#give ehtari his heart back
butididnottried · 4 years
I’m still waiting for season four. And five. And more. I know that after third season and some recent revelations bigger or smaller part of fandom is, at slightest, disappointed. Or even just angry and done with this whole thing. Honestly, season three was just one big downhill.
I still want  to know whats gonna happen to Claudia. She and Soren had probably the best story arc last season, and while Soren plotline is pretty much done, there’s still so much ahead of Claudia. Will she roll depper into darkness,will she go insane, will she see the truth and resist to Virens influence, will she become Aaravos puppet or will she somehow outsmart him. That poor girls had such hard time behind her and is now at such low point, and now her plotline can go literally almost everywhere. I want to know.
Right now i’m not really interested in Viren. Like, what to do with him now? At the last scene he was really worried about his bug pal, and by that, worried about his connection to Aaravos. Aaaand... idk. I think that Viren will be still very dependent on our blue bastard sexyman, but let’s be honest, i think that for probably everyone is obvious that Aaravos is going to be more interested in Claudia. So what to do with Viren? Idk, he can throw a tantrum out of jealousy and go back to Katolis?
Aaravos. I’m a simple woman with simple needs, and i just want more Aaravos. Gimme my blueberry starman, my lovely handsome and beutiful bastard. Maybe let him to take off pants and give him some dress, or robe, or something flowy. Buuut do not turn him into cliched cackling evil villain. Pretty please.
More dragons. They’re racist assholes and i have no sympathy for those war criminals, but the designs are top notch and i want to see more of them. Just for aesthetics.
More magical animals. For aesthetics.
More elves in different clothes. For aesthetics.
Earthblood and tidepo... tidebound elves. I don’t want, i just need to see them animated. These ones that we saw in “Callum’s spellbook” are nice and pretty and dandy, but their aesthetics do not match up with the rest. But they’re just designs and projects and they totally would look different when animated.
I’m really curious what’s gonna go out of this cocoon that starbug wrapped itself into. But seriously, at this point i fell like if it’s gonna grow and morph into new body for Aaravos and he somehow is just going to copy? transfer? his own self into this new body i will be like... oh ok that happened :/.  But uuuh whAT the HeLL is in THis coCOON?
And the most important thing. There is nothing more crucial than this. The most significant topic of all. Etharis husband still did not get back to him.
👏 GIVE 👏 ETHARI 👏 HIS 👏HEART 👏 BACK 👏 you bastards. He can’t be leave like that. ): Ethari, Runaan, my sweeties, i’m so sooo sorry that they’re treating you both like that. #freerunaan 2k21
Overall, i think that if we will get fourth season it would be released next year. Comic “Through the Moon”, set between seasons, will be released in middle september, so, most probably they would announce next season somewhere around that. There’s a possibility that it would be released shortly after the comic, but i doubt that. There’s this post circling around tumblr explaining how long it takes to made an one animated episode of average lenght, and if i remember it correclty it was... even half a year? So yeah, there’s also a high possibility that fourt season is still in production. Netflix is just keeping it in secret because, idk, they want to keep us nervous? Expecting?
But whatever, i’m still waiting. I hope that creators would prove us all wrong and they will do a decent job with resolving all these issues. Or they already did. Seriously, if you consider how looks production of animated series, you know that creators can’t really react to any criticism and change probably almost nothing. And personally, i think that they shouldn’t give up to pressure that fandom is putting on them. Untill creators fucked up real bad.
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