#givingme a fucking HEART ATTACK
payasita · 8 months
GOD so i hear my brother freaking out in the living room like "MANDO WHAT HAPPENED??? ARE YOU OKAY???" and i run out and there is what looks like a GIANT red gash down the dog's forehead and snout
bro goes what do we do and i direct him to hold onto mando and clean the gash off with a wet towel while i look for some neosporin but the thing is. this dog is scared of Everything. he is 55 lbs of Run From Scary Plastic Bag Noise instinct and nothing else, and so i thought hed be freaking out more, or that we'd have at least heard SOME commotion when he gouged himself. but no he's just sitting there chilling out while bro wipes gunk off his face
so i just kinda. squint. "are we sure it's blood"
bro goes "i dunno?" and so i just like. turn on some lights, and we confirm whatever it is sure does Look like it's just sitting on top of the fur. so i lean in for a sniff.
it's salsa. from my carne asada fries
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