#go save your brother! I’ll wander the wasteland with the ghoul for you
22sublime · 5 months
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move over lucy, I’ll wander the wasteland with the ghoul instead
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adarlingwrites · 4 years
noun: formal release from guilt, obligation, or punishment
The Capital Wasteland lauded the Lone Wanderer as a hero, a Messiah, a savior who’s willing to give her life for the Good Fight. Beyond the legends, the propaganda, and the mythification that surrounded her legacy, there is only one person who knew her bare soul. She gave him his absolution, and now he will fight for hers.
January 6, 2278.
“People of the Capital Wasteland! It’s me, Threeeeee Dog, your master of ceremonies. Everyone ready for the wasteland's latest news? Me neither, but it’s that time again.
We haven’t heard from Miss 101 for quite a while now. Three Dog was even starting to fear the worst after eyewitnesses reported sightings of Talon Company mercs lingering near Rivet City, the last location she was seen alive with her ghoul friend, Charon. GNR sources confirmed the body of five mercs in the metro tunnels that connect from Anacostia Crossing to the Museum station. Sounds like they messed with our dynamic duo and fucked up real bad. If the kid and her bodyguard survived the ambush, Three Dog is still confirming, so stay tuned. Here’s to hoping the Wasteland Avenger and her faithful Ghoul Reaper are still alive and kicking. The Capital Wasteland needs people like them.
And now, for some music. Here’s Billie Holiday with Crazy He Calls Me.”
“Wasteland Avenger my ass,” Percy mutters.
Beside me, my partner tosses and turns, unable to sleep. I roll on my side, and see her back turned to me, arms defensively around herself. We’re huddling together for warmth in a single bedroll, under a musty tent. The campfire outside continues to burn, providing us with additional heat.
“Charon, are you awake?”
I grunted in response, my chin settling on top of her head.
“You got a little scary earlier today, big guy,” Percy tells me, and I wince. “I didn’t want to issue an order, but that’s the only way I got you to stop. What happened?”
With one arm, I prop myself up, and with the other, I pull her into an embrace. She turns and presses her forehead against the crook of my neck.
“I blacked out.”
“Was it an episode? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. It wasn’t an episode.”
“Did Phillips really piss you off that bad?”
I look into Percy’s eyes. They were searching mine. I nod, and I press my mouth against her forehead.
“Huh. That’s the first time you ever reacted to someone saying shit about you.”
“I was pissed about the things he said about you,” I corrected her.
We lay in silence for minutes. Just when I thought she had finally fallen asleep, Percy extends her arm and wraps it around my waist.
“I’ve been thinking about what he said. About Dashwood… and me.”
I let her continue, running my gloved hand through her hair.
“He’s got a point. Like Dashwood and Argyle, we’re friends, yes, but our relationship really is unequal.”
I get the feeling that she’s going to bring up the contract again.
“When you’re ready, let’s get rid of the contract together. Promise me?”
“That may take a long time, Percy.”
Looking in my eyes with wet ones, Percy gives me a pleading look.
“I don’t care how long it will take you. I could be old and gray and I’d still wait for that day. Please?”
Please. Damn that word.
“I promise.”
“There’s something else that’s bothering me,” Percy continues.
“What if I keep making the wrong decisions, Charon? What if I screw Paradise up? What if I screw Project Purity up?”
“There’s no room for doubt now,” I tell her.
“I know.”
Letting her go, I sit up and take my shotgun. “I’ll keep watch,” I tell her.
“You should rest too,” she tells me, peering up from the sleeping bag.
“I am trained to go with less sleep. I insist that you rest, angel.”
Percy chuckles, voice soft.
“Fine. Good night.”
I left our tent and stood guard outside.
It was around four in the morning when Percy started screaming, and I rushed into the tent to see what’s wrong. I had to put my arms around her and press her against my chest again to calm her down. Her pulse was racing, she’s sweating despite the cold, and her skin is pale and clammy. I move her closer to the fire, where she clings to me, trembling.
“Percy, are you alright?”
My partner nods. She takes a bottle of water from our pack, and drinks desperately, a stream of water escaping her lips.
“Just a bad dream…”
As my night terrors became less frequent, Percy is starting to have them more often.
I wish I could do something to help her.
Taking off her glasses, she presses her hands against her face. “God, what’s happening to me?”
“You’ve been through a lot of distress for the past days.”
“Yeah, yeah you’re right. I am,” she replies. Percy stretches, then gets up.
After having a breakfast of Cram and tucking our gear safely into our pack, we got on the motorcycle and I started driving again. The sun is rising in the east, where we’re heading.
“Are you sure this will work?” I ask her through the roar of the engine.
“Knowing the Brotherhood, they won’t spare any resources to help me. But I still need to try.”
I kept quiet and drove on. When we arrived at the Citadel, one of the guards eyed us and our vehicle.
“A working motorcycle? Never thought I’d see the day,” he comments, opening the gates for us.
He was smart enough not to say anything about my presence and just let us through. The last time he did, things got ugly.
I follow Percy into one of the buildings, where the scribe that gave us the location of Vault 87 usually stays.
“Scribe Rothschild,” Percy calls his attention.
“Ah, Persephone. I’ve heard about the ambush. I’m glad you survived. Have you retrieved the GECK?” the scribe asks. His eyes were glued to the terminal he’s using.
“We ran into some problems, but we found a way to get in through Lamplight. The thing is, the residents are asking me for a favor in exchange for entry. We need to save their friends from Paradise Falls. I’m planning to launch a full-on attack, and I need all the resources you can spare.”
At the last sentence, Rothschild looks up and gives Percy a scrutinizing look. “A full-on attack? You know that the Brotherhood is spread thin as it is, with the mutants crawling about in DC.”
Shoulders tensing, Percy folds her arms. “I thought this chapter of the Brotherhood is dedicated to protecting people. How can you even let Paradise Falls continue to exist? They should’ve been wiped off the map years ago.”
“I told you, Persephone. We cannot spare resources for that. You will have to find another way to get in Lamplight, force your way in if needed.”
“But they’re children, Scribe.”
Rothschild gives my partner a long, hard look, and shakes his head.
“I’m sorry.”
Groaning, Percy massages her temples, brows furrowed and scowling. “I should’ve known that this would be a waste of time.”
Then, one of the tin cans approached us. This one is old, battle-hardened. Her hair was graying and there were lines at the corner of her eyes.
“Excuse me. I can’t help but overhear your conversation with the scribe. You are James’ daughter, am I correct?” she asks Percy, and my partner looks at her with wary eyes.
“Yes. You know me?”
“Indeed! I am Star Paladin Cross. On behalf of the Brotherhood, I welcome you to the Citadel. I am proud to say that I was friends with your father. I helped guard the purifier from the super mutant horde, and when James left, I escorted you and him to Megaton. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Percy looks at me with wide eyes, and back to the elderly paladin.
“Thank you. In five days, we will be launching an attack on Paradise Falls to rescue the slaves and end their operations, once and for all. I would appreciate it if you can join us in the battle.”
“Your father would be proud. I’d be honored to join you on your mission,” Cross replies, extending her hand to my partner, and she shakes it. Cross looks at me, and I expected her to scowl in disgust, but she merely nods, acknowledging my presence.
Maybe this old lady isn’t so bad.
“Meet us at night in Gob’s Saloon in Megaton, on the tenth. We’ll discuss tactics there. See you, Paladin.”
As we turn to leave, Percy stops in her tracks.
“Wait. Paladin Cross, are you any good with big weapons?”
Cross smiles and stands proud. “Brothers are trained well and tempered in the fires of battle.”
Percy smiles, and I can tell she’s formulating several ideas in her mind.
“Good! I look forward to discussing tactics with you.”
“It’s always a subject worthy of discussion. Farewell, friend.”
After changing the fission battery of the motorcycle, I start the engine again, and Percy gets on.
“Where to next, Percy?”
“Rivet City. I need to check if Flak and Shrapnel carry missiles.”
January 8, 2278.
“-get this! Little Miss 101 and her trusty bodyguard are still alive, and have been spotted cruising around the wastes on a motorbike. Where the hell did they even find a working one? Regardless, they’ve been very active for the past few days. What are they even up to? Off to start a motorcycle gang? Just joyriding around? Whatever it is, the Capital Wasteland’s buzzing with excitement due to the return of the Wasteland Avenger and the Ghoul Reaper, now on wheels! Hahaha, bad guys better watch out!
Until next time! This is Three Dog, and you’re listening to Galaxy News Radio, bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts.”
“So what are you up to, Nosebleed? And why are you leaving Dogmeat with me again?”
Across us, DeLoria smokes a cigarette, on break from barber duty. Bottles of Nuka and whiskey littered the table. Percy wipes her mouth with a handkerchief.
“Because if I leave him at Moira’s, she might attach him with a fifth paw or something. It’s a secret, Butch. Wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise.”
“You’d better not be starting a rival gang, Perce. Once a Tunnel Snake, always a Tunnel Snake.”
“I have no plans of competing with you, DeLoria. How’s the gang anyway?”
Butch falters, sagging. “Well, uh, there’s no new members yet, but only because I’m so busy with being a barber! Gotta get that dough. Ain’t like you who can scour the wasteland for caps.”
I snorted. Percy laughs outright.
“Yeah, you’ll probably end up as mole rat chow if you tried that.”
DeLoria crushes his cigarette in a nearby ash tray and flicks the butt towards Percy, which she dodges.
“C’mon, for old time’s sake. What are you two up to now? It’s getting boring around here. The Butchman needs some action.”
“Butch. You cried when we came across a radroach on the way here. I’d rather not get you involved in something so dangerous.”
The greaser frowns. “But that was a radroach! You know I hate ‘em scurrying little freaks with their scratchy legs, eugh. I can shoot and I can stab anything else!”
“You can’t even shoot without almost shooting Percy,” I tell him, and his frown deepens.
“Oh yeah? Like the two of you can do better…”
Percy snickers. “Charon is a trained soldier, while I spent my free time in the vault at target practice. Just let it go, Butch. You’re safer here.”
“If he wants to be useful, maybe we can use him as bait,” I say, and both of them turn to me. DeLoria looks annoyed as hell, while Percy gives me a blank stare.
Fuck, this is what I get for trying to joke.
“Not funny, asshole.”
“Wait. That might work,” Percy mumbles.
“Percy, what the hell!” DeLoria exclaims, looking a little hurt.
Percy moves next to DeLoria, and she cups her hand near DeLoria’s ear to whisper. Then, the greaser looks at her with wide eyes. “No way. That’s crazy Percy! How are you gonna even-”
“Keep your voice down! Do you want in, or not?”
Butch groans, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, fine, I’m in. But if I die, I’ll fucking haunt you, Perce. You too, Charon.”
Standing up, Percy drags Butch to the Muddy Rudder’s exit. “I won’t let you. Which is why we need to work on your aim.”
I follow the two up the stairwell, where Butch complains the entire time.
At the top of the ship, there are a few security guards patrolling about. Percy speaks to one of them, then she leads us to the far edge of the ship.
“Do you have your pistol with you?” Percy asks Butch.
“Yeah, always. What-”
“Unload it.”
“Why would I do that?”
“We wouldn’t want to waste bullets and shoot anyone now, do we? Just do as I say, DeLoria.”
Butch does as he’s told and tucks the clip in his jacket pocket. “What now?”
He does as he’s told, but his stance is off. Percy sighs.
“God, you can’t even aim properly. Charon, help him.”
Ignoring the greaser’s complaints, I shove his feet with mine in an effort to correct him. Once he was in the proper position, Percy perches a bottle cap on top of the 10mm.
Ah. I get it now.
“Practice shooting without making the cap fall off,” Percy instructs him, and steps aside.
DeLoria fires, but it falls off.
“Dammit. This is stupid.”
“Just keep practicing, Butch.”
It keeps falling off, and at that point, I was getting annoyed.
“No, not like that. Don’t use your joint. Don’t wrap your entire finger around the trigger. Use just your distal phalanx to fire,” Percy instructs.
“My what?”
Ah, fuck it. DeLoria’s involved now. Might as well continue teaching him.
“Percy, should I demonstrate it for him?” I ask my partner. She nods.
DeLoria begrudgingly hands me the gun. Percy perches the cap on top of the pistol, and I shoot. It remains steady.
“Watch Butch,” Percy tells the greaser. “See how he doesn’t flick the trigger? Try exhaling as you fire too. Breathing can throw off your aim.”
“Great, now you’re teaching me how to breathe too? Where’d you even learn all this, Perce?”
I do it again.
“Well, aside from target practice in the vault, I came across this simulation thing. It’s like a video game, but if I die in it, I die in real life. I watched the soldiers do it.”
“Simulation? What?”
“Yeah, it’s hard to believe, I know. But it was supposed to be a virtual training exercise for soldiers to get ready for the Battle of Anchorage, 200 years ago.”
The cap fell off of the gun as my breath hitched. I hand it back to DeLoria.
“Now, try it again.”
This time, Butch gets it.
“I did it! Whooo! Look out Wasteland! The Butchman’s coming for you!”
“Oh, shut the hell up,” Percy comments.
With a cocky smile, Butch goes back to practicing.
“Meet us at Megaton in two days, Butch.”
“Yeah, yeah. See you.”
I follow Percy down.
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