#god ive missed theorizing like an insane person over this show
youngpettyqueen · 23 days
elaborating on some theories a bit
theory 1: I believe that the Doctor is of the same species that the Toymaker and Maestro are
my evidence:
the fourth wall breaks. the Toymaker and Maestro are both able to break the fourth wall, and the Doctor does this as well towards the end of The Devil's Chord. side note- who else do we see do this? Mrs Flood (the working theory in my household is that Mrs Flood is Susan)
the Doctor can hear the music of the show. this was implied with 12, when he played the intro on the guitar, but 15 has now confirmed that he can hear the show's music. we know that Maestro can also hear it, as they play the intro on the piano
this does raise questions. if the Toymaker is play and games personified, and Maestro is music, then what is the Doctor? what does the Doctor personify?
I would like to propose theory 2: the Doctor is memory
my evidence:
when 13 regenerated into 14, and took on that same old face (Tennant's), it's said this happened so that he could come home and rest. he comes home to Donna, and her family, and a crucial part of this process is restoring Donna's memories- which he himself had taken away
the Doctor can share their memories, read memories, and erase memories of other beings. "but Queen," you say, "all Timelords can do that!" well, we know that many Timelord traits come directly from the Doctor- see regeneration cycles. it could stand to reason that these are abilities that the Timelords inherited FROM the Doctor
memories are CRUCIAL to the Doctor's identity. so much of 13's arc revolved around this- she had that fob watch, her missing memories and lifetimes, and no memory of who or what she was before she came through that portal. 15 is still dealing with the fallout of the Timeless Child revelation, directly continuing everything 13 struggled with
the memory with Ruby's biological mother at the church changed
speaking of Ruby's memory. I want to propose that it isnt just Ruby's memory that causes the snow- it's also the Doctor's
Ruby shouldn't be able to remember anything from the night she was left at the church. she was an infant. the Doctor, however, was there the night she was left. he was there and saw it snowing. he was there and heard the music. it's his memory that summons the snow
"but Queen," you say, again, "what about Ruby singing Carol of the Bells?"
yes, that would certainly throw a wrench in my theory. Maestro does say the song is hidden within Ruby. but, hear me out, what if Ruby and the Doctor aren't separate beings?
theory 3: what if Ruby is, in fact, an incarnation of the Doctor?
Ruby's DNA scan read as homo sapien. well, we know that the Doctor can rewrite their DNA to be biologically human, and rewrite their own memories to fit a human life- see 10 in Human Nature/Family of Blood, and also see the Fugitive Doctor. Ruby could very easily be an incarnation of the Doctor, who's memories were wiped, and who's grown up a human- much like the Master did when he took on the name Yana. and we know, from how 10 filled a journal with his dreams of his life as the Doctor, and from the Master's still remembering the drumbeat, that these memories do still bleed through in some way
thats how Ruby could remember being left at the church. she could be remembering it from experiencing it, or she could be remembering it as she saw it through 15's eyes. I think shes a future incarnation of the Doctor, one who became aware of her identity and her powers, and who had her memory wiped- either by force or by her own hand. I dont have a theory as to why that would be, at least not yet, but I do think that its at least a plausible theory at this point
Ruby and the Doctor are established to be the same, in one big way: theyre both abandoned, both adopted, and both seeking who they are. thats a pretty big coincidence when we know how important coincidence has been so far with 15. they're screaming at us that everything is connected, that the Doctor and Ruby are connected, and I think that connection is that they are one in the same- same software, different case, and they are the key to each other's questions
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