#go fuck yourselves IL republicans
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Riddle me fucking this, “Vote No On Amendment 1”;
Who, THE FUCK, on TUMBLR, is paying property tax in Illinois? Who among the people HERE, own any land for themselves in Illinois??
I honestly wouldn’t have cared about this if your ad weren’t so goddamn shady, but I looked it up and it is worse than I could have imagined. Amendment 1 guarantees the collective bargaining rights of employees. i.e.: the right to form a union or literally just talk about their wages in general. The only argument against this amendment, and why they fucking tied it to taxes, is that it will once again allow government employees who have been STRIPPED OF THEIR RIGHTS to once again collectively bargain for fair wages and SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS. Mother of God, if you treat government workers like humans again, you might have to pay an extra $2 of taxes. This isn’t even taxes going toward “gooberment handouts”, every penny of increased income taxes will ALSO BE PAID BY THOSE BENEFITTING FROM THE COSTS!! The only taxes that might not be? Property taxes. So union workers who RENT or don’t own land MIGHT be benefitting from not having to pay an extra $0.50 that a property owner would. Horror of fucking horrors. Fuck the campaign against this amendment and fuck the notion of pitting taxpayers against each other.
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