sergejbiohazardov · 2 years
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В прошлом году ездили в Сигулду на концерт Пласибы. Брали с собой велосипеды. И останавливались в этом глемпинге Klaukas. Странноватое место. Во-первых до него очень долго и не очень удобно добираться. Особенно с велосипедами. Толком карт и ориентиров нет. Выбираться из него ещё адовее, потому что или в гору или ебаничекого кругаля по трассе. Этот был не забываемый воркаут и кроссфит. Особенно круто затаскивать вел по сигулдским лестницам. В самом глемпинге нас никто не встречал. Огромная заросшая поляна. По периметру редкие палатки. Несколько палаток прямо в лесу, до которых надо добираться через коряги и лужи. В лесу мы и были. Без электричества. Потом выложу ещё фотки. Но был милый домик с общей кухней, хороший туалет, холодильник с комбучей и мёдом, место для общего костра с дровами, пчелиная пасека, да и само место было прикольное. Ну и ладно, физуха с велами тоже запомнилась в позитивном ключе. ))) #sigulda #glemping #Klaukas #latvia #nature #sergejbiohazardov https://www.instagram.com/p/CoxREPcMIfk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deceiver-a-day · 1 year
Cniline Glemp’s Microscope
• [x] sits on a desk
• [x] has many spare glass slides (which are very sharp)
• [x] adjusts with ease
• [x] makes it possible to see things that can not normally be seen 
• [x] makes things bigger
• [x] facilitates observation
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warcrimesimulator · 9 months
plungo bungus chumbga 😂👌 le SPLOINKER bloumby!!! chugga glemp.
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valyalomov · 2 months
Гостевой дом глэмпинг
Глэмпинг — это отдых в живописных местах на природе, с использованием удобных домиков с коммуникациями и мебелью для проживания. Он сочетает в себе комфорт отеля и природу - https://xn----7sbkucdeifqhb5a8g5bkz.xn--p1ai/gostevoy-dom-glemping/ Основное отличие от обычного кемпинга — наличие удобств, таких как кровати, электричество, санузел, мебель и кухонная утварь. Гостевые дома глэмпинги становятся популярными благодаря высокому уровню комфорта и близости к природе. Они располагаются в живописных природных зонах, строятся с использованием экологически чистых материалов и энергоэффективных технологий. Этот вариант подходит для всех, кто хочет отдохнуть, зарядиться новыми силами и провести время с семьей или друзьями.
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7ooo-ru · 11 months
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Глэмпинг у моря. Как программа «Гектар» помогает развивать туризм в Арктике
Предприниматель из Республики Карелия Роман Лучин в 2022 году решил открыть новое направление и построить турбазу.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2023/10/20/096-glemping-u-morya-kak-programma-gektar-pomogaet-razvivat-turizm-v-arktike-grss-249416167.html
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pastdaily · 2 years
Shuttle Columbia On Hold - A New Jersey Cliffhanger - Solidarity Looks For Solidarity - November 4, 1981
Shuttle Columbia On Hold – A New Jersey Cliffhanger – Solidarity Looks For Solidarity – November 4, 1981
Lech Walesa and Monsignor Glemp. Looking for support from just about everybody. https://pastdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/News-November-4-1981.mp3 November 4, 1981 – CBS World News Roundup – Newsbreak – 9:00 Network News – Gordon Skene Sound Collection – November 4, 1981 – As news days went, this one was pretty quiet. News of Shuttle Columbia, put on hold and then scrubbed some 31 seconds…
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colored--leaves · 7 years
Glemp (noun):Given name to Eldritch abomination Glemp (verb):To glemp upon another
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herpastabearduck · 5 years
Dream of a Cold Night
Lastnight was a special night, as I sit in the stands trying to warm my hands, as the crowd starts to scream, I felt like I might as well dance, as the Trump's start to thunder, and the drums start to rumble, and the rest of the band starts to dance, as Michelle J Jackson start doing his moon walk dance, as the flutes and clarinets start to roll with the tone, as they start to go out with a boom, and as they started to move, I notice a girls face, and I said my yeah I knew you too, as she plays her instrument, with a curled up bush on the bottom of her shoe, (Sorry if I get you mixed up Morgan fam) as she leans forward in a style that I can't put in denial, and she moves left and moves right, I thought I saw the stars dance, so I began to smile.
As the band starts to wrap things up, I was able to catch one last glemps of her genuine Smile.
Until I opened my eyes to wake up starring at the ceiling and I knew it was a warm cold feeling.
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anastpaul · 6 years
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Saint of the Day – 29 January – Bl Bronislaw Markiewicz SDB (1842-1912) Religious Priest and Founder of the Orders of St Michael the Archangel with both priests and sisters – born on 13 July 1842 at Pruchnik, archdiocese of Przemysl dei Latini, Poland and died on 29 January 1912 at Miejsce Piastowe, Poland of complications related to tuberculosis. 
“Bronislaw Markiewicz, the sixth of the eleven children of John Markiewicz, City Mayor, and Marianna Gryziecka, was born on the 13th of July 1842 in Pruchnik, Poland, in the present day Archdiocese of Przemysl dei Latini.   In his family home, he received a solid religious formation.   Nonetheless, during his secondary studies in Przemysl he experienced a certain wavering in the faith due, in large part, to the strong anti-religious atmosphere which dominated the school.   However, he succeeded in overcoming this in a relatively short period, once again finding peace and serenity.
Feeling a call from God to the priesthood, the young Bronislao entered the major seminary of Przemysl in 1863 after having received the Maturity diploma.   Upon completion of the regular course of study he was ordained to the priesthood on 15 September 1867.   Following six years of pastoral wok as a parochial vicar in the Parish of Harta and the Cathedral of Przemysl, seeking to become better equipped to work with youth, he studied pedagogy, philosophy and history for two years in the Universities of Leopoli and Cracow.   In 1875 he was named pastor at Gac and in 1877 pastor at Blazowa. In 1882 he was entrusted a teaching position in pastoral theology and the Major Seminary of Przemysl.
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Hearing a call to the religious life, he left for Italy in the month of November 1885 and joined the Salesians where he had the joy of meeting Saint John Bosco (1815-1888) before whom he professed religious vows on March 25, 1887.
As a Salesian he carried out the various tasks assigned to him by his superiors, which he sought to accomplish with dedication and zeal.   Due to the austerity of the lifestyle and the change of climate, Fr Bronislao fell gravely ill with consumption in 1889, to the point of having been considered close to death.   Having recovered from his illness, he convalesced in Italy until 23 March 1892 when, with the permission of his Superiors, he returned to Poland where he assumed the assignment of Pastor at Miejsce Piastowe, in Przemysl his native Diocese.
In addition to his ordinary pastoral activity, Father dedicated himself, in the Spirit of St John Bosco, to the formation of poor and orphaned youth.   He opened an institute in which he offered his students both material and spiritual support preparing them for life with a professional formation in the schools around the institute itself.   To carry on his work, he decided in 1897 to found two new religious congregations based on the spirituality of St John Bosco, adapting his rules to reflect their own Charism.   Once again received among the clergy of the Diocese of Przemysl, Father Markiewicz continued his work as Pastor and Director of the Society (erected in 1898) which he named Temperance and Work, seeking to obtain its approbation as a religious institute.   The approbation was granted a few years after his death: in 1921 for the male branch and in 1928 for the female branch.
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With the approval and blessing of his bishop Saint Joseph Sebastian Pelczar, Fr Bronislao continued his activity forming youth and abandoned and orphaned children.   He was assisted by collaborators to whose preparation and formation he himself always contributed.   Already at Miejce Piastowe he had offered a home and formation to hundreds of children giving of himself totally for them.   Always desiring to do more for them, in the month of August of 1903, Fr Markiewicz opened a new house in Pawlikowice, near Cracow, where over 400 orphans found a house and the possibility for spiritual and professional formation.
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His total dedication to children, his heroic self-denial and the enormous work he accomplished, quickly exhausted the strength of Fr Markiewicz,. undermining his health, which was already greatly compromised from his illness in Italy.   All of this led rather rapidly to the end of his earthly pilgrimage which came on 29 January 1912.
Both before and after his death he was considered an extraordinary man.   As the fame of the sanctity of Bronislao Markiewicz continued to constantly increase, the Superiors of both religious institutes of St Michael the Archangel, founded by him, asked the Bishop of Przemysl to initiate the process of beatification of their founder, which began in 1958. Having completed the procedure for the Cause, on 2 July 1994 in the presence of his Holiness John Paul II, the decree of heroic virtue was promulgated and ten years later on 20 December 2004 the decree of the Miracle performed by God through the intercession of Fr Bronislao was promulgated, thus opening the way for his beatification….Vatican.va
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Blessed Bronislaw was Beatified on 19 June 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI.   The recognition was celebrated by Cardinal Jozef Glemp in Pilsudski Square, Warsaw, Poland.
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Polish priest, martyr and hero: Remembering Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko
New Post has been published on https://pray-unceasingly.com/catholic-living/catholic-news/polish-priest-martyr-and-hero-remembering-fr-jerzy-popieluszko/
Polish priest, martyr and hero: Remembering Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko
Warsaw, Poland, Oct 19, 2018 / 04:42 pm (CNA).- When Communist officials kidnapped and killed Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, they likely did not intend to help create a Polish hero, martyr and future saint for the Catholic Church.
Although the Communists had been trying to kill Popiełuszko in ways that would seem like an accident, they captured him 34 years ago today, on Oct. 19, 1984. They beat him to death and threw his body into a river. He was 37 years old.
His crimes: encouraging peaceful resistance to Communism via the radio waves of Radio Free Europe, and working as chaplain to the workers of the Solidarność (Solidarity) movement and trade union, which was known for its opposition to Communism.  
Popiełuszko was born on Sept. 14, 1947 to a farming family in Okopy, a village in eastern Poland bordering modern-day Ukraine. While World War II had ended, the regime of the Communist Party had taken place of the Nazis and ruled Poland at the time.
As a young man, Popiełuszko served his required time in the army before completing seminary studies and becoming a priest for the Archdiocese of Warsaw. He was ordained on May 28, 1972 at the age of 24.
As a priest in Warsaw, Popiełuszko served in both regular and student parishes. He became known for his steadfast, non-violent resistance to Communism, about which he spoke frequently in his homilies, which were broadcast on Radio Free Europe.
Popiełuszko participated in the Solidarity worker’s strike in Warsaw on March 27, 1981, a four-hour national warning strike that essentially ground Poland to a halt, and was the biggest strike in the history of the Soviet Bloc and in the history of Poland.
After this strikes, the Communist party declared martial law until July 1983 in the country, severely restricting the daily life of Poles in an effort to clamp down on their growing political opposition.
During this time, Popiełuszko celebrated monthly “Masses for the Homeland” on the last Sunday of the month, advocating for human rights and peaceful resistance of Communism, and attracting thousands of attendees. His Warsaw office had also become an official hub for Solidarity activities.
It was also during this time that Communist attacks against the priest escalated. In 1982, Communist authorities attempted to bomb the priest’s home, but he escaped unharmed. In 1983, Popiełuszko was arrested on false charges by the Communist authorities, but was released shortly thereafter following significant pressure from the Polish people and the Catholic Church.
According to a 1990 article in the Washington Post, Cardinal Józef Glemp, Archbishop of Warsaw at the time, received a secret message from the Polish Pope John Paul II, demanding that Glemp defend Popiełuszko and advocate for his release.
"Defend Father Jerzy – or they'll start finding weapons in the desk of every second bishop," the pope wrote.
But the Communist officials did not relent. According to court testimony, in September 1984 Communist officials had decided that the priest needed to either be pushed from a train, have a “beautiful traffic accident” or be tortured to death.
On October 13, 1984, Popiełuszko managed to avoid a traffic accident set up to kill him. The back-up plan, capture and torture, was carried out by Communist authorities on Oct. 19. They lured the priest to them by pretending that their car had broken down on a road along which the priest was travelling.
The captors reportedly beat the priest with a rock until he died, and then tied his mangled body to rocks and bags of sand and dumped it in a reservoir along the Vistula River.
His body was recovered on Oct. 30, 1984.
His death grieved and enraged Catholics and members of the Solidarity movement, who had hoped to accomplish social change without violence.
“When the news was announced at his parish church, his congregation was silent for a moment and then began shrieking and weeping with grief,” the BBC wrote of the priest’s death.
“The worst has happened. Someone wanted to kill and he killed not only a man, not a Pole, not only a priest. Someone wanted to kill the hope that it is possible to avoid violence in Polish political life,” Solidarity leader Lech Walesa, a friend of Popiełuszko, said at the time.
He also urged mourners to remain calm and peaceful during the priest’s funeral, which drew more than a quarter of a million people.
Again facing pressure from the Church and the Polish people, Poland's president Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski was forced to answer for the priest’s death, and arrested Captain Grzegorz Piotrowski, Leszek Pękala, Waldemar Chmielewski and Colonel Adam Pietruszka as responsible for the murder.
“Our intelligence sources in Poland do not believe it,” the Washington Post reported in 1990, when the case was being revisited.
“Jaruzelski had presided over a far-reaching anti-church campaign. At least two other priests died mysteriously. And Jaruzelski created the climate that allowed the SB (Communist secret service) to persecute and kill Father Jerzy.”
In 2009, Popiełuszko was posthumously awarded the Order of the White Eagle, the highest civilian or military decoration in Poland. That same year, he was declared a martyr of the Catholic Church by Pope Benedict XVI, and on June 6, 2010 he was beatified. A miracle in France through the intercession of Popiełuszko is being investigated in France as the final step in his cause for canonization.
Popiełuszko is one of more than 3,000 priests martyred in Poland under the Nazi and Communist regimes which dominated the country from 1939-1989.
On Friday, Archbishop Stanisław Budzik of Poland and the Polish bishops’ conference released a statement honoring the memory of Father Popiełuszko and all the 20th century priest martyrs of Poland.  
“Today, remembering Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko, we remember the unswerving priests who preached the Gospel, served God and people in the most terrible times and had the courage not only to suffer for the faith but to give what is most dear to men: their lives.”
  CNA Daily News – Europe
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sergejbiohazardov · 2 years
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Возлежания свершилось. #me #glemping #sergejbiohazardov https://www.instagram.com/p/CfTdpeqMHyg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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unibeartoon · 2 years
I think Glemp Smiling Friends should be allowed to bite someone
Admiral peary
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didihendriks1985 · 2 years
Epstein, Clinton, Gates - Het pedofiel mysterie "lolita express"
Epstein, Clinton, Gates – Het pedofiel mysterie “lolita express”
Epstein, Clinton, Gates – Het pedofiel mysterie “lolita express”   Slechte meisjes domineerden in januari 2015 de massamedia van de VS en Groot-Brittannië, net als de goede professor Dershowitz, die voor altijd in onze herinnering zal blijven als degene die het pak overhandigde aan primaat Glemp in relatie tot de Karmelietenzusters “die niet om te bidden in de buurt van Auschwitz”. Misschien zijn…
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olegterebenin · 3 years
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Лучший Глэмпинг 🥇в НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ ГОСТИНИЧНОЙ ПРЕМИИ 2021 27 ноября в Москве в Президент-Отеле состоялась Тожественная церемония награждения победителей Национальной гостиничной премии 2021. Награды получили лучшие отели России, которые соревновались в 36 номинациях. https://hotelawards.ru/categories/luchshiy-glemping Официальные фото 👉 @hotelawards.ru @auroravillage_murmansk (at Aurora Village) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXei_2dr9gJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Ratzinger: senza il vero senso del sacro, l'Europa non andrà da nessuna parte.
Ratzinger: senza il vero senso del sacro, l’Europa non andrà da nessuna parte.
Europa. I suoi fondamenti spirituali ieri, oggi e domaniLectio magistralis del Cardinale Ratzinger Biblioteca del SenatoSala Capitolare del Convento di S. Maria sopra Minerva – 13 maggio 2004 L’Europa – Cos’è essa propriamente? Questa domanda è stata sempre nuovamente posta, in maniera espressa, dal cardinal Józef Glemp in uno dei circoli linguistici del Sinodo Episcopale sull’Europa: dove…
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cesdiazserr · 5 years
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Beato Bronis?aw Markiewicz
29 de Enero
Nació en 1842, fue el sexto de una familia de once hijos cuyo padre era alcalde del lugar. En la adolescencia experimentó una crisis de fe y se volcó al agnosticismo por un período de dos años, influenciado por un inspector escolar de nombre Eusebio Czerkawski, decididamente anticlerical y racionalista.
A los 21 años ingresa al seminario diocesano de Przemy?l y el 15 de septiembre de 1867 fue ordenado sacerdote.
Una semana después de su ordenación da su primera misa en su pueblo natal de Pruchnik y una semana después se hace cargo de la parroquia del pueblo de Harta donde trabaja hasta febrero de 1870. Durante su ministerio en Harta, Markiewicz fundó tres nuevas parroquias en las zonas rurales y dio una especial preferencia al trabajo entre los pobres y especialmente entre los niños. En 1870 Markiewicz fue designado vicario de la catedral de Przemy?l y trabajó como capellán del presidio local. Markiewicz siguió trabajando con los jóvenes del lugar y cuando una epidemia de cólera azotó la región Markiewicz asistió a cuantos enfermos pudo y organizó "ollas populares" para alimentar a la población que comenzó a llamarle el "ángel consolador".
Ante la ola de agnosticismo que cundía en la región, Markiewicz decide perfeccionarse en filosofía y en 1873 ingresa en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Juan Casimiro en Leópolis en donde su decano era el viejo inspector Eusebio Czerkawski, con quien permanentemente confrontó. Al año siguiente ingresó a la Universidad Jagellónica de Cracovia, pero no pudo finalizar los estudios en ninguna de las dos facultades cuando en 1875 fue trasladado a la pequeña aldea de Ga? para hacerse cargo de la vicaría. Allí lucho contra el alcoholismo, un mal endémico entre los pobladores, y fundó la Sociedad de Abstinencia.
Entre 1877 a 1882 es designado párroco en B?a?owa en 1882 fue designado al frente de un seminario en Przemy?l y como capellán de las carmelitas descalzas que se habían instalado en Przemy?l luego de haber sido expulsadas de Posnania por la Kulturkampf.
En 1885 Markiewicz viaja a Italia en donde conoce a Juan Bosco en 1887 y en 1888 se une a la congregación de los salesianos.
En 1892 regresa a Polonia para hacerse cargo de una parroquia en Miejsce Piastowe, en donde permanece hasta su muerte en 1912. Ni bien llegó a su país comenzó a poner en práctica las enseñanzas de Don Bosco organizando casas para niños y jóvenes abandonados.
Con los años la Congregación de los Salesianos comenzó a admitir no sólo a los niños pobres y abandonados en sus institutos sino también a los hijos de padres que pertenecían a clases pudientes, quienes pagaban un estipendio.
El padre Markiewicz no estuvo de acuerdo con estos cambios impulsados por Don Rua —sucesor de Don Bosco— e insiste en que la congregación debe poner todas sus fuerzas en la atención de los desamparados. Don Rua envía en 1897 un delegado suyo para supervisar que las nuevas normas fuesen cumplidas por el padre Markiewicz pero éste se niega y decide abandonar el Instituto Salesiano. En ese año decide fundar una asociación civil a la que le da el nombre de Templanza y Trabajo, dedicada al rescate de los niños abandonados. La asociación —que será la base de la Congregación de San Miguel Arcángel—recibió la aprobación papal en 1898.
Ante la necesidad de fondos para su obra Markiewicz manda a sus discípulos a pedir dinero a las familias ricas de la zona. Por la misma época una ola de disturbios sociales corre por Europa Central con la ascensión del socialismo. Markiewicz advierte a las clases privilegiadas:
Sólo la "permanente revolución" de la caridad y justicia pueden detener las revoluciones sociales. ¡Lo que ustedes no den por su propia voluntad les será quitado por la fuerza!
El padre Markiewicz encontró una fuerte oposíón a su obra por parte de obispo de Przemy?l, san Józef Sebastian Pelczar quien le niega fondos para su obra a no ser que reingrese a la congregación salesiana. Pelczar también pone trabas para que los muchachos que están a su cargo ingresen a los seminarios y le niega la creación de la rama femenina de la obra. Muchos de los discípulos de Markiewicz se exilian voluntariamente a América en donde entran en distintos seminarios y asisten a la comunidad polaca emigrada; otros desisten de ordenarse como sacerdotes y se quedan con el padre Markiewicz.
Admiro y amo a los salesianos... Frecuentemente les envío a los hijos de padres ricos que pueden pagar una buena cuota, y yo sólo me quedo con aquellos que nada pueden pagar... Nuestros trabajos se complementan.
Tratando en obtener la aprobación del instituto por parte del obispo Pelczac, Markiewicz pone a éste bajo la advocación del Arcángel Miguel.
En 1911 el padre Markiewicz declaraba que más de 2000 jóvenes habían pasado por sus establecimientos y que habían salido teniendo un oficio. El 11 de diciembre de ese año Markiewicz sufre una hemorragia cerebral de la cual pudo ser salvado. Sin embargo Markiewicz también sufría de grandes dolores causados por la próstata y no pudo ser operado porque su corazón estaba muy débil como para resistir la anestesia. Markiewicz murió el 29 de enero de 1912 y una multitud fue a su entierro a pesar del frío y de la nevada que cayó ese día.
Cuando me haya ido todo se pondrá bien... ¡Yo los ayudaré! No tengan miedo.
El principal propulsor de la obra de Markiewicz fue el obispo de Cracovia Adam Stefan Sapieha que hizo todo lo posible para que el 29 de septiembre de 1921 —día de San Miguel Arcángel— fuese erigida canónicamente la rama masculina de la Congregación San Miguel Arcángel y, en 1928, la rama femenina: las Hermanas Miguelinas.
En 1958 se inició el proceso de beatificación y el 19 de junio de 2005 fue proclamado beato en una ceremonia celebrada por el cardenal Józef Glemp en la plaza Pilsudski, Varsovia, Polonia; su fiesta se celebra el 29 de enero de cada año, fecha de su muerte.
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