#give me that spicy Connor pls
rk1kheadcanons · 4 years
Markus sees Connor as a pure cinnamon roll, a puppy, sweet baby who can't even curse, until he goes to the station to see him at work and sees Connor interrogate someone...
He'd just wanted to ID this human PERP that had tried to come and make a ruckus at New Jericho, give his deposition to his boyfriend, kiss said boyfriend afterward, and leave.
He had not signed up for being exposed like this.
Markus was allowed through the security to come and have his statement taken, he'd be able to greet Connor, do the law-abiding citizen shtick and that would be his highlight of the day.
What he's greeted with was several cops trying and failing to take down a mountain of a man that one scan later, lets Markus know is extremely intoxicated on Red Ice and is belligerent and not complying in the least because of it.
He was going through the cops like rag dolls; the tasers weren't stopping his rampage at the time.
Markus has a feeling this is going to become a deadly force situation simply because what other is choosing to do when a literal blur flips the man around by one of his arms and onto the ground as if he weighs next to nothing, sending him crashing hard to the ground, face down.
A familiar figure sits crouched on top of the completely immobilized human. Markus takes in the overall destruction the man had caused counting the broken looking coworkers and Connor wasn't having it.
Markus was looking respectively at this Connor that slaps the handcuffs onto the man a bit harder than he needed to as and hefted him up from the floor like little more than a weighted bag of trash and bodily moves his ass out of the bullpen.
He'd made what six previous cops struggled with a look so easy.
Markus stands there in a daze because, yes, Connor in action has always been impressive.
Connor high-key throwing around 400 lbs. human male like he weighed nothing, right in front of Markus-well, he needed to give that some serious thoughts as to why it made him feel the feelings.
Markus minutely shudders, lost in the whole train of thought when Connor saddles up to his side.
Sweet, calm, doe-eyed Connor and his shy smiles.
Markus does his deposition, and they leave for the day together, afterward.
About a week later, Markus surprises Connor on his resting break instead of lunch break, since they don't eat.
Hank Anderson tells Markus that Connor's finishing up an interrogation and since it was an anti-android affair, Markus has the clearance to be present. This is wonderful since Markus gets to see Connor in his element again.
The thought of that red ice user being yeeted came to mind and Markus had to tamp that down. Inappropriate for right now. Now he got to see how his sweet, lovely-
"I know you fucking did it. You should just save us all the wank time and confess. You are aware I am an Android. I can read your bullshit a mile in your vitals, trash."
-Sailor mouth, gutter baby?
The whiplash was real, the sentiments almost palpable, invoking improper thoughts in him right now.
Markus can only stare in fucking want, deliberately smoothing jittery hands down his covered thighs as Connor alternates from reclining in his seat, arm back around the chair in a devil may care attitude, twirling a pair of cuffs around one long finger in smooth succession to moving up, hunched over the table, fingers meshed into each other, wearing the most intense face he's seen since he wandered into the old captain's quarters with his gun for him.
He swallows down extreme want his confusion as he sees Connor moving inches from the human's face who looks uncertain, as he should be, in the face of a perfect predator.
Could he be the bad guy across the table from Connor right now, please?
Markus is sweating, and he was breathing harder now to exorcise hot air from his body.
His tertiary system had kicked on because he'd rapidly heated up.
This definitely had nothing to do with one badass twink cop, probably, and yes, they were going to act like this was some sort of malfunction because this was really awkward and really inappropriate for now.
Now, Markus could see where that 60 model in Connor's memory had got all that assholeness and peak twink potential from before they had put it down: Connor was always the damned blueprint.
The rest of the interrogation go off without a hitch and Connor gets his confession.
Markus is having a m e l t d o w n even as Connor is bouncing up to him in cheerful energy at his successful mission.
It's all Markus can do to tell everyone with a non-shaky smile that they are leaving for the day, yes now.
Somehow that little smile that Connor gives back in return for his flustered behavior makes markus know that was a show, as much for Connor's benefit as it was Markus' too.
Markus would just have to show him what he thought about his 'good cop/bad cop' routine somewhere private.
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robobiitch-archive · 4 years
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                        And thus, the gods smiled upon her and said: Let there be bitches.                                                                                                ― The Book of Moe
WOW. HI HELLO. This blog is literally 2 months old and you lovely people have all decided to join me in my shennanigans, loving this robot who bodyslammed me back into roleplaying on Tumblr again haha. When I first made Connor’s blog, I was really shaky about it, spending over 2 months editing the theme and writing up his stuff, editing icons for countless hours and constantly thinking “maybe this isn’t a great idea.” But it was probably the best idea, honestly. I’m so glad I’m here and that I’ve been able to meet such lovely people. Anyway enough about me let’s gush about some beautiful hoomans.
@phckinglife / @deconstructlife :
Middy. ♡ You’re up first, because you were my first friend I made in this fandom and I can’t even express how happy I am to have gotten the chance to get to know you and to write with you. Gavin and Cayden are beautifully written and you’ve put so much effort into perfecting their character. I love talking with you and screaming about ConVin with you. Because of you I can be an open ratvin stan instead of a closet one XD I love hearing about your comic and I do sincerely mean it when I say I want to be first in line to buy a translated copy!!
Eme, my love. What once was an ungodly amount of geckos in my inbox is now an ungodly amount of love and affection in my heart for you ♡ You are by far one of my favorite people in the world. You deserve the only best things and I am so happy to call you my friend. I look forward to the adventures you and I will go on both in spirit and in writing. You’re a gremlin, but you’re my gremlin.
@ruthlessnessisyourdesire / @creation-is-chaos / @cybernetichearts / @detroitfortune / @deviated-detective : 
AAAAAAAAASSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! When you followed me on Sixty back when I was a wee noob to the fandom I can’t even express how excited I was! All of your muses are perfect (and I know for a fact I’ve probably missed at least one of your blogs in up there but we’re gonna pretend I didn’t) and your writing is flawless. I can’t wait to get to throw Connor at all of your muses. I would die for all of them. Including Corvus. Especially Corvus. 
@syntheticisolation / @triptocained :
DANNY I’m gonna body slam you with all my love for you and your muses. Richard is the best murder baby and I’m so happy we’ve been able to write such awesome things together. I know you’re still waiting on those discord replies pls don’t kill me fdksvskgbkgfd. Thank you for getting me into Heavy Rain, thank you for binging horror movies with me, thank you for just being so fucking cool and being my best broham. 
@filledgxld / @rxseguided / @repliicantceo / @ofthenigxt :
Catie~ I love you so much you’re such a wholesome bean with such awesome muses. Connor is so gay for Vannevar it’s not even funny and Jesse and Eli and Elliot and *looks at smudged writing on hand* Thunderpants ( @terrifiesall ) are all so unique. 
@glaiveofruin / @androidvixen / @chloemodelrt600 :
Glaive every time I see your North I’m just like “hell yeah, you funky little hellraiser.” She’s fucking awesome, and you’ve been hella rad too. I’ve had so much fun writing with you, I can’t wait to branch off and let Connor play with your other muses! 
@lethalxarsenal / @coffee-and-guns / @vexeddetective / @leaderawakened / @stayhuman-genevieve / @diiivinerose / @fearlessandchaotic / @creatorofclay  / @antiquexbeast :
THE CORVUS CULT!!! You guys have brought some of the best times for me, and honestly thank god this all happened when it did so we could have jackbox and hungergames simlulator nights lol. Literally just hanging out with all of you is so much fun and y’all deserve so many good things. Lea, Ely, Kam, Damien, Iron, Curly and Feli, you are all totally fucking sweet (and spicy ;D) beans and you deserve all the happiness in the world. 
HONORABLE MENTIONS!!!! These are all lovely people who I’ve been able to talk to a few times that I really hope to get to know better. You’re all awesome people and incredible writers. Keep on keeping on, and honestly come here and let me love you goddammit.
@serviant / @dogandroses / @negotiiator / @therightdirextion / @an-unlikely-duo / @zeitlosleben / @baddcop / @soulcoded / @soulstied / @bitterbadge / @deviatiions / @failedmission​
NEWBS!!!! And these are my newest mutuals!! Thank you so much for helping me reach this milestone and for giving me your time ;w; I look forward to getting to know you all and writing with you. Consider this a callout post for how cool you guys are and how excited I am to start doing stuff!!!
@h8anderson / @jericholeader / @hardboiledmillennial / @ambitiouslyruthless / @cyberlifemistake / @prettyniceguyforasynthetic​ / @hollow-pride / @ludditeexe / @enfrcrr / @talktoten 
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Peace, Love, and Moe  ~ 
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ashintheairlikesnow · 5 years
*whispers* look at me i'm gonna be greedy but can we pls have 10 more Dex facts and also 10 more Connor facts
I posted 10 Spicy Facts about Connor right here, so here are 10 more Dex facts!
CW: Discussion of a relationship that’s... pretty dubcon but also very much mutual. Look, it’s complicated.
1. Dex’s favorite meal is lobster bisque with a side salad and dry white wine. Karen isn’t a fan of soup as a main entrée but does specifically have Sebastian add it into the weekly meal plan every three months or so.
2. Prior to his relationship with Wright Farling changing, he wore generally any color that Karen wanted him to wear that day. Over time, he starts to ask for specific clothing colors/types more and more, which Karen mostly just figures is a result of his growing older and wanting to take better care with his appearance in general. He starts wearing a lot more light blue and green, colors that Wright has specifically complimented him in.
3. In his previous life, Dex was very protective of young children and was part of a peer mentorship program in high school where he did mentoring with junior high students. He was very successful at it.
4. Dex is Karen’s favorite of her Box Boys... until Henry. He is the most broken and has only ever successfully lied to her about two things - exactly how brainless he is, and how he feels about Karen’s best friend.
5. Although teenage Henry doesn’t trust him, Dex was incredibly kind to young!Henry when he first came to stay with Karen after losing his father and his brother going into the juvenile detention system. Dex would give anything to be trustworthy to Henry, but he knows he has only so much he can successfully lie to Karen about, and he has chosen Wright - who gives him personal happiness, the only happiness he ever feels. He feels guilty about this. Not guilty enough to make a difference choice.
6. Dex has documented evidence that Peter was underage when he signed the contract - and later, documented evidence that Henry was underage, too. He has hidden this in a safe place within Karen’s house. He can’t do anything with it, but he keeps it anyway... figuring if Peter or Henry is ever able to effect an escape, maybe he can help them prove that they were never legally Box Boys in the first place. 
7. Dex has never stepped foot back in the Facility since Karen brought him home. Not once. But he still has incredibly vivid nightmares about his room there and what happened when Karen had him put “on the table”. He’s not sure what really happened and what he hallucinated but he will do literally anything to avoid going back to that place.
8. He is conditioned to feel total terror and panic if he ever even THINKS about hurting Karen in any way. 
9. Wright Farling is the first person who ever responded to Dex breaking down by being kind to him about it and comforting him through it. Whether he admits to it or not, this is the point at which he started to hate Wright less.
10. When Karen isn’t home, he routinely orders Sebastian to cook vegan meals so that Peter can eat what everyone else is eating without discomfort. He and Sebastian actually get along very well, even though he knows Seb doesn’t trust him - because none of them trust him - because none of them can. 
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bugclub · 7 years
all the halloween asks pls
Bat: If you could transform into any kind of animal, what animal would you be?probably a dog so i could talk to all my best friends who are dogs Black Cat: Are you superstitious? If so, what are you superstitious about?hmm idk i wanna say yes but im not really superstitious mostly just paranoid as fuckBroomstick: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?if i had to buy a plane ticket right this second i would probably go to poland or germany or holland!!! Candy Corn: What food disgusts you the most?peanut butter is bad..mussels are bad and i have to smell them all the time at work.. i dont like milk...all bad foods. three of the #1 worst foodsCauldron: What is your favorite thing to cook?emilio and i make this mexican chicken soup (thats why he asked you if you like soup) thats really good Cobwebs: One place you would never want to get lost in in the dark?anywhere!Coffin: Are you claustrophobic?nah!Demon: What is your worst flaw?umm...at home im too mood swingy but at work im too nice and then all the bitches there are mean to me 😂Eerie: One thing that always creeps you out?men :/ adult men Fright: What is your biggest fear?men :/ adult men Ghost: If you could be reincarnated, would you come back as another human or an animal. If an animal, what kind?a human for sure, i think about reincarnation all the time and i would hate to come back as an animal quite frankly, but if i did id wanna be a dogGravestone: Ideal way you'd like to die?either quick and painlessly or id want a diagnosis that comes with a set number of months to live so i could do a bunch of cool shit before i kicked the bucket Haunted House: If you could be roommates with anyone of your choice, who would you pick?my bf is a pretty cool roomie but theres hella girls that it would be so fun to live with !! my friends at work would be so fun and technically i already live with my bf so that's my answer Hocus Pocus: What is the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard?damn idek... some of the shit ive heard about myself was pretty wild 😂 weird rumors and stuffHowel: Your favorite kind of dog?pits are my weakness....my babysJack-o'-lantern: Do you have any scars? If so, how many?hella, i have like 3-4 super visible ones and a bunch of little tiny ones, Monster: What is your favorite scary movie to watch in the dark?i barely watch movies but i love any movies based on stephen kings books and the shining of course is a banger and a classic Mummy: Would you rather be buried or cremated when you die?both. half and half Potion: What is your favorite thing to drink? Alcoholic and non alcoholic?alcoholic idek i rarely drink but i do love a good tap water Pumpkin: What is your favorite food around the holidays?i LOVE thanksgiving i have three thanksgivings one with emilios mom and she always makes the weirdest dishes but theyre all sooo good like we could be almost completely out of food and she'll make a delicious meal out of the random shit we have left and idk what she'll make this year but i already love it. emilios dad makes tamales and my dad makes all the classic white people stuff like turkey and noodles and mashed potatoes and no lie as a white person thats my favorite of all. so anyway my answer is "all foods"Scream: Easiest way to scare you?fucking jump out behind me and start barking like a dog realistically as shit word to my coworker tonySkeleton: Tell me one of your biggest secrets?my biggest secret..............idek. sorry to disappoint but i cannot think of anything that at least someone doesn't know about me Spooky: What was your last nightmare about?i dont remember. the only dream i can think about right now is this one where me and connor braniff were playing fetch with my car keys Trick or Treat: Tell me about the greatest prank you've ever pulled?cant think of any. can only think of the time me and santana took all of antonios cards out of this wallet and decorated his car with themVampire: Which one are you? Early bird or night owl?night owlWitch: If could have the power to cast any kind of spell, what kind of spell would you cast?bring back wendys spicy nuggets :(Zombie: What is one food you always overeat?that goddamned mexican soup thanks for the ask. and youre welcome for the answers. feels good to give back to the community ✊
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