ungewissen · 6 years
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Gintae Month & Week 2018
Be Forever Yorozuya 
“Don't release these intertwined fingers Because I will always be by your side I don't care if the world is cracked If you, if you just laugh If you happened to hate the world I would, I would destroy it for you” 
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citruspeelart · 6 years
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GinTae Week 2018: Day 2: Jealousy
At a karaoke, Tae gets drunk.
“Don’t forget, Gin-san. You met me first.”
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oddjobsqueen · 6 years
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GinTaeWeek 2018
DAY 2- Jealousy
Gintoki getting involved with Tae’s romantic interests every single time.
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sherryaptx4869 · 6 years
Making it through love
It’s GinTae month!
Behold, a very short compilation of GinTae moments from the Gintama manga, anime and movie. Try as I might, I cannot do justice for the pair by words because to borrow a line from Westlife’s Home, “the words are cold and flat, and they deserve more than that.” So I looked for pictures detailing in a nutshell why GinTae (aside from OkiKagu) is my OTP. Since they have a lot like really a lot! of moments (aka they know each other heart by heart), I just chose from my pile of screenshots to accurately depict the prompt given which is kind of hard because the prompts blur and overlap with each other. Take these with a grain of salt, because the context of the episode where I took it from might not exactly be as romantic as I want it to be. Remember, this is fan-made. Fanon is not canon. But I wonder about that in this case because the Easter egg hints came directly from the creator of the series himself haha I’m also proud to say that no fan arts are included here to drive my point home that Gintoki and Tae are as canon as we can get from Sorachi very close to being married officially.
This is just the tip of the GinTae iceberg that will sink other ships. This does not capture the entirety of GinTae moments in the manga, anime, movie, OVA, live-action movie and even the audio CDs. Treat this as a preview of many GinTae moments.
For now, I hope you have fun with this one as much as I did when I was scouring my hoard of Gintama images. This is dedicated to all the GinTae fans. If you don’t like this content, just ignore then scram. Credits go to Sorachi-sensei and to the production of the anime where I took the screenshots from.
First Meeting: Watch out! Your soulmate might just appear from behind you while riding your scooter!
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Realization: If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question (as manifested by Gintoki and Tae time and time again from the start of the series up to this point).
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The Reveal: Put a ring on it! It must be great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
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Date: Put your best foot forward!
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Reminder: Booze and sweet stuff for both the lady and the gent.
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New to the Family: A pretty serious relationship with someone long-term requires an introduction to the family. And whoah! There’s a whole spectrum of shenanigans they get into.
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Jealousy: (Play Nick Jonas’s Jealous for the feels haha) It’s not Gin-san’s fault that the ladies hover. But it is Tae’s every right to be hellish because she’s (*whispers*) jealous the wife.
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As for Gin-san… he’s making his fist and his dirty tricks do the talking to protect the woman he cared about. (Look at Kagura’s unimpressed face (and Shinpachi’s shrieking) haha, I bet the paragon of adult wisdom she considered to be Gintoki just crumbled to dust.)
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Laughter:  Sometimes your silver samurai turns out to be just an idiot perm-haired samurai.
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First Kiss: Exactly what it sounds like— but no, there are no kisses in the anime. Paging Hattori Zenzo, please tell us since you saw the whole exchange
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Thirdwheeling: Come with us, they said. It would be fun they said. Tag yourself, am I being extra?
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Flustered: The sweetness of strawberry parfait oozing out of the Smeggy Samurai’s words and gestures makes him sappy with Pony-chan whose cheeks are tinted with blush yihee *heart*
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Rest: Gin-san resting before he gets tired lols. But hey, it’s usually the Kodokan Dojo, the Shimura’s residence where Gintoki lounges about. We also see Tae checking up on the Yorozuya trio regularly as well as to pay her respects to Gintoki’s mom figure- Otose.
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Shopping: GinTae shopping for clothes together. Two years later, it is also while shopping for clothes that Tae through a series of unfortunate events brought home Gin-san (and Hijikata) wearing undies on his face.
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Food: It’s not only love that is shared, also carbs.
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Cherry blossom viewing (Hanami): The Sakata family wringing the beauty out of life. They seize the day over bento boxes (courtesy of Mom Tae) and sake-filled glasses (courtesy of Dadtoki). Of course, the day is completed with a showdown with their frienemy the Shinsengumi. And to cap the day off, look at the reverence and fondness the three are giving to Gin-san.
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Rainy Day: Rainy days won’t keep our Queen of Kabuki-cho from hanging out with her family. Mom Tae even had a bento prepared. How thoughtful and sweet!
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Super Powers: Plagiarize your way to success. In real life, don’t! It’s a crime. Here is Dragon Ball x Bleach x One Piece = DragonBleaPiece. Yeah, only in Gintama!
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Holding Hands: When your hand finds the hand it was meant to hold, don’t let go. (I was singing Heart by Heart performed by Demi Lovato on this part so you’ll find a lot of references to the song <3)
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Spellbound: We don’t need any spells for GinTae to be together. See here they even act silly together. Also in an AU, Gin the bully is controlled kept in check by class-president Tae. In the Love Potion arc, no amount of love potion can dope Gin-san to forget that the hand he is supposed to hold is Tae’s.
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Surprise Gift: Tae is up to something… Surprisingly enough (or maybe not), it is her infamous Dark Matter that makes one hate surprises when they are presented the honor of eating Tae’s magnum opus.
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Yagyuu arc, Gintoki: It’s like Tae doesn’t hear a word I say. Her mind is somewhere far away. Like she doesn’t even care.
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Benizakura arc, Tae: I know this whole city thinks it needs you but not as much as I (and Shinpachi and Kagura) do.
Gin-san went out anyways, and Tae let him.
(Btw, collage is not mine. CTTO. I’m sorry I forgot from whom I took the photo from)
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Angst: Gintoki (disguising as Takasugi) is in a predicament. He doesn’t want Tae to find out he is back in Edo after two years of wandering about. No, not yet. Certainly not in those clothes (or the lack thereof).
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Rescue: It’s not always the damsel that is in distress. Sometimes, gotta rescue the perm-hair and his friend the long-hair.  Oh the things we do for love!
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Tragedy: This was when Kagura faked her illness that led to her “dying” (as orchestrated by the Sadist Prince Okita) and after the Liberation war. Meantime, it is best to grab what wonderful moments you find lying around.
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Support: Behind a man’s downfall or success is a woman. Tae’s are the only eyes that can see into and through Gintoki and vice versa. They read each other like a book. They support each other in any way that they can. They even got each other’s hearts backs.
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Cliche: They’re unaware of how cliché they’re being when it comes to their romantic feelings. Everyone can see that they have this thing going on, only they can’t see it. Talk about dense. Go on, don’t be shy just say it out loud.
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Memories: Let’s intrude on our favourite kind of gathering – walking down memory lane with Tae and Gin-san. Pretend they are looking over a photo album to see how far they’ve come. Looking on are Madao Hasegawa-san and Catherine.
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The Power of Two: GinTae accomplishing a goal that neither of them would’ve been capable of doing alone. Just look at the picture, I have nothing more to say haha
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“I love you”s: Can Gin-san be more roundabout in saying those words to Tae so they can live together as man and wife. Probably go ask the other half of your sadist duo aka Okita Sogo how to propose/ say you love her the unconventional way. (I’m referring to how Okita proposed to Kagura. Oh well, that’s for another post)
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Different Ways of Saying “I love you”: I’m stumped. I don’t know what to say. Every one of their interaction is gold. Just show how you feel and make it real. And to Sorachi-sensei, one good way to hide something is in plain sight. People often forget to look at something right in front of them. Kudos!
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And I end this lengthy post to that last panel with Tae saying she understands Gin. The way he’s complicated is simple. Isn’t that sweet? Might I add, Gin-san being a sweet-talker and sappy is really cringe worthy haha.  Tae and Gin-san found a way to find each other thanks to Shinpachi boy. From then on, it’s like she’s been in his life forever with the way she understands his heart by heart. Anego and Danna making it through love. The gods have spoken.
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theqrianana · 6 years
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Day 1 - First Meeting (3z!GinTae)
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maki-no-maki · 6 years
Day 2
SFW: Jealousy
Rating: T
A/N: I refuse to believe that I am this late and we are already in our fourth day! Hahaha. I need to write real quick! Apologies, same same. Grammar, OOCness, and typos.
“First of all, it’s none of my business. Second, I don’t care. Lastly, I don’t give a fuc—“
Kagura could be abusive sometimes.
White perm knelt on the ground after the Yato’s deadly punch almost pierced his belly. He was so careful not to piss off the brat before since her fists were made of steel, but right now, he’d rather be beaten by her than submit to their early argument. Gintoki shook his head to steady himself after the impact, then stood up once he recovered.
“You’re really useless,” Kagura scoffed at him. Even when she aged, she hadn’t changed when it came to this matter. “I am trying to help you, come on!”
He remained silent and uninterested. Kagura took a step to follow him when he sluggishly dragged his feet into the kitchen to check their groceries… perhaps an excuse to dismiss the teenager. The Brat had been pestering him since morning and she literally hadn’t stopped endorsing her idea to stick their noses into other people’s affair. Gintoki stopped by the sink, and glared at the young woman. He crossed his arms against his chest to daunt her, but the teen continued to defy him. He sighed in defeat.
With his brows furrowed, and chin lifted to the side, he talked with her again. This time, his tone was almost pleading. “It’s not a good idea to meddle with others’ business, Kagura-chan. It’s her choice. She’s a full grown woman.”
“H a h. Coward.”
Thank god, the Yato stormed out the kitchen, but not before throwing him another deadly glare.
Coward, huh? Nails scratched his scalp, somehow comforting. What was he doing again before Kagura scramble his peaceful life? Ah, yeah. Overthinking.
Their intertwined hands, her wide eyes, red cheeks, and slightly parted lips; he wanted to runaway from all of it. Did he really just do that? Kagura was right all along. He was just another wimp.
“Someone invited me on a date,” the flat chest declared one day.
They were on their regular strolling after Shinpachi and Kagura left the apartment. She was savouring her favourite baagan dash, and he was too focused on his parfait to be bothered by her declaration, but for some reason, he was listening.
“Who did you victimised this time? Don’t tell me it’s one of your stalkers?” he almost did not miss her fist right after.
Tae smiled and cracked her knuckles, in case he said something funny one more time. “It’s Takasugi-san. I was telling you about him, but you wouldn’t listen. He talked a lot about you whenever he visited at Snack Smile.”
Suddenly, the parfait didn’t taste great anymore. He threw the cup of the dessert into the nearest garbage can they walked past. Otae gasped and turned to him, as if he had just grown a pair of horns.
“But that’s half empty! Gin-san, are you dying?” she exaggerated.
He looked at her with his dead fish eyes. “Don’t be silly.”
“You’re becoming more edgy than Takasugi-san these lately. Care to tell me what’s going on?”
His steps became bigger and quicker that the Brunette had a hard time catching up. “You and your imagination… I’m going now.”
Before he could go any further, Tae managed to clutch on the sleeve of his kimono. When turned back to her in irritation, he was greeted by her worried face. He didn’t like to see that expression, he didn’t like what he felt. It was not like him. He was supposed to be someone who didn’t give a shit.
“Did I do something wrong? Tell me why your mood’s been sour for the past days. Have you been forcing yourself to hang out with me just because I asked you?” the woman’s many questions he was sure of the answers.
Gintoki never forced himself to do something he didn’t want to do , even if it was for a close friend. She never did anything to make him go away out of annoyance, as she always annoyed him that he was already endured, so it didn’t count anymore. Of all people, why did it have to be him? It could be that gorilla, or Kyuubei, or even that Mayo bastard. Otae lived up to her name, she had a strange taste.
Since this would direct them nowhere, the white perm finally slowed down hence she was able to walk side by side with again. He felt her lingering gaze on him, as she awaited for him to speak.
“Can I tell you a secret?” he finally voiced out.
“What is it?”
“Takasugi has a bad breath.”
Before Otae could inquire and look into him properly, he was quick to grab her hand and laced his fingers with hers. Just as he thought, Tae would always be tongue-tied when it came to confrontations like this, especially when she was nervous, embarrassed, and all red. He nonchalantly brushed his thumb against her knuckles, and he heard her squeak in no time.
Gintoki grinned. “You’re such a girl.”
“I have always been,” although she did not stutter, her voice slightly cracked. She knew how to regain composure really fast if the situation called.
They fell silent. They did not know which way they were taking, but they kept going. He would sneak a glance at her from time to time, just in time when her eyes would fly to him. In the end, they would always catch themselves looking at each other. Gintoki would’ve puked if this was any ordinary days but right now, he felt like a sick puppy who enjoyed getting attention from his owner. Even Sadaharu would not fancy the idea. But whatever the heck was going on, he bet it would fade away later. Including that unpleasant feeling whenever she talked about Takasugi, as if that shorty was the manliest and most formidable man on earth. Formidable, my ass.
Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts.”Hnn?”
“What is this for?” She raised their hands that were currently clasping together. “Does this mean you like me?”
As if a bomb dropped and exploded in front of him, the bokuto bearer samurai stopped from his track, now frozen on his spot. That was something he did not see coming… or he did see it, but he wasn’t ready to process, much more to answer that one. It was not that complicated though, he just had to be honest. This woman could see right through him so no matter what he say to her, she would always know the truth. Gintoki was not fond of complicated things like this so he better answer now.
“What are you saying? Gin-san likes looser women,” that sounded lighter than he intended to.
After that she left.
No words, no punches, no bruises on his face. She just left. She left him as if she wouldn’t come back to him again.
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batskee · 6 years
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GinTae Week - Day 3 (Cooking)
Tae: “Say ‘Ahhh’, Gin-san!”
Gintoki: *building up courage for his girl*
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oddjobsqueen · 6 years
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GinTae Week 2018
DAY 1- Firsts
Let’s take a look at the very first page of the Gintama manga. It is about Shinpachi and Tae, with their father on his death bed, talking about the decline of the samurai power and why they must hold on to the 'sword of their soul'.
The sword of your soul, or we could also understand it as ‘Gintama’. Gintama literally means silver soul, and what is silver? A sword is silver. So here Sorachi wrote Shimura 'Ken' (剣) telling his kids to hold on to Gintama.
If that’s not poetic I don’t know what is.
It becomes even more poetic when the siblings cross path with Gintoki, the human representation of ‘silver soul’. Gintoki’s character is defined by his bushido, that’s why he doesn’t carry a sword. His soul is his sword. The Shimura siblings had also promised to never give up the sword of their soul no matter what.
Then we see how Shinpachi, Tae, and Gintoki try to protect what is important to them. For Tae, it's her father's dojo, (If I'll suffer either way, I'd rather suffer trying to save it.) for Shinpachi, it's her sister's happiness (I'd rather lose the dojo than see my sister cry). Both siblings are willing to lose something to protect the sword of their soul, just like when Gintoki was willing to broke his promised to Takasugi to keep his promise to Shoyou.
Gintoki of course has got nothing to lose at this point. The only thing he has left is his bushido. The sword that promised to protect what's important. So he helps protect what’s important to Shinpachi and Tae without them having to sacrifice anything, so they don’t have to go through what Gintoki went through with his Joui brothers when he executed Shoyou to save his friends.
Gintoki says, "what is important to my customer is important to me.", which pretty much explains why he started the Yorozuya. He tried to protect what’s important to him once, and he failed. Yorozuya is how he aims to redeem himself.
After Shinpachi and Kagura came along, he’s no longer just a sword that protects, his soul gets protected too in return. This is especially evident in Hamko episode and Memory Loss arc. Once again he has something to lose, and something to live for. Although it has never been mentioned, this is mainly thanks to Tae, for letting Shinpachi go with him and allowing these connections to happen. It’s thanks to Tae that the whole Edo is now becoming Yorozuya to protect what’s important to Gintoki. If Tae hadn’t let her brother go, if Gintoki hadn’t met Shinpachi and Kagura, none of that would happen.
Going back to the first lesson, at the end of it the Shimura siblings admit that they see something in Gintoki. And here is the first reason that convinced me that GinTae is meant to be. Tae tells Shinpachi to go find his sword with Gintoki, assuring him that she'll find her 'sword' in her own way. And just like Shinpachi found his sword from working besides Gintoki and learning from him, Tae is meant to find hers in him as well.
But that subject hasn't been raised for Tae like it had with Shinpachi at the start of Silver Soul (chapter 601). That is suspicious and interesting, especially since it is a subject fit for both siblings and Sorachi could have written that moment for Tae as well, but yet he didn’t. Why?
Let me tell you why.
Because I believe it's a moment reserved for the end of Silver Soul. It is afterall the kind of poetic ending that has been foreshadowed since the first lesson.
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oddjobsqueen · 6 years
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GinTae Week 2018
DAY 4- Confession
“When it’s a girl you’re really into, you can’t do it the usual way.”  — Gintoki
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ungewissen · 6 years
Gintae Week 2018
SFW prompts
Day 2: Jealousy
Summary: They couldn’t help but feeling jealous.
Rating: K+
Warning: None, just my bad writing
[FF.net] – [AO3]
Seeing her so radiant every time she was with him crushed his heart.
He knew he should be happy for her, but it only made the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach to grow till the point of making him cry.
He was jealous.
He was jealous of how she let that guy touch her in an intimate way, with those big hands hanging loosely around her waist. It was something he dreamed of doing since he met her but he knew it’d never come true – he did try once though and it only ended in pain and broken hands.
He was jealous of how she smiled to the other male, her shyness showing through the light blush that covered her cheeks. So different from the sweet and dangerous smile she gave him whenever he was near.
He was jealous of how her fingers intertwined so naturally with the man’s ones, their hands fitting perfectly with each other. He felt the urge to cut down his rival in half with his sword just to wipe the silly smile he gave her off his face.
He was jealous of how she shared her favorite ice cream with the guy like it was the most normal thing in the world, when he would give his life just to have the chance of indirectly kissing her that way.
He was furiously jealous of how she tip toed to gently kiss her date and being kissed back. He hated to admit that, even though he didn’t like the guy, he seemed to love her too.
He was jealous and all he wanted to do was to scream in frustration.
So he did.
Then came the pain and everything turned black.
Seeing him acting as a school boy every time he was with her made her mad.
What that girl had that she didn’t? And the angry felling in the pit of her stomach kept growing till she thought she was going to explode.
She was jealous.
She was jealous of how he would brush their shoulders like it was an accident, but she knew he was doing it on purpose. Why touch that woman when she was beside him since forever?
She was jealous of how he looked at her, those dead eyes that seemed to be always bored sparking with life because of another woman. How she wished she was the one under his gaze.
She was jealous of how his hand would slowly cling to the tiny waist only to bring them closer. She felt the urge to drag that woman’s face on the floor just to wipe off the shy smile she gave him.
She was jealous of how he let the girl feed him her ice cream and he would do the same to her like it was the most normal thing in the world, when she would give everything just to have the chance of indirectly kissing him that way.
She was furiously jealous of how he leaned to be kissed by his date and just lovely kissed her back. She hated to admit that, even though she despised that woman, maybe she loved him too.
She was jealous and all she wanted to do was to scream in rage.
So she did.
Then came the pain and everything turned black.
“Ara, Gin-san,” the brown haired woman said while looking down at the knocked down couple at her feet, pointing to the bokuto stuck on the Shinsegumi commander’s forehead. “It seems you found a gorilla in the bushes.”
“And you, a pervert monkey,” the silver haired samurai leaned to pick up Tae’s geta that was near the ninja’s head. “It’s the third time this week. Should we call the zoo or something?”
“Let’s just put them in the dumpster over there,” Tae said cracking her knuckles as a dark aura started to involve her. “They are trash anyway for trying to disturb a bonding moment between a woman and a man.”
Gintoki sighed, scratching his head.
Since they announced they were now a couple, it became impossible to have a proper date without being interrupted by their beloved stalkers. Actually they couldn’t even go to the bathroom without finding a crying gorilla or a murderous ninja in the toilet voicing their discontentment with their relationship. Tae even took matters into her own hands and reinforced the defense of the dojo and the Yorozuya headquarters with new anti-stalker traps. They were so well guarded that he was afraid of going home and step over a bomb by mistake – again. His perm couldn’t last long like that. It was getting ridiculous and causing more headache for the both of them than it should.
“Let them be,” Gintoki took her hand and pulled Tae away from the masochist duo. 
“Oh? Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” there was nothing they could do about those two anyway. “Hm, maybe they will stop their antics by the time we get married--”
Gintoki froze when he realized what he just said himself. What was he even talking about? They haven’t been going out that long to be bringing up something like that. Concepts as marriage, having kids, being a family were still far, far away for them. So why did he have to ruin their moment together talking nonsense? And it didn’t help that Tae looked as shocked as him. She stopped walking and just stood there looking at her feet. Did he scared her? Of course he did! It was too soon. Too soon! He probably sounded like a creeper.
He laughed nervously a bit too loud, trying to easy the awkwardness of the situation, and started babbling about going home, but halted when Tae tightened her hold on his hand.
“You’re right, maybe by then…” her voice sounded very gentle. When she looked up at him, she had an endearing smile on her face. “Maybe by then it’ll be finally just the two of us.”
He was a little surprised by her words, but at the same time it brought a feeling that warmed his heart.
He couldn’t help smiling back.
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oddjobsqueen · 6 years
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GinTae Week 2018
DAY 5- Seasons
A pink and blue season.
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oddjobsqueen · 6 years
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GinTae Week 2018
DAY 4- In Disguise
Ladies’ Night
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theqrianana · 6 years
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GinTae Week 2018 Day 4 - In Disguise Playing the role of a girl friend for the girlfriend. 😉
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oddjobsqueen · 6 years
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GinTae Week 2018
DAY 2- Jealousy (is in the air)
Tae kidnapped by Dozaemon Shiroyasha.
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theqrianana · 6 years
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GinTae Week 2018 Day 3 - Cooking/Tough Love?
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oddjobsqueen · 6 years
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GinTae Week 2018
DAY 5 & 8- Marriage/Free prompt
Gintoki Targaryen + Tae Stark (Game of Thrones crossover)
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