#god Eddie will cry when he sees Steve’s chest hair in season four
I'm Falling Down Like Starlight
Warnings: 18+, blood, Spoilers for Stranger Things season 4 Vol. 2
Synopsis: Angsty Fix it fic. The last Time Eddie and Mika see each other before they attack Vecna, and the first time after.
Pairings: Forged in Hellfire
Song: Once and Never More by Shadow Academy
This was just supposed to be the before but I couldn't stop and now I'm crying.
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The Winnebago slows to a stop in front of the Creel house.
"You guys be careful, you understand me?" Steve says as Erica opens the door.
"Don't do anything stupid," Mika says, leaning in to kiss Eddie goodbye. With her hurt ankle she wouldn't be able to run around in the Upside Down, so she was put on babysitting duty, in case anyone decided to give Lucas, Erica, and Max trouble.
"Promise," he says against her lips. His hand finds hers and he holds on tight, "I love you."
"I love you more," she says as she pulls away, starting to back away.
He doesn't let go, and he lags behind her, "I don't think you do, Songbird."
He stops when Robin grabs the back of his vest, but he keeps squeezing her hand.
"Eds," she keeps moving for the door.
"No... No Mika, I don't like this," his chest fills with anxiety as her fingers start to slip from his, "Stop."
"I'll see you soon, I promise."
"Mika please," he tries to step forward, but Robin holds him back. His chest heaves and his eyes dart around the rv at the others, he feels like he's saying goodbye for real, like he's never gonna see her again, "I fucking hate this- Mika wait!"
Her hand falls from his, "Mikaela Please!"
She mouths another 'I love you' before she steps outside with her bug zapper and notepad.
When they start driving off he bolts to the back. He throws open the curtain and slaps his hand on the window, "Hey! HEY!"
She stops on the sidewalk and looks over.
"I love you! I'll be back soon! Be careful! "
His voice is muffled by the glass and distance but she hears him and she almost starts crying as she waves them off.
The four book it back to Eddie's trailer, the cars not theirs but at this point they don't care.
Max is in the back with Lucas, she has a broken arm but is otherwise fine.
They get there and the trailer is surrounded by cars, men with big guns, and an ambulance.
They come to a sudden stop when she sees them wheel someone out on a stretcher, Dustin hobbling close behind.
"Jesus Christ."
That's Eddie
She throws the door open, car still running as stumbles towards him.
Two of the men stop her. They're telling her she needs to leave, but she can't hear them over her heart pounding in her ears.
"Let me go!" She struggles against them, "He needs me!"
"Let her go," She doesn't even register Owens, who she met after the lab incident, as he pulls her through the line. She's running now, needing to get to him.
The paramedics look at Owens when she reaches for him, brushing his hair from his face.
He's laying so still and his Hellfire shirt is torn to shreds. There's so much blood, soaking through his clothes, drying on his lips, sticking in his hair.
"Jesus fucking christ," she feels tears roll down her face, "Eddie? Baby? Wake up. Baby wake up. Please. Please."
"Miss Carlisle-"
"Eddie, wake up! Edgar!" Her shaking hands cup his face. "Eddie look at me!"
"Mikaela," Owens gently tries to pull her away, "You need to let go. He-"
"No!" She cries, the others all watching her from the trailer door, "I'm never letting him go again!"
She presses her forehead against his, "God, please wake up. Please Eds. I need you."
Dustin, who up until now was crying in his sister's arms, steps towards her, nearly falling on his probably fractured leg.
"Mika," he puts his hand on her back, "They need to get him to the hospital... He'll be okay, but you need to let him go."
She looks over at the freshman, his clothes stained with blood, his eyes red, and cheeks wet with tears.
She looks back at Eddie's face still held in her hands. She lightly presses her lips to his and her heart stutters at how completely unresponsive he is.
"Okay," she breathes, tucking some of his unruly curls behind his ear before stepping back. She feels Dustin wrap his arms around her waist, and she hugs him back as they watch them load Eddie into the ambulance.
She's completely numb as she stares down the empty hallway.
The waiting room is cut off from anyone else as Owens assures them that he'll take care of everything. All the hospital bills, Eddie being wanted for murder, all of it. He even says he'll take care of what Mika did to Jason when Lucas explains what happened.
She doesn't care about any of that, not then. She just keeps seeing Eddie, her Eddie, laying there, looking dead.
He's never been that still before, not even when he's asleep. He truly looked dead.
Whoever is talking stops when she let's out a small sob, hand covering her mouth as her legs give out, "Oh god!"
"Guys?" Robin looks back at them, her hands on her shoulders, easing her down to sit against the wall, "I don't think she's okay."
She not.
Her whole body shudders as she tries to breathe, hand clawing at the silver chain around her neck.
"Hey. Hey, Mika," Nancy takes over, hands squeezing her arms comfortingly, "Look at me, yeah?"
She forces her eyes to focus on her face.
"Eddie's going to be fine, okay?" She tries to reassure, "Sure he's banged up now, but the doctors are back there fixing him up for you."
Her lip trembles.
"I-I can't... I keep seeing him just-" She falls into her, "He looked so still."
Nancy looks at Robin in shock as Mika shakes him her loose hug.
They'd never seen her like this, not even after she was attacked by packs of Demodogs and bats.
They all knew her as a girl that got into fights and smoked weed with her punk boyfriend.
"He'll need time to heal," Doctor explains, "We're not sure when he'll wake up."
8 hours on the table and he still looks so still, so close to death.
"But he will wake up?" Wayne asks. He was called in after the group was done coming up with a cover. It took longer than expected because Jason wasn't quite dead, so they couldn't blame it on him. But they manage.
"It'll be touch and go for a while," The doctor continues as they watch Mika step towards the bed, "But whether he wakes up or not is up to him."
She sit on the bed next to him, fingers shaking as she so so gently wraps them around his hand.
It feels odd to not have his rings against her skin.
Something about seeing him like this, hair washed, dressed in a hospital gown, hooked up to an IV, and wired to the beeping monitor next to him makes it all come crashing down on her.
He's alive.
That beeping is the sound of his heart. He's breathing on his own.
He's alive.
She let's out a shuddering sigh as she leans down slightly, lifting his hand to her lips.
"You'll be okay," she mutters, linking their fingers and holding the back of his hand to her cheek, "You're okay."
She spends the next week there, sat at his bedside. She rarely goes to the cafeteria to get food and ends up eating whatever junk is in the vending machine in the hall. Her mom visits often and brings her real food.
She spends most of her time talking to him, holding his hand, playing with his hair, and sometimes she just stares at his face, trying so hard to memorize him harder than she already has.
His uncle doesn't know how she sleeps with her back bent like that, head on her arms on the bed while she holds his hand.
She doesn't want to think he's alone when she sleeps.
A week later, she's leaned back in her chair, feel kicked up on the bed next to his legs, as she very animatedly reads The Hobbit, when she hears a noise. She almost doesn't notice it, but it's just loud enough to catch her attention.
She looks over at Eddie's peacefully sleeping silhouette. She sees his Adams apple bob and his eyebrows scrunch before his mouth opens. A small, crackly, groan comes out.
"Eddie?" She sets the book aside and sits up as her her feet drop to the floor.
"Mm... Mi-" he loses the word to a choked sound.
"Hey," she moves to sit next to him, one hand holding his as the other cups his cheek, "Don't try to talk. Can you open your eyes for me?"
It takes a moment but he manages to force them open.
Tears sting her eyes when she feels him weakly squeeze her fingers
"Mornin' Sleeping Beauty," she laughs tearfully, unable to stop herself when she leans forward to press the softest kiss she can against his lips.
"I'm gonna go get a doctor," but when she gets up he refuses to let go.
"I-...I-" his voice is shot from disuse, he can't get the words out.
"Shhh..." She kisses his hand, "I'll just be at the door."
"I-... I Died?"
Her face falls and she sits back down, "No. No baby you're alive. You just got hurt bad."
"I-" He tries to swallow, "h-heard you... crying."
He lifts his left hand to caress her cheek, wiping away a tear.
"I-it's okay p-pretty thi-thing," he croaks out, "E-Eddie's her-re now."
Forged in Hellfire taglist: @pointlesslygay
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