#takasugi would just stare at you to leave him alone unless you were the reason he was there for information
averagelonelypotato · 2 years
I think of a party in the shogun’s palace where katsura snuck into, gintoki got invited to as a plus one from kagura, takasugi is just there smoking in the corner, nobume is guarding (eating the food) and oboro is there on tendoshu orders as a guest. Just all of them at a the party pretending like they all aren’t enemies or not on speaking terms while trying to avoid each other but failing because people are dragging them into conversations together and they have to be civil with each other because none of them can afford to cause a scene at the party with this many people present due to their plans on the line
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sparda3g · 5 years
Gintama Chapter 700 Review
It’s not certain that the series will officially end in the next chapter, but the end is certainly near. It has been a wild ride, but all good things must come to an end. Switching to a monthly basis has been favoring Sorachi a lot more with its polished art, choreograph, and sincerity. This chapter is no exception.  With the series close to the end, you can expect intense action, plenty of heartfelt moments, and a sublime reunion that made the journey worth exploring.
It’s an interesting start with the focus on Sadaharu and it’s one of the core of the chapter. This would mean Sadaharu is bound to return anytime now. Granted, the series is closing, so that should be expected, right? In the flashback, some wise man confirms that Sadaharu’s current state isn’t dead nor alive. He’s in between and won’t come out for reason unknown. It all relies on Earth’s life since that’s technically the energy source, let alone the planet he lives in. His word of advice to Kagura is to protect his home until he returns.
This appears to be the motivation for her to return home after searching through many planets to find a solution to his awakening. God knows how many planets there are out there. It’s reasonable for her to go back and do what’s best for Sadaharu. It’s quite emotional when the scene returns to the present time as Kagura keeps her hope for him. At the very least, she must protect his home and maybe one day, life will go back to the way things were. When he does wake up, I can expect one hell of an emotional moment; then again, it is Yorozuya, so you can see why it will be.
There’s a pretty nice moment with Nobume and Shinsengumi. With crapload of enemies keep on piling, Nobume insists Shinsengumi to tag along with Yorozuya and let her take care of the enemy. It gives them a bad feeling of déjà vu, but it’s an order. Best men don’t listen to order. Yamazaki and others stand by her for support while the main group goes forward. “This time, the Chief and the Director are going to stay alive.” That’s really well said. Similar scenario, different outcome. I love these guys to no end. With their scene done, it shifts back to the moment where fans were shook from the last chapter’s cliffhanger.
The conflict with Utsuro is intense as hell. It ignites a chilling sequence with Gintoki trying to stop him from killing Takasugi. I love the stare down from each other; no matter what, the image of Utsuro is what drives Gintoki mad. It’s a heart-pounding moment until the most brutal display happens. Utsuro cuts Takasugi’s neck. The panel itself got me cringed hard. I read Seinen series with far more graphic scenes, but this, for some reason, had me gasping. Arguably, it’s the most brutal scene in the series.
After Gintoki fails to save him, Utsuro does what he does best: taunt with a smile. Gintoki wasn’t having any of it. It engage a quick tensed action between the two. He pierces his sword right through Utsuro’s eye. Damn, this was also brutal. He’s going all in for the kill, no mercy at all. The image of Utsuro vanishes and it’s one of the Tendoshu that emerges. Because of his immortality, he can go on forever; essentially, it’s a battle of sub-Utsuro. Gintoki gets overwhelmed and push back near the edge where Takasugi’s body still lies. How dark.
Tendoshu treats Utsuro as his God; clearly, the manipulation runs deep after consuming his blood. He’s grateful to be blessed with immortality; something that fits perfectly well to their despicable nature. From the elevator lobby, someone was closing in to assassinate Gintoki. It’s another Tendoshu. Just before he was about to cut him down, Takasugi rises from the grave and stops him in the nick of time. Wow, that was tensed. That was a very close call and yet, I feel more hyped than ever.
Takasugi is still alive, but barely; really seriously barely. His regeneration is barely working as his neck has yet to be healed, so if it stops working, he will die from the neck slice. He’s favoring that over the stab. This still haunts me to believe his death can happen here. Unless there’s a miracle before the end, his time is very near. Instead of remaining negative, the positive is his great response to Tendoshu’s words.
They don’t need immortality. They don’t need Utsuro’s blood. They don’t need to follow his prophecy. Takasugi, Gintoki, and Katsura came here on their own free will. They decide what needs to be done. They decide what life they want to part of. They decide what their master Shouyo has taught them. It’s his teachings that encouraged them up to this point. It’s why they are together, ups and downs. Shouyo’s disciples and his teachings live on. Even if Takasugi does kick the bucket, at least he will accomplish on eliminating the enemy. That will be good enough for him to die in peace.
There’s a solid action sequence with Katsura, who is still falling in the elevator hall. The enemy outnumbers him significantly, but that doesn’t stop him from being crafty. He lays out multiple bombs and all of them explode to not only kill them, but distract them. That’s a clever move; as expected from the one and only Katsura. He bounces on the enemy to reach after Hitsugi and thrusts his sword at him before the canon sets off. I’m going to miss this type of action. The explosion erupts and Yorozuya and Shinsengumi witness it. They are so close for a big reunion.
Right before Katsura is about to go against tons of enemies, Shinsengumi, out of all people, protects him and now, fighting alongside with him. This is all kinds of marvelous. Because they want to help him out, this leaves Yorozuya on their own to meet up with Gintoki. Another great friendship display with Hijikata, Kondo, and Sougo share their best of luck to them. In a rare moment, despite the two groups always have conflicting issues, even it is played more for laughs, Yorozuya gives their thanks to them. Yeah, the end is really near.
The chapter shifts to an exhilarating action. Takasugi can fight, but he’s badly injured, so he’s not at his best. Not to mention, he’s practically staring at his death bed by this point. It doesn’t harm the battle sequence, because it does have slick choreograph; it’s intense as hell. At one point, Gintoki slam his sword hard on one of Tendoshu’s head, only to get slammed on the wall hard. His face is about get pierced, only for Takasugi arrives to save him; another close call. It’s hard to do it justice here, but when you see it, you’ll be absorbed.
A small intermission ensue as Takasugi comes up with a plan to defeat the two immortals. They are near the core of Altana. Since it is going berserk due to the absorption, if they cut it open, it will cause a blast radius. Despite them being immortal, the effect can deplete their blood and body; it’s the only way to defeat them. There’s just one problem: Takasugi is part of it as well. In other words, everyone with Utsuro’s blood will die. He is ready to pay his life. For fans, this is unnerving. Once they move, it enters the best action scene of the chapter.
Once more, we are presented with great choreograph, breathtaking sequence, especially at the end, and pretty suspenseful. Gintoki and Takasugi pretended to jump off to their demise, only to fool the two Tendoshu and use them for landing. Great stuff. Because of a crash, Yorozuya notice it, which means they are not far. That panel alone, realizing they are very close to Gintoki got me excited.
Takasugi takes brutal stabs from both ends, but he’s fine with it. It made it much easier to grab them and hold them until the explosion of Altana arrives. The battle of who will die first begins. He is prepared for his final sendoff, dragging the two to hell with him. The silent panel of Gintoki aim to cut the core is the defining moment to put an end for all of them. By this point, fans slowly begin to cry.
He slice the core and the blast begins the countdown to Takasugi’s end. Honestly, Takasugi’s final moment is very convincing and gut-wrenching. One Tendoshu vanishes from the blast, but so does Takasugi’s right arm. I was stunned and afraid to read further. I really didn’t want to believe he will die, but here he goes. The second Tendoshu tries to kill him, but he’s already prepared for death; badass to the very end. His monologue is even more convincing that his time is here. He doesn’t regret dying this way; honoring Shouyo to the end. One page convinced me; closing his eyes to accept his fate. I expected his spirit to remember everyone and then vanish. Man tears are shed…
It’s only now Gintoki doesn’t want another Infinity War ending, so he denies accepted fate and springboard to save him. This is God send. If this was animated in a movie theater, audience will cheer loudly. Gintoki saves him at the cost of him falling down, staring at Takasugi that reads, “Live on, you fool.” Man tears once again are shed, and it’s not the last. Why? Because what follows up is beautiful.
Gintoki pushes Takasugi away from the blast, which means the other Tendoshu lives on as well. Another problem is Gintoki is falling without a weapon to fight back, so he’s clearly done for. Tendoshu becomes incredibly cocky that he has this won. Then, the best miracle that even Christmas miracle can’t match happens. Right before he swings for the kill, he’s suddenly stopped by two weapons out of nowhere. The two are Shinpachi’s sword and Kagura’s umbrella. That’s right; they are there at last to save their beloved Gin. The reunion is finally here and it’s remarkable. Yes, they are not physically close, but their presence has reconnected at last. “No need to yell. I can hear ya. I always could.” Man tears overflow!
Gintoki smacks the hell out of Tendoshu with the sword. He proceed to use the umbrella, something I would never thought of seeing but welcoming, and blast him to the core to his death. What a lovely end to that bastard. That was just glorious. It’s an amazing way to end the chapter. It’s not lovely however when a guy shoots a rocket launcher at Kagura’s position and the explosion push her away, which proceed Sadaharu’s shell to pop out, falling down to the pit. We just can’t catch a break. Will Sadaharu finally wakes up or will he fall and nothing will change?
This was an outstanding chapter with sheer intensity from start to finish. There are plenty of great moments for many characters. The tension was mind-numbing. The overall action was incredible. Takasugi’s near death scene was very convincing and powerful. The visual is pretty solid throughout with its great choreograph. To top it all, the reunion was well worth the wait. It’s only the beginning, so expect more heartfelt moments. Will the series end in the next chapter? It’s possible, but with Sorachi, you never know. It’s only matter of time. The end is near. It’s been a blast.
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ohtomatotome · 6 years
These are a few of my favorite things
I am preparing to grieve the loss of two elderly people who are very close to me. 
I wondered what it would be like to have a few of my favorite otome suitors trying to comfort me as I wept.
I was slightly surprised at who my heart was telling me to stay. Poor Makoto. I didn’t 100% expect Robert or Al, but now I know they belonged there. Kind Mitsunari’s presence just made sense. Of course I knew Sasuke would be there, without a doubt.
I stood alone on a featureless plane. Sadness weighed heavy on my heart. I was soon going to lose two important people in my life. My throat clenched, dry and tight, as a soundless sob choked its way out of my chest. My eyes, already red and puffy from hours of crying, stung once more with fresh tears as memories of these two wonderful people swam to my consciousness.
I had had enough enough of sobbing alone. I wanted a hug. I wanted to be held and soothed. I wanted comfort.
Every suitor from Midnight Cinderella and Ikemen Sengoku slowly took form in front of my swollen eyes. There was even some characters from other games I play, such as Rei from Several Shades of Sadism, Takasugi from Destined to Love, and Makoto from Decoding Desire. 
A nervous giggle escaped me as I mentally shook my head at my overactive imagination. No, no. This was NOT going to turn into a smut fic. LOL
There were so many of them. Only half of them looked as if they actually wanted to be there.
A doorway materialized on the plane. I nodded politely to the most obvious ones who needed to leave. Out walked Alyn, Yukimura, Nico, Hideyoshi, Louis, Masamune, Byron, Ieyasu, Leo, Kenshin, Kennyo, Mitsuhide, Rayvis, Takasugi, and Rei. “No offense, boys.” I thought to them kindly. The door closed behind them
The remaining men looked at me expectantly.
Sid was the first to speak up. “Eh, what she usually wants from me ain’t comfort, I’ll tell ya that.” He looked at me with tenderness and understanding. “I’m not worried, princess. I know yer in good hands. I want ya to feel better. These fellas are pretty good at that. Well -- “ He shot a warning glance at Nobunaga and Giles, and raised an incredulous eyebrow at Makoto. “-- Most of ‘em are, anyway.”
He opened the door and walked out, leaving it open for more to follow as if a hint to the others.
Giving a disgruntled “Hrmph” and coming close to me, Nobunaga said in a low rumble so only I could hear, “In order for me to comfort you, I would need further explanation to understand what you need. This … soothing you require is too new to me. Only recently have I learned how to please you, tease you, get you to laugh, and make you cry out in delight. I have never once had to stop your cries of distress or tears of sadness. You seem in need of ... immediate relief. This I cannot give.” His proud eyes were washed over with a look of regret and pain for a moment before placing his hands on either side of my head and bending down to kiss the top of my hair gently. It was the most gentle kiss I had ever received from that man. It made my tears flow harder. For the briefest instant, he looked uncomfortable and out of his element. He turned and swept out of the room before he exhibited any further unfamiliar and weak emotions.
Giles cleared his throat. “Farewell, your highness.” He bowed gracefully and walked towards the door. He turned back and gave me an achingly sweet smile. “I am aware that I am not the best man for the task at hand. It grieves me to leave, but it would pain me further to stay and watch another man comfort you.” With that, he left the room.
Makoto had his arms folded and I could see his knuckles had turned white from gripping his lab coat sleeves so tightly. He stared hard at the floor while he stammered, “I d-d-don’t want to leave, ______. B-b-but I have no way to c-c-comfort you that isn’t selfish f-f-feeling. That’s not what you need right now. I d-d-don’t want to see you hurt …. but I c-c-can’t make you f-f-feel b-b-better, either. You d-d-don’t like it when I’m ... jealous ... and I d-d-don’t want to give you any other reason to be s-s-sad or angry. So I’ll leave. Unless … you want me to s-s-stay, ______.”  He dropped his arms to his sides, turned towards the door and slowly walked away.
I sighed and called out to him, “Makoto. You don’t have to leave. Your hugs do make me feel better. I promise you that I like them as much as you do. But if you feel like you’d be uncomfortable or awkward, then don’t force yourself to stay. I’ll still love you no matter what.”
Makoto turned back to look at me, his eyes shining bright through that unruly mop of hair. “Really? You’d s-s-still love me after b-b-being with these … “ His gaze swept the room, taking in the four gorgeous men. I could tell he was comparing himself to them and felt he didn’t measure up. “... these g-g-guys?” He gave me a sad smile. “I’ll c-c-come ch-ch-check on you later. When you’re alone. I love you, ______.” He shuffled out the door slowly, in a defeated way.
The door softly swung closed and dematerialized from sight.
I looked around at the men still present. I wiped my eyes and sniffed. The tears seemed to have stopped for the moment.
Robert was looking at the floor, his eyebrows pulled together -- whether in concern or thought, I wasn’t certain. His hands were one moment folded in front of him, and then rubbing the back of his neck the next moment. He raked a hand through his hair and let out an nearly imperceptible sigh.  He never looked up from the floor.
Sasuke was as still as a tree, every muscle ready to come to my side and embrace me in a crushing hug. But he stayed rooted to his spot, his body tense, his face taut but expressionless. His eyes never left my face. He waited for something.
The corners of Mitsunari’s mouth were curved up slightly in the tiniest saddest smile I had ever seen. His eyes were begging at me to let him near. It almost broke my heart to look at him. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, a bit restless and wishing to be useful.
Albert stood at attention with his hands clasped behind his back. His fingernails bit into his palm as he clenched and unclenched his fists. His face was the very picture of discomfort. He stared straight ahead, only once ever looking my way. He immediately blinked, cleared his throat and returned his steadfast gaze in front of him.
I hadn’t been looking in Robert’s direction, so I didn’t notice that he had moved to stand behind me. He wrapped his long arms around the front of my chest and pulled my back gently into his chest. “We’re here, ______.” He propped his chin on my shoulder and leaned his head against mine. “We are all here for you, my dearest.”
I sunk into the warmth of his chest and let my head rest against his. “Oh, Robert,” I sighed his name.
Mitsunari couldn’t wait any longer. He bounded forward and extended his arms as if he wanted to hug me, but he looked perplexed. Stopping a hand-span from me, he looked behind me, “Ah, Mr. Branche? Can you adjust a bit so I can also hold her, please?” He pointed to Robert’s arm around my left shoulder.
Robert looked slightly bemused at Mitsunari’s suggestion, then acquiesced and removed his arm. I felt the absence of its warmth. He snaked it in front of my torso and hugged me around my waist. The sensation made me close my eyes in contentment.
Mitsunari moved in close and looped his arm around my left shoulder where Robert’s hand had just been, bringing back the warmth. Then he slid his other arm around my back, in between Robert and me. He gave me a somewhat triumphant look and his smile grew wider. “Is that okay, ______-sama?”
I opened my eyes to see Mitsunari’s vivid violet eyes peering earnestly into mine. I nodded. “Mm-hmm. It’s fine, Mitsu-kun.”
There was a twinkle in his eyes as he said, “You know, _____-sama, a hug received is only as good as the hug given in return.” He tapped my left arm which was hanging loose at my side.
I took the hint and placed it around his back. He stepped in closer and laid his head on my left shoulder. Giving a feather-light sound somewhere between a sigh and a whimper, he said “Ahhhh, that’s so much better, hm?”
With Robert’s head on my right shoulder and Mitsunari’s on my left, being hugged from front and back, I felt cocooned in warmth and love.
I felt Robert move his right hand from my shoulder and trail it down my arm. He intertwined his fingers in mine and gently closed his hand around mine. He brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed each knuckle one at a time. I relaxed even more and exhaled the breath I didn’t even realize I had been holding.
Sasuke was suddenly in my line of sight, standing a couple of feet behind Mitsunari. When had he moved? I had never heard him. That’s a ninja for you, I guess.
His face, usually devoid of expression, was now tight with emotion. His lips were pulled in a thin line and his eyes looked pained. “______.”  His voice. My name. All it took was one word spoken by my beloved, and my tears leaked out my eyes and trickled down my cheeks. My left arm had been hugging Mitsunari. I let go of his jacket and extended my hand out to Sasuke in a silent plea to have him hold it. I desperately needed his touch, too.
Sasuke moved swiftly forward and grasped my hand in both of his. He caressed it and then brought the back of my hand to his lips, all the while never breaking eye contact with me. My crying continued, but it seemed more bearable now that he was touching me. I gripped his fingers and mouthed the words “I love you.” He held up my hand so that my palm was against his cheek. He nodded. That was enough for me. I closed my eyes against the flow of tears and tried to enjoy the moment of bliss that was surrounding me.
“Hmm, _____-sama? Your arm is no longer around me. That means this is only half a hug.” I heard Mitsunari say in a plaintive tone.
When I opened my eyes, I saw that Sasuke’s gaze had hardened a bit in annoyance at Mitsunari’s whining.
Suddenly, an authoritative -- but strained-sounding -- voice spoke up. “Stop being childish and selfish. We are all here because Princess _____ wishes our company. If you are going to act out of jealousy, you can leave just as that sad unkempt man did. You will either provide the comfort necessary or you will move aside so another may attempt to soothe her.”
After Al’s admonishment, Mitsunari nuzzled my shoulder with his cheek and tightened his embrace around my lower back. “Please forgive me, _____-sama, for being selfish. I only want to make you feel better. But I get carried away when my body is this close to yours. I’m sorry.”
I couldn’t turn my head to look at Al, so I had no idea what sort of expression he had on his face. But I wanted to know how he was feeling. He had been standing so far away this entire time.
“Al? I am relieved you stayed. But why did you, if all you were going to do is stay over there?”
I heard boots softly make there way towards our little cuddle huddle. He stayed obstinately out of my view, but I heard his voice come from just a couple of feet away. “Princess ______, you are already being …. embraced by two gentleman, and a third is holding your only free hand. Where would you suggest I fit in?” He scoffed.
The emotion and longing I heard behind his words made new tears sting my eyes. It was then that I felt my knees buckle. I hadn’t realized how long we have been standing until then. I sagged a little bit as Robert held me more tightly against him to help support me. I regained my balance just as I heard him suggest from behind me. “Perhaps we should let her rest.”
A large bed materialized beside us.
“Oh no. It’s not turning into THAT sort of story.” I silently scolded myself.
Robert kissed my temple while gently squeezing my hand. “My dearest loveliest ______. You had better sit down or lie down. We’ll watch over you so you can get some rest.” He slid his arm away from my waist and let go of my hand.
Mitsunari took the absence of Robert as an opportunity to give me a proper two-arm bear hug. He squeezed me and hummed softly as he rocked me a moment before releasing me. As he pulled back, he kissed my cheek. His expressive eyes were saying so many things all at once, I couldn’t keep up with the silent conversation he was trying to have with me. All he said out loud was “I’m here for you whenever you need me, ____-sama.” He took a step back, but bumped into Sasuke. “Oh, I beg your pardon, Sasuke-dono.” He bowed his head and moved out of the way.
Sasuke was still firmly holding onto my hand. Looking at our joined hands, I broke out into the first big smile I’ve worn in days.  He silently closed the distance, dropping his grip on my hand. He wrapped one arm around my waist, and gently held his other hand around the back of my neck. He pulled me to him and cradled my head to his chest. He gave a wordless murmur so soft I could feel the vibrations of his vocal chords more than hear any actual sound. He looked to Al and gave a slight nod.
Both of them simultaneously adjusted their glasses.
Sasuke softly said “_____.” Again, I melted at the sound of his voice saying my name. “We’ll hold you until you fall asleep. Come.”
I lifted my head and reached my arms around his neck and kissed his perfect mouth. I pulled away a sliver of an inch and mumbled against his lips “I can’t think of anything else I’d like better at this moment. Thank you, Sasuke. I’d love to rest.”
I looked over at Al, who had removed his bulky uniform coat and boots. He was standing near the bed, ready to lie down after me.
Sasuke had let go my waist and went to the other side of the bed.
I looked around for Mitsunari and Robert, but they had left the room.
Sasuke was lying on his left side and holding the sheet up for me to get in next to him. I looked down at myself and saw I was now wearing the most comfortable pajamas ever. Not sexy lingerie by any stretch of the imagination. But romance was the furthest thing from my mind right now. I simply wanted to be held and comforted by these 2D men who had built a place for themselves in my heart.
I climbed into bed, snuggling up to Sasuke and nuzzling my cheek against his chest. His warmth and scent were exactly what I craved right now.
Behind me I could feel Al inching towards me on the mattress.
My heartbeat started to increase as this situation was opening up new ideas in my imagination.
I repeated to myself in my head “No. This is NOT going to be one of THOSE stories.”
Al slid his hand around the front of my stomach and come to a stop where it was comfortable for the both of us. I could feel his warm breath washing over my neck and ear in a measured rhythm.
Sasuke slung his arm around my hip and moved his body closer. He put his lips to my forehead and didn’t move them for many seconds. I felt a drop of wetness spill onto my forehead. Was he crying on my behalf? My arm shot out from where it had been resting between us, and I quickly wrapped it firmly around his back and hugged him tight.
“I love you. Thank you. I love you so much.”
I thought I would start crying all over again. However, the tears didn’t fall. Perhaps I was all cried-out for the time being. All I knew is that I was feeling thoroughly comforted, and right now the only thing I wanted was to fall asleep surrounded by this delicious feeling of love and support.
...It could turn into one of the THOSE stories when we woke up, I lazily thought as I drifted off to sleep.
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