#I love how cats show affection with a head bonk
humblemooncat · 2 years
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This is still my absolute favorite head bonk screenshot and I will use it again for the theme of love if I want to. No one can stop me.
#MiqoMarch - Day 21, Love
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Since I have no way currently to get new shots of him with his husbands, I will share these old ones along with shots I took of dialogue and moments where Ki'to here just could not contain his love and I just had to capture it.
I figure that way you can see love through his eyes.
Also, spoilers ahead. I can't mention everything unless I give some spoilers. But! Everything is in chronological order, so you can skip any parts you have yet to see!
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Finally got to sit down and just have a quiet moment with Aymeric.
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Starlight '22 spoilers. Gods, who let this man look so cute in that outfit? I need to thank them. (Also ngl seeing Aymeric being so sweet with a child made Ki'to's heart swell)
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This ain't just about the husbands, btw. Soft Uri had me on the floor in my feels. I love him so much.
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✨ S h e ✨
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This still reads like a proposal to me. This was when Ki'to knew he was in it for the long haul.
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When these goobers walked in unannounced with bags of food in their arms, this boy was so godsdamned happy. Dinner with the gang is one of his favorite things.
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Hyth has a special place in Ki'to's heart. I like to think it's because Azem really loved him as well, and that love carried across shards.
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The relief this gave Ki'to was immense. He never wanted to burden the others with his troubles because he knew they had their own. So Raha telling him this eased so much tension within him. And instead of walking away like he does in the cutscene, Ki'to asked him to stay so they could talk. In all honesty, this was probably the most loved he'd felt in a while. His struggles were seen and acknowledged, and his lover made sure he felt comfortable sharing them.
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Being an inspiration to young adventurers made him extremely happy. If he can inspire generations after him to go out, explore, and learn about the world around them, then maybe Eitherys could be a kinder place in the future.
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Gods, this man loved Venat/Hydaelyn with his whole heart. The way she saw the world was so beautiful to him. He wished things could have been different so she could see the world as it is now, but she went out on her own terms and he respects that. Though to say their battle brought him happiness would be a lie. She'd been there every step of the way and he wept for her before being unceremoniously dragged out of the aetherial sea.
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I cannot even begin to describe the complex emotions running through Ki'to's mind at this point...
There was a S I G N I F I C A N T pause before he answered G'raha here. I hovered on the lower option for like 5 minutes.
"You can't do this to me. Not again..."
It's what he wanted to say. 'You can't sacrifice yourself again. I've watched you seal yourself away, try to cast yourself out with the light of multiple Wardens, be consumed by crystal, and now you want me to watch your very aether be dispersed?'
But in the end he chose to give him strength. 'I can't be selfish when we've come this far...'
Even when Devotion overtook him as he made his climb with the twins, Azem's crystal never left his hand. Stuck as far into his glove's palm as possible. If he was able. If fate allowed. He would summon them all back. He had to.
This shot was taken out of love because he wanted to cling to his words. His promises. The light of hope that they could be realized.
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And here's the relief.
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And lastly, he was happy to see that Meteion finally got her happier ending. She deserved it.
In lieu of being able to just make a post about his husbands and the love they share, I thought I would share the moments where you could see the people and things that he loved through his eyes.
Hopefully that translated well, and that you enjoyed!
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bloodyinkandquill · 21 days
Subspace x Reader
yippee, tried to be be as character accurate as possible since this man is an asshole /aff
- When you first met ‘the great’ Subspace T. Mine you thought he was too loud and cocky, but after getting to know him you realized that he was but he also had a more affectionate side to him, though he usually only showed it in private, he had an image to maintain!
- You’d just affectionately roll your eyes and scoff as he went on and on about how great he is, you found the best way to get him to quiet down is to pet his head between his upper horns, he’d just go quiet and was much more tolerable, it embarrassed him but he loved it so he didn’t complain too much, he just loved talking about how great he was, even if you already knew that
- Despite him going on and on about his experiments and great successes he absolutely forbid you from entering his lab, too many toxic substances and chemicals he wouldn’t be able to handle it if you got injured because of him, especially seeing what they’ve done to him, speaking of while he acts all nonchalant and like it doesn’t affect him, you know how he is behind closed doors, holding him as he shakes from just how excruciating of pain he’s in, it’s unbearable sometimes and you do all you can to make it better for him, but there’s only so much comfort you can provide
- He is absolutely infatuated with you, he’s never been so in love before, honestly he was started to question if he’d ever find love till you, he spoils you even if you protest it, being the head of Blackrock’s science and engineering he makes a very good amount of money, plus occasionally participating in phights gives him extra bux as well, so he gets you extravagant gifts and takes you on needlessly fancy dates, you roll your eyes at the pampering but if that’s how he wants to express his love for you you won’t say no
- He wants to touch you, hold you close, kiss you, but with the poison littering his entire body it’s not the safest to do, so he just goes for small safe touches, holding your hand with the non-decaying one, bonking your shoulder with one of his horns, carefully as to make sure his crystal doesn’t touch you, he avoids kissing you too much, since his mouth is also affected by the rot, but if you want to pepper his face all over with kisses while he has his gas mask and bandage on he will absolutely not complain
- Subspace definitely uses his experiments to make really odd gifts, one of the only times he allowed you in his lab he showed you a chemical reaction, from a safe distance away, that produced heart-like smoke clouds, you thought it was sweet but a little concerning, you also stopped caring about if he came back form the lab with what might have been blood on his uniform, though if you thought it might have been his blood you still worried
- Jealous beyond belief, someone so much as looks at you he’s snarling at them from behind his mask and pulling you closer to him
- He’s tall but not the tallest so if you are taller than him he huffs about it saying how dare you be taller than him, you roll your eyes and pick him up like a cat by the scruff, if your strong enough, and he just dangles there absolutely fucking gobsmacked that you dare do that, it’s so funny you have to stop yourself from dropping him because your laughing so fucking hard
- He is constantly boasting to you about himself, he’s egotistical but it’s something about him you love, you just smile and tell him you know he’s amazing, that gets him a bit flustered as he stammers before continuing on about his greatness and expertise
- Subspace probably has a Biograft with the specific job of watching over you whenever you go somewhere without him, like he’s in his lab working and you go out to get groceries, you get some stares at the store for having a 5’8 robot standing behind you scanning anyone who gets near you but you’ve just gotten used to it by now
- I like to think he purrs, laying his head on your body, maybe lap or chest and you just pet his head as he purrs contently, if anyone saw he would so absolutely berserk about someone seeing the powerful head scientistof Blackrock in such a domestic moment, probably threatens them not to say a word as you sigh and tell him to stop threatening people
sorry if these are a bit ramble-y, hope they’re good tried my best to be accurate to his character while still being good for self shippers lmaooo, my best friend is actually a subspace simp, i’m unsure if he’s a self shipper but i do know she’s absolutely in love with this man, i just smile and non and send them art of him, he sends me art of lampert in return because i am so autistic over him, seeing art of him is not enough i need to become him, anyways thanks for reading this was fun like always!
UPDATE: sent it to said friend and she adored it so yippee!!
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opultea · 2 years
Nuzzling Headcannons
Genshin men that love nuzzling into you - Gender Neutral Reader (No Pronouns) - SFW - Romantic or Platonic - Fluff but Crack Vibes
ft. Gorou, Razor, Childe, Wanderer, Venti
Note: This came to me in the middle of the night so here we go (If you're reading this in the middle of the night: go to sleep, be better than me)
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Literally his dog boy tendencies shine through like no other time than when he’s in your arms in a private space
His tail is swinging freely as he’s laying with you, his head in the crook of your neck
He’s already going to be nuzzling his nose onto your skin, his ears tickling your jaw
But if you kiss the top of his head: you have activated full nuzzle mode
He just buried himself into your neck, taking in your sweet scent and loving how you feel
His tail is now moving a mile a minute
Gorou usually hates showing his more canine qualities, since he thinks everyone will see him as a dog first and not as a serious person
But with you, he's comfortable enough to indulge in his dog instincts (call him a good boy he'll melt I swear)
Good job you officially puppyfied the dog boy
When Razor cuddles up to you, he always starts slow
No matter how many times you’ve done it he’s comes in as if it’s his first hug ever
But it only takes 5 seconds of cuddling to get him to hold your waist as if it’s his lifeline
He LOVES how you smell and will comment on it constantly
*sniff* “You smell… like how I feel, warm and tingly. Is good.”
Brings his face to yours so you can nuzzle your noses together
It’s such an intimate form of affection for him, he’s watched the wolf parents do it since he was a child
And now he has someone of his own to do it with too :)
Doesn’t want to let you go. You will have to warn him several minutes in advance.
Even then you'll end up staying in the same position for another ten minutes
He just wants to stay with you~
You cannot tell me this man is not an insane cuddle bug
As soon as he gets home from a mission he fully flops on top of you and will not move until you have filled his affection quota (he’s been away a while so prepare to be there for several hours)
Will big spoon, will little spoon (spoon switch)
Likes to nuzzle his face into your hair, he just finds it so calming
Loves when you do it back to him, he’s proud of how fluffy he keeps his hair (just for you to nuzzle into)
Also likes to nuzzle up into your back when you're standing at the bench, cooking or making tea or coffee
No matter your height difference he will bend as far as he needs to get his face between your shoulder blades, hands on your hips, trying to bug you into holding him
Will not admit to wanting to nuzzle and will CERTAINLY never use the word ‘nuzzle’ in any situation ever.
His way of initiating cuddling is by bonking you on the head and leaving the room as if you would know what that meant
But once you are eventually cuddling, he’ll dare to show a little affection
Scarameow is real, he wants so badly to be held but will hiss if you try to touch him randomly
You learn to let him come to you, while being clear about wanting to hug him
When he’s finally in your arms, his heart will expand with so much love for you, he couldn’t ever explain how much he feels for you. He never imagined being able to feel this much for a person
So he tries to show it, by slowly and quietly rubbing his reddening face into your neck to hide
Wants to make sure you know how much you mean to him but is so scared to actually say it aloud
Please tell him you love him :(
Literally all over you
Nuzzles like he’s a cat and you’re his catnip, your soft skin gets him feeling all the right ways
Does it EVERYWHERE too
Face in your neck at the tavern, nuzzling your cheek by Windrise, holds your arm and nuzzles your shoulder when in line at Good Hunter
No shame, only cuddles
But Venti’s favourite place to nuzzle? Your chest
He adores laying on top of you and pressing his entire face into your chest as if he’s trying to squish his whole being into your heart
Which he is <3
Pet his hair while he does it he’ll swoon
"My my Windblume, you're softer every time you hold me"
"Stop trying to flatter me into doing this more"
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healerelowen · 4 months
The voices compel me
Some of those voices are a little someone named Sparky/lh 
P03 with a robot partner
First things first, I think it would be much easier to get on this bot’s good side as a bot than a beast. He’s definitely going to come to like you better and will spend more than five minutes in the same room as you when you first start to get to know each other. Once you do get around the rough edges, you’re in for a highly considerate and caring bot who actually gives a shit about those who work for him. Of course, he has priorities, as seen with it being fine with its workers throwing themselves on the assembly line just for the hopes of better cards. But you are definitely one of the very first things that come to mind! 
Something that Sparky and I were discussing, and what I’ve seen recently, is robots preening the ones they love as a form of affection. I said that in the bot world, cleaning someone close to you, like a partner, is seen as a gesture of gratitude and affection. So P03 does this often with you, and allows you to do the same thing as he works. Another form of love and affection is robots headbonking each other like how cats do. So most days are spent cleaning each other, chatter in the form of beeps and boops, and an occasional headbonk which causes a small purr from the other party to sound. 
P03 is a showoff, so he gives you all these upgrades (with your permission) to make you even better than you were before. Then he likes to show you off like, ‘Yeah look at how cool my partner is, you guys can’t top that for shit.’ Though if you ask him not to, in case you’re uncomfortable or self-conscious, it’ll stop.
Many days are spent relaxing against one another, just chatting about your days, good or bad. But one thing is for certain, that neither of you are ever left alone to experience your feelings alone.  
With an exhausted huff, you ease yourself next to P03’s side with a light thunk. P03’s arm made its way around your torso as he brought you close. “Rough day?” He asked, the clips being so soft that one might think it was just the salty breeze passing by. You nodded, resting your head against him as you tried to rest your visual processors to put less stress on your systems. There was a pause before that familiar voice you grew to love piped up again, “You want to talk about it?” Shaking your head, you sounded a small low beep of discomfort. You eased a bit more as you felt the bot starting to readjust some loose strays of thin wires and clean off some of the grime you had gathered from your stressful day.
You couldn’t help but smile, the jittering sound of clinking cogs was now replaced with a soothing purr of your systems. You sound a few sweet beeps, one in a familiar pattern that you both had done many times. He paused in its preening for a moment, before you felt a small crackle of static and bonk against your head, followed by those same beeps being sounded from the bot, saying that it loved you too.
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koiijournal · 10 months
Yandere!Hybrid Puppy x Male reader
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Recently you've been thinking if you've made the right decision to take this puppy home.
You're currently inside the bathroom showering, the water drops down to your body, feeling fresh but you got another problem to worry at hand.
The scratching sound by the door, you've expected on who it is. It was the puppy you had just adopt from an animal care.
"Haa.. I will come out soon, okay? Just wait outside I only need a bit of time"
You gently told to your hybird pet outside the door, hoping he would be convinced by your words. But the sound by the door just got louder after what you've just said, I guess it didn't work after all.
"But..! But! W–why should I wait when I can be inside w–with you!! Let me in pleasee..! Please! I've been a good boy..!"
You could only sigh and ignore his pleas, you were to tired to handle this situation. I mean, you've been giving him affection and played with him 24/7 hours! Yet it still seems like you isolated him the whole time!!
His tail wagging left and right while his ears drops down, leaning on to the door where you're just right behind there! He began to try and open the door desperately, it's like he couldn't breath if you weren't right beside him. What if something happens to you while you're in there?! He would never forgive himself if that ever happens! So won't you let him in?
He tried to take a peek with the gap under the door but went back up with his ears active again when he heard the sound of the shower stopped, now his tail are wagging 10x times more than before.
The door finally opened to his wishes, you Dr and before him with a white towel covering your body that is covered in water.
He immediately hugs your leg tightly and rubbing his head repeatedly, he looks up to you with the little tears he shed earlier when you were still inside, he was so sad without you!
"M–master! I feel like I could die if you hadn't come! I love you so much..! Please pet me I've been patient..!!"
You did as he wished but thoughts fills your mind
'what a hassle.. I can't even have a time alone these days.. Why did I even took him in! I'm a cat lover!! He really got me at the puppy eye back in the animal care..'
He tilt his head when you stopped petting him and walk away to your closet, seeing your choices of clothing to start the morning. You look back to him and he immediately sit straight.
"So.. Are you going to.. Go outside or..? I'm need to change"
You didn't know that your words made him have a break down the next second, geez! All you meant was a little privacy..
Huge amount of tears had already starting to roll down from his puffy red eyes.
"W–what do you mean..?! Do you want to kick me out..? Why! I want to stay by your side, please let me do that!! Do you not love me anymore..? NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!"
He quickly runs to your leg once again, begging and begging so awfully desperate.
"Please I.. Sobs want to hiccup I don't want to hiccup leave master.."
You were baffled at this, I mean it's not like you're leaving him forever! Even though you wish you could. Don't get yourself wrong!! You're just.. not the type of person to openly give love to everyone.
"No.. It's not that .. It's just.. Uh.."
You tried to think how to put your words but he already assumed a conclusion before you could think further.
"A–are you.. embarrassed to show your body? It's fine, I won't judge or anything!! Here, look! I'll also take off my clothes–"
He actually starts to take off his clothes just like what he said but before he can start pull down his pants–
Now he's kneeling outside your bedroom in shame, dry tears still stains his cheeks. He tried to scratch the door to get you to open but before he could do that, you alerted him.
"Don't. touch. the. door or i'll ignore you for a week."
He reverts back his hand to his lap and drops his head in more shame.
"Forgive me master..."
You can already hear his quiet sobs from the outside, he tried to hold it back. But you sighed, maybe you shouldn't have punched him. Now a small tint of guilt wonders around your heart.
You finished changing and opened the door to see his freshly new tears, oh what are you going to do with him..
"Idiot.. Does it still hurt?" You check on his forehead to see the damage you had just done.
He sobs in silent as he enjoys himself in your hand and care while nodding as a yes, it still stings in his head but hey! It was in his favour by the end of the day
While he was day dreaming in his hands, you kissed his forehead for it to get better okay yea! You know it's childish but it'll cheer him up!
His ears turned red completely as well as his brain who malfunctioned immediately! He mutters and stutters in his cries that's slowly leaving him before he completely turned red and fell unconscious in your arms.
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uponawhitehorse13 · 27 days
Arcueid Brunestud SFW alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Any way she wants. Doesn’t matter if it’s private or public. Why shouldn’t she kiss you and cling to your arm? She is your girlfriend after all.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You’d probably be out running an errand or doing something else when she’d approach you and ask what you were doing before promptly deciding to tag along. The same situation would repeat itself until she started seeking you out to do things together. So now she’s just always following you around.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
She loves cuddles. She’s like a big cat. Always splaying herself out on top of you or laying her head in your lap.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
She doesn’t know anything about either cooking or cleaning. However she is eager to learn. Be ready to deal with quite a few burnt meals or having your clothes dyed pink by accident.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
You die.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
She doesn’t really get it. There are way more meaningful ways to express eternal dedication to one another according to her.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
She will probably bonk you on the head if you say something stupid but also get upset if you do the same. Her comments also tend to be pretty blunt but she means no harm.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Anytime she’s excited she pulls you into a bone crushing hug. She also likes to surprise you with hugs and loves when you also do it to her.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
She has no problem saying it. Wouldn’t understand if you got flustered about it. Isn’t that the reason you are in a relationship?
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She can get kinda jealous when she sees you talking to other girls but when you assure her you still like her she’s content. She honestly wouldn’t mind sharing you if it’s someone she could trust.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
She’s pretty aggressive with her kisses and she likes giving you cheek kisses in public to show people you’re together.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Yeah she probably isn’t the best choice around children. She’d have fun with them but there would definitely be a lot of shenanigans for you to deal with.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
She’s most often up first trying to wake you up to make you take her somewhere. Either if you two were sleeping together or she somehow got into your room (no matter which floor you’re on).
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
She doesn’t need to sleep that much so she sometimes stays up watching over you. But she does enjoy getting to snuggle up with you and sleep together.
O = Open  (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say  everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Yeah she probably wouldn’t have any problems loredumping on you. The only thing you’d need to do is ask.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
She is unreasonably forgiving. Even if you really piss her off a simple gift and an apology is more than enough.
Q = Quizzes  (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little  detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
She’d remember a lot, especially anniversaries. But sometimes she’s mad you didn’t remember a completely random anniversary. Like the first time you went swimming together or the first time you two “lady and the tramp”-ed a bowl of spaghetti.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Probably the moment she realized she fell for you. It was such an unfamiliar feeling for her but she knew she wanted to feel it more.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Oh she’d definitely be very protective of you. Won’t let you ever put yourself in danger. And also won’t let you worry about her. She can handle whatever’s thrown at her.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She honestly really wants to do nice things for you but she just doesn’t know what to do. Really needs your direction.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
She often doesn’t know when to stop. When she realizes you don’t have the same amount of energy as her she apologizes and finds you a place to rest. She’d probably carry you if you couldn’t walk anymore.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She very much enjoys dressing up but she forgets not all outfits are for all places leading to you reminding her to dress more appropriately.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
She’s never really had someone this important to her so she doesn’t know it but being without you would hit her pretty hard.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I think Arc would really love metal and going to metal shows. Like really heavy stuff like death metal, grindcore or black metal. She wouldn’t care about the unintelligible lyrics or abrasive instrumentals. She would just love screaming her lungs out and going crazy in a moshpit. She’d also be very interested in all the art on merchandise and album covers. Going around before the show asking random people what the unreadable logos on their shirts and battle jackets say.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Affiliations with the church.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
She takes up a lot of space when she’s sleeping so unless you’re cuddling she’s taking up way more than half the bed.
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kaeyx · 1 year
I will In fact fuck the old men, I'll elaborate on the cat au since everyone's talking about how cute catzai is but no one is ready for catzawa or catmori. I think when you let them in (cuz even irl kittens are more liked than older cats) and they're just so greatfull and attached to you. They sneak up into your bed at night seeking your company and you're actually worried your bed will give up (cuz let's be honest those small beds for one person won't hold up 3 grown people) and so you move to the bed thinking that they just want to feel comfortable and warm but the moment they notice you're not in the bed they instead snuggle up against you on a floor and now the bed's empty instead..and if you thought catzai throwing himself on you was bad try holding up weight of two tall ass men purring into your ear. Catmori is Smart,very smart but he'll pretend to be silly just for your own amusement he thinks if he can make you laugh more and show you more affection you'll like him more than catfukuzawa. While Catfukuzawa is like a Guard (dog)cat and strong one at that) making sure you ate, fighting Mori for the spot on your lap and making sure you're safe. Also when fighting for who gets to be in your lap (since there's no way you can hold up both of these grown ass men at the same time) catmori does the cat thing when he hits catzawa on the head with his paw/hand two time and hisses his ears pulled back and catzawa just stares at him unmoved. (He won't move. He refuses to move. He doesn't care he already passes the agreed time on your lap and now it's Mori's turn) Catzawa makes sure you eat healthy while catmori would just love to spoil you with sweets and your favourite food. They're so cute I love em
It is your god given right to fuck those old men indeed. I feel like they'd be hesitant at first because it's just really uncommon for anyone to take them in at their age, let alone both of them together. But they'll warm up to you soon enough, they're both smart enough to sense you're serious about this arrangement.
I love the thought of catzawa being stoic all the time except for maybe a smug little flick of the ears or his purring. He'd drape himself elegantly over your shoulders while you work or sit pressed up against your side, just enjoying the quiet company. He watches over you from the counters and the windows and the rooftops and you can't tell him off because he'll just stare right back at you until you give up.
Catmori might act all dignified around people he doesn't know, but you're different. Catzawa too of course. He'll bonk his head against you in greeting or bring you sweets and rub his scent all over your clothes. Catzawa looks on from the corner if you give him too much attention, tail swishing. Catmori would love to curl his tail around you or put his arms around your shoulders or waist, paws kneading at your hip while he chills and thinks about something else or watches TV. He's the one always tempting you to get a snack or try that new boba place that just opened up, while catzawa is the one sternly steering both of you away and asking when you last cooked yourself a proper meal.
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the-courtsjester · 9 months
Greetings ladies and gentlemen... and things, life if hard and trying to actually make a story with my own characters that's being mixed in with a show's own lore and balancing life is draining, I have two other stories I'm trying to work on in Tumbler so hopefully soon enough I can get one of them out. But anyway now enjoy these headcanons
Stelle x Male Reader headcanons
Stelle is basically a dog let's say that she'll follow you everywhere even break open the door to the bathroom to just... watch you, her brain dosen't even register your pants are down or that you're naked if you're showering, she just stares into your eyes not blinking until you pat her.
Stelle is easily gets bored why do you think she jumps in trash all the time? But if a conversation doesn't directly require her but you don't need to go through the process of cleaning her later, she has her own built in leash on the back of her jacket, and as pouty as she gets your stare of disappoint is super affective against her.
You ever see someone in a cartoon or show sleep in the weirdest position? Well when you don't get in bed with her fast enough and she falls asleep she'll manage to get in some weird positions, like half her body hanging off the bed, you fix this obviously but in the morning she'll somehow look like she's trying to hit a dance move while sleeping.
She definitely doesn't spend money wisely, I mean she knows how to not spend all of it and have some in reserve, but if she has some extra money and sees something stupid she knows you'll enjoy she'll buy it so long as she has enough money, one time she once bought you a large plushie that now takes over a corner of your room but hey it's to see your smile so worth it.
Oh you some super hyper fixation on something? Well don't keep it from her she wants to know so you both can share a brain cell and enjoy it together while snuggling on a couch or something, in short term it's now our hyper fixation.
Stelle definitely stares off into space thinking of you in many different scenarios, when she's eventually brought back into the conversation she'll look at you before covering her face in embarrassment from what she just imagined.
That baseball bat of hers is really good for bonking her and stopping her from taking a trashcan from the worlds you visit, only once have you let her bring one onto the Express after decontaminating it several times over, she sits in it like a cat in a cup it's cute.
When you have to leave the Express for awhile she'll be much more bored then usual, which means it's the perfect time to join March on some mischief, one time they set up the Express to be full of traps like Home Alone... Dan Heng was not happy to be their victim.
Your late night talks get weird, like talking about what animal you could one v one with just fists, how much food you could consume in an hour, how amazing it would be to rest your head on Himeko's chest for even a second, you both agreed it would be one of the top things you'd kill someone for.
She's kinda in the middle when it comes to be jealous, she'll definitely feel like you could be paying attention to her more if it's someone you both don't know that much, but if it someone you at least know she doesn't particularly care as much thanks to you being a great boyfriend that shows all the love in the world for your weird dog raccoon girlfriend.
Ah finally I've finished something hopefully my lovely audience enjoyed the show, again I'll try and focus on finishing the stories but no promises but I hope you all have a great rest of your night or day
And scene...
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minquiec · 1 year
regurgitation of my jipunk headcanons here heeheehaahaa
Might update these as I go but these are all I have so far
- post getting together jia listens to london boy religiously whenever she misses him
- jia is kind of communicatively constipated in terms of dating ie if she wants to hug she doesn't know how to ask so she kinda just stares him down but I have this hc where hobie is stupidly good at reading ppl so he gets it anyways (with some difficulty bc he doesn't understand right away but knows she wants smth) but he gets used to it over time HHHAHSNRRGKKKGJ
- he definitely does that thing when they hold hands and he puts it into his jacket pocket AARRGGGGHHHH
- she listens to mostly everything music wise but her genre is like leaning towards pop so sometimes he makes fun of her for it
--> probably goes on rants abt punk music but she just listens like yep yep :]
- hb brings over british chinese takeaway just to piss her off for fun
- good singer but can't do it in command gf x can't sing bf
- they're both good w kids (babysitter hours open 24/7)
- "You're so fucking annoying." "I know 😁"
(out grocery shopping)
- someone: why tf is everything so expensive
- at the same time:
"capitalism" "inflation"
- has an actual driving license gf x does not but illegally drives bf
- sometimes jia just goes and takes out the kids for a ride to visit places or shopping (for a taste of that normality y'know AUEGH)
- cat likers unite
- jia wants to hear the kids call her jie jie so badly (dead babysat kids things LELLL)
- they're both flexible but jia is significantly more flexible
- jia has BBBAAADDDD mood swings during period but hb is pretty well versed in what to do (don't ask how he just knows) so he's pretty accommodating when her emotions are out of wack
- hb loves simple intimacy like skin to skin contact like not even in a sexual way but it's where it could just be like a hand on her neck or when she's in looser clothes he'd just hold her waist under her shirt to feel the warm skin there. there's smth about the feeling of warmness under his hand that grounds him (tears are pouring out my eyes rn)
--> I saw this hc where he has this chronic pain bc of getting flung around and stuffs so imagine sometimes he just wordlessly heads over to her place unannounced cause the dull ache in his bones makes it hard to even think 🥲 he does it cause One: her world is a lot less chaotic and her apartment is pretty quiet (despite the awful traffic and noise pollution [it's cause she lives somewhere rlly high up in the building so it's kinda far away y'know])
And Two: bringing it back to the skin thing, while it doesn't make the pain go away it makes it a little more bearable 🕳️🤸
And Three: she's there to help and he knows it AAARRGRFHHEJKJRNNNENSJJW
The way they look at each other (when the other isn't looking back):
She looks at him as if he's the sunrise or the stars. (Sees him as something so breathtaking, compared to natural beauty in the world ie sunset and stars.) Eyes bright and in wonder. Wide to take everything in as if she's scared to lose him when she closes her eyes again.
Looks at her as if she's the ocean or afternoon sun in a house. (Sees her as something comforting, compared to mundane intimacy.) Eyes soft and relaxed. Often half lidded as he skims over her face to commit it to memory. (SIMILARITIES TO HOW CATS SQUINT THEIR EYES TO SHOW AFFECTION = WIDE EYES: ALERT, CLOSED EYES: TRUST.)
- hb isn't exactly like, protective cause he knows she can handle herself (esp when she goes around carrying that expanding metal staff of hers to smack anything and anyOne) but if he rlly wanted to, a good bonk over the head with his guitar never hurts anyone (except the idiot getting bonked)
- JIA ON THE OTHER HAND HAHSHAS she doesn't get jealous and isn't confrontational but she will side eye someone real hard if they start talking smack abt him HAHA and when they turn around she'll like pull this face and start shit talking them either in chn or to him
Starts looking like this BASLKWNSHAHAHAH
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- doberman x orange cat (she's such an orange cat I'm sorry she's so dumb /affectionate)
- she has this obsession w his tummy for some bizarre reason cause she just thinks it's so cute❓‼️❓ like she would poke and prod at it and squish it and agagshshsb SHE JUST THINKS ITS SOSO CUTE CAUSE ITS SO SOFT AND SO WARM AND SHE JUST WANNA PET IT
- hb doesn't really get nervous or flustered a lot and so 98% of the time it's jia going asfdjkhj but he does get rlly nervy when she gets close to his chest cause his heart goes rlly fast around her 📈📈 and he thinks it's embarrassing and doesn't want her to hear ANNSSSKKFJJJEJKSJJDBBFKLLBE
- he does this thing where he like leaves guitar picks in strategic yet not strategic places around her apartment like he'd either put it in plain sight or hide it and he does it bc One. To tick her off when she finds it or smth and Two. He comes over alot anyways so he might as well cause you KNOW he's bringing his guitar everywhere so it'd probably be them sitting on her couch and he'll just pull a pick out from under her lamp??? And then start playing and she's just like ????? Where???
- he likes her hands a lot like he likes to hold it in his palm and just turn it over in his hands ☹️ cause her hands are obviously smaller and it's so cute to him but he just really like the way hands look ‼️‼️ cause he thinks hands are important in both literal and metaphorical sense so he appreciates them lots ALSO likes to kiss her hands a lot DIES AND EXPLODES like finger tips, palms, the back of her hands anywhere is free real estate 🔥 bites them too cause he's annoying like that /loving
- jia does this thing where she sometimes furrow her eyebrows tm and hb likes to
Press his thumb against that middle space between the eyebrows ❓ to rub it flat ❓ (maybe kith it HAAUGEGGRGGR) and keeps reminding her to stop cause she's gon get a headache with all that muscle tension
- hb likes to do this DUMBASS thing where he'd just walk in to the bathroom even if she's using it
But the thing is he's not even like paying attention to her half the time he just
Doesn't care and likes to tick her off
And so he just barges in and jia would look up from her phone with a expression like this
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- hb is currently rivalling and competing with the cat belonging to jia's neighbour for the first place spot of her affections LMAO he's rlly beefing w that cat cause jia babies it to the end of the earth
- smth I find cute is jia wears her watch like hb and idk why it makes me ehehgkrjdghfg cause in the movie he wears the interface on the inside of his wrist and so does jia bc LEARNING LITTLE HABITS FROM UR PARTNER IS SOOOO ‼️‼️
CORNY IDIOTS I HATE THEM (they consume my every waking thought)
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nonuggetshere · 8 months
Some small AU specific headcanons let's a go
The Palelight family is one of these families that hug and kiss each other's cheeks as a greeting and goodbye. The kids also get hugs and kisses for goodnight, and yes that includes the adult ones, they're not escaping this (if they want to, of course, no show of affection is forced). Generally, in Hallownest, kissing on the cheek is a fairly common greeting amongst family members. Hornet is less than thrilled about thos 50% of the time, she's not the most physically affectionate person out there.
Flower prefers head bonks though and it's what they do with Hornet and PK. WL gets a proper greeting and a hug, maybe a gentle bonk or a nuzzle with a purr. With PK they just bonk their heads together like cats, and it's no gentle baby bonk either but a proper skull slamming. WL can hear the dull thud from across the room and wonders how either of them can just laugh about it and not even wince or get knocked back. She sometimes jokes that one of these days they're going to give each other concussions or get their horns stuck together. Hornet and Flower are similar, their bonks range from sensible ones to at this point I'm pretty sure they're just trying to see who gets knocked out first.
When WL gets comfortable with somebody she will just. Pick them up and move them while saying excuse me instead of asking them to move. She mostly does it with her kids (this includes Hornet) and PK.
The first time Petunia and Lummis get moved they don't know how to feel about it. Flower reassures them it means she likes them.
Idk if I even mentioned it, but when Flower was being taught all the necessary things to be an heir and shadowing PK while he worked Petunia also joined them, wanting to be an active part and supporter of Flower if they ever had to take up the throne (spoiler alert, unfortunately they do). Lummis joined them for a while but came to the conclusion that it wasn't for him. Of course, some nobles will get up in arms about a commoner joining their meetings but they quickly learn that's not gonna fly.
And Petunia, Flower and PK are surprisingly a fun trio for me to write. PK and Flower express their love for each other through friendly bullying and Petunia is much the same so it just works, they Click. The two are giant nuisances for PK at times but he can be snarky right back. They generally enjoy each other's company, it's almost surprising how well Petunia and PK get along considering she hated his guts just a few years before that.
Circling back to the nobles, it's worth noting that thanks to PK's and WL's...unique treatment of Flower for most of their life, there's some wild gossip about who they are. Considering their resemblance to their parents yet the way they were treated, the most popular one is that they're an affair baby of either PK or WL (nobody can agree whose they are). Unfortunately, this perception that they're a bastard holds on in some circles and affects how they're treated by them. Not all of them are bad, naturally, but there are groups that are and even think of Flower as lesser simply because of their former roles/not always being an heir.
Similarly, some of them are upset about Flower choosing to be with commoners. The nobles are a mixed group with different outlooks but there are certainly ones who are very classist and look down on Petunia and Lummis (and any court members, which includes 3/5 great knights also) for coming from humbler origins.
Some if Hallownest's nobility are downright obsessed with procreation, seeing as passing down their family names is very important to them they view bloodlines in ways that aren't always the most progressive, if you will. There is definitely a small subset of nobles who believe commoners being let into the royal family is a disgrace and tainting the king's bloodline, and an even smaller subset that believe this + the rumour of Flower being a bastard have an even lower opinion of Petunia and Lummis being part of that family. This gets even worse when Petunia falls pregnant before they're married, some of them even made comments about "less than half-bred" since they're the children of a bastard and a commoner, before very quickly learning that these sorts of comments will not fly around the king.
By all means not every noble is like this, but the ones that are are...very vocal. Now that the infection is long gone and PK gets a first hand look at how they treat people they perceive as lesser than them maybe it's time for some reforms.
Heading in a completely different direction. Genderfuckery.
Flower primarily uses they/them but they also don't mind any pronouns
They've also been trying out it/its in a reclaiming it way, but only allow these closest to them to use it
PK and WL avoid using it for obvious reasons though and Flower completely understands. They tried it for a bit but it left very bad taste in their mouths, Flower is just happy they gave it a go in the first place - they completely understand why people involved in their life when they were a vessel wouldn't be fully comfy with it so it's something mostly their partners and friends use. Still sporadically though, they prefer they/them 9 time out of 10
As for gendered terms, Flower doesn't mind any of them, though their preferences lean towards gender neutral and feminine terms. Their children call them mama, they go by heir, prince, princess, what have you, in court.
In Hallownest "king" is a gender neutral term used dor the primary ruler (Sting is next in line and she will too use the title king despite very much not being a man). Flower uses both it and sometimes monarch, with an occassional queen thrown in there.
Higher beings don't really have the same concept of gender as mortals (Flower and Hornet are kind of an exception since they were raised amonsts mortals), and neither PK nor WL exactly have a gender and simply rolled with the terms their followers came up with for them. After retiring (against his will) PK decides to try out more gender neutral and feminine pronouns and terms (I call PK "they" half of the time by accident anyway so why the hell not).
And lastly, a small idea I had. Before taking on a smaller form to be with her husband and becoming the queen of Hallownest, White Lady wad originally known to her followers as Mother Tree. Now this title very much remains unused and near forgotten, at most appearing in some history books and archives.
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sgcairo · 2 years
Brainrotting hard rn so here's more dottocapilone thoughts:
Since Pants can't realy reach Capitano's head enough to bonk his head as a sign of affection, he opts to simply grabbing a teaspoon and gently clanking it againts Capitano's helmet. 'Tano sometimes retrives the clank by tapping the corner of Pantalone's glasses, either with his finger or a teaspoon. (i feel like they both drink tea togheter when they get the time)
Pantalone shows his affection to both of them by gift giving, of course. He gets Capitano the fanciest, most high quality supplies for maintaining his armour or his weapons. Brushes, oils, cleaners, blade sharpeners you name it, anything his darling needs to keep his tools fresh and clean. For Dottore, he either gives him some extra funding for his experiments, gets him some realy nice dessert or buys him some newer lab equipment. He knows getting him clothes isn't realy worth it, as the Doctor most likely won't care too much to maintain them, plus his rather questionable fashion choices, so the only 'clothing' item he's getting him is a new handmade mask. He likes seeing at least some variety in his loves looks.
Capitano very much not being used to Pantalone's nicknames. I feel like he was utterly confused when Pantie started calling him "sweetie" or "darling" or whatever other sugary title he came up with. It's especaly strange to him considering how large and intimidating he is, to the point that getting called "baby" feels absolutely ridicilous. He gets used to it eventualy tho.
Dottore's love for Cap most likely started out as a form of fascination or curiousity. What he is, how he's so strong, is he even human and what not. He felt the need to just analyze him completely. Break him down on a scientific level. See what's inside, how and why it works, how can that something reacts to things and how it can be altered. He observed him from afar in a way animal reasearchers observe a newly discovered species, and somewhere in that research, he started feeling something a bit deeper. Just like Pantalone he definetly info dumps him with whatever he has on his mind.
Pantalone is the main guy when it comes to maintaining the two's hygeine. Not only does he need to force Dottore into a bathtub at least once a week like he's trying to shower a cat, but he also needs to make sure Capitano washes his hair(we're gonna assume he has some) well and doesn't use fucking hand soap for everything. Sure, ol' Caps shower routinely, but a single bar of fucking hand soap and nothing else is not enough for a man who spends most of his time in heavy armour. And it's especaly not good for his hair under that helmet of his. Pants helps him scrub his head all nice with fruit scented shampoo and conditioners, all while explaining how to use them correctly. He got both him and Dottore some moisturizers just to be safe too, tho he doubts they'll use them often.
Capitano is usualy the one who makes sure the others aren't working themselves to death. When he has the time he'll stop by their offices/labs and "chat" for a moment, and by that i mean he lets them nap right next to him, either on a sofa or on the cold tile floor of the lab with a few words being exchanged. Before leaving he'll gently remind them to take a break, tho there have been times where he had to vaguely threathen them to rest. He makes sure to have some food delivered to them, or he'll outright bring a small snack himself.
That's it for tonight, i will return👍
(Link to the first part)
Oh dear, now I'm having my own thoughts, let me jump in on this:
Capitano is extremely protective of Pantalone in particular. Not only in a literal way, but he'll regularly ask Pantalone about his health (hc that Pantalone has a fairly weak constitution in this case) and even insist that Dottore check up on him. Capitano is always one to trust his gut, and when his gut is telling him that Pantalone has been looking a little too pale as of late... The Regrator is getting a check up and as much bed rest as feasibly possible, even if Capitano has to lay with/on him to get him to sleep. Bonus points if he can drag Dottore into bed too, Capitano is probably the only one of them with an actual sleep schedule.
Capitano and Dottore spar often- which gets messy when they both let go of their dignity and just start wrestling and biting each other. Dottore's chompers make some serious dents in Capitano's armor, but he's no match for a two-ton man on a mission, and usually ends up getting sat on until he calms down and pinkie-promises not to bite (he still bites Capitano out of spite anyways). Pantalone has walked in on them tearing into each other multiple times, it's safe to say that he nearly had a heart attack upon watching Capitano fold Dottore and throw him into a wall.
Pantalone and Capitano have tea together often. Dottore isn't civilized enough to sit through a nice cup of tea, especially when the conversation is polite, so Pantalone has to settle for Capitano instead. It's nice, especially when the two sit in silence and simply relish being in each other's company. Capitano always insists on pouring tea for Pantalone and himself, he claims that it's his duty (Pantalone is still trying to figure out what he means by that). Dottore occasionally drops by and sits in one of their laps, angry that they didn't invite him.
Capitano insists that he sharpens and takes care of Pantalone's daggers himself, and has even taken it upon himself to find the best weapons for the Regrator. Dottore can take care of himself, Capitano isn't all that worried about him, but Pantalone is the weakest of the three, and the Captain won't stand for it. While he would like to be by Pantalone's side at all times, he unfortunately has duties, making that impossible. Instead, he settles for chasing after the best and most expensive weapons across Teyvat, testing them himself to ensure their quality. In return, Pantalone slips a few poisons into the cups of people he knows the Captain doesn't like, just to do a little something for his considerate darling.
Dottore definitely collapses the second he gets back from work, which thrusts the task of washing him, getting him ready for bed, and making sure he doesn't suffocate himself in a pillow onto Capitano and Pantalone. Divide and conquer is their strategy of choice, Pantalone will take his sweet time washing every little part of Dottore with expensive oils and soaps, all while Capitano is preparing the bed and a gown for Dottore to stumble into. It's a team effort, and once Dottore is stowed away neatly, the two take time to wash each other thoroughly, especially considering the fact that ol' Cap tries to wash himself with hand soap. Pantalone will not allow it, even if it means dragging Capitano into the tub with him.
Pantalone has two rings, each engraved with the symbol of his darlings and some precious stones that remind him of them. Whenever anyone asks, he merely replies that they're for his husbands, which gets a dumbfounded expression out of the person who asked and said "husbands". Dottore is very cocky about it and flaunts the title, Capitano is still trying to recover from the fact that Pantalone considers him his husband. The two make sure to show their appreciation later, in their own ways (Dottore bites him).
Pantalone is the shortest and gets used as an armrest. This is not negotiable.
Dottore will actually agree to dress nicely if it means that they call him handsome. Especially by Capitano, who is not exactly known for dishing out compliments. Pantalone calling him "handsome boy" also helps, though the two have acquired suits more to Dottore's taste to coerce him even further. Pinstripes is definitely one of his favorite patterns, and Pantalone will spare no expense to acquire the most lavish suits with that exact pattern. Capitano is more focused on making sure Dottore stays warm with that twig of a body he has, always grumbling about furs and cotton grades.
I like to think that in this case, Dottore and Capitano were already a thing before, they looked at Pantalone one day and decided simultaneously that they wanted that one.
I'm honestly terrified of Capitano, hand soap on the hair???
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satanicdollx · 8 months
12: how do you show affection? 👋🏾
12: how do you show affection? i'm a cat so I'll just bonk my head against you. More seriously tho my love language is physical touch (I mean it's all of them but yeah) so this, and also I'll ask 100 times a day if I'm not bothering you/if you still care about me because abandonment issues 🥲
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neverchecking · 1 year
Now that I've introduced the wonders that is beastmen Reader, I can introduce funny little habits.
Habits such as purring, tail touches, and affectionate head bones. The purring is an obvious indicator of contentment, and scientifically cat purrs can help boost your body's ability to heal so Reader purring on a Link is their way of helping him heal. The tail touching is them wrapping their presumably prehensilve tail around one of the Chain's wrist, waist, or leg as a show of security and that they feel safe with the individual(s). And then the head bonks are just how a lot of animals express friendship and affection and its very cute.
There's also protective traits such as Reader snarling, tail lashing, teeth bared, claws out when a monster tries to hurted a downed Link or few. I think the Chain would swoon at the prospect of Reader being so protective of them. Not to mention beastmen Reader might be inclined to hunt for them so they disappear for a bit, freak out the Chain, but they calm down when Reader comes back with food.
My furry brain is taking over. I'm spiraling.
- Owl Anon
Owl anon!
Reader just being a bit more feral than the feral triplets just You KNOW They down bad.
Reader disappearing, causing freakouts and just reappearing is such cat like behavior hofbf
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lukachris · 2 years
One version of Keith I love
-The surprisingly goofy one that can match Lance’s energy once he’s fully settled into their relationship/formed friendships with all the paladins.
-Like just a random example is how easily he’s willing to be a dork when showing affection. 
Lance: “Babe you did great! Kiss reward!”
Keith: “Light of my life, we are literally floating out in space, with our helmets on. Though I would gladly die for you, I feel you may regret my untimely death for just a kiss.” 
Lance, pouting: “Oh, right. I would be very upset.”
Keith: “Do you wanna bonk helmets?”
Lance: “What?”
Keith: “Like cats. When they bonk their heads to show affection. Bonk helmets.”
Lance: “You romantic~” 
-proceeds to bonk their foreheads together and laugh like lil guys in love
-Extra idea:
Keith: “Pidge come here! Let me give you platonic affection!”
Pidge, making a cross with her fingers: “Begone!”
Keith, steadily floating over: “Like cats Pidge!”
Pidge: “I should be insulted by your insinuation.”
-Keith instead turns his attention to Shiro who immediately senses he’s in danger. 
Shiro: “No don’t even think about it! I know what you’re going to do!”
Keith, approaching like the menace he is fueled with mischief: “Come here Shiro, let me bonk you with brotherly love!”
Shiro, attempting to escape: “No you’re just going to headbutt me full force! There is no affection, ONLY VIOLENCE!” 
-Keith launches himself at him and there is high pitched screaming as they go tumbling in open space with Keith laughing like the lil shit brother he is. 
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flower-seller · 1 year
Oooohoohoo that cats analogy is very cute, like when two cats walk next to each other and bonk heads/curl tails (and ur not sure if its adoration or frustration lol)
That was really cool! And I'll throw some more at ya, all optional and no rush of puzzling anything out 💕
What does love mean to them? (ie gentle, fiery, enduring, painful?)
Love languages?
Favorite places, ways to be touched? (ie scratched, scalp massage, biting)
Monogamy or polyamory?
What is their moral code, and what circumstances could lead them to break it?
Hi this one is…so, so late and I apologize for that BUT it is here it is for what it is worth! OTL 
Thanks for your patience, Praz!
What does love mean to them?
🌸 Euphorbia: 
Solidity and warmth, someone to lean on. Safety....even if she (past an, ahem, certain mountain-esque point) doesn't always get that feeling from him, she still loves him. It's all of it to her; gentle, fiery, enduring, painful, sweet and bitter and just...everything.
Basically, even if he's hurt and betrayed her, this fucked up little man is still her everything and while she isn't going to take his bullshit laying down she still cares deeply enough about him to try and wrangle him and understand what is wrong. Like, god, I bet at times out of nowhere during that 10 year gap they're apart she wonders if he ate that day.
✨️ Volo:
 For Volo... Love would be for someone to accept him as he is, not what he appears to be, but to acknowledge his flaws and mistakes, his scars, and still find something worth value. He's a very guarded person and for someone to be able to break away the facade he's built upon for his entire life; that is love. 
It's simple and a bit self indulgent on his part, but that's what we enjoy about him
Love Languages?
🌸 Euphorbia: 
Hmm… hers is probably gifts to a lesser extent than Volo. Even if she can't remember her past where her situation was similar, she is living where her means are not Great so to give something without it being an exchange is a big deal. No one gave you shit for free in water country so to her it's another little show of undiluted affection. i.e. candies and homemade preserves she gives him and the gold nugget she reverse mugs him with. Also, words of affirmation are a close second.
✨️ Volo: 
Volo's love language is gifts naturally. Further adds to the folklore/yokai vibes he's got now too in addition to his occupation, it's just too good not to be his exact love language. Another one though is definitely teasing, friendly jabs here and there for the people close enough to him to know he only jokes. Sometimes.
Favorite places/ways to be touched?
🌸 Euphorbia: Touch is a bit weird for Euph, since you've definitely got to be on the tier of friend or higher for her to willingly allow it. Though if she is in the village and someone taps her shoulder to get her attention or something she isn't going to lash out, since she is trying to play nice to avoid being tossed to the wilds with amnesia in an unfamiliar land.
As far as more intimate touch. We kind of touched on (heh) preferred places and ways to be touched with a kink meme. (Not posted but maybe… someday? It's not visually explicit, just a checklist.) But I imagine anyone else but Volo making her aware of how small she is would be met with grrrhisss, but definitely is not opposed to feeling his entire hand wrap around a wrist or shoulder or whatnot. Very much a case of "I am showing you my neck because I feel secure, please don't break it"
✨️ Volo: 
Volo is touch starved. And while there are spots that he is self conscious about, namely scars, this dude will absolutely melt at the slightest touch truthfully. He’s really big on… Hand holding. In both normal and sexual settings, He wants to twine his fingers together to show that he’s still there and that he loves her, always. Also pretty into his chest being played with and ass grabs oop— 
He’s got a nice ass and he knows it. 
He also loooves his hair being touched, his hair being a bit of a symbol to his progress in life. Once super long and flowy (longer than even current Volo’s), it was once cut down to about ear length against his own will. So it being as long as it is once more, this man feels a lot of emotion about it. 
One big thing to note; He does not like the touch of strangers in any regard. Especially after certain points in his life, he really does not care for random people even brushing shoulders with him accidentally. It makes him nervous, and nervousness leads into his anger which… Don’t touch this man without permission, he may recoil, and if you’re lucky he’ll only grumble about it. Especially his hands if he doesn’t know you. With how self conscious he is about his claws… 
There is another like. Super sensitive spot on his dude, but I shan’t reveal that yet… 😏
Monogamy or polyamory?
🌸 Euphorbia:
Hmm… she is probably mostly monogamous, it would take a very special someone since she's pretty stuck on this guy. She's already prone to a little jealousy, so I think anything beyond like an unattached threesome or whatever would take some work and probably give her indescribable amounts of heartburn first 
✨️ Volo:
YEAH YEAH they handshake pretty much
I could see like a political alliance threesome or maybe a secret spying one but not anything legitimately more than business. Even then I know he wouldn’t ever go through with full blown sex with anyone other than Euph for a plethora of reasons (most of which I will not say just yet but), but yeah teasing and toying to get information out of someone before tossing them aside is not off the table. 
Moral code and breaking it?
🌸 Euphorbia:
Her morals, outwardly, are pretty good. And actually not horrendously bad either. She's definitely willing to do some sketchy shit and feel minimally bad about it depending on what it is. "Be nice to me/my friend or I'll punch your lights out" and "good thing the nearest village is so far away because you fucked up and I'm going to break your wrist now and don't want someone to come running" type shit
As for what would make her break a moral code... your standard desperation, that can make anyone act unwise. That desperation can definitely range in flavor though, instinctual or meditated on.
Euph is pretty stubborn as a previous kiri nin from ye old days where the village was basically self-cannibalizing itself politically and maybe even literally. So having resolve and the will to keep moving forward even if you have to become monstrous to do so is far from an unknown concept. But...she also has come to value softer and sweeter things. So it's a bit complicated.
I guess the answer is just fuck around and find out ALSKDH
✨️ Volo:
Volo is… We all know Volo. He's a bit of an enigma in that of himself. His moral code, mind you his moral code, is quite different from the black and white common views of the world. Most nothing to him is inherently good or evil, everything is chaos, nothing and everything matters all at once. As such, his code of conduct varies vastly from situation to situation, there's obviously the favorable things to do, the more socially acceptable things, but seeing himself as an outlier to the status quo, he's more flexible to make choices that more typical people would… Probably not do?? The key point in understanding his mindset is that he doesn't value life the way most do. 
That being said, breaking his own code would be not only incredibly difficult, but also quite the event. The most likely causes for him to act out of his typical would be one of two things; Wrath, or Envy. Seeing as he is a cocky and confident bastard, it isn't too terribly often that he loses his temper truly. But when he does, boy does he. Easily comparable to a raging fire, once he's mad mad, it's hard to get him to calm down and will act out of instinct. 
Jealousy, on the other hand, makes the man act unwise. Often does jealousy lead to his more… Questionable choices, leaning on the dumb side. Often these choices go against his instinct.
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juuheizou · 1 year
heya!! I love your suzumutsu content and wanted do ask; How is suzuya's reception to phisical affection?
Hey! Thank you for the compliment. My memory can get a little jumbled at this point, but I'm pretty sure this ask was sent before I finished my other answer about his entire relationship with physical affection. That is there now if it answers your question at all, but I've got something just for you too anon!
When it comes strictly to receiving affectionate touches as opposed to giving them, which he does readily to the point of indiscretion at times, he's like a fractious cat that will become velcroed to the one person who really goes slow, gives them space, and earns their affection on their terms, while anyone who takes even a little bit of that space and autonomy away will learn the hard way how close he stays to the edge of red-alert-attack-mode when they get their face ripped off.
It's how he knows to show affection and an important part of making him feel at ease, but physical “affection” is also how he was subjugated by Big Madam and how he shows disregard for others as much as he tells them he likes them: getting up in their space if not physically hurting people he doesn't like. There's power in getting into someone's personal bubble, and when we first meet him, he's so intrusive because he might not have words for it at the time, but he likes how being the one with that power makes him feel. Because of that deep association with touch, space, and power, he also really doesn't like having the powerless feeling of his past recreated, even in smaller ways. So it's more about whose terms it's on and how much control he has over the situation than a black and white “physical affection is soothing” and “physical affection is smothering.”
Honestly, even though it started as just an analogy using what I know, Suzuya is kind of exactly like a fractious cat being won over by someone when he is in fact won over, too. Don't stare, don't stick your hands in his space, meet him in his comfort zone, and eventually he will come to you. He needs the space to realize he wants kisses, hugs, hand-holding, cuddles, what have you, but once he realizes it, those special people will know it. He's pretty shameless about soliciting affection from those who have won him over enough that he lets them into his bubble. I wouldn't put it past him to actually bonk his head against someone as a way of telling them not to leave/let go of him.
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