#god they give me so much happiness i can't stop pausing and screenshotting the whole thing
nagaikei-ajin · 1 year
Time for Beryl and Sapphire S2ep2!
Starting off strong with Sapphire wanting to show how the human world is worth saving, I just find it really precious especially when it gives a throwback to the scene in S1 where they both see the other side of each other's world inverted.
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We then finally learn a bit more about the companions by Beryls's side as they were really not expanded on in the original story and how one is plotting and almost sinister but I think might hide behind that mask as he is shown to be the guard of the Demon King. While the other tries to help him in finding a way to shared his human vision of the world so he can see the beauty of the festival and so change him mind.
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Then we get to the end of the episode where we get more Beryl and Sapphire interactions which i adore cause of how sweet they are and man they really do give me cute aggression when this scene happened.
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And upon confirming the last time in S1 where he visited the human realm and also saw sapphire as a monster proceeds to say:
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humblemooncat · 2 years
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This is still my absolute favorite head bonk screenshot and I will use it again for the theme of love if I want to. No one can stop me.
#MiqoMarch - Day 21, Love
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Since I have no way currently to get new shots of him with his husbands, I will share these old ones along with shots I took of dialogue and moments where Ki'to here just could not contain his love and I just had to capture it.
I figure that way you can see love through his eyes.
Also, spoilers ahead. I can't mention everything unless I give some spoilers. But! Everything is in chronological order, so you can skip any parts you have yet to see!
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Finally got to sit down and just have a quiet moment with Aymeric.
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Starlight '22 spoilers. Gods, who let this man look so cute in that outfit? I need to thank them. (Also ngl seeing Aymeric being so sweet with a child made Ki'to's heart swell)
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This ain't just about the husbands, btw. Soft Uri had me on the floor in my feels. I love him so much.
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✨ S h e ✨
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This still reads like a proposal to me. This was when Ki'to knew he was in it for the long haul.
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When these goobers walked in unannounced with bags of food in their arms, this boy was so godsdamned happy. Dinner with the gang is one of his favorite things.
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Hyth has a special place in Ki'to's heart. I like to think it's because Azem really loved him as well, and that love carried across shards.
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The relief this gave Ki'to was immense. He never wanted to burden the others with his troubles because he knew they had their own. So Raha telling him this eased so much tension within him. And instead of walking away like he does in the cutscene, Ki'to asked him to stay so they could talk. In all honesty, this was probably the most loved he'd felt in a while. His struggles were seen and acknowledged, and his lover made sure he felt comfortable sharing them.
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Being an inspiration to young adventurers made him extremely happy. If he can inspire generations after him to go out, explore, and learn about the world around them, then maybe Eitherys could be a kinder place in the future.
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Gods, this man loved Venat/Hydaelyn with his whole heart. The way she saw the world was so beautiful to him. He wished things could have been different so she could see the world as it is now, but she went out on her own terms and he respects that. Though to say their battle brought him happiness would be a lie. She'd been there every step of the way and he wept for her before being unceremoniously dragged out of the aetherial sea.
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I cannot even begin to describe the complex emotions running through Ki'to's mind at this point...
There was a S I G N I F I C A N T pause before he answered G'raha here. I hovered on the lower option for like 5 minutes.
"You can't do this to me. Not again..."
It's what he wanted to say. 'You can't sacrifice yourself again. I've watched you seal yourself away, try to cast yourself out with the light of multiple Wardens, be consumed by crystal, and now you want me to watch your very aether be dispersed?'
But in the end he chose to give him strength. 'I can't be selfish when we've come this far...'
Even when Devotion overtook him as he made his climb with the twins, Azem's crystal never left his hand. Stuck as far into his glove's palm as possible. If he was able. If fate allowed. He would summon them all back. He had to.
This shot was taken out of love because he wanted to cling to his words. His promises. The light of hope that they could be realized.
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And here's the relief.
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And lastly, he was happy to see that Meteion finally got her happier ending. She deserved it.
In lieu of being able to just make a post about his husbands and the love they share, I thought I would share the moments where you could see the people and things that he loved through his eyes.
Hopefully that translated well, and that you enjoyed!
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Level Up, Chapter Twelve (Branjie) - Holtzmanns
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AN: I can't even lie, the support on the last chapter and about this fic coming back made me so so incredibly happy. If you're still here and reading and leaving reviews, THANK you, I love hearing your thoughts and reactions and it honestly is why this chapter came pretty speedily. Enjoy and tell me your thoughts! Thank you writ for betaing <3
“How on earth are there seven thousand people watching this Instagram live? They got nothing better to do than talk to our sweaty asses?”
Monique’s eyebrows push together in disbelief as she looks at Vanessa’s phone screen, her eyes scanning the comments and it makes Vanessa snort, turning the camera towards her.
“It was your idea. I was perfectly content catching my breath and drinking some water now that class is done, or maybe, y’know, taking a shower,” Vanessa quips, her eyes flitting across the screen as she watches the comments fly by at light speed. “But you wanted to say hi to your ‘fans.’”
“They love me,” Monique tosses her braids over her shoulder, batting her eyes at the screen. “Right, guys?”
“Oh my god, you’re ridiculous,” Monet drops down beside Monique on the ground, popping her head in front of the screen. “I’m the one that everyone loves. I mean, how can you not?”
“Very easily.” Monique’s deadpan expression makes Vanessa burst into laughter, shaking her head.
“Y’all are nuts, I swear.”
It’s still strange to Vanessa, the way that this is her new normal. The fact that she can open Instagram and start a live and have an audience, the fact that she can post a picture and have famous people showering her with comments. It’s as if her world has tilted, little slivers of light that are shining upon new opportunities she would have otherwise never been able to see.
Like the fact that Detox has inked her a deal with fucking Fenty Beauty, of all companies, as a brand ambassador and now she has a shoot next week and Rihanna, Rihanna, knows who she is.
It still doesn’t feel real. Hell, maybe Vanessa actually had hit her head real hard during her last match and the whole period since has simply been vivid dreams while she’s in a coma at this very second. Maybe that’s a more likely scenario.
“Hold up, pass me the phone, I got something to say,” Asia holds out her hands, wiggling her fingers, and Monique sticks out her tongue, handing the phone to her.
“You better be quick. I was having fun with the filters.”
Monet scoffs, nudging Monique’s shoulder as she looks over at Vanessa. “Forget about the filters for a sec. Where are we thinking for dinner? That’s the more important thing to focus on.”
Monique pauses. “Well, see, while I’m a fan of that burrito place we went to last week, it did give me major gas, and I don’t wanna smell up any subway cars on the ride home-”
“Nasty- ”
“There’s a such thing as too much information when the people on Instagram live can overhear you, doofus-”
“As I was saying,” Monique continues, her voice a little louder, “I’m down for some Korean food, maybe. Thoughts?”
Vanessa giggles as Monet shakes her head at Monique, who looks entirely nonplussed. “I’m good with Korean.”
As much as things have changed, from the brand deals and the sponsorships and the people on the street who do a double take when they recognize her, Vanessa’s glad that one thing hasn’t. Her friendships.
She’s not sure how she’d take it if Monet and Monique and Asia started to treat her differently, if maybe they’d think she was a sellout or hate her for having a meme that she has no control over. Her friends don’t pretend as if the whole thing hasn’t happened, either, which she’s sure would feel worse. Instead, they roll with everything, getting excited when Vanessa brings them free sponsored items that show up in her mailbox or scrolling through her Instagram comments and screenshotting the hilarious ones. It’s as if they’re all going through it together instead of just her, and honestly, it feels kind of nice.
The Korean restaurant three blocks away from the gym is one that they’ve frequented quite a bit over their weekly dinners, the booths cozy and a perfect bubble for the gossip they can’t necessarily have while in front of a punching bag. And sure, their last few dinners have revolved around Vanessa’s random celebrity encounters on social media, but today the spotlight is on Asia. Or rather, the grumpy manner in which she’s eating her gimbap.
“I said, there’s nothing wrong. I’d tell you if there was,” Asia mutters, shoving a bite into her mouth.
Vanessa exchanges a look with Monet and Monique. Asia’s the queen of denial, the one who draws attention to problems precisely by trying and failing to hide them. When Asia says that nothing’s wrong, she’s fibbing. Majorly.
“You wouldn’t tell us, you’d stew about it like you are now. So, there’s something wrong. Checkmate,” Monique raises an eyebrow, and Vanessa can’t help but turn towards Asia and nod because hey, Monique’s right.
Asia, though, sulks. “No, there isn’t.”
“Asia. Just tell us!” Monet waves her chopsticks in Asia’s face, who wrinkles her nose. “Did we do anything?”
“No, no, not you guys,” Asia sighs, sinking down lower in her seat. “Not you. You know I’d be quick to beef with y’all if you did something wrong.”
Monique nods. “She’s got a point.”
“Then what? Is it Kameron?” Vanessa asks, and Asia’s expression change is immediate, the way her eyes dart a telltale sign that Vanessa’s hit the nail on the head.
“What’d she do? Do we need to fight her? Though, to be fair, not sure if any of us could fight her. Bitch is ripped,” Monique takes a sip of her drink before she can dig herself in a bigger hole, and it makes Vanessa snort.
“That’s the thing, she didn’t do anything,” Asia scowls, as she grabs another bite. “Nothing at all.”
“Nothing? What do you mean, nothing?” Monet’s eyebrows furrow and Vanessa’s sure that she’s making the exact same expression, too.
“Yeah, what’s nothing?”
“Exactly nothing!” Asia huffs. “It’s been months of us just smacking and that’s all we do, aside from talking about the weather or maybe about Bachelor in Paradise ‘cause she watches that too, but...nothing. We haven’t even been on a date or anything. Nothing!”
“Oooh… ” The way Monique’s realization trails off is comical, and Vanessa has to press her lips together to keep from breaking into a laugh because she does feel for Asia, she really does.
Vanessa’s seen her and Kameron come out from the change rooms or from behind one of the punching bags more than once, the two of them looking ruffled from their little makeout sessions. And sure, Vanessa’s thought that the two of them had more going on. At least, more than what she’s seen with her own two eyes.
But evidently not.
“So you’re waiting for her to make the first move?” Monet gives Asia a look. “C’mon, girl. If you want to date her, then ask her out yourself. Stop waiting around if you want more.”
Monique leans forward. “Yeah, what’s that saying? Follow your destiny?”
“Never heard of any saying like that.”
“Oh, shut up.”
Vanessa clears her throat, trying to shoot Asia a reassuring look. “I think the point that these two are trying to make is that Kameron’s definitely into you, too. She wouldn’t be sticking around if she wasn’t. So what’s the worst that can happen if you ask her out? Maybe she’s shy, or something. Wants you to make the first move.”
Asia scoffs. “Shy? That bitch never stops talking once she starts. I swear, that quietness is totally a facade.”
“There you go,” Vanessa nods, smiling. “See? You know her enough that she’s comfortable around you to loosen up.”
“Doesn’t mean I can ask her out,” Asia mutters, letting out a sigh. “What if she says no? What if all she wants is just this casual not-even-a relationship? What if this is the most I’m gonna get without her running for the hills?”
“And what if she doesn’t?” Monet counters. “Hey, anyone who can swap spit with you for months on end has gotta be into it, right?”
“Nasty. Truly nasty,” Asia grumbles, but her posture is less slouched, less defeated. A little more hopeful.
“Maybe she doesn’t want to feel like she’s using her position of power over you, being a coach, and that’s why she’s letting you take the reins,” Monique ponders, as she lifts up a bite of noodles. “So that she doesn’t feel like she’s pressuring you into saying yes.”
“She really wouldn’t have to pressure Asia at all, she’s jumping at a chance to...” Monet trails off when Asia shoots her a narrow-eyed glare. “Sorry.”
Vanessa reaches out to pat Asia’s shoulder because she feels for her, she really does. “You have two choices, really. You either gotta be happy with this current situation you two have going on with all the smacking and breath mints, or you gotta be willing to take a risk for a higher reward. For a chance of more with her. Though it is a huge risk to take-”
Monet winces. “Vanj, ending on that is not encouraging-”
“-look what you can get out of it,” Vanessa finishes, leaning forward in her seat. “Are you really going to be happy with the absolute bare minimum that you’re getting with Kameron? Is it the way you want things to stay? ‘Cause it seems like Kameron is fine with it.”
“Alright there, Doctor Phil,” Asia grumbles, resting her cheek against her hand, “maybe I’ll talk to her. Maybe, though. I don’t do talking.”
“Tell that to my eardrums who had to listen to you complain about your leggings for twenty minutes straight in the change room yesterday,” Monique mutters, before letting out a squeal when Asia kicks her under the table. ” Ow !”
Asia does look lighter, though, as they head out of the restaurant and towards the subway, a spring in her step that definitely had not been there during dinner. Vanessa just hopes that it’s enough, that Kameron’s feeling the same and maybe Asia’s springboard won’t break from under her anytime soon.
It’s one thing to put yourself on the line, but to risk it all? Vanessa’s a romantic and all that, but she’s not sure that she’d be able to go through with something like that herself if it all went sour.
Brooke’s not really sure of what to make of the way that Kameron’s pacing in front of her closet, to the point where she’s about to wear a hole into the floor. That being said, it is fairly entertaining to watch.
“Y’know you haven’t even looked in your closet yet, right? Aren’t you supposed to be picking an outfit to wear for your d-”
“Don’t even finish that word,” Kameron bites out, holding up a finger and Brooke snorts before taking a sip of her water. “What am I even doing?”
“You’re going out with-”
“Ugh,” Kameron sighs, flopping down on her bed beside Brooke. “This isn’t going to end well, is it?”
Brooke turns on her side, facing Kameron. “Not if you keep dithering like this. You’re putting my anxious self to shame.”
Brooke gets it, though. The way that Kameron’s leg is bouncing and the way she’s unable to keep still are both sure signs that her mind is running at a hundred miles an hour. Considering what Kameron’s about to do this evening, Brooke can’t blame her.
“What if I can’t come up with anything to talk about? What if we just sit there awkwardly and twiddle our thumbs for an hour?” Kameron covers her face with her hands, letting out a groan.
“Is what why you only make out with her in a closet like two teenagers?”
“Shut up.”
“You gotta learn how to have big girl conversations sometime or the other, Kam.” Brooke pats Kameron’s shoulder. “You can talk to me just fine. You can talk to Asia too.”
“But you’re just you. Asia is… Asia,” Kameron mumbles, her voice uncharacteristically soft, and Brooke can’t help but let out a snort.
“Thanks for that non-compliment. Very sweet.”
“You know what I mean,” Kameron sighs. “What if she won’t like me when she gets to know me?”
“You’re a catch. Definitely not my kind of catch, but someone’s kind of catch. Maybe Asia’s,” Brooke dodges before Kameron can whap her with a pillow, grinning when she misses. “Besides, Asia already knows you. You two bicker throughout classes and definitely had things to talk about when driving back from the last tournament. Or was that arguing for the entire drive about the appropriate speed limit on the highway? I can’t remember.”
“You’re terrible at pep talks,” Kameron grumbles, rolling onto her back.
“But you’re feeling better, aren’t you?”
“Regardless,” Brooke announces, rolling off the bed and grabbing Kameron’s hands to pull her up, too, “we need to pick out an outfit for you. Can’t have you dazzling your star student and date for tonight in your current wine stained joggers. Unless Asia’s into that.”
Brooke gets Kameron into jeans and a tank that shows off her arms and tattoos and Kameron begins to perk up a little at least, looking at herself in the mirror, as Brooke presses an eyeliner pen into her hand.
“Go on. Do your makeup.”
“Do you think she’ll-”
“Yes she’ll find it hot, no you can’t make out with her instead of going on the date. It’ll mess up your lipstick.” Brooke leans back on her hands as she watches Kameron from the bed.
It makes Brooke think, though, as Kameron tousles her hair and slips on a leather jacket and stands a little taller. The fact that Kameron is going on a date with Asia. It’s no secret that the coaches at Brooke’s gym sometimes hook up with the students, despite the fact that it makes Brooke’s nose wrinkle sometimes. It’s relatively harmless, never turning into anything too dramatic. Kameron’s had her own share of them, but this feels...different.
Maybe because Kameron actually cares about impressing Asia, past just the shallow looks and first impressions. She likes Asia and wants Asia to like her too, for more than someone who holds a punching bag for her. Kameron’s toeing the line with Asia from something casual towards something that could be more, and to Brooke, the drop feels real high.
It’s not like they have that much to risk, not really. Sure, a shitty date could make classes awkward for the two of them, though no harm done in the long term. But then why is Brooke’s heart turning over in her chest at the mere idea of it?
She doesn’t know. But she’s going to make her friend look good for her date, that’s for damn sure.
“What shoes?” Kameron holds up a pair of boots in each hand, and Brooke squints as she looks between the two of them.
“The docs.”
“Not too stereotypical?”
Brooke grins. “Way stereotypical. But Asia’s going to eat it up.”
She feels like a mom helping her daughter get ready for her first date. Considering how few dates Kameron has actually been on, how little she takes the leap to get to know people past a shallow level, it somehow feels appropriate.
The sun is beginning to set as Brooke leaves Kameron’s apartment, painting pinks and purples that cast an iridescent glow along the buildings and reflect off of her watch. It’s her second favourite time of the day after sunrise - instead of charging her batteries the way that the oranges and yellows of the morning do, the sunset calms her system, slowing down the thoughts in her brain that go just a little too fast for her liking.
Her phone buzzes when she’s waiting at an intersection, and Vanessa’s name on her screen makes her face break into a smile without her even noticing at first. Maybe it’s just the way that Vanessa’s always so funny, never failing to make Brooke laugh with whatever she comes up with over text.
Vanessa: alert alert Asia is going out with Kam tonight!!!!! Monique and I wanna follow them and see where they go but Monet won’t let us lol
Brooke: LOL. That’s probably for the best. Let the two of them figure it out on their own, y’know?
Vanessa: boooo but that’s boring
Vanessa: Asia said they were going to play something called lob???
Vanessa: tf is that do u know
Vanessa: cuz I thought lob was a haircut
Brooke: Picture mini golf but with small balls that you throw. And without the golf clubs.
Vanessa: haha small balls
Brooke: Really?
Vanessa: IT’S FUNNY
Brooke: It’s a fun game. Went there once some years back and honestly, it feels harder than mini golf. Not that I was good at mini golf.
Vanessa: ok but I’m good at mini golf, does this mean i’d school ur ass if we played
Brooke: Well we’d have to find out and see, wouldn’t we?
Brooke watches the clock at the top of her screen pass by one minute, then another, and Vanessa hasn’t replied, wait, did Brooke say anything wrong? She reads their conversation through again and when her eyes hit the last text…
No, it doesn’t sound like she’s asking Vanessa out. Because she’s not trying to. Vanessa’s not, they’re not…
Unless Vanessa’s taking it that way and wants to run for the hills and never speak to Brooke again-
Vanessa: ok lets square up then punk
Brooke: Did you just call me a punk?
Vanessa: and what about it??
Brooke: That’s extra burpees for you next practice.
Vanessa: playing dirty!!
Brooke lets out a laugh but it’s more of a shaky exhale than anything else, running a hand through her hair as she walks past the front desk of her apartment building and pushes the button for the elevator. Getting into the elevator alone is a blessing, a chance for her to lean her head back against the mirrors and close her eyes for a second, trying to ignore the way her heart is beating in her chest.
It’s not that she hasn’t thought about it. Brooke has eyes, Vanessa’s beautiful but also now such a good friend but she’s also her student and they’re not like that, they’re not and Brooke doesn’t do relationships-
The doors open and it’s almost a relief, in a way, because for a second Brooke gets to pretend that she can leave her worries in the elevator and not bring them into her apartment. But they sweep up on her shore as she unlocks the door, the way they always do when she wants to avoid thinking about something.
Maybe Brooke’s just in her head. Maybe Vanessa hadn’t noticed how her text could have sounded suggestive at all, hell, maybe Vanessa had just been in the bathroom or something and that’s why she hadn’t answered Brooke’s text right away. There’s a million different ways to interpret what had happened, and Brooke’s just working herself up at this point. She knows that.
Problem is, her brain doesn’t always listen.
Yvie’s frowning at a pineapple at the kitchen island when Brooke hangs up her coat and walks into their apartment.
“Not going so well?” Brooke raises an eyebrow at the bent knife in Yvie’s hand and the still-intact pineapple.
Yvie scratches her head. “I really should have just bought the pre-chopped pineapple. But all that wasted packaging, y’know? Figured this was better for the environment.”
“Not for the knife, though.”
“Sadly,” Yvie sighs, letting the knife roll onto the cutting board with a clatter. “I think there’s another one in the utensil drawer somewhere. I’m gonna try again.”
Brooke raises an eyebrow. “Why don’t you look up a tutorial first or something? Maybe there’s an easy way to do it.”
“And ruin the surprise and excitement? Nah,” Yvie shrugs, before grinning. “I’m gonna defeat this pineapple on my own.”
“Have fun with that. And let me know when you’re done so I can have some, too,” Brooke snorts, sitting down on one of the stools at the counter.
Yvie lets out a woo when she pulls another knife out of the drawer, waving it around. “Found it! Nice.”
Brooke leans back on her stool even though Yvie is a good six feet away, because she also remembers the time Yvie accidentally threw a pair of scissors across the room while animatedly telling a story complete with hand gestures. “Careful, Yves.”
“You’re fine. The pineapple is the only one getting murdered tonight.”
“Anyways,” Yvie starts, twirling the knife in her hands before lodging it in the side of the pineapple, letting out a curse under her breath. “Is Kameron ready for her date? Did you lend your fashion expertise and all that?”
Brooke shrugs. “Kameron has that part under control. She needed more cheerleading than anything else to actually get herself on the date without clamming up. You know how she gets sometimes.”
Yvie snickers as she yanks the knife back out of the pineapple. “You mean her complete lack of game whatsoever?”
“Yvie!” Brooke admonishes, rolling her eyes when Yvie grins. “I think she’ll be fine with this girl, though. From their constant bickering, they have enough chemistry to warm even Kam up a little bit.”
“Aww. I remember that stage,” Yvie’s face is almost nostalgic, her bottom lip pushing out. “Scarlet and I would always clash in class. Of course, I still found her hot when she was being stupid, but that’s beside the point.”
“And now the only thing you two argue about is about who’s going to hang up first.”
As nauseating as the two of them are, Brooke has to admit that Yvie and Scarlet are kind of cute. The way that they’re making it work despite the fact that they live far away from one another is sweet, as ‘temporary’ as Yvie says their distance is.
“God, I love that bitch,” Yvie’s eyes are almost dreamy, a jarring sight when combined with the knife she’s dangling from her grip. “Speaking of love, what’s the situation with your new lady like? Miss internet sensation herself?”
“What?” Brooke yelps, and the heat that floods to her cheeks is annoying, because from the smug grin on Yvie’s face, she definitely notices. “She’s not my lady. Jeez. I train her.”
“Yeah, yeah. Because that’s what the cuddling on the couch during Chicken Little night looked like. Completely.” Yvie’s look is knowing, too knowing, and it makes Brooke want to fold in on herself, sink under the counter.
“It’s not like that,” Brooke mutters, reaching a hand out for one of the pineapple cubes that Yvie’s successfully chopped and throwing it into her mouth, because it gives her more time to think of something to say.
It’s not. They’re not together, they’re not flirting for Pete’s sake, they’re...they’re Brooke and Vanessa. A washed up coach and an athlete with enough potential and talent and drive to have already made a splash on the boxing world without any professional fights under her belt. Vanessa’s special, more than she knows, and Brooke wants to be the one to nurture that and have a front row seat to her greatness. She’s more than a random person to flirt with and then ghost, she’s more than a sham of a relationship. She’s permanent. At least, Brooke wants her to be.
And not losing Vanessa in the future means that Brooke has to avoid doing anything to ruin whatever it is that they have between them.
“Okay. Tell that to the way you guys were snuggled together like two little puppies or something. It was kind of adorable.” Yvie pops a cube of pineapple into her own mouth, throwing another towards Brooke.
“We weren’t snuggled together,” Brooke mumbles as she chews the pineapple, shrugging when Yvie scoffs and rolls her eyes. “What?”
“So what was it, then? Huddling for warmth? In an apartment with a broken AC that’s always warm, anyway?”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Yves,” Brooke lifts up her hands in surrender. “She’s my student. We’re not doing anything.”
“Y’know what I think? I think you don’t know what to tell yourself. And that’s why you’re avoiding thinking about it,” Yvie says, holding up another cube. “Want some more?”
“Don’t you have to go Facetime Scarlet or something instead of pressing me about Vanessa? God,” Brooke grumbles. “Yes to the pineapple, by the way.”
Yvie snickers as she grabs a bowl, filling it with a handful of cubes. “You’re grumpy when you’re forced to confront your feelings.”
“There are no feelings.”
“Keep telling yourself that. Denial may be a river in Egypt, but it’s also very entertaining on you.”
“Oh, shut up,” Brooke groans, resting her cheek on her palm with her elbow against the counter. “Now go have phone sex with your girlfriend while I get my earplugs out.”
“And I’ll enjoy it, thank you very much,” Yvie singsongs as she waltzes into her bedroom, kicking the door closed and leaving Brooke alone in the kitchen.
She’s sure about what she’s said to Yvie. There are no feelings. Well, friendship feelings, and feelings of caring for Vanessa as a person because she’s pretty damn great and a wonderful person, but...not those kinds of feelings.
Brooke doesn’t do those kinds of feelings. Not when they end the way so many other things do, not when relationships don’t ever last the way that they promise to. Brooke doesn’t need her time with Vanessa to end anytime soon.
Besides, platonic cuddling is a thing. Brooke has snuggled up against Kameron’s bicep more than once during their athlete days on the drives to tournaments. Not that it was ever that comfortable back then, but hey, maybe Asia will like it now.
Maybe she and Vanessa can go play lob at the bar one day at the bar that Kameron’s taken Asia to - not as a romantic thing, because they’re not like that, they’re not, but because Vanessa’s competitive streak is adorable. Something that Brooke loves to see but also something that pushes Vanessa to be a great athlete and is almost mesmerizing to watch.
So, yeah. Lob as friends.
Brooke’s going to emphasize the ‘friends’ part when she asks Vanessa. More to calm herself down about it, than anything else.
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