#god he has fhe most gorgeous eyes
cryptidfagswag · 11 months
i would like a hug now please
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A/N: This probably sucks since I'm having a major burnt-out season so I apologize in advance but these are all some headcanons and what I thought about a video I saw on Tiktok that reminded me of Taiju
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I can imagine Taiju with somewhat an s/o who has a different personality than him. With somewhat a bubbly and soft one, especially after his change of heart.
ೃ⁀➷ I can see him blush whenever his lover would just jump up to boop his nose or kiss his cheeks, even though he's all "I'm a strong man who is feared my many" face.
Yuzuha and Hakkai were worried at the beginning, being the victim of his "love", but were surprisingly shocked when they came to your shared home- with you saying that you wanted to meet them and they didn't want to break your heart- The scene made Hakkai faint and Yuzuha being close to loosing her eyes by how wide they were: You holding on his shoulder while sitting on them to get something from an upper shelf while he was holding you protectively, scolding you for "being extra about the power you had and how you were strong despite being short" and how "you would beat his ass if he so much so brought men power".
"Are they... Good?" asked Hakkai while watching you and his brother while Yuzuha was fanning him with a curious and cautious eyes.
"She tamed the beast, what do you think?"
ೃ⁀➷ They were not the only ones who were confused yet grateful for your presence in his life, his workers at the restaurant almost bowing in front of you for your presence would make Taiju smile softly and gather you between his arms to spend time with you while claiming that they were to work and rest for an hour, not wanting his darling to feel bad since he knew you were fond of most of them.
" They're a God-sent angel, I swear... Though it's shocking how a person like them got together with boss..."
ೃ⁀➷ Taiju Shiba was someone to not to be messed with, his muscles and the scowl on his face make him look bigger and more dangerous but this buff man only has one weakness. And that was you who would barge in with the lunch he forgot that day with a playful smirk.
He would make you sit on his lap while he ate what you brought for him, dangerously close to your ear and huffing some air to the sensitive are between you neck and shoulders, knowing that it was what made you grow flustered. His intentions were clear, only one thing being in his mind to eat...
And who were you to resist his charms where all you wanted while coming here was the exact same?
ೃ⁀➷ Taiju never reaaly liked how close you were with his workers, especially males who were desperate for you but after you beating a worker for touching you without your consent, he was both proud and horny happy to see that his gorgeous doll was able to hold their ground.
ೃ⁀➷ Even though he scowled and grumbled like a cat, his favorite time of the day, whenever you visited and stayed with him, was you opening a hyping song to make everyone join and dance the stress off. The workers would attend out of fear in fhe beginning, but later they would understand that you were doing this for them and dance to their heart's content while Taiju and his siblings were watching you and a few of the workers make people there attend to your dance off while laughing and enjoying. Taiju couldn't help the soft smile forming on his face when Yuzuha deadpanned but also smiled slowly at seeing her brother change and become a better man while the people that used to scurry off in fear being more open.
He was much softer, more happy and even started to get help for his anger issues to start rekindling his relationship with his siblings with your help.
"I always thought you to be rude to her, or even not being loyal at all... But they changed you, huh?"
At his sister's words and how she avoided him after, Taiju felt a pang in his heart at how he damaged them in many ways. Feeling the guilt eat him, Taiju looked back at your happy face that was shining with joy. Your beaming face had slight crinkles at the corners at how eide your smile was and he was entranced by how the light made you look so vibrant and radiant.
"Yeah, they did... Yuzuha, I know I said this a lot but-"
"Though it's hard to forget..." Her words made him look down in shame, but perked up like a grumpy puppy when she continued. "But I can see you trying so, we'll give you a second chance... And for Y/N too, if not she said she wouldn't make her infamous cookings."
Barking out hard at your threat to his sister, he could only shake his head and continue to watch his cute and amazing lover with a "lovesick gaze" as Yuzuha called it.
He trully was a lucky guy to meet with you and fall in love...
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Love love sugar, newlove, and inlove, for 47
- just-another-self-shipper
@just-another-self-shipper AAA THANK YOU!!!!!
I'll save the gush one for last pshdjsjdhd I am (not) sorry for how incoherent it will definitely become heh-
Newlove: How did it feel like for you to love your F/O at first?
A mix of humor and just...pure joy. Like, it was funny to me because his source material is absolutely RIDICULOUS at times. Both of 'em, the game and movie version! But I started playing Hitman in,,,I think either mid or late quarantine so it was just something that made me happy. Something that I looked forward to. And he was a part of that, he became like...a fast comfort to me. Like yeah, world's fucked, but there's this badass bald asexual that you control with a silly controller and make him do silly things. Overall it was just...it's like eating your favorite flavor of ice cream after not having it in forever.
inlove: How does it feel now to love your F/O?
I had a brief disconnect from him (and Diana) from seeing content s//xulizing him a lot, so I'll be answering this for both before and after that disconnect!
Before: It was just...really nice! Having a strong boyfriend who can kick ass? Having a strong boyfriend that is absolutely an amazing hugger? It was just,,,it's like the first day of spring weather!! It's warm, it's soft, it's sweet.
After: It feels like going to a familiar and warm place after being caught in the rain. It feels like...home? It's just...so nice. Because he's still absolutely that same comfort I felt when I first fell for him, but with...Idk, a new warmth? A soft blanket, a fluffy pillow, the first bite into a soft cookie. That's how it feels. Not to get poetic but pshcjsjf-
Love Love Sugar: Just gush, but in the most over-the-top yearning way you possibly can. Please overuse the heart emojis if possible.
AHEMHSHDHS. Okay. His arms. I just want to be held in his arms. He looks so?? So fucking safe!!! Like!!! Gahhhh. Like I think if I could just be held in his arms for an hour I would. I would be so good in life. AND HIS EYES OUGHHFHHDHSJD HSI EYES ARE SO FUCKING GORGEOUS I GET LOST IN THEM SO OFTEN. like oh my GOD those eyes. I can't even describe them they're so fucking beautiful. Just so blue and....gahdjsjdj. like. Also also his eyes are like the most expressive part of him (headcanon go brrr) so like??!?! Oh my god. His eyes softening when he sees me??? SEEING FHE LOVE IN HIS EYES WHEN HE KOOKS AT ME????? MSHDHSJJZ,NNNNN!!!!!!!!!! J'd lose it. I'd literally lose it 🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️. Oh my god. ALSO HIS VOIXE???, he's so awkward but it's so fucking cute like oh my god. He simply is an awkward big man!!! ANYWAY BUT HIS VOICE!!! HIS VOICE IS SO?!!! ITS SO GOOOODDD!!!! AND HE CAN SPEAK OTHER LANGUAGES!!!!!!! Like. I don't care how ridiculous the line in the game is IT WILL MAKE MY SILLY LITTLE SELF BLUSH!!!! it could literally be like saying an agent's name during the Berlin map but I'd lose my mIND.💞💞💕💕💖💖 ALSO!!!! he's built like a fucking brick wall and that's just. So good. He also has the most kissable face. And I will absolutely cover his handsome goddamn face with kissy marks I WILL DOO ITTT!!!!!!!! <3333 also and this is very important but he is both a big and little spoon so I get the best of both worlds. I get to hold a big strong man and I also get to be held. It's so perfect. Also seeing him in game doing hitman™ things??!?!?! Oh my gOOODDD. I lose my mind over the animations of him putting a sniper rifle together it's so ridiculous. Seeing him do the blending in things like oh my god babe you look ridiculous I love you. Seeing him climb things (AS MUCH AS IT MAKES MY HEIGHT FEARING ASS QUAKE) is so!!!!! Seeing him just fucking waLK. I could stare at him all day at not regret it. I have stared at him all day and not regretted it. ALSO HIS FASHION SENSE!!!!! SUITS!!!!!!! SUITSSSS!!!!!!!! He's so handsome. Oh my god. 🥺💞💞💞. I have learnt to tie a tie for two reasons. Cosplay and to tie my boyfriend's tie before he goes off to destroy a capitalist. I literally just want to be held. Bury my face in his chest or neck. Hold his hand or arm. Be carried by him. Just being near him would be so fucking nice,,,,like. Words cannot even express how much I adore him. He's badass and yet so full of love for so many things!!!!! Also the way he looks in a turtleneck,,,,mmmmshshhshd.
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