#gintoki no unless they are pretty or handsome
averagelonelypotato · 2 years
I think of a party in the shogun’s palace where katsura snuck into, gintoki got invited to as a plus one from kagura, takasugi is just there smoking in the corner, nobume is guarding (eating the food) and oboro is there on tendoshu orders as a guest. Just all of them at a the party pretending like they all aren’t enemies or not on speaking terms while trying to avoid each other but failing because people are dragging them into conversations together and they have to be civil with each other because none of them can afford to cause a scene at the party with this many people present due to their plans on the line
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patamon-ears · 4 years
Name: patamon-ears, flipstahhz, stringless-kite (SK), objectivity
Gender: 女
Phone Wallpaper: Northern lights - photo I took in Yellowknife (Canada) a couple of years back.
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Hogwarts House: Slytherin (mostly)
Ever had a crush on a teacher: Yes. Japanese teacher. 😅 (this was when I was ~24yo...) He was pretty handsome- and this is rare because I am not usually into Japanese guys (or dare I say 'men' since he was definitely a man - like I'll-Make-a-Man-Out-of-You Man)
Coolest Halloween Costume growing up: Halloween's only been hyped in Australia recently....so it wasn't a thing for me growing up. If I were to pick a random costume...probably dressing up as Gintoki during Halloween in Japan & high-fiving every guy dressed up as him too 😅🤣
Favourite 90s TV Show: Boy Meets World? Daria? Idk. Lol
Last Kiss: Somebody who ended up stalking me, leaving me traumatised 🤷‍♀️😅
Ever Been Stood Up: No. Unless a girlfriend bailing counts? Not talking dating wise, I guess.
Favourite pair of shoes: Anything comfortable. Usually boots
Favourite Book: ?
Favourite Fruit: hmmm Strawberries, Mangoes, Oranges(?)
Favourite TV Show: Young Justice atm? This depends on mood.
Last Film at the Cinema: The latest Wonder Woman (I was disappointed)
Tagging: you.
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