calabria-mediterranea · 4 months
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Gioiosa Ionica, Calabria, Italy
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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ilciambellano · 3 months
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mindsaver-blog · 1 year
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Gioiosa Marea (ME)
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notebook91286 · 1 year
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elcorreografico · 22 hours
Segunda Mesa de Emprendedores Platenses
Segunda Mesa de Emprendedores Platenses La Plata celebra la segunda "Mesa de Emprendedores Platenses", promoviendo proyectos productivos con créditos por $102 millones.
La Plata celebra la segunda “Mesa de Emprendedores Platenses”, promoviendo proyectos productivos con créditos por $102 millones. El pasado jueves, la ciudad de La Plata fue escenario de la segunda Mesa de Emprendedores Platenses, una iniciativa conjunta del Municipio y la Provincia de Buenos Aires que busca fomentar el desarrollo de proyectos productivos y comerciales en la capital…
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deefeeme · 3 months
Cierre de la Ronda Internacional de Negocios en La Plata
#Evento | Cierre de la Ronda Internacional de #Negocios en #LaPlata Más de 150 pymes bonaerenses participaron en la #RondaInternacionaldeNegocios 2024, con representantes de Brasil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay y Uruguay.
Más de 150 PyMEs bonaerenses participaron en la Ronda Internacional de Negocios 2024, con representantes de Brasil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay y Uruguay. La ciudad de La Plata fue el escenario la semana pasada de la  Ronda Internacional de Negocios 2024, organizada por la Provincia de Buenos Aires en colaboración con la Municipalidad de La Plata. El evento, que se llevó a cabo en el…
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calabria-mediterranea · 4 months
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Gioiosa Ionica, Calabria, Italy
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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cywo-61 · 2 months
Una nuova giornata, un'altro dono di vita. Rendila speciale e gioiosa. Dimentica le cose spiacevoli, lascia alle tue spalle le delusioni e vai avanti come sempre. Non puoi mai sapere che cosa ti riserva la vita lasciati sorprendere e sorridi.
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notebook91286 · 1 year
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elcorreografico · 3 months
Cierre de la Ronda Internacional de Negocios en La Plata
#Evento | Cierre de la Ronda Internacional de #Negocios en #LaPlata Más de 150 pymes bonaerenses participaron en la #RondaInternacionaldeNegocios 2024, con representantes de Brasil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay y Uruguay.
Más de 150 PyMEs bonaerenses participaron en la Ronda Internacional de Negocios 2024, con representantes de Brasil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay y Uruguay. La ciudad de La Plata fue el escenario la semana pasada de la  Ronda Internacional de Negocios 2024, organizada por la Provincia de Buenos Aires en colaboración con la Municipalidad de La Plata. El evento, que se llevó a cabo en el…
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luluemarlene · 1 month
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E io ci ho pensato eh!
Ho pensato che non la capisco sta presunzione di pensare di poterti sottomettere a prescindere
Non te lo devi guadagnare sto privilegio?
Non sono io che ti riconosco un valore che mi permetterà di sopportare e accettare le umiliazioni, che mi farà chinare la testa con gioiosa e gratificante accettazione?
Ma veramente esistono "master" che pensano di dover essere serviti semplicemente perché tali si definiscono?
"Ciao io sono un Master e tu devi darmi del lei"
"Ciao Master, io non sono nessuno, ma elargisco dei vaffanculo che levate proprio! "
Mi piaceva pure, dio cristo
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sara-saragej · 1 year
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Se cerchi l infinito, lo troverai nel sorriso di un bambino.
Abbi cura di quel sorriso , è la vita del mondo.
- Khalil Gibran
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If you seek infinity, you will find it in a child's smile. Take care of that smile, it's the life of the world. - Khalil Gibran
...Gioiosa Domenica🌺
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queer-ragnelle · 6 months
tristan/isolde/palomides your MIND
LISTEN I have so many thoughts about them!! It’s an actual tragedy that they’ve never inhabited a movie together. I first noticed them in Le Morte d'Arthur, as I'm sure most people did, as it's more accessible than the Prose Tristan. But I didn't really appreciate them until after I read Between Knights: Triangular Desire and Sir Palomides by Oldga Burakov Mongan. In this essay, Mongan claims:
Very often the bond between the desiring subject [Palomides] and his beloved [Isolde] is peripheral, subordinate in its intensity, to the subject's relationship with his male 'mediator of desire' [Tristan].
This essay breaks down many of the encounters between these three in Le Morte and demonstrates how interconnected they truly are. Speaking for myself, I prefer La Tavola Ritonda instead. I'm not quite done scanning that, but it will be on my blog ASAP.
In the mean time, it has one of my favorite Palomides introductions ever.
There entered on the side of the King of Scozia a knight who bore all black insignia, and who was called Palamidesso the Pagan, a son of King Scalabrino. This Palamidesso carried two swords by his side as a signal that no knight had ever made him bend over the saddlebow.
Duel wielding? Bend over the saddlebow, you say? Interesting. Palomides goes on to win this tournament! After that he follows his lord to another castle where he first sees Isolde, falls in love with her, and begins a hateful staring contest with Tristan (literally). It's here that they battle for the first time...
As Tristano looked over the field, he saw that Sir Palamidesso was leaving, and called out to him, "Hallo, knight, guard yourself against me! I am the knight you met at King Languis' court, and it seems now that I am the worthier of the love of Isotta the Blonde!" Bold Palamidesso, hearing those words, turned his horse's head around and, drawing his sword, gave Tristano such blows on his helmet that he bent him over the saddlebow. But Tristano hit back, and hit Palamidesso so hard on his helmet that he made blood gush out of his mouth and nose, and knocked him off his horse so badly wounded that for a long time he was unconscious. Thus Palamidesso lost the prize, and lost also the right to wear two swords.
Compelling word choice throughout this. Anyway as per usual they continue to squabble until eventually settling their differences and becoming friends (in part thanks to Lancelot who apparently rents out his castle for polyamorous hookups).
"When I was jousting with Sir Lancilotto the other day, he said to me, 'Now, Palamidesso, Gioiosa Guardia is worth more than any other place in the world, for it holds a noble treasure.' Therefore I imagine that this treasure is Sir Tristan and the beautiful Isotta, because those two are the ones who excel all others in the world in beauty, prowess, and courtesy." When he heard these words, Tristano allowed Palamidesso to remount and then let his lance fall, since Palamidesso had broken his. Then he spoke in this way: "Palamidesso, Palamidesso, here is this Tristano you have been searching for. Come and fight me, if you want to. If not, I am willing to stop because of those words you spoke. I am your enemy, but I am ready to make peace with you. Still, if it would please you to fight, I am ready to do battle with you. You may choose whichever pleases and delights you most." Palamidesso replied, "Surely, Tristano, the man who could have you for a friend would be foolish to want you for an enemy, Therefore I ask that there be peace and good friendship between us."
Nobody tell Palomides that Lancelot was almost certainly referring to Guinevere and not Tristan or Isolde. But their truce culminates in everyone joining back up at Cuck Castle Joyous Guard.
The knights then rode in that direction, and when they arrived at the main palace they found the lady, Queen Isotta, all happy and joyous, attended by ladies and maidens. When Tristano told her how he and Palamidesso had made peace, she was very glad of it, and welcomed the knights with much honor. Then the tables were set out, and they all sat down to eat.
Much later, King Arthur hosts a joust in which all participants are to bring a lady. So, now that everyone are friends, Isolde is brought along with a retinue of knights, including Tristan and Palomides. They wear her colors and fight on "her" side against Arthur, Lancelot, and their kinsmen on Guinevere's "side." Polyamory enjoyers, this text is for us. Anyway the only portion of that I'll include is this sweet passage which really illustrates that the friendship in this little group is genuine. They're all affectionate after the truce and everyone is having a great time.
When Isotta had returned to the pavilion, the tables were set out and food was prepared, and when water had been brought out for their hands, they sat down to eat. As they ate, Gariette looked out and saw Palamidesso going by looking for them, and pointed him out to Sir Tristano. Tristano got up and went to meet him, taking him by the hand and leading him into the pavilion, where he disarmed and sat at the table. They all passed that night in great joy.
After this, they all live happily ever after, and nothing bad happens. :'^) I'll have La Tavola Ritonda done soon, and then you all can enjoy it too. I promise it's worth getting used to the Italian names, it's so fun! Thanks for the ask!
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SENSI DELL'ARTE - di Gianpiero Menniti
Un pittore.
Trasognato da immagini apparse sotto ogni tocco di pennello.
Infine, rapito dai suoni immaginati di un racconto: voci, grida, scalpiccio di zoccoli, latrati, la foresta persa nelle tenebre improvvisamente animata.
Il mistero, nel fondo, attrae lo sguardo.
Infonde timore.
L'essere umano esita.
Ma l'essere gruppo spinge fino al coraggio.
Vivere è l'impresa di solitudini oltraggiate dall'incontro.
"Caccia notturna" è tra le ultime o forse è l'ultima opera conosciuta di Paolo di Dono (1397 - 1475) detto "Paolo Uccello" per la rara perizia nel dipingere volatili.
Fu uno sperimentatore: intraprese una pittura prospettica ma piegandola al modello coinvolgente del realismo magico intensamente connesso al "gotico internazionale", movimento artistico e architettonico dell'Europa imborghesita e cortigiana del tempo, anelante di rappresentazioni.
L'effetto è retorico.
Eppure contiene tutti i segni dell'incipit di un racconto di cavalieri e dame, di un'esistenza gioiosa ed emotiva, illusione sgargiante sullo sfondo di un buio in attesa.
La scena concitata potrebbe narrare una battuta di caccia, capitanata da Lorenzo de Medici, in una pineta nei pressi di Pisa.
Risale a un periodo compreso tra il 1465 e il 1470.
Forse per la testata di un letto o per un cassone oppure come ornamento domestico.
Oggi è conservata nell’Ashmolean Museum di Oxford.
Come una lanterna magica perennemente accesa.
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calabria-mediterranea · 3 months
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Gioiosa Ionica, Calabria, Italy
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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buscandoelparaiso · 2 months
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sportivi italiani di qualsiasi genere non possono mai fare delle gare equilibrate e tranquille con quella giusta tensione ma nemmeno troppa che fa ottenere la vittoria meritata e gioiosa, NO noi dobbiamo farci ricoverare in rianimazione per un'ora e mezza dichiararci deceduti salvo poi risorgere dalle ceneri quando mancano 2 minuti e vincere come se il pubblico non avesse la pressione minima a 890
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