#gnawing on this au with my teeth as one of my other mutals would say
antisociallilbrat · 2 years
Okay, I'm coming clean, lol, I'm Kori– Hi, I'm your brainworms' unofficial feeder 😂 Feel free to keep calling me Kori or change to Allen <3
Sorry that I didn't come out sooner, I get so nervous asking people about the stuff going on in my brain that I just automatically go to Anon just to get them out. I just got the courage today.
I still mean it when I said I love your takes, they're freaking amazing and I never get tired of reading them. I wish I could think like you, honestly.
So I've been thinking of writing a long-term IT x Stranger Things crossover fic where the Losers Club are all numbered experiments like Eleven but managed to escaped. I haven't fleshed out the fine details yet but if you're interested, I'll be more than happy for suggestions!
Anyways, what I've been wanting to figure are their powers. What would they be and how does those powers suit and compliment the Losers' personalities. I've thought of giving them telekinetic abilities just like El but I thought that wouldn't be that complimentary to them except maybe to Richie? ( for some reason, the thought of Richie looking like El when she jerks her head to the side and breaks someone's bones spooks me lol ) then I thought of giving them the powers similar to their Neibolt selves; Beverly has pyrokinesis, Eddie has acid fluids, Stan can control spiders and detach his head to become a spider, Bill will probably have like sharp teeth and hunter like skills ( idk ), Richie will either have the ability to turn into a werewolf, be invisible ( connected to his fear of disappearing ), or something about being a doll. But if I go with that, it will leave out Mike and Ben. So now I'm conflicted.
Any suggestions?
AAAAAA Kori this makes me so happy you have no idea. And do you have a preference for what name I use?
Everytime you pop into my inbox I get so excited bc I know my brain worms are about get FED and you encourage my silliness and my takes. It's totally okay btw!! Trust me when I say I understand anxiety/nervousness 🥲
I can see where you'd want to pull from the Neilbolt versions and it works for them. Bev having pyrokinesis is so cool and Eddie being having acid fluids. For Bill maybe you could do shapeshifting? Like how he looks normal but then he shape shifts his teeth being sharper and can just shapeshift in general to have more monster like features when he needs it. I like Stan and the spider thing, VERY Henry Creel vibes and it's freaky. For Richie maybe you can incorporate the 'doll' aspect to him being physically mute- like how the doll's mouth is sewn shut. Then a fun power would be Richie being able to project into people's minds and talk to them that way. Poor Stan can't tune him out that way. Idk just a few suggestions! I really like what you've thought for these Losers already though
Ben and Mike are tricky if you're trying to stay on theme. Hmmm maybe relate it back to how It interacts with them? Like Pennywise tries to make Ben feel like his friends don't like him and with being the new kid maybe being able to turn invisible would be Ben? Then with Mike Pennywise calls him a 'mad man' so maybe super intelligence? But Mike is such an animal man and I've always thought him being able to communicate with animals would be cool.
I'm always done to talk about this with you, I really hoped I helped 😭 and my messages are also open as well! Got me all feeling all emotional that you sought my silly ole input on this fuckin dope idea 🥲
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