#god i'm so fucking annoying istg no wonder some of my friends abandoned me lol
kelin-is-writing · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to ask two thing If thats okay.
First is : I have a story about Dabi and reader but Im stuck. They were childhood friends, he had the 'I will marry you when we grow up' talks and promised to always keep an eye on reader. Then he dissapeared and then...Im stuck. Pls how could they meet again? (H would reveal that he is Touya much later) I know he would stalk reader but...The first and second time they would actually meet?
And the second is : Should it be like having a relationship (and smut) after the reveal? Or before that and he would tease about reader not loving her childhood crush Touya since she is with Dabi and THEN reveal that he is indeed Touya?
Thanks If you find any time for my ask ❤️
Oh my–! Help–! it's totally okay asking! You know, i feel so honored to see someone asking me for advice like– SDJKSJDKSJDKSDJSKJDKSDJKSJDKSJDSJNXSMJDKSJDSKJDSKDJK it's actually making me want to cry, because no one has ever asked me advices for such things. ANYWAYS!
Let’s start with one question that’s been on my mind since i started reading the first question: is your story settled into the Bnha universe or a Quirkless!au? I ask because I’ve seen lots of AUs playing with the Touya hiding his real identity through Dabi in quirkless!aus too! (like i'm doing with a long fic of mine) Which is why i'll try to give you an answer that can be used for both things.
I think that Dabi and Reader should meet up in a crucial moment of their lives where both of them never expects to meet again after one of the two disappears, i think that from a literature point of view this method can help carve/influence a character's course throught out the story to forge their development for me.
The setting is up to you, depending on what you have in mind for your story, the setting of their meeting can vary. They could be meeting on the streets like they could be meeting in a bar or another place, it's really up to the plot you've decided for when they meet again.
If there's the possibility I think yes, Dabi would keep watching over Reader if she's truly important to him even after all the year they haven't seen each others. So once again, depending on your settings this trope can be used in a story.
As for the second question, you know what? I think it can work both ways, because seeing you accept Dabi makes him think that Touya didn’t have importance in your life when maybe unbeknownst of him you’ve always loved him since he was Touya. This can work both before AND after he tells you about his real identity. Dabi’s character to me (others can have whatever headcanons they want about him) is someone who in his life needs many things, two of which are reassurance and stability, especially because as Touya he didn’t get none of these, his father’s selfish and toxic ambitions, needs, goals and attitude messed up with this kid’s mental health the most because I think Dabi is one of the characters who inside of him has the biggest amount of love in the serie and he’s someone that would’ve been as good of an influence to the Todoroki's as much as Shouto is doing, if only he had close to him someone who actually supported and encouraged him as what he wanted to be: an Hero (he doesn’t need near him someone like Midoriya though, nor like any of the other hypocrits around him or his father for that matter). But with the way the Hero society is right now, someone emotional like Dabi (yes, he is the emotional type) would’ve never followed it blindly either way. This man is where he is now because he had too much love inside of him that went unseen and ignored by the peoples who he wanted to give it to, a love that he repressed to the point he became numb to anything except the “hate” for the one person who messed him up that way after gaslighting him.
So whether is before or after he reveals his identity to the Reader, once you understand his character as both Touya and Dabi, you’ll be able to write it the right way.
But if you want a suggestion from me, I think I would go with that... be it SFW or NSFW, a sincere and genuine Reader is the best choice for a character like Dabi.
One thing is for sure, he would feel bitter and sad about the distance created with the Reader (based on how close they were before he became Dabi, you can assert how much hurt he is by it) and question her reasons for reaching out to him and what her goals are, he has trust issues so of course he wouldn’t let her close if she isn’t 100% sincere with him.
You gotta keep this in mind in the case your story is a long slow-burn with angst (like the one I’m writing because I like pain lmfao) and you don’t plan to have smut in it anytime soon, after building trust you gotta slowly put into the characters tension that steadly grows until one of the twos can’t go on anymore without breaking the friends barrier.
If it’s a One-Shot I think that reunion/angsty love making and talk after it would be a good way to settle the unresolved things Dabi and Reader got going on.
This got super long and I sound super annoying, as addition I also suck at giving advices so I’m sorry, you’re genuinely troubled but I’m actually someone hopeless unfortunately 😭
Hope this messy essay was of help though 💀💜
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chicohungers24-7 · 2 years
Major vent idc if you read this or not this is just a warning
I'm not committing suicide I swear but I want to die so so so bad.
My life seems so fucking easy on the outside but then I think about it and I just want it to end so bad
Living in America as a black afab trans teenager (shout out to the state of Florida being a shithole) is legitimately the worst thing in my life. I don't feel safe walking in my own neighborhood (partially contributed to the frequently lose dogs but I'm so scared I'm gonna die or be kidnapped or murdered I'm so paranoid)
I have zero irl friends and I literally moved here almost a year ago. It's almost the end of the school year and I've found no one. I'm so lonely.
I'm not even really suicidal. I don't have the courage to s/h or to make a plan or anything I'm just trapped in my stupid head thinking about death and not being able to do anything about it. I've been depressed for five years that's a third of my life there's literally nothing left there for me Im going to be fucked up forever
Only my dad is with me rn (mom is deployed :)))) and I don't feel safe talking about my feelings to him. He just retired and still refuses to get therapy about his ptsd (I'm so hypocritical LOL) and so all his reactivity issues are pushed onto me (and my poor dog. I can't die now. Not while she's alive I couldn't leave her with him)
Speaking of retiring and deploying lol being a military brat (hate that term) is SO traumatizing everyone is like oh you're so resilient and patriotic lol no I never want to fight for this stupid fucking country it ruined my life and my parents and the only "good" thing out of this is the stupid g.i. Bill and idk if I'll even make it to college. It's given me so much anxiety and depression and trauma istg I hate the military I never want to join I feel so violent when I see the stupid recruiters at my school. Also I might be autistic?? A lot of the anecdotes my mom tells me of when I was a child + stuff I know now might point towards it (not necessarily a bad thing but it just makes me more paranoid about cops killing me 😳)
God the paranoia is awful. I hate walking to school in the dark. I have to always check if my garage is closed cuz when im home alone (which is often thanks dad) he likes to drive out and forget to close it. But also if I lock the door to the garage he bangs on it super loud and it scares some nights I check that shit like five times over. Or like the weird metal bar that prevents the door from opening to the backyard. He told me some really graphic shit one time I left it open and now I check that all the time too. He's really graphic for some reason actually lol he told me was was gonna kill me when I was like. 11. And he says he always has a plan to kill people. Gee I wonder why I flinch.
I'm writing this all in one go it's like 2230 LMFAO I've made it a habit of staying up all night looking at triggering content until my phone starts to die and then I go to sleep past midnight.
Kinda stupid ngl. It just adds to the depression. Staying up late. Waking up early. Not wanting to get out of bed. I hate my stupid school and my racist classmates
I was a gifted child once lol. I miss it. Kinda ruined my school life though. I'm still smart too I just CAN'T do school. It'd be so much easier if I had friends but I'm so scared of rejection literally the only reason I had friends through 6-9th grade (freshman year kinda killed that friendship though) is cuz the kids at my bus literally chased me to say hi I honestly sound so pathetic right now omg I'm so scared I annoy everyone even though I hardly interact with people and even the people I interact with I'm scared will leave me. It's so funny that I'm scared of abandonment when I'm the kid that was moving. I abandoned people. I think freshman year changed that. I had stayed virtual for the first quarter. The friend in my grade had met new people cuz she went brick in mortar. My other friend was a grade higher and always had other friends
I just want the normal childhood of having childhood friends and knowing everyone at school but I don't and I'm a stupid lonely loser with no one. No one knows me. My teachers can't tell something is wrong because the entire time they've known me I've been depressed I guess they just think I'm a loser
I just want friends so bad. I want to hangout with people after school that actually enjoy my company. I was in a d&d club for someone's research project and they were all friends and I was just the odd duck and I looked so stupid I'm front of them why did I do that that was the dumbest decesion ever
I wish I had the courage to commit suicide. Or try. Or do fucking anything other than cry at night (which is a new development! Second night in a row. Better than just being a husk ig)
A year ago I actually went to a doctor about depression (well more for adhd but I didn't have it and he just focused on my depression) and I got DIAGNOSED and he was like therapy (didn't work) and SSRIs could work :) and then my dad was like no. No medication. Thanks dad. I want to die. And I'm stuck with you in this stupid state
I just want courage. To get help. Or to die. Idc which. Looking at depressing shit isn't helping I'm such an idiot I just need someone to help me please I want someone to notice. Someone that can help please but no I'm venting on Tumblr dot com where no one knows me I so obviously don't want to die I just want pain to end but it won't because I'm too much of a coward to help myself. I literally walk through the hallways just thinking about dying. I wanted covid to kill me. I wanted the shot to kill me. Why can't I do it myself what's wrong with me I can't even be suicidal correctly I feel like a meme saying I just want to be happy
I'm posting this just so I can let it out. I'm sorry if it triggers anyone. I'll tag it the best I can
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