kaibib · 10 years
glittercoma said: We are dorks..
the best dorks B)
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maiformed-box · 11 years
Hello there handsome wanna hug?
Is that really a pickup line Lauri.. wwww
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gomisart · 11 years
glittercoma said: T 3 T give them timee.. They won’t be best buddies in two nights~ it’s good that they haven’t fought furiously(?)
I knowwwww they've only been in the same apartment for three nights/four days, and they're not fighting at all, but I still wouldn't call it "getting along" when each of them just sleeps all day in different rooms than the other and they only briefly see each other when they eat or something and stare each other extremely dramatically. .w.'
Don't worry I know cats aren't the best at making friends, I will still keep Brock here for at least those two weeks, just saying they've kept me awake for a couple of nights.
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loraglassskin-blog · 11 years
You are so sweet and beautiful and I like it how polite you are... And I guess it's true.. The ones who are damaged inside either smile the brightest .. some becomes pricks tho... How are you?
Ugh, I should be more often online on this account to answer those cute messages earlier.. v_v yeah you’re right. kinda sad. :/ I’m not feeling so well. I cought a cold and started hearing voices *headdesk* what about you?  
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kaibib · 10 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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aurea-silentium · 12 years
I think you need no nosejob! You need a hug you beautiful gal! If you don't like your nose shape you could use shading to it and highlight... No surgeries needed~!
sometimwa I do some shading and highlighting on my nose and cheeks, but most of the time I'm too late or too lazy lol
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silver-minxy · 12 years
*kisses your cheek* Mwah~
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kaibib · 10 years
glittercoma said: I wanna hang out too (´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ)
We can all play together on monday. Maybe we can convince Delic to get the M3 head and we can all be anime.
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kaibib · 10 years
glittercoma said: We gotta do a cutie shoot togetharrrr
Since I have no life, I'm on almost every day. But I seriously need to spend less time on it all at once, and break out my time on SL in smaller incrments. Bad for comp and I;m being dumb
Whenever you are online we can. I'll break out Lehna (that's what I call my toon avatar) and we can go take cute pics together to be all animu and shiz.
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thedallaspulla-blog · 12 years
Got Tagged
Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
1. Would you rather be an angel or a demon? Why?
Mmmmn, probably demon since I have never really liked angels. Also I do feel a bit more like a demon rather than angel
2. Who are your favourite characters from your favourite show?
Oh god no.. mmn yeah, I'll just be boring and say Jesus and Buddha from Saint oniisan, even tough it's manga (but who cares anyways |D)
3. Would you wear a dress or a pair of jeans and a waistcoat for parties?
Jeans and waistcoat. I never really liked dresses and still don't.
4. Is there anything you wouldn’t do for your loved ones?
Well my loved ones.. I am rather sure that there is nothing I would not do for them, so no, I would do anything.
5. Coffee or tea?
Both. Coffee at morning tea at evening.
6. What is the main colour of your room?
Light blue and violet. Also white furnitures, in total my room is rather boring about colors.. 
7. You come home after a stressful day and see your parents on your computer, going through your files and history. What would you do?
Well I would not be suprized.. but my history is always empty and well files... You may search all my files from computer and be disappointed since my most beloved files are living on my USB. But yeah, I would be angry, but it's not really that bad since nothing truly important is not located at my computers memory.
8. Where would you go if you could just pack up your things and leave, not needing to worry about money?
Aaaah yes, I would move some where far away, out of Finland if possible. Something like living in a small two room house in the deep of wood would be lovely.
9. What is your Hogwarts House?
10. Who would you bring back from the death on Supernatural? (You can choose only one.)
Ohohoooo no, Bobby ;___;
11. What is your favourite fic at the moment?
oh fuck.. mnnnn I really don't know. Honestly I have no idea, there are just too many to choose from.
I'll just have two questions, since I'm lazy. But they are important ones, oh yes.
1. If a flounder had a cup of tea would he/she put milk on it?
2. If a snail has no shell, is it homeless or naked?
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thedallaspulla-blog · 12 years
glittercoma replied to your post: glittercoma said: maybe next time you can ask for... … how come he cant make a damn chailatte right then. ò A ó you should had whined! It’s customer right to whine if something isnt right… ; W ; no höh. Nyt mulla on vaan sallan imitaatio pääsä. Eeeiiih. Well I don't know, he's new so he can't know everything... And I did whine and after that got a free Marianne latte which was something he was able to do properly 8D eheheheeeeeee TrIIIiiii Triiiii et saa sitä koskaan pois päästä >D ja iPod + tumblr = fail
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thedallaspulla-blog · 12 years
glittercoma said: maybe next time you can ask for double chailatte… and ask him to come for a break! To drink the other one with youuu * W * ja kyllä kaikkihan menee niinkuin kirjoissa… Pfffff well fuck yeah I will.... Especially when he's about 30 and had a wedding ring :'D and because I'm always so serious about men, yes xD no siis tottakai menee, aina....
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thedallaspulla-blog · 12 years
glittercoma replied to your post: Could you answer to my damn text messagesss щ(ಠ益ಠщ)
T u T yes I noticed♥ Sankyuuuu! ; 3 ; want a cookie?
Unnn, sure~ hmmn cookies *q* mnmm, shall we get a cake for our b-day~?
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