#glamour kitty😂
hxllblazer-a2 · 1 year
What does magic kitty meowpheus smell/taste/feel like? 😂
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This can actually extend to anything from the Dreaming funny enough:
From creature to creature, there’s this annoying sense of familiarity and nostalgia that nudges at the back of his head. Glimmers and glamours can’t really be seen through when the thing in question is shaped by the very idea you hold in your head, so it’s harder for him to naturally perceive these beings if they walk among him. He can sense that you’re definitely something because logically he knows he shouldn't know you despite feeling like he does, but he’s not too sure what.
Take the fluffiest black void as example: the nostalgia lingers in long forgotten feelings of when he’d wake up from decent and nice dreams that left him warm and hoping like when he was a child just wanting his father to be better or even in his adult years where the rare dream of a peaceful life would leave him longing.
(If he ever found out, he’d swear up and down that he was pretty sure there was never a cat in those dreams but Little Does He Know--)
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fatestouch · 1 year
🎰 This is one of my favorite things 😂
Crackship Roulette Time!! | Not Accepting!
Draco and Crème (awww I could see them being cute together! Draco would think Crème is really pretty and tell them to their face Often)
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"Sorry, I'm, um... not really good with people or talking and stuff... but! I, er... wanted to tell you that you're... um, really really pretty. S-sorry if that was weird! You can ignore me or something if it was..."
2. Romulus and Jasper (They could bond over the fact that they like animals way more than people! Plus Rome is just a giant kitty, so)
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"There you go, atta girl... eat up." Rome smiled as he watched the tiny black kitten dig into what was probably her first meal in days. Though--glamoured as they were--one of his ears twitched when he heard someone approaching. "Ah... sorry if I'm blocking the footpath. Can't exactly just interrupt her meal to move her, y'know?"
3. Killian and Kaede (Hmmm I'm not sure about this one! Idk how Killian would feel about him and his thing for humans, since Kii Hates them shgdsjf)
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"Despite your... interest, I can't exactly fault someone for their passions. On some level I would even can even respect it." He shrugged. "Though, the smell of blood and death around you if stronger than I'm used to... and trust me, that's saying something."
4. Mercury and Miyasaki (Hilarious thought of Merry just being Around the Nakamura Group for whatever reason and Miyasaki just going "wtf who's child is this???")
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"Lost? Oh no, I'm fine. I just have work to do." Oh, he'd caught the attention of a mortal. "Yakuza", if Merry remembered correctly, from his lessons. A good thing his wings were hidden, or that would be... interesting to explain. "Sorry if I'm intruding. Once I find my target, I'll head home." His target to deliver a missive, he means.
5. Rene and Claude (Another hilarious one because Claude has a face and personality that would piss Rene off IMMEDIATELY, which means i Fully encourage interactions with them)
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"...Can I help you?" He all but scowls at the stranger before him, feeling his skin craw from just being in proximity. Maybe it was that he was a vampire, or maybe it was just his vibe... there was something there Rene wasn't okay with. "If I've got nothin' for you, kindly fuck off. Thanks."
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