#gladys mayberry
seamsmilex · 1 year
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Some more art of tjis brand new character, Gladys Mayberry.
I love the hairstyle, very tame looking. Despite the colourful dress, Gladys is rather pessimistic
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brandnulife · 9 months
Riverdale Characters Who Should've Appeared in the Final Season
Alan Mayberry
Anthony Topaz
Arthur Adams
Ms. Appleyard
Bernardo Bixby
Britta Beach
Brooke Rivers
Mrs. Burble
Charles Smith
Chief Russell
Chuck Clayton
Coach Clayton
Commandant Carter
Darla Dickenson
Diana Whitley
Dodger Dickenson
Donna Sweett
Dreyfus Starkweather
Elio Grande
Eric Jackson
FP, Glady and Jellybean Jones
Farmer McGinty
Ginger Lopez
Hermosa Lodge
Holden Honey
Howard Taylor
Janet Weiss
Jeffery and George Augustine
Jillian Drake
KO Kelly
Katy Keene
Laurie Lake
Lerman Logan
Loudres Luna
Louis Cypher
Marsha Lin
Marty Mantle
Moose and Marcus Mason
Malcolm Moore
Melody Valentine
Minerva Marble
Mad Dog
Mrs. Mulwray
Ms. Wright
Nana Topaz
Nancy Woods
Nick, Simone and Xander St. Clair
Oscar Castillo
Paul Sowerberry
Peaches 'N Cream
Penny Peabody
Ricky DeSantos
Sabrina Spellman
Samm Pansky
Sherry Winters
Sierra McCoy
Sister Woodhouse
Sweet Pea
Tina Patel
Trev Brown
Valerie Brown
Xandra Cabot
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crossed qualities in olive oil 
with Mrs. Mayberry soft, weak, obscene
one Willem poem and the women 
many owed theirs to one same priestess 
spruce hooded by sad news 
driving hooks into old 
poles, rollicking civil servant reluctant abandon 
Gladys with postcards of places
people hate us because we embody memories to 
flaunt in the way  
trousers, lovers, countries 
you licking the stone was not a happy one 
so easily folded into ten, showed little 
inclination towards either sparrow or the daily shopping 
though they rarely take 
advantage outside it says 
raining Chopin
remedied on stoop in a party store, barber,
you are a good wife
you full of youth and chocolates
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
December 9, 1898
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Gladys Hurlbut was an actress born in Dresden, a city in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York, although some sources report that she was born in Norwich, Connecticut. She began her acting career on Broadway in 1920 and appeared in seven plays through 1949. As a playwright, she wrote three plays produced on Broadway, the last of which featured Elizabeth Patterson (Lucy’s Mrs. Trumbull) and K.T. Stevens (Lucy’s Mrs. O’Brien). She also collaborated with Pulitzer Prize-winner Josh Logan and Tony-winning director George Abbott to write the books of two musicals. 
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Hurlbut’s final Broadway play was the 1949 sequel to Life With Father, titled Life With Mother, which failed to equal the phenomenal success of the original. 
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In 1951, Hurlbut did her first screen role, playing Mrs. Conger in The Mating Season. In 1953 she made her television debut on “The Chevron Theatre” in “The Worried Man.”  
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In 1954 Hurlbut worked with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz playing Mrs. Bolton in The Long, Long Trailer. 
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From 1954 to 1956 she played Mrs. Harriet Conroy for three out of four appearances on the NBC sitcom “It’s A Great Life”.  She shared the screen with Francis Bavier, Joseph Kearns, Gail Bonney, and Madge Blake. 
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In 1957, she returned to Broadway - but this time as an audience member on “I Love Lucy” in “Lucy’s Night in Town” (ILL S6;E22), first aired on March 25, 1957 and filmed on February 21, 1957. Hurlbut plays the woman at The Most Happy Fella whose purse Lucy mistakes for Ethel’s. 
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Hurlbut returned to Desilu to portray Mayberry moonshiner Clarabelle Morrison (left) in “The Andy Griffith Show” episode "Alcohol and Old Lace". Charity Grace (right) played her sister Jennifer in a story that foreshadowed the Baldwin Sisters on TV’s “The Waltons” (1972-81). The title of the episode was taken from the title of the 1939 play and 1944 Frank Capra film comedy Arsenic and Old Lace which featured two elderly sisters who poisoned people using arsenic-laced elderberry wine.  
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Her final screen role was making three appearances on Desilu’s “The Ann Sothern Show” from 1960 to 1961. She played Mrs. Gray opposite Louis Nye as her husband Delbart. In 1959, Lucille Ball guest-starred on the series as Lucy Ricardo.
Hurlbut was married to Charles DelaVergne. She died on January 25, 1988 in Woodstock, New York, at age 89. 
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ladystylestores · 4 years
US bars travellers from Brazil: Coronavirus live updates | News
  The United States has barred arrivals from Brazil, the country with the second-highest number of cases in the world after the US.
Domestic flights are due to resume in India on Monday, a day after the country confirmed a record 6,767 new cases of coronavirus. 
Children in New South Wales, Australia’s most populous state, returned to school on Monday.
More than 5.3 million people around the world have been infected with the coronavirus to date, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 344,000 people have died, while more than two million have recovered.
Here are the latest updates:
Monday, May 25
04:05 GMT – Singaporean cooks up Eid feast for migrant workers
Singaporean Dushyant Kumar, his wife and a team of chefs cooked up an Eid feast of Briyani for hundreds of migrant workers spending the festival in quarantine because of the coronavirus outbreak in the city state.
“We want to make sure they don’t get left out,” Kumar told Reuters as he prepared the food for about 600 men. “The smile on their faces gives you a lot of satisfaction.”
Singapore has some 300,000 migrant workers mainly from India, Bangladesh and China who live in crowded dormitories that have become the epicentre of the country’s coronavirus outbreak.
Kumar’s initiative was funded by public donations and an NGO. He has also been delivering 1,000 meals a day to the men who have been in strict quarantine since early April.
03:40 GMT – One million jobs lost: The price of coronavirus in Mexico
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador says the novel coronavirus could cost up to one million jobs, because many industries considered not essential remain shut.
“My prediction is that with coronavirus, a million jobs will be lost,” Lopez Obrador said in a televised speech on Sunday. He then promised the government would create two million new jobs.
Lopez Obrador’s government has repeatedly said it has the outbreak under control but has since posted record numbers for new cases and deaths. The Mexican economy was already in recession before the pandemic struck and some banks have predicted it could contract 9 percent this year. Read more here. 
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Workers at a wire harness and cable manufacturing plant in Ciudad Juarez [File: Jose Luis Gonzalez/Reuters]
03:00 GMT – COVID-19 emerges in Malaysia immigration detention centres
Malaysia’s top civil servant in the health ministry has called for medical attention and decontamination in the country’s immigration detention centres after three were found to have cases of coronavirus.
Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, who is secretary-general at the Ministry of Health, said there should ne no discrimination against non-Malaysians in dealing with the virus.
“We need to enhance the active cases detection and isolate and treat those positive cases immediately,” Dr Noor Hisham wrote on his Facebook page. “Quarantine those close contacts and decontaminate the respective centres. The virus knows no boundaries and does not favour any ethnicity and social status.”
Malaysia has carried out a series of raids on undocumented migrants during the country’s coronavirus lockdown. Health ministry data shows 115 confirmed cases across the three centres.
02:15 GMT – Japanese fashion retailer Uniqlo to start selling face masks 
Japanese retailer Uniqlo is to start selling masks in its stores to meet coronavirus demand.
The masks will be made from the same quick-drying material as its AIRism brand of underwear to help keep the wearer cool, according to the Nikkei Asian Review.
Japanese clothing brand #Uniqlo will start selling face masks this summer at its stores, as global demand surges for protection against the coronavirus. By @NAR #coronavirus #masks https://t.co/XouzFdnWMa
— Dean Napolitano (@NapolitanoDean) May 25, 2020
02:00 GMT – Japan to lift state of emergency for Tokyo
Japan is expected to lift the state of emergency in Tokyo and four other areas that are still under coronavirus restrictions.
The government will seek approval for the plan from key advisers on Monday with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe due to hold a press conference at 6pm (09:00 GMT)
Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said the capital would move to reopen libraries and museums with the state of emergency lifted and allow restaurants to open for longer. Theatres, cinemas and other venues would reopen at a later stage.
01:20 GMT – Children in NSW return to class, as parents go back to work
Chlldren of all ages across Australia’s most-populous state of New South Wales went back to class on Monday, as offices began to reopen.
NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian told the media only a “very, very small proportion” of parents had chosen to keep their children at home because of concerns about COVID-19.
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Children across New South Wales returned to their classrooms on Monday as coromavirus restrictions were eased [Joel Carrett/EPA] 
  00:00 GMT – US bans Brazil arrivals as coronavirus toll surges 
The United States said on Sunday that it was banning all travel into the US by non-citizens who have been in Brazil.
“We hope that it will be temporary, but because of the situation in Brazil, we’re going to take every step necessary to protect the American people,” National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien told CBS’s Face the Nation programme.
Brazil registered 653 deaths on Sunday and an additional 15,813 cases, bringing the total to 363,211.
Writing on Twitter, Filipe Martins, a foreign affairs adviser to President Jair Bolsonaro played down the move saying the ban was “nothing specific against Brazil” and the US was following “preciously established parameters”. 
Ao banir temporariamente a entrada de brasileiros nos EUA, o governo americano está seguindo parâmetros quantitativos previamente estabelecidos, que alcançam naturalmente um país tão populoso quanto o nosso. Não há nada específico contra o Brasil. Ignorem a histeria da imprensa.
— Filipe G. Martins (@filgmartin) May 24, 2020
Hello and welcome to Al Jazeera’s continuing coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. I’m Kate Mayberry in Kuala Lumpur.
Read all the updates from yesterday (May 24) here.
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nicepicsworld · 4 years
Coronavirus updates: Britain goes into lockdown | News
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The British government has announced strict controls on movement after 52 more deaths were reported in the country. The British move follows the imposition of strict lockdowns in France, Spain, and Italy, and slightly looser restrictions elsewhere, as Europe reels from a pandemic that the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned is accelerating. More: Nearly 16,500 people have died from COVID-19 about the world, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University. Nearly 101,000 of the 379,000 people who have been diagnosed with the disease have recovered. I'm Kate Mayberry in Kuala Lumpur with Al Jazeera's continuing coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. Here are the latest updates:
Tuesday, March 24
03:50 GMT - New Zealand prepares for Wednesday lockdown Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern urged New Zealanders on Tuesday to reduce contact with others to a bare minimum in preparation for a one-month lockdown from midnight on Wednesday. Ardern's government wants to move fast to halt the spread of the coronavirus. "Simplest thing is to stay at home ... that's how we will save lives," Ardern told a news conference in Parliament. Parliament will sit on Wednesday to impose the state of emergency and lockdown, she said. 03:20 GMT - Thailand reports two more deaths  Thailand has reported two more deaths from coronavirus, with total confirmed cases rising to 827. Thailand also reporting another two #coronavirus deaths - making 4 in total now https://t.co/7dfbxTd3Fw — Matthew Tostevin (@TostevinM) March 24, 2020 03:10 GMT - Beijing tightens quarantine rules for arrivals from overseas The Chinese capital is stepping up measures to deal with cases of coronavirus brought in by people returning from overseas. All arrivals into Beijing will now have to take a test for COVID-19 as well as complete 14 days of centralised quarantine. 03:00 GMT - Philippines confirms 39 new cases The Philippine health ministry has confirmed 39 new cases of the coronavirus, bringing the country's total to 501. The number of patients who have died from the virus is 33, while 19 have recovered, Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire told reporters. 02:30 GMT - Australia's NSW reports sharp jump in cases New South Wales, Australia's most populous state, recorded its highest daily rise in coronavirus cases on Tuesday and officials are warning of harsher penalties for anybody violating self-isolation orders. NSW identified 149 new coronavirus cases overnight, bringing the state total to 818, and the national toll to 1,886 cases. Seven people have died from the disease.  Birds take over the streets in Sydney as Australia's biggest city closes down NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the pandemic was at a "critical stage" and enforcement crucial. "We are ramping up our compliance," she told reporters in Sydney. "There are harsh penalties, and we'll enforce that. We have to take this seriously." 02:10 GMT - Thailand reports second death, cabinet to meet Thailand's cabinet is due to meet to discuss its coronavirus response after a second person died from COVID-19. The country has 721 infections. A press conference will be held at 10am (03:00 GMT), and the government will consider more measures to address the outbreak later on Tuesday. 02:05 GMT - China says only imported cases, but questions asked over reporting criteria Caixin Global, a financial news agency in China, continues to raise questions about the way in which China is counting its coronavirus cases.  It spoke to an official in Wuhan, where the disease first originated, who says those who have the virus but have no symptoms are left out of the figures. As of Sunday, Hubei province said it had zero new “confirmed cases” for four days. However, a member of a disease prevention team said Wuhan continues to find cases every day, but they’re left out of the public figures as the patients show no symptoms https://t.co/GlYbOqJKJb — Caixin Global (@caixin) March 23, 2020 01:55 GMT - South Korea cases continue downward trend More encouraging signs from South Korea. It has just reported 76 new coronavirus cases on Tuesday, the 13th day in a row that is has posted new infections of 100 or less. The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) says total infections rose to 9,037. Two more people were confirmed dead, bringing the death toll to 120. 01:40 GMT - Myanmar reports first confirmed cases of coronavirus Myanmar has reported its first confirmed cases of coronavirus. The health ministry said late on Monday that a 36-year-old travelling from the United States and 26-year-old returning from Britain, both Myanmar nationals, had tested positive. "Investigation is ongoing on history of people who have been in contact with these two patients," it said in a statement. The Southeast Asian nation shares a long and porous border with China.
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People in Yangon rushed to stock up on essentials as Myanmar announced its first two confirmed cases of coronavirus 01:35 GMT - Cuba bans all citizens from leaving Cuba is the latest country to impose a lockdown to curb the spread of the coronavirus - banning Cubans from leaving, closing schools and suspending inter-regional public transport. Last Friday, foreign tourists were barred from entering the country.  Cuba has so far confirmed 40 cases 01:30 GMT - US says Tokyo Olympics should be postponed More pressure on Japan to postpone the Summer Olympics with the US Olympic & Paralympic Committee the latest to say the 2020 game should be postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic. The committee says it surveyed some 4,000 of its athletes over the weekend and 65 percent of those who responded indicated their training had been severely affected or halted entirely due to virus-related restrictions. "It's more clear than ever that the path toward postponement is the most promising," USOPC board chair Susanne Lyons and CEO Sarah Hirshland said in a statement. 00:15 GMT - New Zealand reports 40 new cases New Zealand on Tuesday confirmed 40 new cases of coronavirus, taking the number of confirmed and possible cases in the country to 155. Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield said six people were in hospital and in stable condition. Four cases are being seen as community transmission, he said. 00:00 GMT - Astronauts in quarantine before ISS mission Two Russian cosmonauts and a US astronaut are spending their final weeks on Earth in quarantine before their April 9 mission to the International Space Station. The Expedition 63 crew will launch from Kazakhstan without the usual ceremonies to mark the occasion and will spend six months at the ISS. "We are ready to go, we are healthy, we've been tested very well with the medical teams," US astronaut Chris Cassidy said on Monday in a video from quarantine. For updates from yesterday (March 23), click here. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)}; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=;t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e); s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '320402738661210'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); Source link Read the full article
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quickberater · 5 years
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lauraramargosian · 7 years
Ron Howard to direct unnamed Hans Solo Film! Check it out!
Ron Howard to direct unnamed Hans Solo Film! Check it out!
Ron Howard has a big job in his hands and a very large audience of fans to impress with his directing skills for the new upcoming Han Solo film. But he won’t be alone, co-directors Christopher Miller and Phil Lord will be joining him on the set of the new Han Solo film.
Truth is Howard is no newbie to directing. He’s an Oscar-winning filmmaker.
Ron Howard has worked on some of our absolute favorite films and television series, which include:
Ron Howard's film and television career!
Arrested Development (TV Series)
Bit Part (uncredited)
Narrator / Ron Howard - Episode #5.1 (2018) ... Narrator - Blockheads (2013) ... Ron Howard / Narrator - Off the Hook (2013) ... Narrator (voice, uncredited) - Se?oritis (2013) ... Narrator (voice, uncredited) - It Gets Better (2013) ... Ron Howard / Narrator Show all 68 episodes 2016 The Odd Couple (TV Series) Stanley - Taffy Days (2016) ... Stanley 2016 Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal: The Movie (TV Movie) Ron Howard 2016 Nightmare Next Door (TV Series documentary) Dan Short - Money Hunger (2016) ... Dan Short 2014 Gold Peak Tea: Home-Brewed Taste (Video short) (voice) 2011 The Death and Return of Superman (Short) Max's Son 2011 From Up on Poppy Hill Philosophy Club President (English version, voice) 2009 Jamie Foxx Ft. T-Pain: Blame It (Video short) Ron Howard 2001 A Beautiful Mind Man at Governors' Ball (uncredited) 2001 Osmosis Jones Tom Colonic (voice) 2000 How the Grinch Stole Christmas Whoville Townsperson (uncredited) 1998-1999 The Simpsons (TV Series) Ron Howard - Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder (1999) ... Ron Howard (voice) - When You Dish Upon a Star (1998) ... Ron Howard (voice) 1999 Frasier (TV Series) Stephen - Good Samaritan (1999) ... Stephen (voice) 1998 Welcome to Hollywood Ron Howard 1986 Return to Mayberry (TV Movie) Opie Taylor 1974-1984 Happy Days (TV Series) Richie Cunningham / Asst. DA Cecil Cunningham - Passages: Part 2 (1984) ... Richie Cunningham - Welcome Home: Part 2 (1983) ... Richie Cunningham - Welcome Home: Part 1 (1983) ... Richie Cunningham - Ralph's Family Problem (1980) ... Richie Cunningham - The Roaring Twenties (1980) ... Richie Cunningham / Asst. DA Cecil Cunningham Show all 170 episodes 1983 When Your Lover Leaves (TV Movie) (uncredited) 1982 Night Shift Annoying Sax Player / Boy Making out with Girlfriend in Front of Chuck's Apartment (uncredited) 1980-1981 The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang (TV Series) Richie Cunningham - Give Me a Hand: Something's Afoot (1981) ... Richie Cunningham (voice) - All This and Timbuktu (1981) ... Richie Cunningham (voice) - Around the World in 80 Ways (1981) ... Richie Cunningham (voice) - Perilous Pauline (1981) ... Richie Cunningham (voice) - There's No Place Like Rome (1981) ... Richie Cunningham (voice) Show all 24 episodes 1981 Fire on the Mountain (TV Movie) Lee Mackie 1975-1981 Insight (TV Series) Joe / Connie - The Needle's Eye (1981) ... Joe - Somewhere Before (1975) ... Connie 1981 Saturday Night Live (TV Series) Contestant #2 - George Kennedy/Miles Davis (1981) ... Contestant #2 (uncredited) 1981 Bitter Harvest (TV Movie) Ned De Vries 1980 Act of Love (TV Movie) Leon Cybulkowski 1976-1979 Laverne & Shirley (TV Series) Richie Cunningham - Shotgun Wedding: Part 2 (1979) ... Richie Cunningham - Excuse Me, May I Cut In? (1976) ... Richie Cunningham 1979 More American Graffiti Steve Bolander 1977 Grand Theft Auto Sam Freeman 1977 I'm a Fool (TV Movie) Andy 1976 The Shootist Gillom Rogers 1976 Eat My Dust Hoover Niebold 1976 The First Nudie Musical Auditioning actor (uncredited) 1975 Huckleberry Finn (TV Movie) Huckleberry Finn 1967-1975 Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color (TV Series) Chris / Virgil / Nuthin / ... - Wild Country: Part 2 (1975) ... Virgil (as Ronny Howard) - Smoke: Part 2 (1970) ... Chris (as Ronny Howard) - Smoke: Part 1 (1970) ... Chris (as Ronny Howard) - A Boy Called Nuthin': Part 2 (1967) ... Nuthin (as Ronny Howard) - A Boy Called Nuthin': Part 1 (1967) ... Richie 'Nuthin'' Caldwell (as Ronny Howard) 1974 Locusts (TV Movie) Donny Fletcher 1974 The Spikes Gang Les 1974 The Migrants (TV Movie) Lyle Barlow 1974 The Waltons (TV Series) Seth Turner - The Gift (1974) ... Seth Turner 1973 Happy Mother's Day, Love George Johnny Hanson 1973 American Graffiti Steve (as Ronny Howard) 1973 M*A*S*H (TV Series) Wendell - Sometimes You Hear the Bullet (1973) ... Wendell (as Ronny Howard) 1970-1972 Bonanza (TV Series) Ted Hoag / Young boy with Griffin (son) - The Initiation (1972) ... Ted Hoag (as Ronny Howard) - A Matter of Circumstance (1970) ... Young boy with Griffin (son) 1971-1972 The Smith Family (TV Series) Bob Smith - Father-In-Law (1972) ... Bob Smith - Homecoming (1972) ... Bob Smith - Ten O'Clock and All Is Well (1972) ... Bob Smith - Rogue Cop (1972) ... Bob Smith - My Mother, the Star (1972) ... Bob Smith Show all 39 episodes 1972 The Bold Ones: The New Doctors (TV Series) Cory Merlino - Discovery at Fourteen (1972) ... Cory Merlino (as Ronny Howard) 1972 Love, American Style (TV Series) Richie Cunningham (segment "Love and Happy Days") - Love and the Happy Days/Love and the Newscasters (1972) ... Richie Cunningham (segment "Love and Happy Days") (as Ronny Howard) 1970 The Wild Country Virgil Tanner (as Ronny Howard) 1970 Lassie (TV Series) Gary - Here Comes Glory!: Part 2 (1970) ... Gary (as Ronny Howard) - Here Comes Glory!: Part 1 (1970) ... Gary (as Ronny Howard) 1970 Headmaster (TV Series) Tony Landis - Will the Real Mother of Tony Landis Please Stand Up? (1970) ... Tony Landis 1970 Smoke (TV Movie) Chris (as Ronny Howard) 1969 Gunsmoke (TV Series) Jamie Barker - Charlie Noon (1969) ... Jamie Barker (as Ronny Howard) 1967-1969 Gentle Ben (TV Series) Jerry / Jody Cutler - The Bully (1969) ... Jerry (as Ronny Howard) - Green-Eyed Bear (1967) ... Jody Cutler (as Ronny Howard) 1968-1969 Lancer (TV Series) Turk Caudle / Willy - The Measure of a Man (1969) ... Turk Caudle (as Ronny Howard) - Jelly (1968) ... Willy (as Ronny Howard) 1969 Daniel Boone (TV Series) Luke - A Man Before His Time (1969) ... Luke (as Ronny Howard) 1969 Land of the Giants (TV Series) Jodar - Genius at Work (1969) ... Jodar (as Ronny Howard) 1969 Judd for the Defense (TV Series) Phil Beeton - Between the Dark and the Daylight (1969) ... Phil Beeton (as Ronny Howard) 1968 The F.B.I. (TV Series) Jess Orkin - The Runaways (1968) ... Jess Orkin (as Ronny Howard) 1968 Mayberry R.F.D. (TV Series) Opie Taylor - Andy and Helen Get Married (1968) ... Opie Taylor (as Ronny Howard) 1960-1968 The Andy Griffith Show (TV Series) Opie Taylor - Mayberry R.F.D. (1968) ... Opie Taylor (as Ronny Howard, credit only) - A Girl for Goober (1968) ... Opie Taylor (as Ronny Howard) - Opie and Mike (1968) ... Opie Taylor (as Ronny Howard) - Sam for Town Council (1968) ... Opie Taylor (as Ronny Howard) - Emmett's Anniversary (1968) ... Opie Taylor (as Ronny Howard) Show all 224 episodes 1966-1968 Gomer Pyle: USMC (TV Series) Opie Taylor - Gomer Goes Home (1968) ... Opie Taylor (uncredited) - Opie Joins the Marines (1966) ... Opie Taylor (as Ronny Howard) 1967 The Monroes (TV Series) Timothy Prescott - Teaching the Tiger to Purr (1967) ... Timothy Prescott (as Ronny Howard) 1966 I Spy (TV Series) Alan Loden - Little Boy Lost (1966) ... Alan Loden (as Ronnie Howard) 1965 The Big Valley (TV Series) Tommy - Night of the Wolf (1965) ... Tommy (as Ronny Howard) 1965 Village of the Giants Genius (as Ronny Howard) 1964 The Fugitive (TV Series) Gus - Cry Uncle (1964) ... Gus (as Ronny Howard) 1964 Valentine's Day (TV Series) Jack - The Old School Tie (1964) ... Jack (as Ronny Howard) 1964 Dr. Kildare (TV Series) Jerry Prentice - A Candle in the Window (1964) ... Jerry Prentice (as Ronny Howard) 1964 The Great Adventure (TV Series) Daniel Waterhouse - Plague (1964) ... Daniel Waterhouse (as Ronny Howard) 1963 The Eleventh Hour (TV Series) Barry Stewart - Is Mr. Martian Coming Back? (1963) ... Barry Stewart (as Ronny Howard) 1963 The Courtship of Eddie's Father Eddie Corbett (as Ronny Howard) 1962 Route 66 (TV Series) Chet Duncan - Poor Little Kangaroo Rat (1962) ... Chet Duncan (as Ronny Howard) 1962 The Music Man Winthrop Paroo (as Ronny Howard) 1962 The New Breed (TV Series) Tommy Simms - So Dark the Night (1962) ... Tommy Simms (as Ronny Howard) 1959-1961 General Electric Theater (TV Series) Randy / Barnaby Baxter - Tippy-Top (1961) ... Randy (as Ronny Howard) - Mr. O'Malley (1959) ... Barnaby Baxter (as Ronny Howard) 1961 Five Minutes to Live Bobby Wilson (as Ronnie Howard) 1959-1961 The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis (TV Series) Little Boy with Ray Gun / Little Boy Eating Candy Bar / Dan Adams / ... - Take Me to Your Leader (1961) ... Little Boy with Ray Gun (as Ronnie Howard) - Where There's a Will (1960) ... Little Boy Eating Candy Bar (as Ronny Howard) - Room at the Bottom (1960) ... Dan Adams (as Ronny Howard) - Dobie's Birthday Party (1959) ... Georgie (as Ronny Howard) 1960 Pete and Gladys (TV Series) Tommy - The Goat Story (1960) ... Tommy 1960 Cheyenne (TV Series) Timmy - Counterfeit Gun (1960) ... Timmy (uncredited) 1959-1960 Dennis the Menace (TV Series) Stewart - Dennis by Proxy (1960) ... Stewart (as Ronny Howard) - The Party Line (1960) ... Stewart (uncredited) - Mr. Wilson's Sister (1960) ... Stewart (uncredited) - Dennis Haunts a House (1960) ... Stewart (as Ronny Howard) - The Fishing Trip (1959) ... Stewart (as Ronny Howard) Show all 6 episodes 1960 The Red Skelton Hour (TV Series) Joey - Episode #9.25 (1960) ... Joey 1960 Make Room for Daddy (TV Series) Opie Taylor - Danny Meets Andy Griffith (1960) ... Opie Taylor (as Ronny Howard) 1959 Hennesey (TV Series) Walker - The Baby Sitter (1959) ... Walker 1959 The DuPont Show with June Allyson (TV Series) Wim Wegless Child Lost (1959) ... Wim Wegless (as Ronny Howard) 1959 The Twilight Zone (TV Series) Wilcox Boy - Walking Distance (1959) ... Wilcox Boy (as Ronnie Howard) 1959 Johnny Ringo (TV Series) Ricky Parrott - The Accused (1959) ... Ricky Parrott (uncredited) 1959 Five Fingers (TV Series) - Station Break (1959) ... (as Ronny Howard) 1959 Playhouse 90 (TV Series) - Dark December (1959) ... (as Ronny Howard) 1959 The Journey Billy Rhinelander (as Ronny Howard) 1956 Frontier Woman
Ron Howard has worked on some of our favorite film and television series.
That’s quite the list of successful productions, don’t you think? Lucasfilm made the perfect decision to hire Ron Howard to direct the Han Solo film. They said:
“At Lucasfilm, we believe the highest goal of each film is to delight, carrying forward the spirit of the saga that George Lucas began forty years ago,” Kathleen Kennedy stated. “With that in mind, we are thrilled to announce that Ron Howard will step in to direct the untitled Han Solo film. We have a wonderful script, an incredible cast and crew and the absolute commitment to make a great movie. Filming will resume the 10th of July.”
[ Did Harry Styles Audition to be in the New Star Wars Film? ]
Ron Howard is excited to be taking part I the film and feels that the gig was “a little opportunity that came my way.” He said:
“I’ve been around the Star Wars universe from the beginning,” he said (via Deadline). “When I was being directed by George Lucas on American Graffiti in 1972, we were standing out in front of Mel’s Drive-In in San Francisco where we were shooting and I said, ‘Do you know what you think your next film might be?’ And he said, ‘Yeah, I want to do a science fiction movie, but a really fun one like Flash Gordon with the effects of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001.’ I thought, ‘That sounds like a kind of crazy idea.’”
Who else is excited to see the new untitled Hans Solo movie? Let us know in the comments below. And don’t forget to subscribe to our positive celebrity gossip magazine!
Blessed be.
  The post Ron Howard to direct unnamed Hans Solo Film! Check it out! appeared first on Celebrity News | Positive Celebrity Gossip | Laurara Monique.
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seamsmilex · 1 year
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60s inspired character. Her name is Gladys Mayberry!
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
September 13, 1912
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Reta M. Shaw was born in South Paris, Maine, on September 13, 1912. Her father was an orchestra leader. Shaw's younger sister was actress Marguerite Shaw. The daughter and granddaughter of women who believed in spiritualism, Shaw reportedly once told a newspaper interviewer that she had been "brought up on a ouija board." She was a graduate of the Leland Powers School of the Theater in Boston, Massachusetts.
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Shaw's first credited appearance on the Broadway stage was in 1947's It Takes Two. She appeared in as Mabel in the original production of The Pajama Game in 1954 (above), recreating her role in the 1957 film, as well the Broadway production of Picnic, which she also did on film in 1955.  
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She is probably best known for her role as housekeeper Mrs. Brill in the blockbuster Disney classic Mary Poppins (1964). 
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Shaw made her TV debut with an episode of the anthology series “Armstrong Circle Theatre” in December 1952.  
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In 1958, Shaw was hired by Desilu to play the recurring role of Flora McCauly on “The Ann Sothern Show”.  Shaw did eight episodes in 1958 and 1959. Desi Arnaz was the Executive Producer and Lucille Ball guest-starred on the series as Lucy Ricardo in 1959. Shaw would later perform opposite Ann Sothern on “The Lucy Show”. 
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In October 1961, Shaw did a guest spot on “Pete and Gladys” a spin-off of Desilu’s “December Bride.”  Coincidentally, she shared the screen with Gale Gordon as Uncle Paul. 
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Also in 1961, Shaw returned to Desilu’s “The Real McCoys” a series she first did in 1957. The show featured Richard Crenna, who played Arthur Morton in “The Young Fans” (ILL S1;E20) and was a regular on “Our Miss Brooks.” 
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Shaw first collaborated with Lucille Ball in 1962 with “Lucy Misplaces $2,000″ (TLS S1;E4). Shaw played a girthy grandma attending a carnival with her granddaughter. 
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Shaw (whose character is un-named) also happens to be sitting on one of Lucy’s lost $500 bills!  Shaw’s imposing frame was definitely a factor in her casting. This was her first encounter with Lucy, but not her last. 
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In December 1962, Shaw was back on the Desilu lot to play Big Maude Tyler, an escaped convict on “The Andy Griffith Show.”  The role was quite a departure for Shaw. Two years later Shaw was back in Mayberry as Eleanora Poltice, a character more in keeping with Shaw’s usual casting. 
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Also in 1962, Shaw made her first appearance on “My Three Sons” (filmed on the Desilu lot) opposite William Frawley as Bub. The next time she did the show was the vert first appearance of William Demarest as Uncle Charley.  
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Shaw was back on “The Lucy Show” (with Byron Foulger as her henpecked husband) as Dora Dunbar in “My Fair Lucy” (TLS S3;E20), a parody of the blockbuster film My Fair Lady. Coincidentally, in 1964 Reta Shaw starred in another blockbuster, Oscar-nominated film musical, Mary Poppins. 
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A good sport, Shaw ends the episode with a glass of punch poured down her dress by the Countess (played by her former co-star Ann Sothern) and a rebellion by her husband Fred! “Oh, shut up, Doris!”  Once again cast for her size, The Countess calls Dora “fat lady”. 
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In December 1965 Shaw did a single episode of “The Dick Van Dyke Show” (filmed on the Desilu lot). Coincidentally, she shared the episode with Jerry Hausner, who played Jerry the Agent on “I Love Lucy.”
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Shaw makes a third appearance on "The Lucy Show” when “Lucy Goes To A Hollywood Premiere” (TLS S4;E20) in 1966.  Shaw plays Mrs. Foley, a neighbor of Lucy’s about to move back to Iowa and give up her lucrative stand selling maps to the star’s homes, a job she’s had for 15 years. Lucy takes over and makes a terrible mess of things. 
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In 1967, Shaw was reunited with Byron Foulger, who played her henpecked husband Fred on “My Fair Lucy,” for an episode of the short-lived “The Danny Thomas Hour” filmed at Desilu Studios. 
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On “Here’s Lucy,” Shaw first played Mabel Ryker in “Lucy, the Process Server” (HL S1;E3). Here Shaw uses the same first name she had in The Pajama Game on stage and screen, Mabel. Shaw was also cast in one of the new series’ first few episodes, just like she was on “The Lucy Show.” 
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Mrs. Ryker is the elusive woman to whom Lucy must serve her first summons. This episode was seen just two days after the third episode of...
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“The Ghost and Mrs. Muir” starring Shaw as housekeeper Martha Grant. The show (based on the film of the same name) ran for two seasons on NBC, from 1968 to 1970. Although unrelated to Lucy or Desilu, Shaw performed alongside many “Lucy” cast members. 
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Another non-Desilu show on which Shaw often appeared was “Bewitched”.  She did a total of four appearances over the entire run of the sitcom: in 1964 and 1965 as Bertha, and in 1966 and 1972 as Aunt Hagatha. All but one episode was directed by former “I Love Lucy” director William Asher. In one episode she appeared opposite Madge Blake (above) who did two episodes of “I Love Lucy” and one of “The Lucy Show.”    
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In “Lucy and the Group Encounter” (HL S5;E14) in 1972, Shaw played Rita Forrester, the owner of Forrester Publications, a client of Carter’s Unique Employment Agency. The name was actually a form of her real-life married name, Reta Forester. Shaw married only once, to actor William Forester in 1952. They were both in the film of The Pajama Game. They divorced ten years later and had one daughter, Kathryn Anne Forester.
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When a pencil starts to roll off the desk, Reta Shaw tries to grab it before it hits the ground, but is unsuccessful. A consummate professional, Shaw continues the scene as if it never happened! 
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Shaw’s final appearance opposite Lucille Ball was as Mrs. Witherspoon in “Lucy’s Tenant” (HL S6;E7) in 1973. Witherspoon is the first to respond to Lucy’s ad to rent a room now that Kim has moved out.  While the credits list her as MISS Witherspoon, Lucy addresses her as MRS. Witherspoon. Shaw enters with Lucille Ball early in the episode, so she benefits from Ball’s enthusiastic entrance applause.  
MRS. WITHERSPOON: “I don’t approve of men, loud music, alcohol, and...um...whoop-de-doing.”  LUCY CARTER: “Well, we might ‘woop’ once in a while, but there’s very little ‘de-doing’!” 
Lucy ends up renting the room to the equally undesirable Kermit Boswell (Jackie Coogan). 
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Shaw’s final screen appearance was in the Disney film Escape to Witch Mountain in 1975. She died in 1982 at age 69.
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
August 29, 1906
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Lurene Tuttle was born in Pleasant Lake, Indiana into a family with strong ties to entertainment. Her father had been a performer in minstrel shows and her grandfather managed an opera house and taught drama. Lurene discovered acting after moving with her family to Glendale, Arizona. After her family moved to Southern California, Tuttle appeared in productions at the Pasadena Playhouse, then joined the vaudeville troupe. By the Great Depression, Tuttle put her vocal versatility to work in radio, and within a decade, she became an in-demand actress in the medium often appearing in 15 shows per week. She became known as the "First Lady of Radio". 
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In radio, Lurene’s best known part was as Effie, Sam Spade’s girl-Friday on “The Adventures of Sam Spade” opposite Howard Duff. “Lucy” performer Sandra Gould (Nancy Johnson in “Oil Wells”) played the ‘new secretary’ while Tuttle was on vacation in June 1948.  When Duff played himself on a 1959 episode of “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” (along with his real-life wife, Ida Lupino), Duff mentioned the radio series. When Duff left the series in 1950, Tuttle stayed on with Stephen Dunne playing Spade. 
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Dunne had starred in “Danger, Dr. Danfield” heard on ABC radio from 1946 to 1947. Dunne had a small role in Lucille Ball’s Miss Grant Takes Richmond (1949) and was in several episodes of the short-lived TV series “My Favorite Husband” based on Lucille Ball’s radio show. Busy Lurene Tuttle was also in “Danger, Dr. Danfield”.  Is this where they got the name for the fictional New York suburb where Lucy Carmichael lived?  
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Lurene Tuttle was cast on “I Love Lucy” as the outgoing president of The Wednesday Afternoon Fine Arts League in “The Club Election” (ILL S2;E19) in 1953.  
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On film she played the brief part of the sheriff's wife Mrs. Chambers in Alfred Hitchcock's horror classic Psycho (1960). 
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That same year she played her only leading role on film in the low budget movie Ma Barker’s Killer Brood (1960), about the real-life Kate Barker (1873-1975), mother of several ruthless criminals during the 1930s.  The film also featured “Lucy” actors Tristram Coffin (Harry Munson) and Paul Dubov.  Barker was mentioned in  “Lucy and the Great Bank Robbery” (TLS S3;E5) and “Lucy Puts Main Street on the Map” (TLS S5;E18). Ma Barker was parodied as Ma Parker in a 1970 episode of “Here’s Lucy” starring Carole Cook. 
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Tuttle went on to appear with Lucy in the 1960 film Critic’s Choice. She plays one of the actors in Sisters Three, the play written by Lucy’s character, Angela Ballantine. 
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From 1957 to 1964 Tuttle played three different characters on “The Danny Thomas Show,” filmed on the Desilu lot, one with Lucy’s pal Mary Wickes. The Williams Family of “The Danny Thomas Show” moved into the Ricardo home in a 1958 cross-over episode of “The Lucy-Comedy Hour”.  
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Tuttle has the distinction of being the only actor to play four different defendants on “Perry Mason” (1957-66). She played two other characters as well, for a total of six appearances. 
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Staying on the Desilu backlot in 1960 and 1964 she did two episodes (as different citizens of Mayberry) on “The Andy Griffith Show.”  
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In 1964 she was also on the Desilu lot for an episode of the short-lived “My Living Doll” starring Julie Newmar and Bob Cummings. Tuttle had done two episodes of “The Bob Cummings Show” in 1956. 
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Also in 1960 (and 1961) she did two episodes of Desilu’s “The Ann Sothern Show”. To kick off the show’s second season in October 1959, Lucille Ball played Lucy Ricardo on a cross-over episode. Desi Arnaz was Executive Producer of the series. 
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In 1961 she did two episodes of “Pete and Gladys” as Mrs. Slocum. The series was a spin-off of Desilu’s “December Bride” starring Verna Felton and Harry Morgan. 
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She was nominated for an Emmy for her role of Hannah Yarby on “Julia” (1968-70) starring Diahann Carroll. 
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She has two stars on Hollywood Boulevard; one for radio and one for television. 
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In 1928 Tuttle married actor Melville Ruick (above), and had a daughter. Tuttle and Ruick divorced in 1945. In 1950 she married engineer Frederick W. Cole. She sued him for divorce in 1956. Tuttle’s daughter, Barbara, died in 1974.
Lurene Tuttle died from cancer May 28, 1986. Her Sam Spade radio co-star Howard Duff, delivered her eulogy:
“She could just take hold of a part and do something with it...I think she never met a part she didn't like. She just loved to work; she loved to act. She's a woman who was born to do what she was doing and loved every minute of it.”
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