#go outside and get some fresh air
moomeecore · 16 days
there's a poll on here for should people be allowed to play music in a public space. and the "yes" option is almost equal to the "no". and people are being self riteous about picking "yes" in the comments. it's like the internet specifically hand picked something to show me that would make me want to cry from frustration. god.
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smtown-tourist · 10 months
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I know Onew has been gone on Hiatus for nearly six months now and it’s sucked for us Shawols, but daaaaaaaamn has Hiatus never looked so good on anyone as it does on Onew. Our Dubu Leader looks HAPPY, HEALTHY, STRONG, AND HE STILL HAS HIS LONG HAIR!
Going on Hiatus was the best decision Onew has ever made, even if it meant that he’s had to sit out of so much. It’s so nice to see an idol go on Hiatus for POSITIVE reasons instead of the normal due to an injury or because of a controversy. Once again, SHINee is setting a good example not just for their fellow idols but for society as well. Onew has shown us all that IT’S OKAY to take a break and focus on your health, whether that’s mental, physical, or both.
And I think it helps that Onew knows how patient and loving SHINee World is and how much we value his health over anything else. If we had been one of those fandoms that was constantly complaining about his absence and demanding that he return, I doubt he would’ve healed as well as he has. Honestly, it probably would’ve made his health worse and he wouldn’t have made the progress that he has. I’m so proud of SHINee World and the support they’ve shown Onew in his journey to better health, and I’m thankful every day to be apart of this amazing fandom.
Let’s continue to support Onew. I want him back just as much as the next Shawol, but none of us should pressure him into returning just because he’s starting to look healthier. I want Onew to come back when HE feels ready to return to us. If that takes weeks, months, even a full year, I don’t care as long as he’s happy and healthy. Take your time, Jinki. We love you and support you no matter what 🩵💖💎🐰
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rottenpumpkin13 · 7 months
Story time that happened a few hours ago that's related to this: My birthday's tomorrow but I got my cake a day early (my cake craving could not wait another day). And so I cut my slice and put it down on the counter. Then I turn around to get something out of the fridge. I turn back around. My brother. He is eating my slice of cake with his mouth LIKE A CAT LEFT UNATTENDED. And I'm stressed because I've had a severe flu all week and all I wanted was some cake.
I was filled with a type of rage I did not know was humanly possible, so I did the sensible thing and grabbed his head.
Grabbed the slice of cake with my bare hand.
And I shoved the slice of cake into his mouth and all over his face whilst threatening to shove it up the other end if he ever did that again.
Anyway he hasn't touched the cake since and I'm starting to wonder if I project more than I think when writing Zack
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quadrantadvisor · 2 months
I would adopt Jack Spicer. I would support his evil schemes specifically because they were his only form or regular socialization. I'd be like, "When are all of your little friends coming over?" and he would be like, "You mean my ENEMIES who I am trying to DESTROY!?" and I'd say, "Oh you're so imaginative sweetie 😊" and he'd say, "please stop letting my mortal enemies into my evil lair" and I'd be like "I made this zucchini bread for them, make sure you give it to them next time you see them" and he'd be like "okay" and then he would eat the entire zucchini bread by himself.
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imsorryimlate · 1 year
How I have lived I hardly know; many times have I stretched my failing limbs upon the sandy plain, and prayed for death. But revenge kept me alive; I dared not die, and leave my adversary in being.
(vol. III, chapter 7)
This, Victor wanting to die but staying alive for revenge, is such a perfect mirror to this line from Adam:
For some days I haunted the spot where these scenes had taken place; sometimes wishing to see you, sometimes resolved to quit the world and its miseries for ever.
(vol. II, chapter 8)
Adam expresses two wishes: to see Victor, and to die.
At first, his wish to see Victor is one of hope for companionship (mainly from the second creature he wants Victor to build, but underneath that is a wish for companionship from Victor himself, even if Adam rightly recognises from Victor’s notes that he has already rejected him), but at this point, his wish is to make sure Victor suffers. Either way, they both have the exact same fate; each other, or death.
(As an aside, I find it interesting that I haven’t seen people – myself included! – mentioning Adam being suicidal, while discussing Victor’s suicidal tendencies at length… charitably, I will chalk it up to the pov)
The rest of the quotes will be from vol. III, chapter 7, so I won’t write it out.
The laughter died away: when a well-known and abhorred voice, apparently close to my ear, addressed me in an audible whisper—"I am satisfied: miserable wretch! you have determined to live, and I am satisfied."
[…] sometimes he himself, who feared that if I lost all trace I should despair and die, often left some mark to guide me. The snows descended on my head, and I saw the print of his huge step on the white plain. […] Sometimes, indeed, he left marks in writing on the barks of the trees, or cut in stone, that guided me, and instigated my fury. "My reign is not yet over," (these words were legible in one of these inscriptions); "you live, and my power is complete. Follow me; […] Come on, my enemy; we have yet to wrestle for our lives;
Adam might say that he’s satisfied by Victor’s determination to stay alive, but that’s obviously not the truth. He needs Victor to follow him, to pursue him. He isn’t trying to escape; he leaves Victor clues on where to find him. Perhaps because he knows that the hatred and the quest for revenge are the only things keeping Victor alive; why else would he mock him like that?
But there is something else too. What’s that quote, about hiding from God the way a child hides, in the hope of being found. The chase is the closest thing Adam has to a human connection. He has to keep running and has to keep making Victor chase him, because it’s the closest thing to companionship he’ll probably ever have. If he escaped, he’d be alone again, forever. If he let Victor catch up with him, he’d be forced to kill him, and be alone again, forever. So he runs, hoping to be pursued. He hides, hoping to be found.
Sometimes, when nature, overcome by hunger, sunk under the exhaustion, a repast was prepared for me in the desert, that restored and inspirited me. The fare was indeed coarse, such as the peasants of the country ate; but I may not doubt that it was set there by the spirits that I had invoked to aid me. Often, when all was dry, the heavens cloudless, and I was parched by thirst, a slight cloud would bedim the sky, shed the few drops that revived me, and vanish.
"You will find near this place, if you follow not too tardily, a dead hare; eat, and be refreshed."
One inscription that he left was in these words: "Prepare! your toils only begin: wrap yourself in furs, and provide food, for we shall soon enter upon a journey where your sufferings will satisfy my everlasting hatred."
But this….. I’m obsessed with this. Adam makes sure that Victor stays alive, feeds him and instructs him to clothe himself appropriately. He is becoming Victor’s caretaker. And Victor accepts the food, and the instructions. But he attributes them to the “good spirit” as much as he can; some things, like the cloud or the dreams he mentions that revive him, sure. Those can be aid from the good spirit. But Adam’s help comes from Adam. Victor cannot accept that help, so in order to be able to accept it, he has to attribute it to the good spirit. It’s a kind of wilful blindness.
(The annotations have a whole thing about the good spirit being an evil spirit, connected to one of P.B. Shelley’s poems. Very interesting!)
And hm… I don’t know how to word this exactly. The annotations make a whole thing about Victor killing animals and Adam being a vegetarian, and how that might have been a moral judgment from Shelley (with her household being vegetarian), because Victor is killing innocent animals to fuel his quest for revenge on someone killing innocent humans.
But I noted that there was no comment on the fact that Adam kills animals for Victor. If Adam is a vegetarian for “moral” reasons rather than just convenience, it would mean he’s trespassing on his own morals to keep Victor alive. And likewise, Victor is trespassing on his own morals by accepting the food Adam provides, just to stay alive. Their enmity has become a partnership; they are working together to make sure Victor stays alive in order to continue the chase, the quest for revenge, the destruction of one or both of them.
I’m obsessed. Completely obsessed.
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essektheylyss · 11 months
It is actually so funny to get back online to learn that someone's been block evading, discover on desktop that I have 7 asks that have since been erased from my inbox because the person's account was nuked for it, and find out it's because a mutual is not changing their mind about a ship that I have literally never mentioned publicly because it's that boring to me. Like, bruh, sorry, get better taste, idk what else to tell you
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gremlins-hotel · 1 year
I know some people are getting salty. Consider:
We’ve watched Romano (who is indeed beloved) win so long for the bit. For the bit, it would also be funny to see him lose. It continues the joke. This is Tumblr, the home of the shitpost and for the bit. But also, your favorite character winning or losing is not the end-all be-all of fandom. Alfred lost but gods know I will still enjoy posting about and drawing that man thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. I highly doubt people are out here making fake accounts to be voting. It’s just been a lot of high-intensity sharing because I don’t think most of the other polls have been this close or contested. We can still love both characters regardless of which one comes out on top.
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piplupod · 3 months
also fungus gnats or no-see-ums have come indoors while i had the (screened) windows open down here to try to get in a little fresh air, and now I keep getting tiny bugs in my face every so often no matter what room I'm in and idk which they are bc they look so similar so idk how to get rid of them other than just keep trying to kill any that I spot in here and never open the windows again 😭
#this is why i dont open the windows ever despite the fact that I love to get fresh air in down here#and parents scoff at me when i say the reason i keep them closed is bc of bugs#well. they have nice new windows up there lmfao. the ones down here are old and the screens dont fit right and the mesh is slightly too big#so these tiny flies can get in. or little ants. or spiders and weevils and carpet beetles thru the cracks along the screen frame#i appreciate the importance of bugs in the world but i am... so tired of having them in my living space#I've put up with centipedes and earwigs as well as all the aforementioned bugs#i have been kind to them and taken them outdoors as much as i could (except for tiny flies bc. theyre different idk)#but i am just so so so tired of dealing w this all the time fjfkfl#ppl talk abt exposure therapy but I think maybe being constantly exposed to these bugs is giving me new fear of them#i cannot see a weevil outside without having my nervous system act up#i feel like im going to have a breakdown when i see centipedes outside bc it reminds me of all the times I've had to catch them inside#i dont like this :)))))#i am also so close to getting rid of all my houseplants bc im so terrified of having a fungus gnat infestation again#the last time was bc of some potatoes I'd forgotten about in a cupboard. but they also like houseplants. so ummmm#also my isopod terrarium is prime egg laying real estate for them but i taped tea bag material over the openings#so they can't get inside there again lol#idk how to calm down to sleep tonight fjdkl i am so on edge now trying to figure out how to deal w all this#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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hotshotriot · 2 months
thinking about the western comics industry again and can i just say i'm Shocked there has yet to be a major equivalent to manga magazines here. like i would kill to be able to pump out comic chapters to a big crowd without having to worry about 1. coloring 2. the publisher imploding on itself before i'm done
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keirawantstocry · 7 months
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robotpussy · 1 year
yea no that noose person is still going on the Ariana Grande post I'm going outside!
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airenyah · 10 months
it's currently snowing for the first time this winter
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scaredbunny · 8 months
i’m getting weed right now but i’m missing my kitties (>_<)”
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amber-acrylic · 1 year
fuckign. unable to move bc of nausea caused by medicine I HAVE to take. jfc spironolactone more like spironolASStone
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whimseee · 1 year
making an active effort to stay in the present!!! so proud of myself 💪
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
im gonna pull what little energy i have left together and go to the store and then im just gonna lay down and probably cry the rest of the day idk
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