so, who is writing TinnGun fake dating practice kissing AU. listen to my pleads ao3 gods.
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hughungrybear · 3 months
Me while watching Cherry Magic Thailand (Final EP):
It's the final EP!!!! Where will I get my next serotonin boost then? 🥺🥺🥺
1. Achi's cherry has been officially popped (hehe *wink wink 😏). He has now lost his mind-hearing power. However, Karan, it's too early in the morning to be this cheesy though 😅😅😅
2. Awww. Achi's new co-workers are so sweet (even though they prioritise playing football above all else 😂).
3. Why is Rock holding the monitor though? 😅😅😅 Also, holiday bonuses is the GOAT.
4. My SingJan heart 🥹🥹🥹 Rock represents all of us in the workforce that have unrealised dreams. Pai is right though. Nobody can really stop you from doing what you love as long as you have fun doing it. That fan sign though 😂😂😂
5. It's meet the parents time. (Please don't be homophobic, please don't be homophobic). Achi's Mum is very confused why anyone would even want to date her clumsy son 😂😂😂
6. That's next level superstitious though - praying to pick the right gummy bear colour 😂😂😂 Even in his most simp behaviour, Karan is still handsome. Wtf.
7. Looks like they're setting Karan's parents to be problematic. At this late stage of the series???
8. Min's dreams are finally coming true. Hope that won't cause problems with his relationship with Jinta [after 5 seconds] Oh, Min WILL NOT LET IT BE A PROBLEM. Nice. 😊 Also, it turns out that Min's fans are also Jinta's fans. Lucky them 😅😅😅
9. Y'know it's weird to see Tay on the driver's seat since he hates driving irl, which makes New the designated driver in their TayNew Meal Dates.
10. I will never understand parents avoiding necessary conversations with their kids. It's not as if the issue will go away if they ignore it. Karan's mum is every bit of a cvnt (along with the silent, useless father).
Big Sis Karin is the real MVP. I just want to slap Karan's parents (especially the mum) after Karin's monologue. Karan stopping himself from holding Achi's hand because he noticed his Mum is looking is very fvcked up (it broke something inside of me 😭😭).
Karan is lucky to have Achi, but I think he is even luckier to have Karin as his concerned, protective big sis.
12. I still don't accept that Min's group became famous by dancing to Mama OK! song. 😂😂😂 Oh, Rock became a social media dancing office worker icon. So happy for him.
13. Yes, push legalising LGBTQ+ marriage agenda please 🥹🥹🥹
I'm really happy with how this series turned out to be (although they did not show when Jinta will lose his powers too lol). So far, GMMTV remakes are managing to give proper respect to the originals without becoming a copycat. I think with this series, we (and by we, I mean the PolCa fans) can breathe in relief that TayNew is really back.
Now, to wait for 23.5 degrees 😭😭😭
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
Honestly, I don’t care how many times they say they had a "phi-nong" relationship, we all know they were actually in love (especially khatha, that man was and still is whipped). Everything in this show is telling me these two were deeply in love with each other. Sure, nothing explicitly romantic/sexual happened between them in the past but the inner feelings are 100% there, ok? You don't ask a ~bro to run away with you together so it can be "just the two of us, like it used to be" (it's seriously giving "gal pals" energy, like one of those historical articles that looks at two women who lived together their whole life and never had or wanted a husband and kids and have the audacity to call them bffs instead of lesbians) and you certainly don't keep his charred corpse around for two centuries in the hopes that he can get resurrected, and when you come across someone you suspect might be his resurrected soul spend your every waking moment thinking about him and doing things for him, including sacrificing 3 billion dollars (to give him a protective anklet) and your literal life to save him (because by your own words to Triphob's grandpa you would only ever die for something - in this case someone - truly important). Oh, and then there's the constant chin-grabbing, longing looks and tears you've spilled for said ~bro. Just "phi-nong" things, I suppose. 🙃 Anyways, khatha is literally so in love with chan/dome it hurts, whether he wants to admit it or not, and I stand by that. 💁🏻‍♀️
dsjfhdgf I'm laughing so hard at all this because every time I watch the show in the yt livestream, it's like,,,, the weirdest shit goes down on screen, no one really understands the plot and meanwhile the live comments are screaming "THEY'RE GAY IDC" lmao it's hilarious.
But anyway I'm living for the subtext but I'm pretty sure the bl ship has sailed with this one djkghf. If there was actually something there, we would know by now lol. What they're doing is giving us a textbook queerbait-bromance which,,,,,, I didn't expect gmmtv out of all people to go there (in the year 2023 at that) but oh well. I'm still having a good time because these "let's run away together and start a life together.....,,,,,,, bro." moments are hysterical.
At least we're actually getting some canon bl content in today's episode lol.
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gillianthecat · 1 year
my thoughts on the rest of SOTUS ep 2
i take back my compliments about the sound. oooh they need to fix these mics.
ok yep, here's a predatory femme played for laughs. although i kind of ship them. (as you can see, I'm shipping Kong with pretty much everyone besides Arthit. but I do actually like this character's playful energy, holding fast to the dignity that the story is trying to strip away.)
so we're going bully with a heart of gold. who's only doing it because he cares so much about those he's put in charge of. which. could theoretically work for me. I mean, I'm a sucker for enemies-to-lovers in many of its forms, even some of the legit terrible ones. I think part of the problem is this hazing seems so pointless to me. what are Arthit and the other seniors trying to toughen up these first years for? like with bootcamp/warrier training type stories the hazing makes sense to me—the bullying hazer is little trying to keep the trainees alive. but here it's so that the engineering students... what? i'm drawing a blank.
Perhaps this is something that would feel more sensical to me if I was Thai and had gone through the Thai educational system, and so had a framework for understanding this system of hierarchy and respect. And perhaps (in fact I expect) there will be more explanations for the purpose of the hazing later on. But the seeming pointlessness of the bullying makes it hard to see Arthit as anything else but a petty small-minded tyrant thinking only of his own power, no matter how many pieces of fruit he pushes into Kongpop's hands, or how many pain relief salves he buys. If your "kindness" is solving some of the problems your bullying created in the first place, that's not a heart of gold, that's just more sophisticated type of abuse!
but! Kong's smile after arthit hands him the fruit and walks away is almost enough on it's own to make me believe they're going to fall in love.
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me too, Kongpop, me too.
i still want my dystopian version where Kong and Wad fall in love fighting the evil oppressive seniors. i do appreciate these rebel boys.
i really hope the moral of story doesn't become "the bullying was for their own good." because unfortunately i could see it heading that way. i can handle uwu Arthit is scared and broken and just wants to protect the younger kids, but the hazing being good thing is a bit too much for my suspension of disbelief.
lol this literal cult scene. The Eclipse, I guess you were not the first GMMTV BL to use a candlelit classroom where teenager get indoctrinated into a twisted hierarchy of power.
Kongpop, look at you flirt! I don't know if this is weaponized flirting or it's genuine, inspired by Arthit's (very tiny) kindnesses, but either way I love it.
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