laszlo911 · 5 years
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Do you like this Christmas 🎄 decoration? . Look at the smiley faces on the gingerbread men. . They are made with white chocolate and gingerbread. ..and just waiting for you to pick them up in @cakesandbubbleslondon . Photography: • Tripod ( I had to play with it to place it so close to the ground. The camera was hanging instead of standing ) • one additional light source from the right and a bit behind for creating a bit mystic effect. !!! If I would have placed the light 💡 next to me / camera it was flat and super boring. (I have that picture as well 😅 • iso 200 fairly low to keep the noise low and the picture clean. Plus + it allows me to see a bit of ambient light. (Only if the flash not too strong) • shutter speed 1/50 (main reason for using the tripod) • lens 35 mm f 2.8 on aperture 5.6 (if you moove your aperture few steps up from it’s lowest number your lens performs better in quality - less distorsion and chromatical aberration . . - [ ] darkfoodphotography #darkfoodphoto #darktablemood #eatcaptureshare #gingerbreadman #gingerbreadcookies #festivevibes #gingerbreadpeople #gingerbreadparty #foodstylingphotography #cakesphotography #dessertphotography (at Cakes & Bubbles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5w8PQ1lzop/?igshid=bajgy4cgy6dg
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instapicsil1 · 6 years
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#Repost @childserv1894 with @get_repost ・・・ The Holiday Gift Drive Toy Room is hopping! Gingerbread house building & decorating and members of our Board of Trustees and Auxiliary Board sorting and organizing gifts so our kids have an awesome Christmas! We appreciate everyone’s generosity, hard work and support!!! . . . #ABetterLife #GingerbreadParty #BoT #AuxBoard #HolidayCheer #ToyRoom #2018HolidayGiftDrive #CSGratitude https://ift.tt/2zPP54T
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instapicsil2 · 6 years
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#Repost @childserv1894 with @get_repost ・・・ The Holiday Gift Drive Toy Room is hopping! Gingerbread house building & decorating and members of our Board of Trustees and Auxiliary Board sorting and organizing gifts so our kids have an awesome Christmas! We appreciate everyone’s generosity, hard work and support!!! . . . #ABetterLife #GingerbreadParty #BoT #AuxBoard #HolidayCheer #ToyRoom #2018HolidayGiftDrive #CSGratitude https://ift.tt/2zPP54T
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tumblemichael · 9 years
Hi babes! How are you? May I have a ship as well (with a blurb about dancing in someway?)
hey :) im kinda crappy but im handling it well :D
ship: calum
why i ship you with him: you two would look really cute :))
blurb: oMG YESSS DANCING so imagine you are like kind of an ok/good dancer but calum isnt really and you are practicing waltz because he asked you if youd go to the prom with him even before he could realize that means hed have to dance and hes keep stepping on your foot but thats all okay bc he is such a cute fucker and oh my god
song lyrics: all around the world / pretty girls (britney spears ft iglo)
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fivethousandmeters · 10 years
Disclaimer: Lengthy Post
So yeah I never do this stuff but I for once I feel like doing it. Here goes nothing.
92 Truths about me
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged (Yeah 25 is bullshit no freaking way) . You have to tag the person who tagged you. 
Tagged by: tumblr user delphosima, who's pretty rad to say the least
WHAT WAS YOUR: 1. last beverage: water 2. last phone call: a close friend of mine named Seth 3. last text message: my closest friend here named colin 4. last song you listened to: "chameleon" by herbie hancock 5. last time you cried: minutes before my college's cross country tryouts. i was convinced that i wouldn't make it, my dream would die, and that i would let down everyone back home, especially my dad. thank god i was wrong
HAVE YOU EVER:   6. dated someone twice: nah 7. been cheated on: no 8. kissed someone & regretted it: never 9. lost someone special: way too many times 10. been depressed: mmhmm 11. been drunk and threw up: drunk, but not throwing up
LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS:  blue, purple, black
IN THE LAST YEAR, HAVE YOU:   15. Made a new friend:yes 16. Fallen out of love: twice 17. Laughed until you cried: yes but i cant remember a specific instance 18. Met someone who changed you: plenty of times 19. Found out who your true friends are: still working on that, i think im getting a good idea 20. Found out someone was talking about you: yes 21. Kissed anyone on your FB friends list: yep
GENERAL:   22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life: all of them 24. Do you have any pets? i wish! 25. Do you want to change your name: every day      
26. What did you do for your last birthday: i cant remember any of it (not in that way), but instagram is telling me that i went to a baseball game with two friends so at least that
27. What time did you wake up today: 7:00AM, gotta love early morning practice! 28. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: mid-semester break 30. Last time you saw your mother: august 21st 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?: i want to be less awkward and socially anxious all the damn time. i also would love some self-esteem too 32. What are you listening to right now: "the drift" by blackmill, its an awesome song let me tell you! 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: nearly every day, one lives on my floor 34. What’s getting on your nerves? my poor sleeping habits over the past few days 35. Most visited webpage: yahoo fanatsy sports homepage 36. Blood type: dont know it from memory 37. Nickname: matt, pete, cinnamon, cinderella, semen, semenella, citronella, salmonella 38. Relationship Status: one man wolfpack 39. Zodiac sign: cancer 40. Pronouns: he/him 41. Elementary: heritage heights 42. High School: sweet home 43. College: university of vermont 44. Hair color: blonde 45. Long or short: long enough to cover my upper ear, about an inch or two above my eyebrows 46. Height:  5' 9.5"
47. Do you have a crush on someone: nope 48. What do you like about yourself?: my work ethic 50. Tattoos: only if it passes my personal tattoo rule! 51. Righty or lefty: depends on what im doing, im more down the middle 52. First Surgery: adnoids removed 53. First piercing: theres no 49  54. First best friend: brock 55. First sport you joined: soccer  56. First vacation: like hell if i know, i was probably too young to remember! 58. First pair of trainers: does this mean running shoes or the english way of saying sneakers?
RIGHT NOW:   59. Eating: animal crackers 60. Drinking: water 61. I’m about to: pack my bag then "go the fuck to sleep" 62. Listening to: "cannonball" by watsky, an artist whom i highly reccomend 63. Waiting for: my next workout 64. Want kids?: YES please 65. Get Married?: sure, but by no means am i gonna do it just to not die "alone" 66. Career?: civil engineer
WHICH IS BETTER:   67. Lips or eyes : eyes, i freaking love getting lost in eyes 68. Hugs or kisses:kisses 69. Shorter or taller: what happened to 57? 70. Older or Younger: at this current time id say +/-2 years is reasonable 71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous can be romantic if thats what youre into 72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Stomach for days  73. Sensitive or loud: its possible to be both (heh just look at me) so i would love both in someone else 74. Hook-up or relationship: im emotionally down to love but theres absolutely no way i can invest in a girlfriend right now 75. Trouble maker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER:   76. Kissed a stranger: no 77. Drank hard liquor: dont try fireball whiskey kids 78. Lost glasses/contacts: im fortunate enough to have good eyesight 79. Sex on first date: nope 80. Broken someone’s heart: unfortunately so 81. Had your own heart broken: "yes sir yes sir three bags full" 82. Been arrested: nope 83. Turned someone down: yep 84. Cried when someone died: definitely 85. Fallen for a friend: who else is it possible to fall for?
DO YOU BELIEVE IN:  86. Yourself: depends on the day 87. Miracles: yes 88. Love at first sight: *lust at first sight 89. Heaven: im a college student not a prophet, how can i know? 90. Santa Claus: santa claus is the absolute symbol of hope and optimism to me. the day i stop believing in him is the day i give up on hopes and dreams of any kind 91. Kiss on the first date: well if im looking for hook ups... 92. Angels: id really like to think that there is a peaceful afterlife where the deceased can affect the living positively, but ill never know for sure until i get there myself
Im gonna make up two since 47 and 59 arent there!
"49". Favorite Word: Scoopula!
"57". Middle Name: Richard
If I sound angsty or unpleasant its because im exhausted and its past my bed time. I promise that i actually did enjoy this! tagging 25 people is complete crap, so ill just tag some really cool people on here who i can think of off the top of my head. dont be offended if youre not tagged i still really like you i probably just forgot in a spurt of sleepiness.
i tag: phtefano, jidbits, 5secondsofsummersoliders, gingerbreadparty, littlehinduthings, perfidiousalbion, run-bassel, arcadiarunning, runningtwin, frivolousfolly, sendmylove-julia, and residentblackman
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priestmagazine · 10 years
So I was tagged by gingerbreadparty to do some thing so imma do it idk it's like 11 questions and you have to answer them and then tag 11 people and then ask them 11 questions so thx here we go 1) what was the first thing I noticed about my celebrity crush? His hur bc mike u change it a lot man 2)what is your favourite flower? Daisies 3) if I could live anywhere at all where would it be? In michaels arms 4)what's my fav line from a movie? We should totally just STAB CAESAR 5)fav line from a song? I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22 actually idek 6)what fictional character do I wish I could be? Captain America 7)Do you prefer to be hot or cold? Cold bc then you can have blankets and hoodies 8)what kind of music do you not like and why? I kinda like a bit of everything so idk 9) what song or movie do you wish you would've written? Shrek 10)which activity or hobby do you wish you could fen involved in? Competitively singing the jungle book 11)have you ever been jealous of someone and why? A lot of people bc they're prettier and skinnier than me OK DONE THAT WAS FAIRLY PAINLESS SORRY I GOT CONFUSED HALF WAY THROUGH SO I THIBK I HAVE TO TAG PEOPLE IM TAGGING... 5sosphanidk malumkart megamalum lukesscake why-is-dan-not-on-phil troyesivan alexgaiskarth canyoushipit ashtonfedorable badasshood calcium-the-asian-one And the questions are... 1)fav pizza topping? 2)what movie do you wish you could be in? 3)if you could be stuck with one app for the rest of your life what would it be? 4)do you believe in ghosts and shit? 5)what's one skill you wish you had? 6)fav perfume? 7)celebrity who's eyebrows you're jelly of? 8)what's the latest you've ever stayed up? 9)what sense would you lose if you could choose? 10)favourite kind of weather? 11)if you knew you were going to die tomorrow what would you do? The end xx
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roseincognito · 10 years
I was tagged by acklessfreckles  (this is the first time i've been tagged by something like this, so thanks!)
RULES: Answer the questions from the person who tagged you and write eleven questions for them to answer. Tag eleven people and link them to the post. Actually tell them you tagged them.
acklessfreckles' questions:
1. If you were stranded on an island with 3 celebrities, who would they be? Uhm I'd hope for Ed Sheeran, Natalie Dormer, and Demi Lovato 2. What’s the best/riskiest thing you’ve gotten away with? The best would be buying stuff I wasn't supposed to, the riskiest probably being when I claimed I was driving to see a friend when really I went to my friend's house when only her brother was home so we could make out. 3. Where do you want to be in 10 years? It's a long shot, but I'd like to be working for Marvel making movies. Or doing something movie/tv/writing related in Washington state. 4. If you were in the witness protection program, what would your alias be and where would you live? Gemma Halvorson, and I'd live in Louisiana. 5. What do you do when you’re sad? I read or listen to music very loudly (or both). 6. What’s your favorite memory with friends? Uhm I suppose that would be the day freshman year ended when I hung out with my then bff and some other guys/friends and we literally had a blast running around in the rain, laying on the street to look at the stars, and sitting by the river singing stupid songs.  7. What makes you different from other people? Other than my DNA, I'd say the fact that I'm introverted and quiet yet I crave to travel and leave my "comfort zone" behind. (but then again I think that's a lot of Tumblr people). 8. If you could meet one fictional character, who would it be? The Doctor, because he's The Doctor. (Hermione is a close 2nd.) 9. What’s your favorite dessert food? Anything chocolate or sweet. I am not picky. Except lemon cake, I can't stand that. 10. If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it? First I'd use it to get myself through college (while buying books, going out a bit, and living nicely without having to worry about tuition and loan debt), then I'd use it to move to Seattle. Whatever is left will be for a house, a car, and preparing for a family in the future. And animal charities and my (birth) family.
My questions:
1. If you had to live in a fictional universe, which would you pick? 2. What's the most illegal thing you've ever done? 3. Do you have plans for the apocalypse (zombies, disease, nuclear war, etc)? 4. If you could completely cure a single disease, which one would you cure? 5. What do you listen to when you drive (or are a passenger) in the car? 6. Which religious belief or ideology would you like to learn more about? 7. How would you describe yourself to your lover if they were blind? 8. What's your favorite piece of clothing you own? 9. Which fictional character (or real-life celebrity) have you fantasized about "being with" the most? 10. If the love of your life either lived in another country or had to move across the world for their career, would you go to be with them, try long distance, or break up to avoid the pain?
11. Do you like cats or dogs?
have fun!
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hoodiefootie-blog · 10 years
I completely agree with you! People need to stop complaining about things they have no control over, whether it's an actual " problem" or not. Truly liking 5sos should be about then them just being attractive. It should be about supporting them as a band and as musicians
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you
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