#girl thats a domestic violence charge waiting to happen. get out of there.
vantasei · 8 months
its ok brock purdy. youre still my favorite loser dripless unwanted white boy that every gambler and sports analyst on gods green earth hates. L to all the orioles and as babies but purdy wins that competition and yall know it.
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bluegalaxygirl · 2 months
Amnesia (KidKiller X Reader) P19
Plot: After an explosion reader wakes up in a hospital with no memory of the past few years, her parents want to take her home so she can recover and get back to a normal life while the Kid pirates want her back on the ship where she belongs.
Warning: Bad language, Family issues, domestic abuse, Medical stuff, Medication, Violence and Blood.
Reader is Female, Poly Relationship, established relationship, Kid X Reader X Killer, Reader is a member of the Kid pirates and is in charge of the money, Budgeting and negotiating the best price.
< Previous part …. Next Part >
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The walk to the hospital felt longer than normal mainly because Killer's mind is racing with all the things you might say after you lashed out at Kid, he hopes he can at least smooth things over with you so you won't kick them out, he would hate to have to take you by force but as time goes on he feels more and more drawn to it. If you end up wanting to go with your parents he will happily join his captain in sinking this island and taking you by force, you may hate them for it but in his mind, he would rather you hate him than let you go back with those people. The masked man is snapped out of his thoughts by House who speaks up while trying to keep pace with the taller man "So, N/N really remembers me?" The crazy haired girl asks holding her notebook to her chest, a large hopeful smile on her face and big eyes which look bigger due to her strange glasses, it brings a small smile to his face seeing how happy their doctor is at just the thought you might remember her. "Yes, she remembers training with you but thats it" Despite your memory of her being very limited it causes House to jump a little in excitement starting to speed walk until they get to the elevator, once inside and the doors are closed Killer places his hand on Houses shoulder getting the girl to look up at him with a raised eyebrow "I want you to wait outside the room when we get there, i need to have a word with Y/n before we do anything else" The masked man states getting the girl to nod, her excitement starting to get under control, like the rest of the crew House doesn't know what happened for Kid and Killer to stay on the ship for a whole day and for their captain to flip out, only the commanders know, but she wasn't about to ask or ease drop if she can help it.
Killer lets out a breath trying to calm himself as the elevator opens showing him the same view he always gets, a clean white building with hardly any noise but the blowing wind, stepping out House is quick to follow mainly looking down hoping to not trip on a branch or go through a loose piece of wood. It isn't long until the two make it to your room, the door's closed, but he can't hear any talking, he hopes that your parents haven't shown up yet and with the nurse not at her desk he can't ask her if they've shown up. A knock on your door makes you flinch a gasp leaving your lips as you quickly take your glasses off in fear of it being your mother, your too tired and sore to deal with her yelling at you over something so small which is why you asked for the door to be closed. "Y-Yes" You call out placing the book you were reading and glasses on the side table, to your relief it's not your mother that walks in, but Killer making your body relax against the headboard, the masked man walks in closing the door behind him before clearing his throat "I'm sorry about Kid and… I know you don't trust us bu-" The smile that was once on your face drops at his words, you should be the one thats sorry not him and the thought that you don't trust him hurts, so before you can even think about it you call out to him "Killer, It's not Kid's fault, i shouldn't have said those things, i was mad but now thinking back on it… I'm sorry, i made a big mistake, is Kid mad at me?" You ask feeling tears well up in your eyes, it didn't click with you before but now it has, Kid isn't here, his coat isn't around you and those amber eyes aren't looking you over with a cocky smile on his red lips and you know he's not patient enough to wait outside so that means he isn't here.
The blonde sighs making his way over to you, placing his hand on your cheek he lifts your face up to look at him, his teeth clench in anger at seeing the new bruise on the corner of your cheek bone, it wasn't there the last time he saw you, he wonders if someone hurt you or if you fell, but he shoves that aside for now and instead focuses on reassuring you "He's not mad at you, he's mad at himself." Killers thumb lightly runs over the bruise on your cheek as you raise an eyebrow, Kid should be angry at you not himself, your the one that yelled and ran off while he tried not to yell back. "He shouldn't be, He's been trying so hard for my sake, and i insult him? I've seen the way you both hold back, you could just grab me and burn this place to the ground but you've given me a chose and you've stuck by that even when i'm being a bitch" You can't help but laugh a little at the end, calling yourself a bitch somehow didn't sound so insulting even though it should be, reaching up you take Killers hand off your cheek and hold it in yours, a small huff of a laugh leaves the masked man's lips as he squeezes your hand "I'm not going to lie, we've both thought about it a lot, just taking you but trust and loyalty is everything to us, we won't do anything to break your trust, and we will always be loyal to you" The blonde brings your hand up to his mask pressing your knuckles against the part where his lips would be, your heart swells at the gesture and yet all you can think about is his lips, does he wear lipstick like Kid? are they soft or chapped? Plump or thin? "Killer… Can i-" Your question is interrupted by the door opening causing the two of you to look over at the door and freeze in place.
Melody's raised eyebrows and confused eyes land on the two of you, although she doesn't seem confused about what's going on in the room but with a crazy haired girl wearing large strange glasses waving at you form next to her, you recognized her as the girl from your memories, but she looks a little different, her hair is more puffy and a lot longer and the glasses she's wearing seem bigger than you remember. "This is your doctor?" Melody asks pointing to House next to her, the girl slightly bouncing on her feet as a large smile forms on her face "House, right?" You ask before Killer can answer the question, the smile on House's face somehow gets wider as she sprints to you, dropping her notebook the girl wraps her arms around you as a giggle leaves her lips "Your remember me" Despite how it looks House is surprisingly gentle with her hug but it still made you gasp and jump slightly at fist, wrapping your arms around the girl you lightly pat her back. "Be careful" The nurse yells while walking into the room giving a hard glare at the pirate doctor, Killer lets out a sigh clearly unimpressed by the display of affection from your best friend "House, off" The masked man demands making House quickly let you go and stand back up scrambling to grab her notebook and a few loose pages that have fallen out. "Sorry about her, This is House our doctor and a good one at that" Killer states crossing his arms over his chest in almost a protective manner not wanting anyone to insult a member of his crew, Melody caught on quick to it and puts her hands up letting out a nervous laugh "I was just making sure since you and your captain weren't around to clarify, i didn't want to let a compete stranger in"
Killer gives a short nod letting his shoulders relax, "I'm glad you came House, there's a few things i was hoping to ask" You turn to the crazy haired girl who has picked up her notebook and finished putting the pieces of loose paper pack in their places, she turns to you with a nod but Melody quickly speaks up before you can ask anything "First we need to talk about last night, Y/n had another seizure the night nurse told me that she re-injured her legs but luckily her shoulder is ok" A sick feeling runs through your body at the thought of it alone, you really don't trust your doctor to be telling the truth, plus you've never met the night nurse so you have no idea if you should trust her or not. Killer tenses up again as he turns his attention to you mainly focusing on your covered legs, he hasn't seen how bad it is under the bandages, but he knows that reopening a healing wound will make the healing process a lot longer and sometimes more painful "Is that how you got this?" The masked man moves his hand to run his fingers over the bruise on your cheek, gulping you know better than to lie to the blonde, he seems to know when something is wrong so its only safe to say he knows when your lying too but Kid did say that if your parents hurt you he would kill them, Killer might think the same and as much as you hate your farther for what he did you don't want him to die over a slap "I don't remember how i got it, but at least my cheek bone is healed and my skull" You smile up at him hoping he will focus on the good stuff.
House pushes up her glasses before stepping closer already feeling the tension coming from the first mate and wanting to break it before something like yesterday happened "That's great news, your stitches are out and your not wearing a sling anymore so hopefully you'll be out of here soon. Can i look you over just to make sure?" Melody places a hand on House's shoulder getting the girl to take a step back thinking she's in the way which earning a sweet smile of the nurse "You can observe as i clean her wounds and re-bandages them" The nurse states pulling the covers off you, the once white bandages are slightly stained with red and brown blood spot in different places, you now see why your legs sting so much. "Their dirty" Killer's almost growls as his focus shifts from you, to your legs and then to the nurse who tenses up a little at his tone, the masked man's anger grows until you grab his hand pulling the blonde closer to you with as much strength as you can muster, you don't know why but something told you that he was going to chock her. "It's ok, i asked her to wait since you were bringing House this morning, so… I'd rather not be poked and prodded twice today" Killer quickly turns to you hating that you left it for so long, his anger subsides at hearing the reason why, it makes sense now and the thought of causing you more pain makes his chest tighten, squeezing your hand the blonde gives you a silent nod before pulling a nearby chair over to the bed, so he can sit down next to you and hold your hand which you have refused to let go of. His comfort helps a lot as the Nurse talks to House while pulling the bandages off your legs, it stings, itches and feels tight all at the same time but Melody is careful especially around the recently opened area's.
The process hurt more than you thought it would making you grit your teeth and take deep breaths through your nose, Killer's eyes shift from your legs to your face, he hates seeing you in pain, and he's now extremely glad that he made Kid stay back, not even he could stop the captain from shoving the nurse off you and berating her even though the woman is only doing her job. "Ok, thats your legs done" Melody sighs taking off her gloves and showing them in a small yellow bin along with some of the equipment she used, House nods having stayed over the nurses shoulder the whole time, asking questions and taking notes in her book "Other than the reopened area's the skin's healing nicely, you'll differently have darker spots of skin in some places and the ink on some of your tattoo's have come off but i don't see many issues once its fully healed" House smiles at you happy to see the hospital is doing something right, with a tired smile you give her a thumbs up unable to speak due to the throbbing in your legs and the tiredness overcoming your brain "You ok, babe?" Killer quickly leans forward placing his hand on your cheek to make you look at him, his eyes search yours for that glazed over look you get before those headaches's come on but to his relief it isn't there, just tired slightly teary eyes from trying to hold back groans of pain over the past half hour. A fluttering feeling appears in your stomach at the nickname making you feel more lightheaded although unlike the tiredness it's a almost heavenly feel, leaning into his touch you give the blonde a small smile and a nod.
Melody finishes cleaning up before making her way over to the end of your bed and grabbing your chart, flipping to the back she writes something down before flipping it back "Oh can i see that?" House asks suddenly at the nurses side making the woman jump and gasp in surprise, she didn't hear or see the girl move at all, staring at the crazy haired girl for a moment Melody slowly hands the chart over trying to figure out how the loud and seemingly clumsy girl from before snuck up on her. House gives the nurse a smile before grabbing the chart out of her hands and reading it over, her face turns to confusion and slight concern at seeing some of the stuff written down feeling like something is wrong. Your tired eyes pull away from Killer feeling the energy in the room change, when your eyes land on the pirate doctor your heart drops knowing your assumptions are true. "House what's wrong?" You ask but the girl doesn't move her eyes fixed on the page in front of her "Y/n takes all these in a day?" House asks finally looking up from the chart to look at the nurse while pointing to something on the paper, Melody leans in looking it over before nodding "Twice a day, one dose in the morning and one at night" your hand uncontinuously tightens its hold on Killer's hand starting to let your nerves show, the masked man squeezes your hand lightly trying to offer you reassurance despite his own growing anxiety. House shakes her head looking back to the chart one last time before hanging it back on the end of your bad "That seems excessive for seizure meds, do you mind if i have a look at the pill's?" Melody raises an eyebrow unsure of weather she should do it or not, she doesn't think the doctors here would do anything bad and since House is more of a field medic she might not know a lot about medication.
Her eyes glance to you seeing your tense and almost panicked state so nods offering you a small smile before heading out the door "I'll be right back" House smiles back waving at her before quickly grabbing her notebook and pen starting to write down stuff with amazing speed "You wanted to ask me about the pills right?" the crazy girl asks somehow reading your mind and making you relax your grip on Killer's hand, letting out a breath you nod finally feeling like your not crazy for thinking something is wrong. "Yes, they keep increasing my seizure meds and… I'm just a little anxious about it, i don't know why" Killer runs his thumb over your hand in slightly reassurance, he wished you would have said something sooner about this but then again a lot has been going on and too many people are involved "Trust your gut, if something feels wrong then it wrong " A smile forms on his face at seeing your eyes meet his through the mask a look of relief washing over your face and that slight sparkle of joy he loves to see light up your eyes. "It's excessive the amount their giving you but once i have a look at the tablets and its bottle then I'll know more" The crazy haired girl slams her book closed and paces her pen behind her ear, it disappearing in the mess of hair just as the nurse walks back in with a try full of medication, some in yellow bottles with labels and other in boxes "I thought you might want to have a look at all her meds" The gesture earns a big smile from House bouncing on her tip toes slightly in joy "Thank you so much" Lifting up the bottles the girl inspects the pulls inside and reads the labels all while the nurse watches her every move still not to sure about a pirate handling medication.
With the two women distracted Killer takes this chance to grab your attention, leaning back on his chair the masked man squeezes your hand in three short bursts earning a confused look from you, it takes him a second to realize you have no idea what the gesture means "It means we want privet time or a privet talk" Killer whispers already answering your question before you can ask it, with a small nod you lean back relaxing into the headboard and leaning into the blonde slightly "What's up?" You whisper still keeping your eyes on House and the nurse decreasing some medical stuff you can't understand "Where'd you get the bruise?" His question is so simple yet it sends a sense of dread down into your stomach, even though lying to him would be futile you can't help but do it anyway, you can't tell him the truth "I don't remember, it probably happened during my seizure" The small piece of hope you had that he would just give up and leave it alone is crushed when a growl leaves his lips, not loud enough for the two girls to hear but deep enough to send panic through you "I know your lying.. Farther or mother?" Killer asks turning his head slightly to gauge your reaction hoping to find the answer, he watches your eyes widen slightly at being caught in a lie before going back to normal trying to act like everything is ok, it makes his blood boil knowing he's right, one of your parents hit you, it must have happened yesterday. Did it happen before or after they attached your parents? Was it his fault that they took their anger out on you? are you hurt anywhere else?
The masked man is snapped out of his thoughts by your hand squeezing his in three short bursts "Please leave it alone, i'm not hurt anywhere else, i promise" You whisper turning to look at him, the blonde slowly turns to look you over his other hand moving up to run his fingers lightly over the bruise, he doesn't want to let this go, they should pay for even looking at you but he nods deciding at least for now to drop it. "We.. We need to talk later, we.. Me, Kid, Wire and Heat found out some stuff about your past and.." Killer sighs hating that he's having a hard time getting what he needed out, he knows he needs to tell you as soon as possible about what they did in hopes it will lessen your hate for them but at the same time he doesn't want you to know. "Are they dead? My parents" You knew it would happen eventually, one or both of them would lash out and hurt someone yet you strangely don't feel anything towards it, shouldn't you be upset or mad at the thought of their death? The masked man sucks in a breath of shock surprised that you caught on so quickly "No, their alive just… a broken nose and bruising" With a nod you squeeze his hand again knowing you need to talk later about all this and what they found out, at lot happened over the years and looking back on it makes you mad enough to want to lash out but you've never had the courage to do so, yesterday was proof that you still don't. The two of you state at each other for a moment, despite what you've both just learned it feels like a weight has been lifted leaving the two of you to just bask in each other prescience, enjoy the for once calm moment, uncontinuously the two of you move in closer only stopping when his mask meets your forehead allowing you to see those beautiful blue eyes that shine in the darkness.
House picks up a small yellow bottle with a few pills in them, their small round and thin but doe to the yellow tint of the bottle he can't see the color, so she uncaps the lid and shakes out all the pulls, the blue color makes her pause and look again at the label then back to the pill again her eyebrows raising even more. "Seizure meds shouldn't look like this, their supposed to be pink or white due to the chemical makeup" Her voice snaps You and Killer out of your trance both quickly looking over to the crazy haired girl worry starting to set in, Melody sighs turning around from where she was putting bottles back on the tray only to gasp and leap forward grabbing the bottle of lid "Don't touch the meds, i'm more than happy to show you the bottle but its health and safety that no one touches medication without gloves" Taken back by the nurse's sudden strictness and anger you tense up while Killer to growl slightly hating anyone going after a member of his crew, normally the masked man would step in but one look at house's posture makes him realize not only that she has it under control but that this was planned from the start. "Oh shoot, your right i'm so sorry. Now that I've touched it what do i do?" House gasps holding her hand out and away from herself and the nurse as if it's going to explode.
With a sigh Melody pinched her nose and shakes her head seeming to calm down. "I'll have to bin them all now.. Listen i'm sorry for snapping but next time if you want to see the pills up close just ask me" The nurse screws the cap back on and turns back to the try placing the bottle down before lifting the try up into on hand "I'll throw them away, I've got to get back to work, stay as long as you like but please don't mess with anything… at least without asking me first" Melody giggles holding out her hand for the pills. House lets a big smile show as she places the blue pills into the nurses hand giving her an enthusiastic nod, "I'll see you later" The nurse smiles your way while making her way out the door, for once the room is in complete silence both Killer and House seem to be waiting for something so you stay quiet too. After a minute House lets out a giggles running over to the door and quickly closing it "How many?" Killer asks there's a clear smirk on his face by the sound of his voice "Four i think" House giggles holding out her hand to show four small blue pills she managed to take, reaching into her white lab coat she takes out a small glass bottle and opens it placing the pill inside "S-so i was right? There is something wrong?" Its strange, you feel relief and validated in your worry but at the same time it just makes you more nervous maybe even paranoid, does this also mean that your dream last night was real? If so then when did that happen? Did it happen last night or a few days go?
Sensing your worry House quickly slips the bottle back into her coat while making her way over to you, sitting on the bed she takes your other hand in both of hers "I don't know what they are but I'll find out, for now lets just keep it a secret and try your best to take less of those pills, i still think you should take at least two just in case i'm wrong, either hide the rest of me or flush them" House explains helping your mind calm down a bit, Killer squeezes your hand feeling himself become angry that this place could be making you sicker, he knows this is your family's doing, he knows House will get to the bottom of this and with you willing to help hopefully it will be over quickly. "Thank you" without warning you reach out and pull House into a hug which she happily returns shoving her face into your neck "Thank you so much" You whisper into her thankful that someone has listened to her, she knows Kid and Killer believe her but having someone in the medical field validate what your feeling and saying means so much more, you no longer feel crazy and that your just dreaming things up. "I've always got your back" House whispers back before pulls away giving you a massive smile which is strange since you didn't think it could get any bigger. "Alight, I'll leave you to rest and catch up, get some sleep ok" The crazy haired girl stands then turns to Killer "I'll start working on this, you want me to tell the captain anything?" She asks lightly bouncing on her feet indicating she's raring to get moving, Killer turns to you asking a silent questions which you quickly nod too wanting more than anything to talk with Kid and apologise, giving you a nod back he turns to House "Tell the captain it's ok to come"
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7/7 Machu Picchu
Today was the day: Machu Picchu.
This day kicked my butt.
We woke up at 3am in our hotel in Aguas Calientes. The system is that buses start running every 15 minutes at 5:30am to Machu Picchu. We had our tickets already. So did everyone else. People start lining up between 1-2am. We got in line at 4:30. We waited for probably an hour and a half, which was considered short. The bus ride was 15 minutes. Machu Picchu doesn’t open until 6:30. There was probably 1,000 people standing by the entrance when we got there. When they opened the door it was like a stampede. It was still dark out. After getting through the gate we hiked for 20 minutes through the forest up the hillside until reaching the viewpoint. From there we had to wait in line for a while to take a photo at the photo point. It was very stressful.
After that we hiked a little farther ahead and watched the sun rise over the mountains while Alvin and Silvana told us about Machu Picchu. During the height of the Inca empire in the 1500s Cusco (Qosqo) was the capital. When Cusco was threatened with invasion the then emperor ordered the construction of Machu Picchu, intimidatingly located in a very picturesque spot in difficult to get to mountains. They made it look very impressive and intimidating to scare off invaders, and it worked. Nobility and other privileged people lived at Machu Picchu. It was considered to be in a very good spot geographically and religiously so it was considered good luck to spend time there. They had amazing plumbing and impressive construction considering the location high in the mountains and the fact that they had neither the wheel nor any load bearing domesticated animals other than the not very strong llama.
When the Spaniards arrived in 1527 (I think?) the Incas had just finished a civil war and were vulnerable and fractured politically, which the Spaniards immediately detected. They invited the emperor and the nobility to a feast of friendship and there killed the nobility and kidnapped the emperor. They held him at a ransom for several rooms full of gold held in the great central temple of the sun (Qorikancha), the heart of the Inca empire, in Cusco. The people gave this gold to them, the Spaniards executed the emperor anyway. They then forced the people to destroy their own sacred temple and built a monastery on top of it using the very same stones. The had to melt down all of their artifacts and records and idols to make Christian images instead.
The people of Cusco saw this happening to their sacred places and sent runners to Machu Picchu (rumored to make the normally 4 day journey in under 5 hours). They told the people to evacuate Machu Picchu, destroy all records of it, and seal off all of the mountain passes leading to it. They did this to save their sacred place.
It worked. The Spanish never discovered Machu Picchu. It remains as it was in Inca times.
In 1909 an American professor from Yale, Hiram Bingham, was in Peru trying to find the fabled lost city of gold (El Dorado). He stumbled upon some smaller ruins near Cusco and heard from locals about another larger ruin. They refused on principle to show him where it was. He got them drunk and bribed them into agreeing to guiding him there. A small child was ultimately the one to show Bingham the ruins of Machu Picchu itself, untouched for 4 centuries.
Hiram Bingham took that opportunity to ransack the ruins for millions of dollars worth of gold and artifacts which he smuggled back to the US and kept the gold for himself and gave the artifacts to Yale, where they remain to this day. He returned a few years later accompanied by National Geographic and Kodak and claimed that he was seeing the place for the first time and had discovered it by himself (locals had always known it was there). He is lauded as a hero in archeological discovery to this day.
Anyway, seeing the ruins themselves was really stressful. They had a specific path to walk on and you could only walk in one direction. They had designated spots to take pictures and if you stopped or held up the flow of people in any way officers would blow a loud shrill whistle on you until you continued walking. We spent over 4 hours in blazing heat doing this. It was incredibly stressful and overwhelming and I felt very on edge when we were finally able to leave.
Most people had just come to take pictures of themselves there. Endless endless selfies and poses made me wish we lived in a time without photography.
We fought through a crowd to get on another bus back to Aguas Calientes where we were able to have a brief respite in a cafe overlooking the river. The local people had an enormous parade to celebrate the anniversary of Machu Picchu being declared a wonder of the world and all had on an incredible variety of their traditional outfits which was so cool to see.
We walked about the town a bit, it looked completely different in daylight, and had a last lunch with our group before heading back to the train station to go back to Ollantaytambo.
There was a riot at the train station when we got there. The train itself was segregated by class in a way I can only compare to the Titanic. Tourists were given comfortable, spacious train cars with reserved reclining seats and generous snacks and beautiful windows ($60USD a person). Locals were crammed into standing room only train cars with no ventilation, faces pressed against the windows (4 soles, about $1usd per person). Many people had come in to town from the surrounding communities to participate in the parade today and the train was their only way home. The station sells limitless tickets so many people had been waiting for hours to get on. The tourists were courteously shown to their seats without incident and with zero wait time but locals were being held back by policeman and the crowd had started to riot and yell. We were caught in the middle of this.
At a certain point, the police started yelling EMERGENCIA EMERGENCIA and a man was brought through from town on a stretcher, gravely injured. Apparently he needed to get on the train to get to a hospital. They would not allow him on the tourist car so they pushed several people off of the locals car so that he would be able to go. The locals would not have it. There was screaming and yelling and it was close to physical violence by the time we were ushered to the platform away from the crowd by a security guard.
It was really scary and just sickening to see. There is so much money generated from over 7,000 people visiting Machu Picchu every day and almost none of it benefits the local people, it all goes into the pockets of a few wealthy foreign business owners and if anything it makes the lives of local people more difficult.
We got to Ollantaytambo at about 5pm, then rode in a van for 2.5 hours to get back to Cusco. We were so exhausted and rubbed raw by that point and due to bank issues while we were gone we had just a small amount of cash on hand for dinner.
We went to the bar inside the hostel and ordered dinner with our remaining money. They gave us the wrong order and refused to change it saying ‘what do you want us to do about it?’. They took 25 minutes to bring us drinks ( we were the only ones there) and when we asked about it they tried to charge us double for it. It was too much for me and I was so overwhelmed already I started yelling in Spanish and then burst into tears and left.
Not my proudest moment.
They gave us the drinks 15 minutes later (Abby had to ask about them again even after my blowout). We left heads hanging low and tried to go to bed. We laid down and then a girl came in upset saying “Hey!! You stole my bed!! Thats my bed!!” So exhausted, rubbed raw, and still sobbing uncontrollably I had to go ask the reception for help (they were very disturbed by me in my blubbering state) and moved our beds.
Longest day ever.
Also just goes to show, my instagram post from today standing triumphant at Machu Picchu with the sunrise in the background was VERY different from the true experiences of the day. People polish everything on social media and only show the highlights…it doesn’t reflect reality.
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wrenischarles · 7 years
PART 1 hello i'm here to say things i would love to see in the finale regarding wren ahah. i would LOVE the scene where he's scared with the gun pointed at melissa as a flashback. like they moved to london in 2011/12 its been 5 years he got his haircut cool... charlotte called him telling him about melissa killing bethany (i think so)SO HE PULLS OUT HIS FRICKING GUN bc B was his sister/cousin/exlover whateva and finds out M killed her and at first he was angry(promo1)but when mel started
PART 2. Mel started to talk and tried to make him stop thats why he got all confuse and hesitate they broke up and blaah that's why when hanna saw her that day at the party she was drunk trying to forget that his bf almost try to kill her(some domestic AWFUL violence but hear me out). After they broke up he was still in contact with cece and thats how it all began. he being AD ahaha. cece was the one blackmailing melissa with the confession tape bc she was having fun with wren making her "pay"
PART 3. and that memory of almost getting killed was by melissa telling it to her fam the girls. OR he's gonna kill mona bc she found out he/WREN is in fact AD. like i would love that mona and us/the audience finds out before the girls(i think we in fact will know who is)and we finally know the reasons of 4x10 convo and kills her so she can't tell the liars. my last wish of this scene is that. we ALL are thinking AD is gonna take off the hoodie like mona-cece but what IF he's just in normal
PART 4. In normal clothes? bc "i hide in plain sight" like that scene shooting mona its him revealing to mona. like "yep its me it has always be me i'm not like you with dat hoodie shit. i'm killin u bc u finally know who has always being in charge. PLUS u killed cece my ___". Or for any character thats gonna be ad, what make us think its gonna be a "take off hoodie moment" reveal?i mean its our first thought bc of A-Big A but what IF this time its different and we never consider it?my wishes:)
I loooooove the idea about Melissa! 
I’ve actually seen a lot of people discussing the idea about AD being outed in a casual moment. Kind of like Scream season 2 if you saw that? It was amazing! I suspected the person so bad so every single scene I was on the edge of my seat waiting for it, and then it happened! They went from normal to evil and deranged instantaneously. I hope PLL does this instead of some cheap scooby doo unmasking!
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