before the entire skateboard came out.
“Okay, this is awesome.” He was sporting a very big smile as he turned over the deck to see the design on the bottom.
We all let him and ourselves admire the gift for a bit longer before my mom asked, “so who do you think got it for you?”
Ethan then froze up and eyed us all suspiciously to see if we would break. “Well, either way mom or Rachel must have wrapped it. But if they got it, that’s the question. Hmm…” He took a look at the other gifts still on the table and then at the gifts still under the tree. Recognition flashed across his face and he turned to me and Jack. “It’s one of you. We don’t have this wrapping paper at home.” He then stared both me and Jack down before giving a statement, “okay. It’s from Jack, but… Rachel helped him buy it and wrapped it for him.”
“Told you he’d get it,” I nudged Jack.
“I’m impressed,” Jack nodded with some amazement, “just one correction. I bought it by myself at a custom shop on tour, but Rachel did tell me what you wanted.”
“Well, it’s amazing. It’s exactly what I wanted,” Ethan thanked, taking another good look at the skateboard. Jack had spent a little extra money actually getting it custom made instead of buying one that was already ready-made. Ethan had this specific idea of all the colors he wanted for parts I knew nothing about, and Jack delivered.
Then, I got to go since we were now going clockwise. My gift wasn’t as large as Ethan’s and it also wasn’t as customized, but I still loved it. I had gotten two mugs shaped like gigantic marshmallows along with a pack of shaved chocolate I could mix with hot milk to make hot chocolate. Immediately, I knew who had gotten it for me.
“Thanks, Ethan,” I grinned at him.
“What?! How did you figure that out?!” He exclaimed, taken aback that I knew it without having to think beforehand.
“You’re not invested in your gift enough, you’re watching me instead.”
“Ethan!” My mom scolded as soon as the words had left his mouth.
“Sorry,” he apologized, “dogdammit.”
Jack was next to go. He had gotten some nice wine glasses without stem from my mom. We were going to have to figure out how to bring them back home safely, but even I really liked the glasses. They weren’t just some silly cop-out gift. We could both tell that the four glasses had a really good quality. I was going to have to get some for myself even though I didn’t drink much at all, if anything. Friends who came over would like them. I knew Lisa would freak out over them as well.
I had gotten my dad his secret santa gift. It was always difficult finding a good gift for him. He never really wanted or needed anything. Well, of course, he’d want a super nice sports car, even I did, but I did not earn enough money to just go around buying cars for people. If he needed a new phone or laptop, I would have gotten it for him--maybe not for secret santa, but definitely for Christmas--but he didn't need those either. He was just a simple man. But I knew he liked his jokes as well. So, I bought him a gift box full of funny socks. It was sort of a reference to the fact that he and my mom always got us weird socks, but also because I just thought they were amazing. He promised he’d wear them to work sometime.
And, then, of course, my dad had my mom. He had bought her some new sheets since she always kept bugging him about wanting new ones and that all the ones they owned were outdated. She was over the moon, which pleasantly surprised my dad.
“I was completely unsure what to give. I need to get you multiple gifts because of this. I’m just glad you like it,” he explained why he was so shocked.
“That’s why I was praying to not get Jack when we drew names,” I said to agree with my dad. I knew where he was coming from.
“Excuse me!” Jack gasped in mock offense.
“I love you and I love giving you things,” I put one hand on his shoulder, “but I am not creative enough to think of multiple gifts.”
“Makes sense,” Jack gave in after wanting to shoot back a counter-argument. He had to admit that he couldn’t do that for me either. I even wanted to bet that he only got me one gift, but that that gift was quite expensive.
And I was correct. The fact that it came in a Tiffany & Co box already said enough. Although I knew I would murder Jack if I ever found out how much it had cost, I couldn’t deny that it was absolutely beautiful. The rose gold hinged bangle bracelet had Roman numerals cut into it, a single round diamond placed between each numeral. After I put it on, I expressed how beautiful I thought it was. I barely got to thank and kiss Jack before my mom tugged on my arm and wanted to take a look as well. She then praised him for his choice, making him chuckle softly.
There was no way I was going to beat that gift, and there was no way I was going to beat how expensive it was. I hoped that he like the whole idea of getting meaningful gifts. He liked it when it was his birthday, but that was before we had been dating for so long. Back then, it was just stupid to get him something expensive and flashy because anything could have still happened to us. I had gotten him two gifts, though. The first one…
“A bathrobe?” my mom questioned after Jack had opened his first gift and held it up.
“Umm, excuse me, a monogrammed bathrobe,” I scoffed like the letters ‘JB’ made the gift so much better before giving the better explanation, “it’s an inside joke.”
Jack winked at me while my mom went ‘oh’. It wasn’t like I was just going to give my boyfriend a random bathrobe. We always joked about Jack needing something to quickly cover up, whether that be when walking around his (or my) house in just his boxers or nothing and the doorbell going or when wanting to walk around the tour bus naked. He just needed to have something that let him do so in style. Hence the monogrammed letters. They just made it so much classier. (That was sarcasm, by the way).
The next gift was a little more serious and came in the shape of a long tube. I hadn’t brought it here from LA. I had bought it the last time we were here, without Jack knowing. We were staying at that hotel and I went out for a coffee with one of my cousins while Jack decided to sleep off his hangover (this wasn’t from the dinner with my parents). With some time to spare before I was going to meet up, I went into a small antique shop. That’s where I bought the gift for Jack despite not knowing if we were still going to be together. My parents were going to ship it over closer to Christmas, but we came to it instead.
Jack slowly removed the paper from the tube and unrolled it. It was an authentic old map of Maryland. The paper had faded to that nice orangey-yellow color. The writing almost fit with Jack’s monogrammed bathrobe, only a little more legible. And it wasn’t just a small thing either. We were still going to have to get him a nice frame for it. Although not exactly, it was just over the size of an A2 piece of paper.
“Oh, wow.” He took a closer look, amazed by the gift I didn’t even know why I had given him. “I know exactly where I can hang this up in my apartment.”
Once we finished with all the gifts and put all the wrapping paper in the fireplace to burn that evening, we had breakfast. But it wasn’t long until my parents had to leave for church. I let them get ready and leave while I did the dishes. Well, it was actually me just putting everything into the dishwasher and then turning it on, but still, I cleaned up the entire table and kitchen.
“I’m actually very glad you guys are here and not Anna and Chris,” Ethan said out of nowhere, laying on the couch yet again and throwing a ball of wrapping paper up, catching it, and throwing it yet again.
“Don’t say that!” I frowned as I dried my hands, which I had just washed after finishing with all the dishes.
“But it’s true,” I could hear him practically rolling his eyes. “If they were here, it would have either been go to church or stay at home alone. Neither of those options are preferred.”
“What, really?” Jack challenged from the recliner he was sitting on. “Back when I was sixteen, I would have killed to be at home alone.”
Ethan stopped throwing the makeshift ball. “It’s boring all alone. What the hell is there to do?”
“Umm, watch porn with sound coming from the speakers and masturbating, obviously,” Jack snorted. “I still do that.”
“Rachel,” Ethan complained, “your boyfriend is a bad influence on me!”
“He is a bad influence on everybody,” I retorted as I joined them again.
Before I could find my own place to sit, Jack reached out and pulled me into his lap, causing me to sit at an angle at first. “You know me so well, I have fully 'influenced' you.”
I shifted a little so my weight was no longer just on the leg closest to his torso. “Hmm, not true,” I shook my head and brushed his hair with my fingers, “I don’t watch porn through the speakers when I’m at home alone.”
“We’ll have to change that, then.”
“I think I’m just fine,” I apologized and gave his head a few pats before stretching so I could reach the remote on the coffee table, “I’m going to find a Christmas movie to watch instead.”
“I want to watch, so please don’t get too ‘coupley’,” Ethan begged, already turned away from us so he didn’t have to watch us.
“I promise I will not randomly make out during a Christmas movie,” I told him as a joke. Of course I wasn’t going to take it far in front of other people. That was for behind closed doors.
“I don’t,” Jack snorted.
“Oh, fuck off.” I flicked his arm and started searching through Netflix, resting my head in the crook of his neck.
After this, I wasn’t going to see my family again until my sister’s wedding. It was going to be quite the adventure.
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scum-belina · 7 years
Thoughts on TLJ? I know you enjoyed it but what do you thinks were it's best and worst parts? Do you think they could've played out reylo better? What about what all happened with Luke?
Honestly the reylo scenes in TLJ exceeded my expectations so much. I’m still in shock. I NEVER would’ve imagined they’d give them so many scenes together, let alone ones filled to the brim with sexual tension and constant symbolism that they’re fates are intertwined and they’re destined to be together and they complete each other and AASDFGHhgfJHG. I mean the scene in the cave where Rey is alone and asks to see her parents, but instead she sees a shadow–a VERY Kylo/Ben-shaped shadow, and a smaller more Rey-sized shadow approach her and both shadows MERGE as they do so??? AND THEN we realize what we thought was her internal monologue about what happened in the cave is actually her telling Kylo about it when they’re in the hut??? She told him about that most private experience right away??? And then wants him to join her and THEN THEY TOUCH HANDS AND SEE A VISION OF EACH OTHER TOGETHER IN THE FUTURE ON EACH OTHER’S SIDE??? AND THEN UNCLE LUKE WALKS IN THE HUT AND ACTS LIKE HE CAUGHT THEM FUCKIN N DESTROYS THE PLACE??? That one scene alone shook me, but it does even moreso when I remember Maz Kanata’s words to Rey in TFA, “The belonging you seek is not behind you, but ahead” Maz and Kylo both tell Rey to stop dwelling on her parents and looking for her purpose and future in them, and everything else keeps pointing her to Kylo hell even THE FORCE is putting them together and YEAH. 
ANYWAYS, the reylo I really can’t complain about at all. Yes, I cringed when he fucked up yet again with her and went into impulsive rage mode yet again when he realized he was alone again bc she rejected his proposal to RULE THE FUCKING GALAXY TOGETHER, but that final scene with them showed that he knows he fucked up, and he’s sorry about it there is no doubt. She’s disappointed in him, she doesn’t hate him. She still wants him to be saved she still believes in Ben Solo and TLJ pushed the “no one is ever too lost to be saved” and “we’ll win not by killing those we hate, but by saving those we love” messages down our throats the whole time, and if that ain’t them heavy-hinting at Kylo/Ben’s redemption than idk what it. People say the proposal scene mirrors Anakin and Padme’s, and they’re right, but the anidala scene happened in the final episode of the prequel trilogy, while reylo’s happened in the second to final episode of the new trilogy, giving way to a BIGGG implication that episode IX will be all about Kylo’s redemption and that reylo will be reverse anidala, which Is suuuper likely with the way J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson talk about not wanting to repeat the same ending of the other trilogies and wanting to make things end in a whole new way. ANYWAYS AGAIN I’m more than happy with how reylo played out in TLJ. I could talk about their scenes for hours they were SO powerful. 
I’m ngl, I was surprised when I heard the spoiler that Luke dies, but after seeing the scene and what he does and says right before he dies was absolutely outstanding. Luke played his part and served his purpose fully and I got really emotional over it. Don’t even get me started on his scene in the Millenium Falcon or his scene with Leia and the dice and then Kylo holding the dice in the final scene with him and Rey oh my gosh I CRY. People complain about the fact we find out Luke was a dumbass and got so afraid of Ben’s power as a student that he almost tried to kill him, and that’s what sent Ben over the edge to become Kylo Ren. But despite that being a really dumb thing for Luke to do, I’m still not bothered by it because it keeps his character HUMAN. Everyone is capable of fucking up royally, even heroes especially out of fear, and that’s what Luke did. Gimme all the flawed characters and all their tragicness and angstyness it is good writing I say GOOD WRITING.
One of my main grievances was SOME of the resistance’s storyline. I really liked Finn and Rose’s roles in the movie and especially loved their first meeting lol, but some of the fussiness back at the resistance ship with Poe vs Holdo and stuff got old fast. I don’t dislike Poe, but I’m afraid he might be my least favorite character. I feel like he’s mainly just in the story bc the story needs a main pilot is all. His character doesn’t really grasp my emotions, unlike most of the other characters do. Admiral Holdo was who impressed me the most in the resistance this time. At first I thought I’d hate her, then she was alright, then I thought I hated her again, but then she was really cool and alright again lol.
Hux is another least fave of mine, but interesting none the less. His resentment towards Kylo is hilarious, plus his sarcasm is incredible (i.e. the final showdown scene where Luke show up and Kylo orders all his men to stop everything and point all their weapons at Luke and don’t stop shooting, and the scene goes on forever they shoot at luke SO MUCH and when it finally ends Kylo is literally shaking with rage against Luke still and hux is just like “do u think we hit him” all sarcastically lmao) it’ll be interesting to see how he will likely become the main antagonist in episode IX. I hope Poe prank calls him again too.
My biggest complaint about TLJ? NOT ENOUGH PORGS
My biggest praise abt TLJ? The Reylo fight scene against snoke and the praetorian guards. Hands down my favorite scene in star wars so far.
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pritkinsprettydick · 7 years
Chanceverse Questions!
Rules: Answer these ten questions and then tag 5 people!
- If you could ask Karen Chance to write a novella/short based on one character or ship, what would it be?
I think it’s honestly going to have to be rheaco. i am DYING to see how that relationship develops, what that dynamic is, everything. i want it real bad, karen. i would pay for that good shit.
- What is your favorite time traveling scene?
yikes yikes yikes ummmm it might be the rtw medieval wales scene where cassie and pritkin are hanging out with those little dark fey guys...because i think the moment where she looks at him and her stomach does flips and they kiss is the moment where she knows she loves him. undeniably. 
- If you lived in the Chanceverse, what would you rather be: vampire, were, clairvoyant, or mage?
normally for questions like this i would choose vampire, but the vampire hierarchy and hive mind thing in this universe is actually super unappealing SO mage it is!! gimme that magic!! lemme fight people!!
- If you could change anything from any storyline, what would it be?
- Which character would you most want to spend a day with, and what would you do?
i don’t want to spend a day with cassie because that girl is a disaster and a half and i don’t wanna die. uhhhh...this is hard. everyone is a disaster. okay, you know what? dory. we can get drunk and she can teach me how to fight.
- What are your: OTPs, BROTPs, NOTPs?
OTPs: casskin, basarbon, rheaco, marlory, rian x casanova, 
BROTPs: cassie x billy, cassie x francoise, cassie x rosier, dory x ray, pritkin x caleb, cassie x marco
NOTPs: mircass is probably the only NOTP i feel strongly about tbh
- Do you have any crackships? If so, what are they?
does marlory count as a crackship? also i kinda like rossie (assuming pritkin isn't’ there of course), and i kind of like the idea of marco x tami (total mama meets total papa amiright)
- What scene from either series made you laugh the hardest?
ok i’ve got to choose two, one from each. because i helped write this quiz and i’m allowed to cheat, damn it. from dory: the diddling on the desk conversation that dory and lc have in front of everyone. from cassie: it might actually be the morning wood body swap scene. SO GOOD
- What scene from either series made you cry the hardest?
probably pritkin’s death?? jfc i can’t even think about it these books like to rip my heart out. OH AND WHEN MIRCEA SACRIFICED HIMSELF TO LET DORY GO DURING THE MIND BATTLE AND DORY WAS SCREAMING AT HIM TO WAKE UP AND LIVE I WAS CRYIN FAM
- What are your unpopular opinions?
HMM idk? ok so sometimes it bothers me that the books can sacrifice cassie’s intelligence for the sake of exposition. like these are things cassie should know, but she’s asking dumb questions in order for us to get the exposition we need, and that bugs me. 
Tag 5 people: @windsurfingthroughhell @slightlybitchyclairvoyant @halfincubus @marcosburlybiceps @miss-rhea-silvanus
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Indie & Rio
Indie: you 👀 this Rio: edie's snaps Rio: yes bitch Rio: so she gonna have a dog now, they setting up house Rio: where WHERE Indie: you know it in a whip Indie: if it any place Indie: wtf wtf Indie: he aint even got a nice ride & we all been knew Rio: he be driving without a license rn too Indie: he be driving w out his head on right fr Indie: you think im always high bitch Rio: I swear he been high since he been on the scene as a younger Rio: she makes a point of not dating lads her age but why if he only gon provide you what any waste of any age could Indie: i kno he has cos he come thru to me & drew when Indie: wasteman Indie: from day 1 Rio: exactly Rio: god Rio: saying poor dog but not even the point Rio: how she livin he stealing dogs for her now what Indie: we aint even gon be set to call any heads in cos we dont know where they @ Indie: cant say a 🐶 be stolen & holed up somewhere Rio: she lucky if someone don't clock Rio: it's a pup and it's clearly pedigree Rio: that's thousands, not to mention if they love it and all that fucked shit he ain't consider Indie: it probs chipped thats how mans do when they drop cash Indie: bet he aint thought Indie: he could go prison w drew if 🐶 are missed least get him away Rio: oh god Rio: i'll warn her, not that that'll be appreciated Indie: he should b anyway riding a girl her age at his that shit nasty Indie: get a wifey in your years Rio: i know Rio: surprised he ain't make her keep it on the low til her bday Indie: how your ma not merk him ages afore this Rio: you know how it is Rio: she gon do it anyway so don't fight her on it Indie: i kno she been tryna chase away any boy i ever been near & dey in my bracket Rio: yeah well you ain't gonna do something 10x worse when you questioned init Indie: bitch maybe Indie: if she gon have a dog in a car imma live how i want Indie: deal w it mama cavante Rio: don't even play Indie: she 🤡ing nuff for us all Indie: im vexed af Rio: seriously Rio: this is ridiculous Indie: u do kno she dating drew younger Indie: he buy shit to keep peace thats literally how it plays Indie: boy aint even as cute tho awks Rio: but worse Rio: at least drew isn't an addict, whatever else he got going on Indie: nah that just how he want his wifeys Rio: he should be proud Rio: twat Indie: i feel 😷 Rio: at least she admitted she's feeling on it Rio: buster tried to talk to her and got nowhere so Indie: how that boy exist Indie: 😇😇👑😇😇 Indie: get you a daddy who Rio: clearly she good like Indie: i aint even get a call back from the lad i want 👁👁👁 madness Rio: you wanna be wifed up by a lad like that, i think not Rio: he only got no chill cos that's how he livin' his whole life Indie: i want who i want Indie: he aint that Rio: exactly Rio: lord Rio: at least it ain't an actual baby Rio: 'cos that'll 'bout be it, like bye 💀 Indie: dont even chat it Indie: we aint need that possible in the universe Rio: 😶 Indie: u kno he aint ridin proper all the drugs he on Indie: no gettin hard Rio: as much as i ain't about u puttin that in my head i hope u right Rio: god Indie: i is Indie: i been round nuff customers to get the vibe Rio: yikes Rio: drew making a side hustle selling the little blue ones is it Rio: can't be dealing Indie: he should it y them boys so 💔💔💔💔 & vexed Rio: cracked it Rio: we'll do it and get the money Rio: is it prescription, not tryna go to jail with him Indie: hacks Indie: nah man it over counter Rio: nice Rio: so doing it, untapped market Indie: shame it aint work for girls too Indie: you could make more if it do Indie: 🤑🤑🤑🤑 Rio: i think there's a female one but bet that's still prescription, if even available here Rio: bullshit Indie: is it? Indie: if i been knew i coulda hit that w my ex Indie: 💔💔💔💔 Rio: yeah? Indie: he aint good i told you nah? Rio: i didn't know if it was just the first or what and i weren't tryna be too in your face at that time init Rio: not on speaking terms Indie: innit Indie: i been thought it me but i 👂ed others saying since he dashed me Rio: ha Rio: unlucky Rio: know he ain't trying and that's literally half the battle so he ain't gon' do better Indie: bitch if i tried any harder w it id have to pray Indie: waste Indie: 😭😭😭😭 Rio: aw baby Rio: happen when you ain't looking Rio: ma realness of the day Indie: but i want it to happen w the boy i 👀 everywhere in my circles Rio: is this science boy or another one? Indie: we aint tryna call him science boy but you kno Rio: okay gimme a better name i gotta keep track somehow Indie: he called zamari thats he name Rio: that's cute Rio: i'll probably remember that Indie: [sends screenshot of a snap so she can see his face] Indie: lookit Rio: aww Rio: sweet Indie: be sweeter if he was bout me Indie: but you kno Rio: no chance you reckon or what Rio: what's the vibe Indie: the vibe is he one of the boys now Indie: w the rest Indie: he aint see me like 😍😍😍😍 cos we ✌✌✌✌ Rio: I get you Rio: never know Indie: help me cos you 🔥🔥🔥🔥👑👑💖💖💖 Indie: aint no boy ever friended you how Rio: i have boy friends Indie: bitch where Rio: Rian Indie: please he wanna fuck you since he been known Rio: 😒 Rio: Still Rio: I got friends bitch Rio: I just been busy 😂 damn Indie: i aint tryna come for you i saying you a MILF i needs you to help me Indie: it been long & no thing i done work Rio: Hmm Rio: Maybe you gotta stop being friendly for a bit so he see you like that Rio: that way you know Indie: like stop showin him skate tricks? Rio: yeah Rio: start showing him other tricks Indie: but i aint have none Indie: how i gon do that Rio: just pretend Rio: he aint gone know Indie: i cant b like oi lads guess who know how to suck a dick it me Indie: we aint rollin w no girlie sleepover moves Rio: that ain't exactly what i mean 😂 Rio: just be more of a girl Rio: then they'll see it and fill in the gaps if they feeling it, you know Indie: 😒😒😒😒 Rio: what you poutin for Indie: why he not want me how i is Indie: rude Indie: this aint happen to me afore Rio: idk maybe he got a type Rio: don't take it personal, some people be so specific Indie: @mckenna Indie: 😂😂😂😂😂 Rio: exactly Rio: shows there's hope yet, just work out what he likes Rio: probably tell you cos you one of the boys Indie: there is this girl in science he 👀 @ when i looking toward him Indie: I just do how she do? Rio: Yeah Rio: but better, obvs Indie: [sends pic of the girl in question who is obvs more girly etc] Indie: can you do it bitch or nah Rio: 'Course I can Rio: though Grace would be gutted if you didn't let her in on the action too, like Indie: she gon own me w it Indie: but k 💄👗 Indie: we on it Rio: It'll be fun Indie: is it? 😒😒 Indie: when tho? Rio: you don't gotta Rio: n u don't need to but if you wanna get your mans Rio: it might work, boys are that dumb Rio: so whenever you wanna roll up on him Indie: imma do it but i aint vibin Indie: lets kick this now afore i think any harder on it & chat myself out Rio: you know this only good for a hookup yeah Rio: you ain't gonna makeover scene yourself for life Indie: naaah he gon get a taste and then he gon love me Indie: dont get me twisted Rio: Hmm Rio: expectation management baby Indie: he gon get himself a girl who do both Indie: 👑👑👑👑 Rio: slow your roll gurl Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: wys i been waitin since he showed Rio: to ride him mayb Rio: you don't gotta go so hard for the d Indie: you want me to hit & quit now? Indie: damn ma Rio: nah you do you Rio: i just sayin if you wanna be w him then he gotta be about u for u Rio: goes without sayin but like Indie: so you not gon help me or you is? Rio: we gotta debrief harder on what this is and what you want Indie: 👌👌👌👌 Rio: just keep away from that tattoo gun this time yeah? Indie: 😂😂😂😂 you gotta chill ri ri its no thing Rio: nah Indie: nah? Rio: yeah but we dun had this argument then so we don't gotta now Indie: caraca bitch 😮😮😮 you gon do me like i aint learned Indie: i just want him i aint tryna head down no aisle w you & mckenna Rio: Nah, I know Rio: I'm just chatting on any more ink Rio: we're good Indie: his name aint fit in 💘 its all good Rio: 😒 shut up bitch Indie: you rude Indie: play w me Rio: I'm trying Rio: but her shit got me in no mood now like Indie: 💔💔💔💔 Indie: lets roll out somewhere some way Rio: where you wanna be Indie: idc Indie: far Rio: Okay Rio: I'll see what's on Rio: seeing as I do have friends, you know Indie: so you keep chatting 😂😂😂 Rio: 😒 Rio: lucky I don't have too many or I wouldn't roll w you would I 😜 Indie: bitch allow it Indie: im the most ✌✌ Rio: you certainly the most something Indie: innit tho Rio: 😂 Indie: tell yo friends baby 😏😏😏💘💘 Rio: You're chief Rio: also Jas and Kels are on pre-drinks now so you believe they exist enough to come or what Indie: i aint never said you w out squad Indie: just w out boyyys Rio: well they cramp your style how you gon meet boys when you surrounded init Indie: i aint had no issue w it babe Rio: 😑 Rio: you saying i'm dry Rio: i'm cool Indie: i saying what i been saying this whole they all 😍😍😍😍 cos you peng Indie: not tryna friend you when they can wife it Rio: they can't now tho Rio: soz about it lads 🤷 Indie: 💎💎💎 see from 🌚 Rio: You know it Indie: how you styled? Rio: Hmm Rio: I gotta see, my clothes are still all over Rio: Nothing too wild Indie: i feel that Indie: im clappin rn Indie: look & mood Rio: 😔 Indie: aint tryna have your mates think im dry crump Indie: gotta step in & up Rio: Nah they nice Rio: you know that kid in your year Rio: ugh, what do they call him Rio: O'Shea they last name, anyway, Kells is his sister Indie: !!!!!!!!!! Rio: Yeah but it'll be chill Rio: not trying wriggle into that fucking catsuit again and have you creasing 😂 Indie: i aint tryna help your drunk arse out again and be sweatin Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Rio: 😂 rude but fair Rio: actual mess Indie: how mckenna get under that? the boy is 👑👑🥇 Rio: i mean you can ask but you already worried peeps be getting the wrong idea about you, babe so Indie: girl please Indie: i aint worried bout no thing you hush Rio: 😏 is it Rio: ma be so proud Indie: wys Indie: it all good over here Rio: i saying she got a bisexual agenda Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Rio: gutted by how many straight kids she got Indie: she turned my ma i aint tryna follow in dem steps soz bout it Rio: 😂 Indie: kissed few girls but she aint need kno Indie: not bringin them home to meet Rio: Exactly Rio: Such a cringe, bless her Indie: her hair always be sick tho Indie: how she do it Rio: #blessed Rio: jammy bitch Rio: in the genes, obvs 🍀 Indie: im mad Indie: you aint tryna do me one solid drew is it Rio: you know you cute sh Indie: dash that Indie: 👾👾👾 Rio: what you talking bitch Indie: he got me lookin 👽👽👽 cos his dna Indie: vexin Rio: you don't look like an alien you mad Rio: if anything he's given you the looks, like Rio: literally bout the only thing Indie: nah Rio: 😡 Rio: where dis coming from Indie: im in the mirror bitch Indie: & my feelings Rio: you want me to sort your weave Indie: its chill Rio: you can't go out not feeling 💯 Indie: i been done that trust Rio: 😢 baby no Indie: you aint gotta amp it Indie: im w out a man stealing me any 🐶 for my woes Indie: just out here w it Rio: you got a 🐶 and you ain't need no man for no thing else either Indie: you kno Indie: how i mean it Rio: i know Rio: it's nice to have one about but only if they not a fuckboy Rio: otherwise it's just hassle, more than already you don't need, trust Indie: im just tryna feel caught up in a thing that aint walking the streets w this face wearing his name while everyone kno where drew is and he been livin Indie: i been stopped mad amount times today only Rio: makes sense Rio: i don't blame you Rio: this town always talks Indie: u think thats how science boy dont fuck w me Indie: he aint new now he been around & he kno Indie: ?? Rio: I don't reckon Rio: why'd he be that anti-drugs or like Rio: nah Indie: not 🚭 just anti waste Rio: not like he gotta hang w ur dad Rio: i don't see it Rio: would be fucked if he was Rio: you ain't drew, like Indie: but i be livin on top like him Indie: too hype maybe Rio: if he roll w u and ur squad he obviously about that life too Indie: idk man Indie: if you right you right Indie: 💖💖💖 ty for chattin me down from 👑👑 Indie: big love like Rio: don't be silly Rio: always Rio: 🧡 Indie: how much time it gon feel like this for us Rio: How you mean? Indie: will it be good again when i kno drews stretch or nah Indie: i aint tryna feel worse Rio: I don't know Rio: better for knowing exactly what's gonna happen Rio: it always helps Rio: not gonna make everything magically better like but least we know the plan, like Indie: least if he gets a few i can age out of him playin da Rio: yeah Rio: we'll see Indie: & you can get mckenna down the aisle w out him not holding his ☮ Rio: 🙄 Rio: christ, probably not making the guest list either way, like Indie: you gon do big & white or lowkey Rio: go big or go home init Rio: gotta be grown to have those funds Indie: 😂😂😂😂 i shoulda been knew Indie: mckenna aint do lowkey no time Indie: he got the 💸💸💸 tho so go off Rio: just tryna get out of the matching dresses, i 👀 Indie: allow it Indie: you aint want me to go out feeling less than 110 but you bout 🤡ing me in 💒 k k Rio: 😂 Rio: it's my big day, bitch 😉 Indie: yeah so how you want me in all the pics looking bare owned Indie: catch me 😒😒😒😒 in every frame bitch Rio: Obvs Rio: that's the kinda bitch I am Rio: long as I'm slaying, none of you hoes can be Indie: ruuude Indie: how i be hookin mckennas best man in 👗 nah Rio: thought you reckoned it'd be nance Rio: sure she'll think you look lovely 😘 Indie: i aint got enough years to be her type innit Indie: dont wear nuff 💄 either Rio: True Rio: least jailbait ain't her vibe or she'd be in real trouble rn Indie: catch her waiting to be sentenced w drew Indie: wild Rio: Bless Rio: she's doing better, I think Indie: is it? Indie: safe Indie: she getting her head shrunk still? Rio: yeah, well, she ain't asking me to go out on the piss with her as often like so Rio: must be Indie: 💖💖💖💖💖💖 Indie: more ri time for me Indie: sick Rio: You know Rio: so in demand 😘 Indie: innit tho
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Aw, thank you for that question! *cracks knuckles* 
To be honest, I have trouble separating my general TLJ speculation from my Reylo speculation, but I think that’s mainly because I think Rey and Kylo are going to spend a lot of time together in the next film. 
Basically, I’m pretty sure Rey and Luke won’t get along very well. I even think Luke might downright refuse to train her. It doesn’t help that we got pretty solid evidence that Rey is not exactly good Jedi material. It’ll depend on what kind of Jedi Luke is, but again, Rey is anything but all calm and the “no attachments” kind of person. (Like, not gonna lie, I read the Ahsoka novel lately, and one thing that struck me was how rigid the “no attachments” rule was, and how Ahsoka suffered from it even if she didn’t admit it out loud. All I could think was: “Nope. Rey is not a Jedi, unless she undergoes some serious character change. And that wouldn’t be positive character change AT ALL.) 
I think Luke’s possible refusal to train Rey might also come from the fact she’s a lot more like Ben/Kylo than she (and the audience) believe. It’s not going to help that I’m pretty sure Rey is going to be an eager puppy around Luke, at least at the beginning. Remember that part where she bypasses the compressor and looks all happy about it, and Han doesn’t give her the credit she thinks she deserves and gets all crestfallen? I mean, she clearly already saw him as a father figure at that moment (even if she knew Han for, like, ten minutes), and she was pretty desperate for his approval. I’m ready to bet she’s going to go after Luke as a replacement father figure, which is not the healthiest thing to do, but at same time, considering Rey’s background, it’s not surprising (and it makes her situation pretty tragic, come to think of it). Luke pushing her away is REALLY going to hurt, methinks. 
Rey will probably learn something about Kylo’s backstory at some point, that will make him more sympathetic to her eyes. I don’t know how. It could be a vision or something, but we have to keep in mind that MSW rumors had it that just before Kylo shows up on Ahch-To, Luke wants Rey to kill Kylo and she doesn’t want to. Make of that what you will, but I think it would take something BIG for Rey to refuse to end Kylo’s life, because she ain’t a sweet little peach. I think it might have something to do with Kylo/Ben’s backstory with Luke. I mean, I’m pretty sure TLJ will be the answer to whatever question we might have had on the current Skywalker family drama. 
I think Kylo is going to come on Ahch-To probably at the end of the first act or in the middle of the film, max. Otherwise, if he comes at the climax like (fake) rumors seem to claim, Rey is going to spend the entire film stuck with Luke on a desert island, and she’s supposed to be the heroine. Booooring. (Plus, Adam Driver spent a lot of time filming in Ireland, so I don’t think Kylo is going to show up on Ahch-To just for one scene at the end.) 
As for Kylo’s mental state when he shows up… I don’t know. I’m pretty sure the trailers are going to show him off as a Big Bad, but there are two scenarios: either Snoke managed to convince him to have his revenge on Rey, and he’ll come on Ahch-To with his stupid-ass Vader cape flappin’ in the wind, and he’ll start dueling Rey and realize he just can’t bring himself to harm her, and then Rey drops the bomb about whatever she knows about his past. That just renders him helpless. But the other scenario is that maybe Snoke’s convincing just didn’t work this time, because he’s having way too many doubts, and while he keeps on obeying the Supreme Leader, he goes straight to attacking Rey when he arrives on Ahch-To just to pull off a tough show in front of the Knights of Ren (because no, I have a feeling they ain’t Kylo’s buddies). 
As for the rumors of Rey falling from a cliff into the water… I don’t know. It could happen (well it would just be a good excuse to see Dangerous Dreamboat without his shirt, and I wouldn’t be complaining, but hey.) 
And sure, have Luke take down the KoR in the meantime. I admit they’d kind of be in the way (I mean, they’re probably just there to look cool. *eyeroll*). 
From there… so we have Rey who knows thanks to backstory that things aren’t quite what they seem with Kylo, even if she still feels confused towards him at best, and Kylo is still all like “The Supreme Leader is wise” while on the inside he’s screaming “WHAT THE FUUUUUCK”, and then TEENAGE HORMONES KICK IN, AND FROM THAT MOMENT, AFTER DEALING WITH THE HELL THAT WAS HAN AND LEIA, LUKE SKYWALKER IS FUCKING DOOMED
Okay, no, for real. I’ll just point out one little thing: in TFA, Snoke and Hux seem to have no problem with the map getting destroyed or Ahch-To getting blown up. What’s important is that Luke must not reach Leia. Kylo… seems to have another purpose entirely. He *wants* the map, so I think there’s something on Ahch-To (which is home to the first Jedi Temple) which he wants. Not to mention that I’m pretty sure him falling to the DS and joining Snoke isn’t just for UNLIMITED POWAH. I also think that whatever treasure is on Ahch-To is hard to access. I mean, it doesn’t seem as if Luke managed to access it. So methinks it takes two to access the Jedi Temple. (starts humming “It Takes Two” from Into the Woods) 
All right, considering Raiders of the Lost Ark is a big inspo for Rey and Kylo’s plot, according to Rian Johnson… I think we’re going to have Kylo coaxing Rey into giving him the headpiece for the staff of Ra helping him access whatever’s in the temple. Luke… will not be pleased. But I think at that point, Rey will have had more than her share of Luke and will side with Kylo. 
Gimme some fun Jedi Temple exploring action. And Kylo attempting to impress Rey with his AMAZING knowledge. And Hanleia levels of bantering. 
I think it would be a good opportunity for the movie to become more introspective without slowing down the action too much. Rey has issues, and so does Kylo, and I think it’d be a good moment for them to realize that they’re not so different, and that families aren’t the sugar-coated vision Rey used to have of them. 
And then… let’s say the FO arrives on Ahch-To because Snoke realizes Kylo is planning to elope with Rey slipping out of his control. I JUST WANT A SCENE LIKE THIS M’KAY. 
Basically, just replace Indy with Kylo, Marion with Rey, and Belloq with Hux (?). 
Then… I could see the movie’s climax taking place on Ahch-To, and Finn’s Resistance plot coming to meet Rey’s there. Basically, the Resistance could get worried of not getting any news from Luke and could head to Ahch-To and start panicking when they see the FO presence there, or maybe get info thanks to intel that the FO is heading straight to Luke. Meanwhile, Rey and Kylo would try to escape, and get caught. 
Not gonna lie, I think Kylo is going to get the Skywalker Special (i.e. getting his hand chopped off). I also think Rey is going to tap in the Dark Side at the end of the movie, and I could see a scenario where she gets so scared and angry she unleashes a wave of pure DS power and kills every enemy around her (let’s say Hux too, because you know, it would permit Rey to tap in the DS and do a kill that could easily be forgiven in the eyes of the GA. Plus, that ginger space Nazi is deaaaad.) I could also see that happening when Finn is around? I think Rey and Finn will meet again in the third act of the film, but in not so good circumstances, and that would make that kind of situation work. Anywho, Rey will probably be devastated, and I think the movie is going to end with her and Kylo finally managing to escape and going rogue. 
I think there will be a time jump between VIII and IX (because there seems to be something happening whenever you’re 23 in SW, and Rey is going to be 19 by the time of TLJ). I think travelling together will help both Rey and Kylo to see things from another perspective, and just… take a break from all this? If that makes any sense? (Okay, I’m kind of going quick because this post is way too long already, lol)
I also think Reylo will become two-sided at the very end of TLJ. Before that would be too rushed imo, and for it taking place in IX… I admit I don’t really see Colin Trevorrow pulling it off. Plus, if they spend some time on their own, it might help them find a bit more stability with themselves and all that jazz (even if I think it’ll just be the beginning of Rey’s problems…) 
So yeah. Those are pretty much my predictions - or rather wishful thinking, lol. I’m pretty sure the ending is super not clear because I kind of rushed to finish this rant, but hopefully, it’ll give you a good idea. ;) 
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