#god jealous vegas ... ive just unlocked a new need I .... YALL.
usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
not you posting about jealous vegas while i'm sitting here frothing at the mouth at the thought of kinn asking pete to do a honeypot mission to help out the main family post finale
hiiiii anon!!!!! chfbdjcjdbficbdic9 Oh GOD. OH GOD.
ok so. this would definitely take place way way way later on down the line.
so id like to think that, in the grand scheme of taking korn down, kinn and porsche would come to vegas and pete for help. and at first, vegaspete just refuse. outright point black REFUSE to help. why should they? why should they give up all their peace and progress and quiet life for this all?
but then kinn says to vegas that by doing this, it'd enable him to be the rightful head of the minor family again. that porsche cant do it. that its vegas' to have. that this is kinn humbling himself and saying to vegas that he in fact does need him and extending out an olive branch for vegas to accept. and even though vegas doesnt give a fuck about kinn and his status or position anymore, hearing kinn say this is him humbling himself in front of vegas and telling him he needs him .... it gives that rush to vegas, stroking his ego and pride. and also he has been thinking about the title of being the head again for some time now, with pete and macau. so vegaspete look at each other, and, well, they are each other's world, and they're right beside each other, always. if one steps forward, so does the other - thats an unspoken vow between them both.
so they agree.
until kinn tells them that pete will need to ..... ahem ..... go undercover and use his detective skills and tail a few big powerful people and stroke their pride and ego, since no one really knows pete and he's been away from the scene for a bit, he'll look like fresh innocent young blood, what with his round eyes and wide grin and boyish looks.
and vegas gets exactly what kinn is trying to allude to. "what, like you did with him when you sent him to do all that with me, huh? is that what you're suggesting?" and kinn mumbles under his breath, something about how he didn't list sex and falling in love being in the terms and conditions when he asked pete to tail vegas, that isnt really a mumble because everyone heard what he said.
and pete reaches out and begins stroking vegas' arm with his finger, his way of getting vegas to relax. they'll talk about this later on at night.
and when they do, pete tells vegas its strictly professional. that he knows vegas trusts him, and now's the time for him to put his words into action. and all vegas comes up with is "but what if-", "and if-" and "no one else has the right to touch you like that but me." and again, pete tells him that its strictly professional, that he'll come home to vegas and their bed every night.
and then. well. because pete is pete, and he can be a little menace, a piece of shit sometimes, he tells vegas its a bit like how he and porsche team up sometimes, how he once kissed porsche too, right? and how when vegas narrated all of this to him one night, he coined it as strictly professional, bc his dad ordered him to do it.
strictly professional, pete repeats again, with a smirk. and then he goes to have a shower and falls asleep, knowing that vegas can say Nothing in retaliation to that.
and pete knows vegas is jealous, and he likes that he is. its cute, endearing, it shows he cares, it shows that he's still as obsessed and as insane and as in love with pete as he is with vegas, as he is since their day one. it warms pete.
and so one day pete has to go on a mission to seduce to get some intel. and he's dressed extra fancy, vegas notices, and its not fucking fair. and vegas is extra handsy with pete this morning.
"i want you to only be thinking about me, okay? my hands on you and my mouth on you and me inside of you and how i fuck into you and how good i make you feel and how i make you lose it. just me." vegas begs pete.
cute, pete thinks. and if he could, he'd ask vegas to fuck him right now bc he's getting harder by the second, and vegas touching him everywhere so desperately and biting down on his neck to mark him up before he leaves isnt helping, and no one loosens and shakens pete's resolve like vegas.
but pete can turn on strictly professional like a pro. its why he was the ex-head bodyguard of the main family. and its why it takes everything within him to not give in and just kiss vegas when he steps away from him and to the door, and vegas looks like a kicked, wounded animal, in his black t shirt and checkered pyjama bottoms. and yet he still manages to look so sexy. and pete vows to himself that he's gonna make it up to vegas tonight, no matter how much he is enjoying seeing this jealous side of vegas that he's never really gotten to witness before.
and all day, vegas cant focus. he's snapping at macau, slamming the doors, can't focus on any damn thing. working out doesnt help, a cold shower doesnt help, jerking himself off doesnt help, grabbing pete's clothes and inhaling his scent doesnt help. he doesnt wanna eat and everything on tv is shit, and he's mentally throwing darts on kinn's face. he just wants pete. and he cant even contact him bc pete wont answer bc "strictly fucking professional". and vegas is trying not to think of worse case scenarios here, but he KNOWS how the underground scene works. how people use touch to intimidate and seduction to weaken and sex to negotiate. he's done this all himself. had this all happen to him. and he cant.
he cant stand thinking about anyone tainting pete like that. cant stand thinking about anyone else's hands that arent his touching pete and feeling pete and making pete breathless and getting pete moaning and whining out loud and fucking him and-
and the worse part, the part that hurts, is what if pete enjoys it. what if pete likes it. what if they treat pete in a way pete likes it. what if .....
and the seconds drag, the minutes drag, the hours drag. and its torture and vegas is losing his mind in these 4 walls of his bedroom, where he's heard pete scream his name in pleasure, where they've made love all night and kissed and kissed and kissed until sunrise. and. right there. vegas realises how pete must have felt when he saw vegas and porsche together near the temple that time, porsche leaning all over his back as vegas rode them both away on his bike, and even though vegas and pete knew then and know now that there's nothing going on there, it must have hurt.
and vegas looks at the clock on the wall and its fucking 10pm and pete is still not back. and vegas' hands are itching and shaking and he wants to rip his hair out and he doesnt know what to do bc pete should be back by now and he isnt. and then vegas' mind flips through the catalogue of every scenario possible: kidnap, drink being spiked, torture, hotel rooms, bedrooms, hospitals, murder, sex sex sex ..........
and then he hears the bedroom door creak open and its pete. and vegas' eyes immediately scan his entire body as pete closes the distance between them to check for any sign. and sign whatsoever.
and he looks fine. so far anyway. but then vegas can smell cologne. and its strong. and it isnt the cologne that he or pete use.
"he touched you, didnt he?"
"and all i thought about was your hands all over me this morning and how good they felt. how i knew you'd be waiting for me like this. tell me, have you even ate anything today?"
"i've no appetite for anything when you're not around."
"and i'm here now, aren't i? like i promised."
"what did he do to you?" and there's a hint of danger, a quiet rage, something stern, bubbling and simmering that pete can hear in vegas' voice. a threat to kill. he can smell it.
"he touched me. i said no to kissing. he saw the mark you left on my neck this morning-"
"-and called me a whore-"
"- and said he was going to show me what i'm missing out on ...", pete says as he wraps his arms around vegas' waist and pulls his body close, flush, against his. "yet all i was missing was you. this. us."
"did you get anything out of him?" vegas asks, and now his voice holds less of the smell of threat, more of intrigue.
"mmm, of course! i was sent to do a job, after all. i don't mix business with pleasure." pete replies, smiling, as he feels vegas' fingers make their way around his throat, wrapping around his neck.
"so what do you mix pleasure with then, baby boy?" vegas asks, all teeth as he smiles back, and his hands tighten around pete's neck.
"pain." pete barely gets out, just above a hoarse whisper, eyes a little shiny, a little glassy.
and vegas' eyes take in all of pete's face, the way he's breathing so ragged right now, and he can smell the lust and desire off of him, molecules of it vibrating and bouncing and seeping into the air. its like a hot summer night where the heat makes your restless and there's no breeze and its relentless.
"and what do you want, pete? pleasure or pain?"
"i just want you, vegas."
"not gonna whore around for anybody else?" vegas asks, leaving open mouthed kisses all across pete's cheek, his breath tanatalising on pete's ear.
"you can't bear the thought of it. look at the state of you, i can smell the jealousy." pete replies, biting down on vegas' shoulder, his fingers finding their way under his tshirt, stroking his stomach.
and vegas grabs a fistul of pete's hair and yanks his head back to look up at him. "do you blame me? when it's your fault? have you seen what you're wearing? anyone would want a piece of you."
and pete replies similarly, grabbing a fistful of vegas' tshirt and yanking him closer to his own chest. "go on, then. have all of me."
and as vegas bites down on pete's mouth and draws blood, and kisses his way into his mouth, as he tears into pete's clothes, as he makes himself bare, as his nails graze over pete's skin, leaving a trail of red and white, as he loves him down and works him open and pushes into him deeper and deeper and deeper, as he hears his name being chanted in pete's voice echo through the room, vegas does.
vegas has all of pete.
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