#god i love this so fucking much ughhhhh bro is soo fucking smitten
coridallasmultipass · 17 days
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BroCal 4 lyfe.
So, I had this idea of Dave being nosy (I love nosy Dave), and hearing Bro talking on the phone to someone, and it's a side of Bro he's never heard, Bro is all totally mushy and in love, and Dave really wants to know who tf it is, and he's trying to put together a picture of who Bro could possibly be dating, since Bro never brings anyone home, he's always just on the phone or probably camming them. Dave tries to sneak in when he thinks Bro's got them on cam, but all he finds is Bro sleeping on the futon with Lil Cal, his computer off. It's a mystery he just can't solve.
Turns out the call was coming from inside the house.
[Trans Dave and Trans Bro.]
Image description and text below the cut:
The image is a split-panel drawing, divided by the wall between the Strider living room (Bro's room) and Dave's room, captioned with "Bro gets home. 4:37am."
On Dave's side, he's listening through the wall. He's imagining that Bro is on the phone, the way he's talking and pausing and then answering. Dave is in a loose shirt and boxers, having woken up when Bro got home.
On Bro's side of the wall, Bro and Lil Cal are laying on the futon. Bro's tenderly placing his hand over Lil Cal's chest, like lovers. Bro looks very soft and smitten. He's shirtless and has facial piercings. Lil Cal has an arm wrapped around Bro's neck, and his other limbs are draping off the edge of the futon.
Bro: Hey, baby. Lil Cal: ... Bro: How was your night? Lil Cal: ... Dave, thinking to himself: is bro actually dating someone? why havent we met? Bro, rambling on: So, listen. I've been thinkin'. About what you asked last night. My answer's 'yes.' Obviously, no one will marry us here, but what if we do our own thing? Just us. Dave, internally: wait... wtf?!
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