espacio5d · 2 years
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Salón_NG | Diseño paramétrico #arquitectura #accesible #parametricarchitecture #parametricdesign #parametric #peluqueria #hairstyle #estetica #vigo #argenta #goberna #imex #e5darquitectos #marazzi #espaciosdetrabajo #calidez #nuriagonzalezestilistas #interiorismo #salonng #peine (en Calle República Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5c_14MdXM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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las-microfisuras · 10 months
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ximo220550 · 6 months
Tota la raò. Quant goberna la dreta tot val. Quant goberna l'esquerra tot es ilegal. I a hores d'ara, la dreta està fent apologia del terrorisme i enfrontat als ciutadans perque no saben perdre .Entre la dreta i la ultra dreta anem al caos. !! Fascistes fills de putes!!
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kikotapasando · 10 months
Partido MEP:   Contrario na gobierno di AVP, GOBIERNO DI MEP TA GOBERNA NA FORMA RESPONSABEL, TENIENDO CUENTA CU FUTURO GENERACIONNAN   Partido MEP un biaha mas ta tuma nota di e desesperacion di Lider di AVP cu rato rato ta saca cabes for di bou tera pa hala rosea y cu esey tambe afecta su senti mas ainda. Señor Eman tin e pudor di manda un comunicado refiriendo cu nos Lider di Partido MEP,…
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(a F.G.L.)
Pareciera, que nos quieren ver así, o quizás cedemos al terror pues, en el seno del amor, sobrevive la cultura sin frenesí.
Me cansa el mundo, de alarma en alarma, construímos un Babel de armas, por el terror de ser diurnos.
Permítanme pensar, ¡es lo único que me garantiza una curiosa paz mas el hastió, con el que gobernas, ¡será cual tinto de café!
Pantallas del asedio micrófonos de fama se me extravían las ganas de resolver viejos misterios.
Es el domo interactico y el que se duerme, es cartera, lo que en el presente pondera, es ser dueño del ruido.
El consumismo impide re-reconocer mi identidad pues ya olvidé que la ansiedad es la moneda que prescriben.
Gracias por darme un préstamo, ahora quiero mi casa, soy parte de una nueva raza, pero las demás no contestan, ¿o no?
No sucumbas a lo que no escucha, menos que menos, al terror, ten fe en el buen amor, ¡pues sino-tró te serrucha!
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mariaangels · 1 year
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Fotografía de Nacho Goberna
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abiliolastra · 1 year
DJ B I L Miengo Cantabria Spain.
Abilio Lastra
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mixi31051976 · 1 year
Fiscal anticorrupción pide juicio contra Javier Navarro, secretario general de Gobierno de NL | Proceso
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who16be · 2 years
El emperador chino que mandó ent3rrar vivos a 460 filósofos, Qin Shi Huang #shorts #historia - YouTube Found on YouTube: El emperador chino que mandó ent3rrar vivos a 460 filósofos, Qin Shi Huang #shorts #historia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o9detyaklA via Diigo https://www.youtube.com/watch/0o9detyaklA July 26, 2022 at 03:51PM
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espacio5d · 2 years
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Salón_NG Un espacio cálido y natural. Desde el pórtico de acceso, revela una experiencia única y sensorial. La arquitectura es sencilla y de gestos rotundos, donde los tocadores guiados por la luz cenital van ordenando el espacio, a su ritmo. Las celosías de arcilla, de forma sinuosa actúan como contrapunto a la planta libre, a la vez que insinúan otro nivel de privacidad. #arquitectura #peluqueria #hairstyle #estetica #vigo #argenta #goberna #imex #e5darquitectos #marazzi #espaciosdetrabajo #calidez #interiorismo #salonng #peine (en Vigo, Galicia, España) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdvLIGBM38H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myalcianblue · 2 years
Cuando todo está oscuro y estoy tirada, el primer pensamiento que se me viene a la mente sos vos. Si estoy nublada, relajada o con mis cosas, estas ahí en mi cabeza siempre, como un recordatorio de donde esta mi corazón que se mantiene siempre presente en mi mente.
Cuando cierro mis ojos, vuelvo a estar en tus brazos. Vuelvo a estar con vos y a revivirlo todo de vuelta. Y no hay mejor lugar que estar con vos, porque si pudiera dar cualquier cosa para revivir el momento, lo daría. Cuando te dije que te quería y te di un beso fue el momento en el que me di cuenta de mi lugar, que lo quiero con vos, cueste lo que cueste.
Gobernas mi mente, mi alma y tenes toda mi lealtad y cariño, quieras agarrarlo o corresponderlo, me siento completamente ciega por todos estos sentimientos.
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las-microfisuras · 5 years
• Nacho Goberna
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fettesans · 4 years
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Top, installation view Hugh Hayden, Communion, 2020, Chestnut with steel hardware, 405 x 1050 x 620 cm. From the exhibition American Food at Lisson Gallery, March 12 - July 1, 2020. Bottom, detail from the site-specific tile installation I 🍕NY by Laura Owens at LaGuardia airport, 2020. Via.
Michael Foucault defined heterotopias, as those spaces capable of juxtaposing sites that are seemingly incompatible. Some heterotopias accumulate time, such as museums or libraries, while for others, such as festivals, time is transitory. There are heterotopias where utopias are contested, and others which are spaces of difference, where individuals of deviant behavior are placed. In these pandemic times, all heterotopias have collapsed into a single space. We live at home, we work at home, we love and hate at home, many die at home too. Domestic space is the new school, the new jail, the new office, the new hospice. Seemingly incompatible activities are juxtaposed: online meetings next to children; divorced couples living together; abusers and the abused, the healthy and the sick, all cohabit under a same roof. Spaces of temporal relaxation, like cinemas and cafes, have become our living rooms and kitchens. Domestic space has been transformed into private towns, with ghettos, restaurants, playgrounds, and productive quarters. Every day we get same views towards the outside, but borders are ever-changing within.
Cristina Goberna Pesudo, from The Unrequited Architectures of Desire, for e-flux, May 8, 2020.
One of the many challenges with battling alcohol addiction and other substance abuse disorders is the risk of relapse, even after progress toward recovery. Even pesky fruit flies have a hankering for alcohol, and because the molecular signals involved in forming flies’ reward and avoidance memories are much the same as those in humans, they’re a good model for study. The new research finds that alcohol hijacks this memory formation pathway and changes the proteins expressed in the neurons, forming cravings. Bad experiences, good times Karla Kaun, assistant professor of neuroscience at Brown University and senior author of the paper, worked with a team of undergraduates, technicians, and postdoctoral researchers to uncover the molecular signaling pathways and changes in gene expression involved in making and maintaining reward memories. “One of the things I want to understand is why drugs of abuse can produce really rewarding memories when they’re actually neurotoxins,” says Kaun, who is affiliated with Brown’s Carney Institute for Brain Science. “All drugs of abuse—alcohol, opiates, cocaine, methamphetamine—have adverse side effects. They make people nauseous or they give people hangovers, so why do we find them so rewarding? Why do we remember the good things about them and not the bad? My team is trying to understand on a molecular level what drugs of abuse are doing to memories and why they’re causing cravings.” Once researchers understand what molecules are changing when cravings form, then they can figure out how to help recovering alcoholics and addicts by perhaps decreasing how long the craving memories last, or how intense they are, Kaun says.
Mollie Rappe-Brown, from A few drinks can change how memories form, for Futurity, October 26, 2018. Via.
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aboriginalnewswire · 5 years
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uncuentofriki · 6 years
I've done some research on the Mestizaje movement, but can't find much on it. I was hoping you might have some insight into how Héctor, who lived and died before that movement, might have been perceived by more Spanish-looking Mexicans. How might he have seen himself, with his more Native features? How would he have been treated by others?
So, for those reading this that doesn’t understand the word “Mestizo” (literally “of mixed race”) and it’s importance, a phrase from Gabriel García Márquez (from Colombia but still applies, “Mestizaje is to mix with tears the blood that runs... what kind of mixture can come fron that?” and a small lesson on history of Mexico.When the conquerors came to the country, they mostly exterminated the native populations because of a lot of diseases against which the natives didn’t had defenses. But after they got their cities conquered, the Spanish Crown decided that, yo, let’s have mix ourselves with the natives so we can settle political alliances and such and don’t look all that bad (or so is said, on the practice a lot of groups got their lands stolen). Then came the african slaves -yes, we had slavery here- and some asiatic people (We don’t know exactly from where, the maybe most famous mexican attire, the China Poblana was made by “a princess from the east” -we haven’t found if she was from India, Sri Lanka or China).So the crown made also a sistem to know easily who were the parents of a certain person. A mestizo was someone born from a native and a spaniard, a mulato was born from a mestizo and an african, chino ... until we got chaste names like “no te entiendo” (literally “I don’t understand you”) or “salta pa atrás” (”jump behind”). Since the system was really complicated, at the end they all became mestizos (except on Yucatan and Chiapas). Oh yeah, did I mentioned that only the spaniards BORN on Spain (those born from both parents of spanish ancestry but on Mexico were called Criollos) could have spots of social importance on the gobernament of the country during the colonial years? Yeah, that’s why the criollos rebelled, and with them the mestizos and indigenous populations. So during the war it was declared that now everyone was equal to other mexicans on rights and duties. Yeah....
We actually have a problem with discrimination because of our skin tone. Really, a lot of mexicans were asked, with a guide of skin tones on hand about which color of skin they thought they had… Most of them pointed to the more clear tones.
Miss Guerrero, on the contest for Miss México was insulted about her heritage, Marichuy, a posible contendient for the presidence of Mexico was also insulted for that, saying that “she looks like a servant, not like a president”. Oh and a mayan with a Ph.D was  actually told to go out from an important restaurant because “they thought she was there selling bracelets” since she was dressed on her traditional attire. Althought it’s common for indigenous people to sell bracelets and potery on touristic places, it’s still... shocking. Specially since no one believed that she had a Ph.D.My grandma once said to one of my cousins that she hoped her kids were blonde like the mom (His father has a dark skin). She even wanted me to marry the boyfriend of one of my friends because he has a more european looks, in contrast with my asian-looking boyfriend.  (she also knows that my boyfriend is autistic, so it could had also had been a reason... let’s add ableism to the discrimination count! -I adore my granny but I recognize that sometimes... she’s truly a woman of her time-)And let’s not talk about afromexicans. Oh boy, from the deportations because sometimes police doesn’t believe that they are mexicans, not inmigrants... to expresions like “working like a n… ” (sorry for using the n word but… That’s the level of ofensive of the expresion) being part of everyday conversation.
Having a less mestizo looks is usually asociated with being from the upper classes. Really, I’ve been on private schools and working and living on exclusive zones. I had lived with girls of indigenous ancestry on a dorm and they were usually employed as maids by the rich families living around the building, so I get from where the stereotype came. There’s even a park on that zone called “el parque de las gatas” (the park of the cats... but cat here is a peyorative term for the maids) because when the girls got their free day, they used to go to that park to see their families. It was like a stain on a family’s name if someone knew that they lived around the parque. They were raided by the police, the “respectable ladies” said that the men were dangerous and were seling drugs... and some of the relatives of those girls were incarcerated because the people living around didn’t wanted to see those indigenous people selling their clothes and whatever they made and having fun on the park. That’s why Frida was so revolucionary, she didn’t tried to hide her origins. I’m not a big fan of her but I recognize that she was provocative on country that tried to deny itself to try to look “civilized”, that incarcerated their original inhabitants and still now let’s them die of hunger or on deplorable conditions.
We have yet to see what was Héctor’s skintone when alive (And Imelda’s) but surely they could had faced a lot of discrimination if their skin weren’t “of the right tone” and they were a few folks with a more european looks around Santa Cecilia. Like, maybe he could had been treated as Ernesto’s servant  or even told that “we don’t want people like you here” by other staff on the places where he went with Ernesto until he said something to them like “duuuude, he has the same right as I have to be here, don’t be such a pendejo”.  Hector could had felt that and known about it, maybe even asked himself why it happened. Still, maybe they used the famous expresion “there where says indio” (like when you don’t know how to use your cellphone and which button press to send something, people could tell you “there where says indio” -it’s like assuming that someone for their origin doesn’t know the basics of tecnology...  still no excuse for asuming that someone is ignorant because of their origin-). Or the most famous expresion “tienes todo el nopal en la frente” (”you have a cacti on your forehead” -saying that your origin is way to obvious, despite you trying to hide it-).
Sorry for the long story before the actual response, but really, we may not seem racist on paper, but on the practice... oh boy. I would never finish to tell stories about this. Nowadays it has lessen somehow, but still there’s a lot of work to do.
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edgarzielinski · 2 years
Rusia implementará el rublo digital en la economía real
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