#give or take; depending on the manufacturer or just the cut/style/waistline of the trouser
fingertipsmp3 · 3 months
One thing about me is I have absolutely zero concept of the size of my own body
#you know how most people when they buy trousers will probably get them with about the same length of inseam. maybe with a 2’’ difference#give or take; depending on the manufacturer or just the cut/style/waistline of the trouser#and you know how like.. most people won’t willingly buy a trouser that’s 8’’ too short for their legs unless they want cropped trousers#yeah. so tell me why the trousers (and leggings and jeans and etc) in my wardrobe range from a 28’’ inseam to 36’’#i’ll tell you why. THERE’S SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME#i know rationally that my legs are 36’’ long but i just. forget to check the length of what i’m ordering#i just think ‘oh it’ll be fine’. WILL IT. WILL IIIIT#the other day i ordered a pair of work trousers and they arrived and i tried them on and they must’ve been 26’’ long at most#it was absolutely ridiculous. at least i had the wherewithal to return them#i’ll be honest if it’s leggings or pyjamas i honestly don’t care. make them a foot too short for me it doesn’t matter anymore#i have started to go the other way when it comes to regular trousers though. i’ll be on LTS like ‘i wonder what the 38’’ would look like#on me’ girl. stop.#i either assume that i’m smaller than i am or way bigger. i’m getting really into crocheting tops and i tried to make a bra cup#tell me why it ended up as big as my head. they’re not THAT big. the xl size would’ve done just fine 😭#i need to get some perspective like badly. and a soft tape measure#personal
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fashion4english · 4 years
Fashion's Relation to History
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Just as fashion allows for personal self expression, it also represents the cultural and societal context of a time period. Silhouette, color, material, sex appeal, and accessorization can all reflect major moments and themes in history such as social movements, conflict, and wealth. 
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In the 1910′s fashion began to be less restrictive as tight corsets and layers of crinoline were left in the 1900′s. Influential designer Paul Poirot made clothing that allowed women to dress themselves, as buttoning and tightening intricate corsets often required the help of more than one person. This made clothing  straighter and less detailed than it had been in previous years. Turbans, pantaloons, and kaftans were popularized in this era. With the start of Word War I, clothing was simplified in efforts to cut costs. Dark colors and simple silhouettes became popular in the late 1910′s due to the affordability of the style. 
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Now, if you don’t know what fashion was like in the 1920′s... where have you been? As women gained more Independence and joined the work force, women's fashion took on a more androgynous look with straight, dropped waistlines and simple shift dresses. With a prosperous economy and an emphasis on pop culture and consumerism, intricate designs and simple short dresses began to marry together. Party dresses maintained their boyish structure but with added bedazzling. These dresses were made of intricate fabrics featuring geometric shapes and lots of beading (summed up in the ever popular Art Deco aesthetic). Coco Chanel was the leading designer of the time and popularized the term “little black dress.” 1920′s fashion had many sides to it and was heavily influenced by many societal factors, showing how fashion represents the historical context of its era. 
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The 1930′s are often refereed to as the “Golden Age of Glamour.” Feminine silhouettes made a reappearance as movie stars acted as fashion icons of the era. Sophisticated evening dresses worn by these movie stars were idolized and sought after. Though femininity and glamour was popular with the upper class, the stock market crash caused a demand for affordable fashion, furthering the ready to wear market. Trousers and athletic wear in particular started gaining popularity. 
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Though 1940′s fashion is not talked about much in pop culture, it was a revolutionary era. People sought affordable options after the end of World War II, so the ready to wear and manufactured markets boomed. Many High fashion and Couture designers closed their stores as many could not no longer afford hand crafted clothing. Nylon and polyester was invented, replacing expensive silks to create cheaper clothes. Many women adopted a masculine style as they entered the work force, but towards the end of the era the pre-war feminine style came back with a pow. This resurgence of corseted waistlines and structured gowns came from Christian Dior’s 1947 collection. Dior would continue to influence fashion trends for years to come. 
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The 1950′s was the era of the icons. James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, and Grace Kelley were idolized by the masses and popularized many styles of clothing. For men, blue jeans and leather jackets became all the rage. This era also saw a refinement in women's clothing. Women were expected to be proper stay at home mothers, looking perfect while they did chores and cared for their children.  Peter pan collars, solid colors, pearl necklaces and simple silhouettes were popular in this era. 
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Careful, the transition from 1950′s to 1960′s fashion may give you whiplash. Towards the middle of the 1960′s Mod fashion made its way from the UK to America. Popularized by the model Twiggy, the style consisted of bright colors and very short hemlines. Dresses were straight and boyish and pants were tight and high waisted. Graphic makeup was also popularized by twiggy and her signature eyeliner lashes. On the other side of the 60′s there was a rise in elegant fashion due to First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Her style was reminiscent of the simple silhouettes of the 50′s with added accessories and her signature pillbox hat. 
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What wasn’t popular in the 70′s? This era saw the emergence of major subcultures, like disco, hippy, glamour, and punk. The hippy style was very widespread, consisting of tie dye, bell bottom jeans, kaftans, and halter tops. This style was especially popular in the anti war counterculture brought on by the USA’s involvement with the Vietnam war. The style wasn’t adopted by everyone, however. A new wave of punk fashion was lead by Vivienne Westwood. Platform heals and sequence was popular with those interested in glamour and disco. The era also saw a vibrant style among African Americans during the uprising of Motown, soul, and reggae music. Natural hair was worn by many to counter the pin straight hair preferred by white people at the time. This summary doesn’t come even close to covering everything about 70′s fashion. It truly was a time where fashion represented the social and political context of an era. 
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The clothing of the 1980′s often elicits of two reactions: passionate adoration or complete disgust. Everything was exaggerated during this time: prints, shoulder pads, accessories, hair. Sportswear became popular as brands like Adidas and Nike opened. Women often wore power suites to work. The subcultures of the 70′s were popularized by icons of the era. Madonna carried the 70′s punk movement into the 80′s, featuring clothing like studded jackets and combat boots. Hip hop was popular during this time with baggy clothing and loud colors. Fashion was highly influenced by the stars of the era such as Madonna, Boy George and Michael Jackson.
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Wait one second... I have to pull up my 90′s Pintrest board for this one. Fashion in the 90′s depends on who you ask; Ask Micheal Kors and he’ll say that everything was simplistic and easy; Ask Dolce & Gabana and they'll say it was sexy and bedazzled; Ask Channel and they’ll say it was crisp and elegant; Ask Versace and he’ll say it was fun and loud. Among the public a simple, over sized aesthetic was favored. Plaid sets were popular (a la Clueless) and globalization lead to fashion influences from different areas of the world. Subcultures from the 70′s and 80′s continued to adopt their own forms of fashion. Though supermodels existed before the 90′s, the era marked the beginning of their idolization. Tyra Banks, Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford and Christy Turlington are a few of such models you will spot if you look back on any major fashion show from the 90′s. Kate Moss, another model from the era, popularized the Heroin Chic movement. This movement... well it’s in the name. Women just liked to look like they were on heroin. Worryingly skinny frames and heavy eye bags became all the craze with models. I better move on before i make this summary 10,000 words long... It was just such a great era for fashion!
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Similar to 80′s fashion, clothing from the 2000′s are either loved or hated. Comfort and streatwear was the driving factor of fashion. Juicy Couture was responsible for the ever popular velour tracksuits many wore during the era. Dangerously low rise jeans, feathered hair, trucker hats, and layering was all popular during the 2000′s. Stars like Gwen Stefanie and Britney Spears lead the ever evolving fashion trends of the era. 
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In conclusion, Fashion changes rapidly. It takes inspiration from itself, it has leaders who push it onward, and it represents whatever history is being made at any given point in time. It is more than a piece of clothing, it’s a snapshot in time that can be interpreted in so many different ways. No matter what is going on in an era, people find ways to express themselves through fashion. 
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