#the dragon prince predictions
luvxsdmnz · 2 months
I have a theory for s7
I think Claudia’s gonna have a kind of redemption where she isn’t really forgiven but she stops aaravos I think she will use the coin spell on him a trap him in a coin but it won’t be like she joins them she will just realise as she looks at ruins of things destroyed by aaravos and she will think “oh this is my fault I have to fix it” and she will just show up in the final battle and do the spell idk if she will live or die or whatever but I think she will do the spell
I also think terrys gonna run or at least tell like the main gang (idk what people are calling them) team zym? About some of the things aaravos has planned or about leola or something
But I also think it’d be funny if aaravos didn’t actually do anything evil like he just sits his massive ass down and doesn’t do anything or he just walks into a sea and starts jumping in it like a bloody puddle or is being just a bit fruity I think it’d be well funny but obviously it’s not gonna happen
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booksandpaperss · 1 year
i know it’s a popular theory that callum is gonna get possessed by Aaravos but I think it would be way more interesting if something made callum so desperate and vulnerable that he freed Aaravos of his own free will fully knowing it’s a terrible choice and feeling so guilty about it but doing it anyway… perhaps to save rayla or ezran
“no matter how dangerous, no matter how vile” right?
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violetwolfraven · 2 months
Everybody keeps being like excited to see Callum trying to win Runaan over and meanwhile I’m just like
I want to see Runaan meet Ezran.
This is a child he signed up to help kill two years ago, and I imagine assassin man is going to have to go through an “oh shit, this kid is like. a really good kid. and if i had killed him peace between katolis and xadia probably never would have happened.” and try to figure out how to apologize.
And meanwhile Ezran is going to have to figure out if his “everyone deserves a chance to choose a different path” philosophy extends to the man who killed his father.
While his home is literally in ashes from Sol Regem’s attack.
Like yes I want to watch Callum be a dork around his girlfriend’s dad, but tbh I’m more curious about how they’re going to handle the reality that Runaan very much did kill Harrow. Like that is definitely a thing he did.
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themistdragon · 19 days
*Runaan finds Callum staring at the stars one night*
Runaan: If you're trying to understand the star arcanum, don't bother. Not even the greatest of elven mages could do it, let alone you.
Callum, without skipping a beat: It's the fourteenth anniversary of my Dad's death today. We used to love stargazing together when I was small.
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raayllum · 2 months
was musing over again WHY aaravos would need to wait 700+ years in between going to earth, fucking with mages, etc. and like... "storm dragons only lay an egg every thousand years". i'm sure he was wanting to sow chaos and put pieces in place for other things, but... was he waiting for zym?
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sentimentallyannoying · 2 months
can’t wait to see Soren go on a mission to rescue Corvus next season and then realize along the way he wants to be more than bros
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bat-snake · 20 days
Obviously, finding out Aaravos is out right away. Maybe everyone meets up with Terry and he tells them about Leola.
After much frustration, they somehow come to the conclusion to finally find out where the Key wants to go (which, of course, the book, which is probably in Aaravos' home still).
Someone figured out that the Key wants to go to Ocean Point (which, with it being marked by a star...yeah)
So as for my thoughts as a path for what will be in S7
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So basically "Ruthari Reunion is on the way to figuring out wtf is up with the Key of Aaravos and how we can use it as a solution to our problem"
Human Kingdom half might be a bit rough though.
But just. Callum and Rayla being in a "We have to go through all of this AGAIN???" fugue state. Plus "Hey Rayla were we swimming among a young child's bones a few weeks ago 😰???"
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dice-theartist · 2 months
Good morning the dragon prince fandom! I recently binged the whole show again and the hyperfixation hasn’t hit like this since 2018 when I first watched this show lmao
Here is a bunch of fanart!.. it’s literally just Rayla, Callum and stella..
1. Rayla and stella!!
2. Callum hugging Rayla with his mage wings :3
3. that one draw your otp like this meme (og meme under fanart)
4. Screenshot redraw from season four
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raylasrightbraid · 3 months
guys ive come to the conclusion that rayla NEEDS a girl bsf her age
im hoping that in season 6 my girl Astrid can clutch up BC RAYLA NEEDS GIRL TIME LIKE NOWWW
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its-leethee · 5 months
Ever since we learned in the Season 4 Discord Q&A that Queen Aanya has an adopted older brother named Grark, I've been wondering, what is his role in the story? Why give Aanya an older brother at all?
As adopted-older-sibling-to-the-monarch, Grark and Aanya's relationship is an obvious parallel to Callum and Ezran's. What if Grark was present and supportive to Aanya, to serve as a contrast to Callum, a similarly protective and devoted older brother, but one who is repeatedly missing in action when his younger sibling needs him:
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Shout out to Soren for stepping into Callum's place to support Ezran in both of these examples; but particularly Soren's exhortation to Ezran that "You deserve time to do kid stuff."
I don't think it's a stretch to imagine that Ezran would feel resentful toward Callum for his serial absences (and the implied emotional unavailability), or that he might perceive that his brother is indifferent to his struggles and has abandoned him, leaving Ezran to shoulder the burdens of ruling alone.
I'm having fun imagining Ezran and Aanya trading gripes about their overbearing older brothers who treat them like little kids... and then Ezran sadly, painfully realizing that his brother hasn't been there for him like he should be, while Aanya's brother is.
Broyals angst is delicious, of course, but why let Callum and Ezran have all the fun? Because this is where Aanya and Grark's relationship could get extra interesting:
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--Tales of Xadia, p. 34
The two phrases in particular that caught my eye: internal treason and isn't old enough
So, hear me out: Grark will be the protective older sibling who steps up, but eventually oversteps, in a misguided attempt to relieve Aanya of the responsibilty of the throne.
Oh yeah, political intrigue plus broyals angst? It would be SO GOOD.
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0multifandomweirdo0 · 11 months
If Callum dies because Rayla has to kill him and doesn't come back to life - I'M LEAVING THE FANDOM AND NEVER COMING BACK, EVER
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colonelpancakes · 26 days
Chronic pain is so funny I'll be sitting there wondering why I feel like my bones are dissolving in acid and then I'll hear thunder and go ah. That makes sense.
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tategaminu · 3 days
Some predictions for S7
It seems some people are concerned about Rayla and Callum being separated for half the season when I honestly don't think that will be the case. They have never been separated more than two episodes, you could say "well it could happen now!" but I doubt they would do that in the same season we will fully see them together for the first time.
Now some proof or my own guesses to favour this:
In this screenshot Rayla isn't with Callum, she could be out of frame but I don't think so.
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I'm guessing he went ahead since maybe Rayla's wings weren't working anymore (they said they didnt't last forever if I remember correctly)
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Look how sad he looks, he has no gf to cheer him up over Katolis' destruction.
Now, we see Rayla and Ronaldo standing up in front of the Banterlodge, why are they here? I think Callum told them to meet there since it's a place both him and Rayla know.
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Why is she in attack mode?
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Looking at the trees it seems Ezran, Aanya and the animals seem to be around the banterlodge. Maybe Rayla sees the katolians coming or Ezran asking Corvus and Soren to arrest Raul and she gets defensive ofc, tho it doesn't seem to be an overly agressive stance.
We have confirmation that Callum and Ezran will have a conflict and Ezran is gonna be mad about Runaan, so maybe Callum defends Runaan here and confesses that he is the one who fred him, making the brothers fight. An upset Callum then leaves with Rancher and Rayla.
My guesses are, Callum and Rayla separate in episode 1 and reunite in late episode 2 or early episode 3 (they tend to "meet" in the second episode lol) maybe ep 2 ends with them meeting and the cliffhanger of Ezran finding out about Ronald.
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Callum, Rayla and Richard arrive at the Silvergroove (perhaps is on episode 3 to parallel season 3) we get the Ruthari reunion and Rayla's trial in the same episode, a confirmed to be a very emotional episode.
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The place Rayla is having her trial on seems to be the lottus pond thing, we only see her, The Keeper (I didn't know moonshadows could have beards okay dude) and the ghosts of the deceased assassins. I'm guessing she will have to be forgiven by them to be accepted back on The Silvergroove and she will need a lot of emotional support, I don't see why Callum wouldn't be there since he was there when she found out about her ghosting so he being there when she gets unghosted makes all the sense.
Callum, Stella and the other ones are out of frame probably watching this, unless this is another place where they aren't allowed.
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I wouldn't be suprised if Rayla doesn't want to go with the trial at all but we get a little callback to this with Callum saying something similar, maybe even more agressive this time.
Now onto the next clue, this oopsie leaked scene by the animation company:
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Stella jugglinga adoraburrs! look how cute!
I'm fully convinced this is a rayllum scene, it screams romance with the flowers and singing baitlings "oh it could be ruthari!" yeah? maybe? but let's look at the clues shall we:
Stella is there, Stella is always with Rayla
Callum and Rayla love adoraburrs
Sneezles is there, Sneezles is always with Callum
There are two lovebirds and Rayllum tends to attract animals (very disney princess/prince if you ask me)
The baitlings are singing, screams Rayllum corniness (kiss the girl!)
Rayla and Callum have something going on with boats
Maybe Callum and Rayla decided to take the rest of the baitlings with them to the Silvergroove (for some reason)
Maybe this scene isn't before the mid season at all and it's at the end! but for now I choose to believe it's kind of the calm before the storm scene. Maybe Rayla and Callum are celebrating her unghosting, before Aaravos starts fcking shit up and they have to leave and go back to Ezran. I don't think this will happen in the way to The Silvergroove because 1) third wheeling Runaan would be uncomfortable and I don't think Callum would prepare this at all in the way unless he wanted to annoy him hard idk 2) Rayla and Callum didn't need to cross water to arrive at TS the first time.
I'm choosing also not to believe this is at the end because them leaving The Silvergroove mid season for them to come back at the end wouldn't make much sense to me unless they are getting married right in this scene mostly because I don't think Rayla and Callum will choose to live in there, at least for now, and this will be the end of the arc not the series so yeah, they could be visiting tho and this could be a chilling ending scene.
In a summary, I don't think rayllum will be separated for a lot of episodes and Callum is totally going to The Shitlvergroove maybe they will get separated again when she gets kidnapped
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listen you can't separate them for much unless it's against their will
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violetwolfraven · 2 months
Ok I’m calling it if sorvus goes canon they’re going to save it for the very last episode of season 7 (with maybe some vaguely implied stuff scattered throughout the season, far as I know Soren ends season 6 injured and having barely survived the destruction of Katolis whilst Corvus ends the season as Karim’s hostage and all that could make for some great angst, or maybe there’s a time skip and they just go on another side quest) and then Callum, Ezran, and/or Rayla are going to walk in on them kissing right before some big event. Obligatory scrambling for some explanation other than that they became a couple while no one was looking. Cut to series/arc finale.
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themistdragon · 10 months
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raayllum · 2 months
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Do anything
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