#go easy on me lol that mf is TRICKY
villa-kulla · 2 years
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"Once more, with feeling."
Neckties, theatre school, and does anyone ever really mean what they say?
Bonus scene of Shoot Your Shot!
Dedicado a @idonthaveabmxbike as a thanks for her addition to Laloward nation, and also to that anon who suggested Lalo POV! This scene was already in my head, but without those two incentives, it probably would have stayed there 💙👔🎭
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yogithoughts · 7 years
Sunday, 10:30 AM C1 - Cap Hill
Journal pt.1 of 2 - TEACHING!
I taught my second C1 this morning on the Hill. Lots to journal about. Thirty people total in class. Great vibe! So much good energy from everyone in the room. I had a good mix of beginners and advanced practicioners.
I paid strong attention to the body and teaching to the body. Esepecially since I had about eight students who signed up for the first time today. Generic cues to help with alignment. Mostly with Chaturanga and in Crescent Series. Side note, it’s the coolest thing to see the entire room shift into the adjustment cue that you just gave. 
Sun A/Sun B: I taught to a new playlist*, sort of tricky since I wasn’t used to the timing of the songs just yet. I decided to demo chaturanga* at the beginning of class to take out the interupption of my student’s flow during Sun A to demo. 
*I think I’m going to keep demo-ing at the beginning! I really like continuing the flow of breath to movement. Keeps a good pace throughought the first half of class.
I felt extrememly confident with my cues throughout the entire class. Usually I feel as if I’m thinking about the next cue before it leaves my mouth, lol. Almost every cue sounded fuild while teaching. I think a lot of it had to do with the new playlist, the energy in the room, the lighting of the studio. The fact that I listened to my Coffee and Cigarettes playlist before hand while getting ready.
Intention for class: Let go of Expectation. Where can you let go of expectations in your practice, relationships, with YOURSELF? Use these next sixty minutes to actively practice letting go of expectations. Even if it’s just for these next sixty minutes. In turn, finding peace.
Core: It got super super hot in the room! A lot of this had to with the fact that the prior class was a sculpt class and there’s only a fifteen minute gap period after my class. Also, there were thirty people in the room.....it got to about 88 degrees. I swung the door open a few times to let some cool air in during core. I adjusted the heat by turning on the exhaust. 
ALTHOUGH, I prefer to not be shy during core for a number of reasons. If it were my personal practice I wouldn’t be too upset that it was that hot. I will cue my way through core like a MF just so you get in a few extra rounds of whatever it is we’re doing. The heat should actually warm up your muscles to help you get into postures deeper. I'm so glad I switched my core song to Like a Fool by Crazy P. So easy to count down to.
Crescent Series: This is where I struggle the most in my teaching along with Triangle Series. Mainly because I feel I can’t get ENOUGH cues out becuase the alignment in the postures that are in both series are so imoprtant and everybody’s body is different. I feel as if I’m improving though! I had to physically ground down while teaching to crescent lunge so my brain wasn’t all over the place - super helpful.
Arm Inversion - Crow: I try to make my crow demo a little conversational and less about cuing so that if my students want a little more help, they’re inclined to ask. As opposed to teaching crow like I’m Baron Baptiste, which can feel intimidating as a beginner. 
Balancing Series: I always feel that balancing is easy to teach to. 
Triangle Series: BRAVO JORDYN!!! I didn’t stumble on my cues. Very fluid in teaching to the body. Reminded students that you want to be on railroad tracks rather than a tightrope. Side Note - I taught to a lot of visuals today? I’m not sure where that came from but I like it lol. 
Great turn out! I love when students come and talk to me after class. I had about five or six students ask me if I teach other times at Cap Hill. I got compliments on the tone of my voice and how loud I was during class. EEK. Yay.
Can’t wait for next Sunday!
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