melancholeyes · 6 years
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@glaukastroma has me fUCKED UP with Blite lately
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vlakodis-blog · 5 years
〝 My Diamond‪﹗‬〞
‪with a renewed boldness and as brassy as ever, spinel couldn’t help but crawl to coil herself tightly around white diamond’s monochrome wrist, like a snake. or a long-lost bracelet newly found and kept close by. ‬
‪even if her connection to pink had diminished, spinel was THRILLED to shreds to be ooh’ed and ahh’ed over by the remaining three leaders. ‬
‪their coddling and holding her close made her feel so spoiled. and it was the best feeling in the entire world.‬
〝 I JUST want you to know that I‪’m going to do WHATEVER I can to make you happy﹗May not’ve worked before, but I haven’t changed﹗Seeeee‬﹖‪﹗‬〞
a fit of giggling bursting forth, spinel tumbled her way back to white’s palm and danced an improvised routine like nobody was watching. and she didn’t stop----- she was too giddy. too EXCITED for this second chance to love and be loved. and she wouldn’t have traded it for anything her past could have offered her.
*☽ ・゚✧ @glaukastroma / one liners that aren’t one liners sc.
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“hey -- white. can i.. can i talk to you for a second?” 
despite having (hopefully) started to change things for the better amongst gem-kind.. and white’s personality having a bit of a face-lift, steven couldn’t help but feel.. slightly intimidated by her -- could you blame him? he was a speck in her vision, after all. still --- he had some plans.. some ideas and thoughts he’d like to share. the earth might be safe.. but he couldn’t stop there. how could he, knowing the influence he’d suddenly gained? 
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spincl · 5 years
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           ❝ where are we goin’ today, white diamond ? ❞
    she’s on her shoulder, an arm extended all the way to poke her cheek -- just     enough to grab attention on her. she takes the time just on to the lap of the     largest gem so that she had the full attention.
          ❝ i wanna go somewhere new ! i wanna have some fun ! ❞
                          𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, @glaukastroma !
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gildedjustice · 5 years
toe diversity
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I do not have toes, your Radiance-
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journalsauthored · 6 years
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“ You may keep the ‘cake’. ”
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“ I require your planet. ”
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“No. Now please go away.”
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rosecracked · 6 years
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“WHITE DIAMOND has more important things to attend to.” 
                                                                “Therefore, I will be here to                                                                           observe in her place”
                                   “Welcome to Era Three!”                         
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herclarity · 5 years
@glaukastroma​ said: “ 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚞𝚕. ”
   HIGH REGARD FROM SUCH A CLARITY !     an epitome of pure blinding 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏,                        a mirroring radiance illuminates a twinning form.          a sculpted form sharpens,           ever present etchings of a 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒎 widen. 
                      ‘      my,         my.       such flattery,     and from such a 𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 source.      ’  
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𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑠 .
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saltygempearl · 6 years
It had been several thousand years since Pearl stood in White Diamond’s presence. That alone would have been enough to make her nervous about a summons like this, but in this case, it was the least of her problems. White Diamond sent her personally to be Pink Diamond’s Pearl. She was supposed to ensure the youngest Diamond didn’t “partake of any behavior unbecoming of an Authority Gem.” 
Obviously, that didn’t work out.
She tried of course, but as a Pearl, she also had a duty to make her master happy. And after a couple thousand years of failing to do that, she’d admittedly gotten a bit desperate. Things only escalated from there—not that White Diamond would see any of this as a valid excuse, or even explanation. 
Pearl took one last nervous glance at her escort, White’s current Pearl, and wondered for the hundredth time since returning to this planet: what happened to her? She knew what White was capable of, but she couldn’t begin to fathom why a Diamond would do that to one of her own Pearls. And more importantly, any transgression this Pearl might have committed surely couldn’t begin to compare to what she herself did. So what was going to happen to her?
At last, Pearl stood in a familiar brilliant white room, speechless in the presence of her former owner. White’s Pearl vanished into the wall, leaving her wondering in the world she was supposed to say next. Actually, she wasn’t supposed to say anything, was she? After a second or two of agonizing silence, Pearl did the only thing she could think of.
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The Diamond salute, once second nature to her, felt strange and foreign to her arms as they moved up into postion. With her gaze still locked on Gem towering above her, the whole thing felt uncomfortably familiar. It felt wrong.
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revoltwithlcve · 6 years
Fuse with me!
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Light Pink Diamond
- personality of the fusion
Light Pink Diamond first came into existence as a monstrous fusion, limbs jutting out of each joint and cracks appearing all over her form. She was a fusion born from an internal clash, thus she showed no emotion nor behavior besides RAGE and PAIN, until collapsing as the two gems that composed her used her form to communicate more clearly with one another. Initially, Light Pink Diamond wasn’t intended to exist for very long, if at all after the conflict comes to a resolution, but should White and Rose fuse once more in the future, Light Pink would then have the chance to properly emerge, in a far more humanoid appearance.
She is a fusion of few words, very stoic and overall fairly expressionless, preferring to observe rather than interact. However she is far more gentle thanks to Rose’s compassion, and she has highly advanced healing capabilities. As great her healing abilities are however, Light Pink is incredibly powerful and White’s destructive aura has also been greatly enhanced. The chances of these planet-shattering abilities ever coming to light are very slim however, as Light Pink leans more towards pacifism in her actions.
- stability of fusion
Light Pink Diamond does not last for very long, as often times Rose and White’s polar opposite personalities conflict and cause her form to split. Rose is also very quick to flee from this fusion at the slightest sense of discomfort due to her deep-rooted mistrust in White, and if faced with an instance of feeling exposed Light Pink will instantly unfuse in Rose’s attempt to shield her weaknesses from White.
In other words, Light Pink is a fusion that is formed on VERY rare occasions, and often out of necessity.
- height of the fusion (in comparison to other characters)
Very tall, easily twice the height of either Blue or Yellow.
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cordiforms--a · 6 years
why  are  all  beginnings  tinged  in  sadness?     a  new  lunar  cycle,   the  call  of  a  lark  in  a  still-waking  meadow,   the  intense  compression  of  energy  and  interstellar  gas  that  births  stars  —     these  are  all  moments  of  such  promise,   such  seeming  joy,  unanimously  colored  with  a  sweet  and  nameless  sorrow. there  is  a  shoal  in  a  sea  of  light,  and  then  there  is  you. and  like  all  things,  you  occur  with  a  heavy  heart. where  am  i?    you  already  know  that.     what  am  i?   you  already  know  that  too. but  why—  there  is  only  one  horizon.   your  eyes  find  her  immediately.   you  think  you  should  be  relieved. oh.   you're  thinking.       ❛   oh  —   ❜       oh.   you're  talking. you  find  your  certainty  in  the  horizon.   she  offers  you  a  cruel  and  dreamy  smile. you're supposed  to  trust  her. ❛   my  diamond.   ❜       your  knee  bends.   what  you  now  understand  to  be  your  body  kneels  in  the  milky  basin  of  its  shoal.   this  response  is  innate,  like  an  organic  using  its  first  breath  to  scream  bloody  murder.       ❛   thank  you.   ❜       you  aren't  sure  why  your  mouth  says  this,  but  you  suppose  it  must  be  right.
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melancholeyes · 5 years
knock knock ur a thot
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daintblue · 6 years
i think ur portrayal is awful. u should stop RPing like. Worst Yellow Pearl blog I've ever seen tbh ur not even using icons of the right character what even are u doin kys
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oh shit...i’m sorry for disappointing you daddy...will never happen again...
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“ you have this nauseating charm everyone else around here seems to respond to. ”
scrubs starters || x
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“oh — yeah, i guess i can see that.” 
it wasn’t the first time steven had been told he had a sort of charm to him. connie had once joked he had a sort of maternal miasma, which just made everybody around him want to adopt him or protect him. it might take some time, but.. it won everybody over in the end. 
“i just like to think of it as positive energy! if you’re kind to people, even if they’re mean back at first, you can win them over eventually.. it’s how i won over most of my friends!”
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triangularus · 6 years
glaukastroma replied to your post: glaukastroma replied to your post “    I HATE ALL...
//Damn like, I can’t even. Called me and White out there fuck bro
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gildedjustice · 6 years
"Only I may T-Pose. Sit in the corner and allow me to dominate you with it."
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“No. Don’t make me get the bees out, bitch. I’ve got girlfriends to impress. Adios.”
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