#gldnhour: noah
midnightscxre · 1 year
💕 for any of our muse pairings
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Through the waves of time, people's cravings for purpose summed in some made up holiday didn't change, only the types of traditions, purpose on this fabricated ' special days ' marked on calendars and uncreative names did. However, something about Valentine's day tickled the hardened man under the ribs, observing this humorous holiday awoke some type of curiosity but in the same time reminded him how the creatures of his kind view mortals as ant colonies, programed to follow the masses no matter what, starving for some imaginary sense of belonging. Furthermore, the concept of this ' hearts and rainbows , love is in the air for everyone ' seemed even more preposterous than just embracing it as a scram plotted by flower shop, chocolate and teddy bear factory. Even Marcellus, a heartless monster, was able to process one simple thing - If you adore, sense passion and love towards someone, why count 365 days each year to show it in some grand, unique, enviable way ? To buy the biggest bouquet of roses, to snatch the fluffiest bear that holds the heart with their initials sewed in it from Target's shelf, to book a fancy table in some prestigious restaurant where food portions are a size of a half a slice of bread but they charge half of your monthly rent for the exotic name of the dish you can't even pronounce. And above all, not the rose, not the food, not even the bear will survive for long nor have any useful purpose in the long run. It was all meaningless, waste of their expendable cord of life.
Did it for the memory? What is the use of one if the other days with your ' so loved one ' are grey, forgetful and negligible. Marcellus was. . . surprised this, well not friendship but relationship with no specific label, survived for this long. Due to his nature, do to her own, the elephant like difference between two worlds, and this was no Twilight movie, which Marcellus was quite fond of -- because he never laughed so hard at  a movie yet. A divine comedy, sparkling vampires babysitting humans while werewolves growl on the boarders they are afraid to cross. He respected fiction, gift of imagination, but this -- was abnormally stupid.
When she asked the question, puzzlement nor shock came even close to his expression. The dark eyed man knew this question was not simplistic, she was more intelligent than to expect a monster to take her on a date while she squeezes his arm taking selfies for Insta or whatever the hit platform was in this time. " Did you know female wolves duck under the male's neck when facing a threat? For an ignorant observer it would seem as if she is taking shelter, hiding under the stronger one. But that is far from the truth. She does it to protect the weakest part, the throat, ready to strike and preserve its mate life. "
Callused palm fished something out from his jacket. Rethinking this had no point, doubting his decisions waste of time, concerning himself about how she might take this - trivial. His reasons were his own. " Most of us go for the neck. Not because you humans present any type of threat, its just a delicacy. Thin skin, fresh blood, feeling of the pulse hitting the dry lips. . . gruesome to you, quite easily understandable for the likes of me. " Stepping closer to the woman, he stole a few seconds enjoying the scent of this mortal. Quite unique, in a few different ways -- worthy of preserving.
Well, better said - possessiveness didn't change through centuries of his existence just like the attractive face. Without further ado, a small box covered with velvety green coat gnawed with time appeared in his rough palm. Thick fingers pressed the golden button in the lower part of the box, and it opened. Medallion, not bigger than a simple coin placed in the middle. It was obviously old, far from this age in which they lived. Emerald edges bordered with nacre in the middle, from which mountains were cut, and a small pearl represented the full moon. " Quite impressive piece of jewelry. However, while your kind would only see profit determined by the age of this piece, to the beasts is far more impressive. "
Hand cold as ice reached for her delicate one where the warmth of life resided and rivers of blood flowed under the soft skin. Marcellus placed the box in on her palm, continuing the origin story of the medallion. " Crafted by the one very powerful voodoo witch. " a grin and a moment of swimming in the past while he recalled the magnificent lady. " Unfortunately, the times of slavery robbed her of this treasure, falling into the greedy hands of the so called madam Ophellia Jordiana. She was so petrified of the monsters and death we bring, she would do anything to protect herself. . . however. . . " Man could not refrain from a devilish chuckle. " Remember how I told you I am the last of my kind? Well, I was born in the time before the voodoo witch, before they could know what I am. . . so the medallion, in its full glory and power could subdue a whole pallet of different atrocities of the night. . . but not me. "
Pride flashed over the sinister expression residing on his face. " I made her swallow it. Then I ravaged her neck and drained her from the last drop, opening the flesh as if it was mere wrapping paper to retrieve what was stuck inside. " Finger pointed to the obvious, the medallion. Marcellus gave Noah a few seconds to process this, not concerned about the opinion she might form about him -- it can't be much worse than it already is. Although, making her stomach turn was not point of this gift. " Your little expeditions in the middle of the night, tracing down wolves and whatever other animal you will find interesting in the future, is bound to attract someone far more dangerous. And see, I don't quite like to share. " No further explanation of what he meant followed, as he changed the course of the sentence. " So you will wear it. It will guard that mortal neck from other undesirable, lethal ' hickeys '. " No doubt this was not open for discussion. " But, on the other hand you can brag to you little circle of friends about you Valentine present, love. I don't mind the need for attention you humans have. " Cheeky grin, arms folded on the muscular chest. " Happy with your choice for a Valentine? "
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