#girl who'd challenge someone to a duel .
welcometoteyvat · 2 years
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me @ a kaeya hamlet au
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brainyxbat · 11 months
Chapter 6: Usopp vs Daddy the Parent! Showdown at High Noon
(Episode 50)
"A showdown!"
"There's gonna be a showdown!"
"Daddy the Parent's gonna duel somebody!"
Nami, carrying loads of shopping bags, noticed a crowd running in the direction she was walking. "Did he say Daddy the Parent?" She asked herself. "Daddy the Parent is the greatest gunslinger bounty hunter! Everyone in the East Blue knows that! I wonder what the idiot who'd challenge him to a duel looks like!" She pushed through the crowd for a better look, and sure enough, it was someone she knew all too well; Usopp. Nami gasped, before grimacing. "Oh. Like that."
"He's gonna get himself killed, I just know it," She heard someone close by grumble. She turned, and saw a girl with long, green pigtails and a purple cloak with her hand under her bangs. "I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen."
"You know him?"
"For a few minutes now, yeah."
"Good luck, Long-Nose!" Someone in the audience called out.
"Don't worry if he beats ya!"
"We already got a place dug for ya!" Behind the crowd was a cemetery.
"Hey, shut up, all of you!" Venus shouted. "You're not helping!"
"Oh, go back into your hole!"
"Yeah, you aren't wanted here!"
Nami stared in shock. "Why are they so mean to you?"
"It's a long story."
Usopp shook with fear, as he stood back-to-back with his opponent. 'H-how did things turn out this way? Am I an idiot?!'
"The rules are simple. We both walk 10 paces, and then shoot," Daddy informed him.
"What are you doing?!" Nami exclaimed.
"Nami!" He noticed her in the crowd.
"Fighting Daddy the Parent in a duel... are you an idiot?!" She ranted.
"S-shut up! Things just turned out this way! Shut up and watch!"
"I'm sure he knows what he's doing," Venus put her hood up, "So long as he's as good as he says."
Nami raised an eyebrow. "You're kinda creepy."
"You're kinda bitchy," Venus retorted without a beat. The redhead was taken aback, but kept quiet.
"You get one shot," Carol announced, "Are you ready?"
Nami and Venus watched nervously, staying quiet with the crowd. "One!" The first pace was done, Usopp's more clumsy out of fear. "Two! Three! Four! Five!"
'This is bad... Really bad...' Usopp thought through his paces, 'There's no way I can possibly beat Daddy the Parent.'
'Am I going to die here?! This can't be happening!'
'I just started my adventure! I haven't even gained any courage, or manliness, or anything yet!' He gulped.
'Venus really is cute.' To everyone's shock, Usopp threw down a smoke bullet in fear, creating a diversion, and tried to make a run for it. "Bye, now!"
Daddy's gunshot stopped him dead in his tracks, but due to the smoke, the crowd feared the worst. Venus had her eye almost completely covered, but hunched over in relief when he was still standing, albeit shaking. He collapsed to his knees, as Carol ran up to her father. "Papa! You're amazing, Papa! You're so cool!"
"Man, how pathetic," A spectator complained.
"What a lame duel," Another agreed.
"I thought he'd have more guts than that. What a disappointment." With that, everyone sans Nami and Venus left for other affairs.
"I only shot his gun away," Daddy told a nervous Carol.
"What's with you?!" She angrily confronted Usopp. "Tryin' to cheat like that! You coward! Weakling! Can't you even fight honestly?!"
"SHUT UP, YOU!" Venus shouted angrily out of nowhere.
"I-I'm sorry! Forgive me!" Usopp crawled over. "I'm just a lowly, pathetic man! Taking the life of someone like me wouldn't gain you anything!" Venus nodded in agreement. "Right?! Right?! Couldn't you just peacefully let me go?!"
Hearts jumped when Daddy pulled his gun back out, aiming right at him. "No!" Venus shouted.
"W-wait!" Nami ran and stood between them, stopping the witch from following her lead.
"Nami! Y-yeah, if it's money you want, she has tons of it!" Nami turned to frown at him. "Just please don't shoot me! Please spare my life!"
"Hold on, now!" Nami scolded.
"Oh? So you're trying to hide behind a woman?" Daddy pointed out.
"In any case-"
Usopp urgently pushed the redhead aside, now angry. "No! Forget everything I just said! She's just an innocent bystander who has nothing to do with this! Venus too!" The young witch perked up with surprise. "Even if I wind up getting shot, I can't let either of them get caught up in this!"
"Usopp..." Nami breathed. Venus stayed quiet; she was surprised he already cared about her this much.
"Please! I beg you!"
""Usopp..." Daddy recognized his name, "Is your name Usopp, boy?"
Daddy stared at him, hiding his shock. "It couldn't be... do you know a man named Yasopp of the Red-Haired Pirates?"
"Yasopp? That's my old man's name. Y-you've met my dad before?!"
"I see. So you are his son..."
"I've never once told a soul what happened on that day... but you're an exception. It happened at a hot, dry port town, much like this one."
"Let's do it, Ensign Masterson! We each get one shot!"
"One! Two! Three!"
Two gunshots went off; one from Yasopp, the other from Daddy, with the rest of the Red-Haired Pirates watching on the sidelines. Yasopp stumbled, holding his grazed right shoulder, but managed to stay on his feet, whereas Daddy fell on his back. "He won!"
"Yasopp won!"
"Check it out! He beat one of the Marines' best snipers!"
"That was truly a close fight!"
"You're the man, Yasopp!"
"Yasopp! Finish him!"
"Yeah! Killin' the loser of a duel is a sign of kindness!"
Yasopp pointed his gun at Daddy, but made no move. "Kill me! Now that I've lost a duel, I have no reason to live."
"Yeah," Yasopp agreed, "You've got good resolve."
A locket around Daddy's necklace caught his attention; he ran over, and pulled it off to have a look. "What are you doing?"
When he opened it, a photo of a blonde, bright-eyed little girl stared back at him. "Your daughter?"
"Give it back."
"A Marine ensign of all people, carefully treasuring something like this... she must be really spoiled."
"Don't lecture me, you filthy pirate!"
"That's fine by me!" Yasopp laughed, put Daddy's gun on his chest, and walked away with the locket.
"You were great, Yasopp!"
"It was nothin'," He said modestly, as his wound was treated, "The pain of this wound just goes to show how inexperienced I am."
"You took on Daddy Masterson! You won because you're you!"
"We never would've stood a chance."
Shanks tossed Yasopp a bottle of rum after his arm was wrapped. "Thanks, boss! I appreciate your watching the duel without saying anything!" Shanks silently walked away with a wave of farewell. Yasopp helped himself to most of the bottle. "That's the stuff! You want some, Ensign?" His offer was met with defiant silence. "Family, huh... family's not so bad. But I'm not good at it."
"I got a son of my own. His name's Usopp. Haven't seen him in years now; I hit the high seas around the time he was a toddler."
"Why? Do you not love your son?"
Yasopp chuckled. "It wasn't about that." He stared at the ship on the dock, where the crew was gathered "A pirate flag... a Jolly Roger was calling for me."
"You tell 'im, Yasopp!" They cheered.
"Now then..." He tossed the locket behind his back, returning it to Daddy, "There's nothing I can do for my son. Just one hopeless parent like me is too many! Always stay by your daughter's side. You can't let her feel lonely. Though I'm in no position to talk!" He laughed.
Daddy stared at the swaying, open locket; more at Carol's smile than anything else. He sat up, as the crew made their leave. "I lost our duel! Yasopp! Finish me off!" He demanded. "Don't give me your lousy sympathy!"
"Forget it!" Yasopp refused. "You Marine guys might hang us by our necks right after you catch us, but we pirates are free to let you live or die however we please! So long!"
Daddy laid on his back in defeat, not saying a word.
In the present time, everyone took in the memory. "So that's why a Marine elite turned to bounty-hunting," Nami remarked.
"Papa! You lost to a pirate, Papa?!" Carol cried. "He spared your life?! Say it isn't true, Papa!"
"But that's amazing!" Nami praised to Usopp.
"Your dad must be really skilled," Venus added, "He even beat Daddy."
"Plus he hadn't forgotten about you!" Nami pointed out. "Even now, when he's living an adventure, he has an image of you etched in his memory!" His hand moving in front of her face cut her off. "Usopp? The young sniper was in tears. "Yeah. I can understand how you feel."
"No! That's not why..." He choked. "That's not why I'm crying! Would you normally do that?! Would you normally tell some pathetic boy like me a story about you shamelessly having your life spared?!" Venus put a hand on his shoulder in comfort, though it went unnoticed. "You told me that to give me courage! Most people would be vain, and keep a story like that a secret! You told me even though you knew it'd make you less cool! Regardless of how brave my old man might be! Right?! Weaklings or cowards could never do that!" He turned to the little girl. "Carol! Your dad is the bravest man alive! You can find strong guys any old place! But I've never seen a man as strong and kind as your dad before! I... I can't give in, either!" He wiped his tears away. "I gotta be brave, or I'll shame your dad! Daddy! Give me a chance! Fight me in another life or death match! I won't cheat anymore!"
Daddy eyed him for a moment; he was being completely sincere. "All right. This will be our real match. Choose the weapon you're most skilled with." Usopp opened his bag, and pulled out his trusty slingshot. "Good. Now, then. Let's see..." He looked around the area for a good target; he found a weathervane they had to squint to make out; it featured a sperm whale wearing a teal crown.. "Try and hit that weathervane."
"Weathervane? That?!"
"I-it's so far away," Venus breathed nervously. She and Usopp both gasped when Daddy pointed his gun at him.
"Miss it, and..."
"Y-yeah! You can shoot me right through the heart!"
"Usopp!" Nami exclaimed.
"My life is on the line for real this time!" He drew a bullet back, keeping his eyes on the weathervane.
"There's... there's no way he can shoot that far with that thing," Carol said fearfully.
Venus covered her eye with one hand. "I can't look."
Usopp aimed shakily, trying not to focus on the gun pointed in his direction. 'J-just like always... just shoot like you always do...' Venus' arms and legs shook. She had only known him for an hour, but she still couldn't bear to see him die. 'Yeah... concentrate...' With that, he made the shot.
His life flashed before his eyes in that very moment; the Usopp pirates, his friend Kaya, his mother's passing, his father... meeting Venus just earlier that day.
The bullet flew away with a whistle, until it was out of sight, as he lowered his slingshot. The weathervane was undeterred. "W-well?" Venus stammered.
"You missed!" Nami observed in horror. This was it for him.
"WHAT?!" Venus eye widened. She was going to lose a new friend she knew for less than a day?
"No, Papa! Don't shoot him! Papa!" Carol begged.
To everyone's surprise, a now furious Venus moved between Usopp and Daddy, a ball of energy swirling between her clawed hands. "I won't let you!"
'I-is she a witch?' Nami thought in awe, brown eyes wide.
Daddy stared in the bullet's direction with shock. "I can't shoot him. Usopp shot right through its crown!"
"He what?" Venus made the ball launch away into the stratosphere.
Nami gasped, and used her telescope to have a closer look. Sure enough, he was right! "H-he really did! Right through the crown!"
"Gimme that!" Venus snatched it away, to Nami's chagrin, to look for herself. It wasn't even a little off-center; it was a truly perfect shot. "No way..." She breathed, and lowered the telescope. She flinched when the redhead grabbed it back.
"Usopp!" Carol beamed. The young sniper collapsed to his knees.
"You're an excellent shot," Daddy praised, "I'd expect no less of Yasopp's son. Never forget that bravery. Someday you will become like your father!" Usopp felt emotional again, while also recovering from the scare he had just a minute ago. "Go to the Grand Line. I'm certain Yasopp is there."
"Daddy..." That was all he could say, before Carol ran up to him. With the goggles he wanted so much.
"You're pretty good, old man!" She handed him the goggles.
"Aren't these..."
"It's okay!" She assured. "So long!" With that, she and Daddy made their leave, as Usopp, Venus, and Nami watched. "Papa!"
"Carol, you know that's not right. It's poor manners to say, "So long!"" He kindly lectured.
"Yeah! I'm sorry, Papa! I'm going to grow up to be a nice lady worthy of being your daughter! So forgive me!"
"You're already plenty nice as you are now!"
"I'm going to be an ever nicer lady!"
"If she's plenty nice, then I'm queen of the sea," Venus remarked with a smirk.
"Even when people say he's a disgrace behind his back now, he's fought all this time to protect the one he loves," Nami observed.
"I'm going to be a brave man like Daddy, too!" Usopp vowed. "I'm gonna become a real warrior, and stand before my dad someday!" Venus smiled up at him. "I'm certain of it!"
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genshingarbage · 3 years
Where The Lightening Touches The Mountain
How Unruly You've Become. (Part One.)
Zhongli × Ei (Baal)
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Yes, this is my first ever attempt at a one shot with two characters together from Genshin. My first ever Character x Character post. Now if you're not a fan of the idea of Zhongli and Ei/Baal being together in a relationship DON'T READ THIS POST. For real, I've seen way too many people getting toxic to people who ship these two together and its uneeded, if you don't like move on with your life. Whereas I find the dynamic of these two interesting in a relationship standard others may not and thats fine, but don't start commenting hate in the comment section seriously I won't put up with it. Me and Mod Kaeya have fun doing bits together about these two on Genshin and VRChat, and that's sorta where my fascination for these two sprouted from. So if you like it great, thanks for giving it a read, if you don't even like the thought of these two together romantically then please. Vamoosh. Thanks. - Mod Diluc
The screams were becoming defeaning, the cries were bloodcurdling, Zhongli, or rather Morax was all too privy to these sounds, the sounds of war roaring around him in a never ending parade to defy his motives. He'd been in this scenario many a year before, and he's not become foreign to the consequences of such actions, its not that he was unaware he was now brutally murdering innocent mortals in a unfair war he'd created, it was just he'd ceased to care anymore over anything but his burning anger inside to be extinguished. He'd already laid majority of Mondstadt to waste and ruin now, Barbatos himself proving in the end to be no match in a face on duel against Morax. It was disappointing really, he'd so hoped him of all Archons would've given him a challenge, well not that he didn't, but... he was so easy to break apart and destroy. It would appear this world has its own cruel ways of making once strong Gods such as even Barbatos to grow weak and pathetic. Something that was happening to Morax; or well Zhongli before Morax decided to return and bring back the glory days. He left the Kingdom of 'Freedom' in a pile of its own tattered remains, debris and despair surrounded it now. He'd not even killed Barbatos, not that he couldn't have- if he'd wanted him dead the Anemo Archon would be no more. But he found it more fitting, more amusing even to see the look of broken resolve in the small Archons eyes, the agony and pain, it seemed to give Morax his vigor back to continue his onslaught across Teyvat.
Then it dawned on him, why not rip Miss Raiden Shogun from her peaceful self proclaimed eternity. After all, all she really was doing was being a little girl crying in her bedroom over spilled milk. That is why he's now here, in the thick of Inazuma terrain, bringing death and destruction upon any foolish mortal soldier who dare raise their flimsy made weapons at him. Blood stained the grass, the sounds of bodies hitting the floor, earth being torn from the dirt itself to strike up and peirce into the bodies of the unsuspecting soldiers, at this point he was giving them too much credit to call them that, victims seemed to fit the title better now. "For Inazuma, For The Raiden Shogun!" A voice cried out, through all the battle cries, all the yelling and clashing of weapons, that voice was singled out. His glowing golden eyes, acting like akin to his dragon traits locked onto where the voice echoed from. A woman with short dark raven hair, a mask hanging from the side of her head and her uniquely designed bow aimed high in the air. How cute he mused to himself, a sadistic smirk creeping onto his features. Was she suppose to look threatening here or something? She was clearly someone of importance since all the men around her yelled out with suddenly new found courage to charge so willingly toward their death. Ah well, whatever makes them feel better in their final moments.
They began to run at the intruder of their homeland, the God from another nation who'd taken it upon himself to cause an uproar in Teyvat. The rain began to crash down aggressively, the clouds growing darker and thicker in the skies as the winds picked up on the battlefield. He merely spun his spear around slowly to let it dig into the now moistened mud that surrounded him. His elbow resting lazily on the top, a bored face displayed over his features. The glowing patterns on his now blackened arms shone brightly as he was back in his attire from the Archon War so many years ago. "Really?" He boomed out loudly at the charging fools. "At least give me," He began to speak out clearly, his voice able to echo over the entire field before him as his arms lifted up and the soldiers, including the woman came to a halt. All glaring up in complete disbelief. The clouds breaking apart above them as a golden light shone down almost blinding everyone of them, before hearing the crumbling and shattering sound of a giant meteor crashing down at a frightening speed toward them all. "A CHALLENGE!" He then roared out, his throat letting out a guttural growling hiss under the words. Something dark and malice under his voice began to stir awake.
They stood there, there weapons falling from their grips, all hope was lost. How could they ever fight back against something like this? A fallen meteor so easily being summoned by this dark and twisted God? It was cruel, unfair, and Kujou Sara couldn't believe her life was to end this day, in a failed and futile attempt to honour her Archons name. As they closed their eyes all accepting there gruesome fate they heard the sound of shoes squelching into the soft mud, the clacking sound of a weapon hitting against chains. Sara dared to open her eyes and her breath almost escaped her lungs at who walked past her, baring the front of the battle line. Raiden Shogun herself, Baal. Her eyes glowing an undying purple, her hair illuminating at the tips so furiously. She throws her own spear into the ground swiftly, closing her eyes, her sword slowly starting to emit from her cleavage as her hair begins to flow in the air, the atmosphere growing tense and suffocating everyone around her. Her eyes shooting open as the purple glow has intensified. Morax too busy laughing as he grips a straggler who ran at him from the side thinking he could play the role of the big hero. His hand gripping sturdy around the mortals head, lifting his feet off the ground, the man begins to yell out in utter agony as the sound of his skull can be heard cracking bit by bit, blood dribbling out of the man's mouth, nose, eyes. The sight was sickening, even the strongest would shudder and cringe at this sight before them. "Think you stood a chance?" Morax spat out, as the man's yells died down, the man's body stopped thrashing and went limp, and the last sound of a loud cracking shattered in his vice grip before the body dropped hard to the muddy surface. "Pathetic."
Suddenly the sound of cracking boomed out violently, followed by a rip of thunder and a crash of lightening echoing across the battlefield. Morax growled lowly, the blood staining against his pure white hooded clothing, his golden eyes travelled across the battlefield, seeing the flash of purple lighting up the area around him, as the colour died down, he saw rocks crumbling and falling from the sky, his meteor had been utterly desimated. Oh? He straightened up, narrowing his eyes, across the field he saw her. The one he'd been trying to coax out of her little Plane of Euthymia from the beginning. He grinned widely and revealed his large fangs that had began to grow, it would appear the dragon inside was beginning to rear its ugly head. He couldn't help the sadistic laugh that eerily left his lips, she looked adorable! Look at her trying so hard to act tough, he knew all too well what type of woman she really was. The anxiety must've been eating away at her yet she continued to wear that brave face, cute. "Well, well, well, finally, she decides to show up." He lifts his hand up and curls his hand in to a fist tightly and suddenly spear shaped rocks unearth violently from all around him and fire toward The Raiden Shogun at a devastating speed, "A bit too late however." to which she quickly scowls at in response and grabs her spear and twirls elegantly cutting and dicing the rocks into nothing again. Oh, so she really was trying? Guess he better step his game up hm?
How long had it been? An hour? Two hours? Since Sara and her men stood there in awe, in fear as The Raiden Shogun had single handedly been defending them and her proud nation from the tyrant before them. Time felt so still but it was clearly passing, it was just impossible to tell as the thunderous clouds continued to cover the skies and block out any and all life from above. Sara so badly wanted to help the woman she was inspired by, who she admired dearly. But the fighting was so fast, they moved at such inhumane speeds she would never be able to get a hit in, she would prove to be more of a burden then a help to the Archon right now. But it was clear her strength was waning, her physique was wavering, he'd barely broken a sweat. This man, this god was a true monster. True evil right now. He'd been in many wars and it showed here with his experience and combat prowess over The Raiden Shogun herself, Sara gasped when Morax finally landed a hefty kick into her lower abdomen causing her to fall the ground. Which he then followed up with another harsh kick into her ribs, causing a horrible pained scream to cry from her lips. Her beautiful clothing was now covered in mud, tattered and ripped, her beautiful soft milky skin showing through the wear and tear of her battle ridden clothes. Her face looked distraught, but still wore that defiant unyielding expression. She glared up at him with such hatred, all that stood above her now was Morax, the rain pouring down heavily around him, the water droplets falling from his features, dripping from his hair and clothes, his spear standing up beside him before twirling in his grip and aiming the sharpened spear head toward her throat. Was this the man she'd idolised for so long? The only god she still had respect for? Was this how she was to die, by the only man who'd ever been able to cause her heart to flutter. No, not this man before her, the man he once was, was the man that had stolen her sanity and resolve, left her always blushing and flustered when hearing his name round her presence. She had accepted her fate, so decided her last words should be truthful to how she really felt over this situation. "So, is this how the mighty Morax falls?" She coughed out as blood leaked from the corner of her mouth. His eyes narrowing as he for some reason found a familiar painful pang hit in his chest from her words, something felt all too familiar from the way he felt as the words left her mouth and for reasons beyond his own knowledge he was hanging onto her every word, wanting to hear the rest of her 'final words'. "By his own despair?" She spat the blood onto the mud, as it was soon mixed into the crashing down rain. "How unruly you've become." His eyes then widened. The word 'unruly' echoing over and over in his own mind, as her voice soon faded out and was replaced by another... familiar woman's voice.
"You're so unruly Morax, Tsk!" A cheerful and beautiful voice cooed out toward him. He looked forward as the battlefield before him dissolved away and he was stood in a peaceful and serene atmosphere, nothing but pastel colours swirling with fluffy clouds around him, and there she was... his one and only love he'd ever had, the only woman who'd ever given him the time of day, the only woman who ever loved him; the one that he couldn't protect, couldn't save. She stood there, smiling brightly, beautifully, her captivating gaze elegant as always to him. He could barely swallow down the hard lump forming in his throat right now, his hands shaking as he reached out hesitantly at the figure before him, the word that left his lips, nothing but a whisper shrouded in disbelief. "...Guizhong."
The Raiden Shogun furrowed her brows in confusion as she narrowed her eyes, focusing on the attacker above her. Only to see his eyes had led him somewhere very far from where they really were right now. The rain still hitting down as hard as before, not letting up throughout their entire battle. Seeing her opportunity she slowly began to rise, lifting her battered body from the soggy mud beneath her, she then heard the encroaching steps of her loyal soldiers, Sara leading the oncoming assault as if it was her life's destiny to carry this task out to the end.
Morax stood there, stunned silent, unmoving, like he'd seen a ghost, however he had seen a ghost. She was before him right now, silky hair as graceful flowing as the rest of her. "Morax, what have you done?" She sounded so broken hearted, so torn apart. Why? No. Don't be sad, he can fix this. He will fix this for her. She means everything to him so please don't look at him with those saddening eyes. His head began to feel like it was splitting apart, reality ripping him slowly from whatever this sick twisted trance was. "They took you from me, I'm doing what I do best, killing." He spoke with an ice tongue now, like it really was his sworn duty to wipe Teyvat clean.
The Raiden Shogun raised her arm out quicker than lightening itself, halting Sara and her men in their tracks, looking at her beloved Archon with a quizzical expression. But she merely kept her glowing purple orbs on the God before her. As they'd charged toward him, she'd heard him utter that name. That beautiful goddess name, and then it hit her, what really was happening. The erosion had taken grip of this once proud Gods mind, rendering him into nothing but a husk of misery and despair. That's when she saw the look in his eyes, pure suffering, grieving for a loved lost one, a feeling she knew all too well. He didn't have a Plane of Euthymia to hide in, to collect his resolve in. He merely kept living all these years, all these centuries- alone and broken. She breathed in slowly and dared to step closer to him; Sara flinching at this new approach from disapproval and concern for the life of her Archon. Baal however showed no signs of slowing down, approaching him closer and closer.
Morax was still far too enthralled in his own trance to realise the enemy he'd nearly destroyed was now growing closer to his unaware self. "No, my darling, this isn't you. War was what you were good at, war and killing, are very different things." Her voice sounded as sweet as ever, velvet to his senses, calming his raging fire inside if only for a fleeting moment. "I'm sorry..." He practically sobbed it out. Guizhong merely shook her head slowly, as if she were a mother with a child. "I couldn't protect you; I failed you." He growled the words out through gritted teeth, his fists clenching tightly, shaking beside his broad frame now. Guizhong floated toward him, and that's when it hit him, she had no legs, her beautiful physique was only midway before dispersing into foggy tendrils that faded away. She looked ethereal, a memory captured beautifully in a specific moment of his mind. Her slim delicate fingers brushed against his cheek. The tears swelled and wanted nothing more than to desperately spill from their confinement, her hand than cupped his cheek and she leaned closer toward him speaking barely above a whisper, her voice like a lullaby. "You never did, My Mountain."
Baal was unsure why the need to cup his face so carefully; almost lovingly became so strong, but she'd followed the instinct anyway. Now stood in the rain, in the mud, in the stormy field, her display looking less then modest. Her hand rubbing gentle circles against the broken Gods face before her. Seeing the tears in his eyes, the muddled and incoherent words leaving his trembling lips, wavering in sound and steadiness. The God she'd loved for so long, becoming so frail before her touch, it made something inside her twist painfully and she wanted to take him away from this pain, this was an undeserving way for this God to leave this existence. She wouldn't accept it.
It was happening again, the love of his life was leaving him again, and the pain wasn't any less severe the second time around. Seeing her begin to fade from his view, so close in reach but still stars away in reality. "Don't go... not again, please." The words almost never left his lips from how weak they were. His glowing markings on his arms began to die slowly; why must he be doomed to live life without her now? The last thing he saw was her warming smile, before her face faded away, he closed his eyes in silent acceptance. She had left him again, all that had changed was he was now reminded of who he was, and what he'd really been doing the past several months. But if she was gone.... why could he still feel her delicate touch against his cheek, instinctively he leaned into its warmth, so welcoming it was. He let his heavy eyelids lift to reveal his golden eyes, dimming in their glow as his will was leaving him now. Only to tense and freeze up, when it wasn't her face staring back at him now. It was The Raiden Shogun staring back at him with such a sympathetic and loving gaze, and for again reasons unknown he felt his stomach twist inside.
Everything went silent, almost dead silent, the only noises that could be heard now was the rain and thunder from above. Sara and several troops stood in stunned silence, their eyes glued to the show being played before them. Baal didn't remove her hand, nor did she lessen the intensity of her gaze at the now exhausted, mentally torn Morax who stood before her. It was a moment in which a thousand words transpired between the pair but not a single voice uttered. She didn't understand why the urge to help calm him, soothe him and reassure him was there inside her, nestled deeply into her very core with all reluctance to let up, and he was bewildered to the fact he felt at ease around her, he felt safe and something he hadn't felt in a long time now; belonging. "Morax..." Was all she was able to whisper out so carefully into the thundering battleground around her, as faint as it was he heard it clearer than on any sunny day in Teyvat. She wanted badly to just pull him into her and embrace him, nothing but the urge, the undying need to hug him into her and keep him sheltered from further pain due to that vile Archon sickness; erosion. But, unfortunately fate had not decided to grace her with having such a happy ending, for her. Or for him. His golden eyes glazed over her and landed on the countless, nameless bodies of victims that had fallen before him like twigs against stone. How many lives had he taken in these two months alone? 20,000? 50,000? Each number taken into account also burned the knowledge into his mind that yes, they all had their own lives, own families and friends, their own futures, or well... they did. But here they were now, nothing but limp bones and dead organs, a solemn reminder of what can happen when a God looses their way. He understood now, he was no Geo Archon, he was a monster. A killer. A beast.
And a beast deserves to be locked away.
The words that were about to fall from Baals lips died in her throat when she saw the attitude in his eyes change, from despair and loss- to anger and pain. So he'd finally come to? Realised his wrong doings? Really she should be happy with this outcome, but oddly enough she isn't, for all it means is more suffering the poor old God must have latched to his back for all eternity- ah yes... eternity, the one thing she fought so hard to maintain and protect, yet how easy it was to be interfered with and nearly destroyed by one Archon alone. There are not many she sees herself able to lose against, but Morax was the Archon of Archons at this point, his battle knowledge and strategical prowess landed him that respect many eras ago. She really did respect this God, but maybe she was finally starting to accept this respect was deeply rooted with another stronger feeling bedded beside it. One would call, love. However it was of no use trying to ask him to calm down, to sit down and just talk, just relax and let all bygones be said and done, his sense of duty was also his downfall, the guilt he felt tugging inside was overwhelming him beyond repair.
Her hand still placed softly against his cheek, the look of determination in her eyes faltering as his rose back up, but for the wrong reasons. She wasn't prepared to let him go, not yet, not till she's helped healed those century long wounds, but he knew her better than she was aware, and he knew she would try to fight him with every step of his departure from her lands, so with regret in his eyes he lifted a hand engulfing her own and gently moving it from his cheek. They shared a gaze that was a couple seconds longer than it should've been, and he had no choice but to ignore the intimate thought that made him wish his lips were on hers right now, and then with his other hand he tensed it into a tight fist and shot it forward, causing a stampede of spear shaped dirt from the terrain itself to be flung toward Sara and her troops at a pace no human would ever be able to defend themself from.
With a bright purple flash the spears shattered, as Baal was now stood before them all, katana in hand, hair glowing once more, still looking strong and elegant despite the muddy and tattered appearance she now wore. She'd been forced to take her eye of the Geo Archon for one second, merely a second in order to save her most loyal devotees, and that's all it took, it's all he needed. For no matter how much she scanned the battlefield, scanned the island itself-
He was gone.
End of part one, woooop. This will probably be a 2-3 part thing, just so I can fully fit everything in, but the sadness is done now I promise... ish. Its mainly done at least lmao next chapter has a bit more grieving and stuff but things get good don't worry ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - Mod Diluc
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