kats-randomology · 5 years
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Was in a pony mood and a ducktales mood all at once so I combined them into one.
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twotiredfourthis · 4 years
The Mousengators
This is just a short story I wrote that I felt like sharing. This is the first time I’ve ever tried sharing something like this so please don’t judge me to harshly.
A rocket soared through the atmosphere and into the blackness of space. John switched the rocket into autopilot just as the radio crackled to life 
“Come in space astronaut John, come in”
“I’m here desk astronaut Greg,” John told his friend. 
“There seems to be an alien ship approaching earth” Greg reported 
“Can you figure out who they are?” John asked as he fed his goldfish, Mike. 
“Yeah just give me a second” The sound of typing echoed through the radio for some minutes 
“Can you type any faster Greg?” John complained impatiently. 
“Give me a break!” shouted Greg angrily, “I never learned how to type!” 
“Geez, I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to upset you” John replied. 
“Just find something else to do while you wait” retorted Greg. 
“I did, but you can only feed a goldfish so much” John complained. 
“You should feed that goldfish less. Put it on a diet” Greg grumbled. 
“What was that?” asked John. 
“The aliens are Mousengators” Greg replied. 
“Mousengators?” John questioned. 
“Yes, half mouse half alligator. They’ve come to steal the world’s supply of cheese since theirs ran out!” Greg explained. 
“If they steal all the cheese, we can’t have grilled cheese sandwiches! We can’t let them steal that cheese!” John exclaimed while sorting through his rock collection. 
“Well, that should be easy for you, after defeating the gladicorns!” Greg pointed out. 
“True, and they should be a piece of cake compared to the Monscars we took out last week” John reasoned throwing a rock at the wall of the rocket. 
“Don’t break the rocket!” Greg complained. 
“Ok, what’s the plan, Greg?” John asked expectantly. 
“I’ve programmed your rocket so it will look and smell like a giant block of cheese so the Mousengators will follow you.. hopefully.” 
“And if they don’t follow me?” John asked while clicking the ‘what-ever-Greg-programed-the-rocket-do’ button, turning the rocket into a giant block of cheese. 
“Then” replied Greg solemnly, “we go with plan B”. 
“Which is?” 
“We let you take over and see how far your improv gets us” 
“Seems like a good plan,” John said. “Why isn’t that plan A?” 
“Because this way we actually have a chance at success”. John pulled the rocket out of autopilot and sped towards the alien ships. 
“What’s the speed limit out here?” he asked. 
“There isn’t one.” Greg sighed, exasperated. 
“Really!” Cried John excitedly flying as fast as he possibly could, “This is great!” He yelled as he did a loop-d-loop. 
“I don’t know how you actually get anything done going that fast” Greg told him. 
“Practice” John replied zooming past the alien ships. “Are they following me?” He asked Greg. 
“No, you went to fast. They didn’t even see you” Greg replied.
“Oh.” John sighed sadly, “That means I have to go slower right?” 
“Yes it does, sorry”. John sighed and slowed down to the speed of a beluga whale as he turned around and headed back towards the Mousengators. 
“You can go a little faster than that John,” Greg informed him. John sped up to the speed of a peregrine falcon. 
“Is that good or can I go faster?” He asked.
“That’s perfect” Greg replied. John flew right through the throng of alien spaceships, hitting as many as he could. 
“you’ve got their attention. Now fly towards... oh dear” Greg trailed off. 
“What? Greg, what’s wrong?” John asked nervously. 
“Well... it would seem we didn’t really think plan A through” Greg sighed. 
“I thought it was a pretty solid plan. What didn’t we think through?” John flew in a random direction (that’s was not towards earth) to avoid the Mousengators who were following him. 
“I don’t know where you should lead the Mousengators now that their following you” Greg sighed.
“That means we go to plan B right?” asked John while he fidgeted with the rockets controls, giving it a small burst of speed to escape the Mousengators. 
“Yep, it does. Try not to get yourself killed John” Greg gave up all the control he had of the ship allowing his friend take over. 
“Woohoo!!!!!!” yelled John as he sped up and circled back towards the Mousengators. John flew circles around the mostly helpless aliens picking some off with his cheese guns before zooming off in a random direction. The enraged aliens followed him into the endless expanse of space. John zoomed back towards them to pick some more off, but now they were ready and shot at him with their laser guns, which are a bit more effective than cheese guns. John shot another round with his cheese guns before flying farther away and out of the reach of their laser guns. 
“John, the right-wing of the rocket has been hit” Greg reported “You need to hurry and get rid of those Mousengators, the wing won’t last much longer and then you won’t be able to return home.'' 
“Greg I see a patch of space in front of me that’s darker than everywhere else. What is it?” John asked. 
“That” Greg replied, “would be a black hole”. 
“What would happen if someone went inside it?” 
“We don’t know. The few people who have attempted it have just... disappeared” 
“So if the Mousengators somehow got in there they’d be gone?” 
“Yed, but why would they... No. Don’t you dare John” 
“I have to” John replied softly turning the rocket towards to black hole. 
“No, you don’t,” Greg countered. “We’ll think of another way. Don’t you dare fly into that black hole.” 
“I’m sorry, I have to Greg. The world needs it’s cheese” John sped towards the black hole, the Mousengators close on his tail. 
“No John don’t!” Yelled Greg trying desperately to take control of the rocket. 
“Goodbye, Greg,” John whispered as he entered the black hole. 
“No! John!!!—”
“Greg, John your grilled cheese is done!” John's mom called. John fell over into the grass, startled by the sudden interruption. He popped back up almost as soon as he fell down. 
“You ok?” asked Greg. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Come on, last one to the kitchen is a Mousengator!” John ran across the field towards the house snagging his pet rock, Mike as he went. 
“Hey wait for me!” Yelled Greg as he followed his best friend as fast as his six-year-old legs could carry him. 
De End
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kats-randomology · 6 years
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To go with Gladicorn, we have...I can’t think of a fun name combo to Liu Hai and Qilin….dang. Liu Hai as a Qilin, lookit that mane he’s a majestic a**hole. XD
Have I ever mentioned I love Chinese unicorns? Cuz I really freakin do they are SO MUCH FUN IT’S A DRAGON UNICORN GOD THAT JUST SOUNDS SO COOL--
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