#god you all dont understand how much i love cyberpunk aus
kailjoi · 1 year
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cyberpunk joker! i literally struggled so hard but i really love how he turned out; you all need to see him in color, the neck piece and his right synthetic eye glow green/orange and blue respectively.
the collar story goes smth like, arkham has these ear cuffs that have info, tracking, security clearance for various inmates, but joker [like the little asshole he is] ripped it off of his ear himself, so arkham had to develop this partially surgically-embedded tech piece so he couldnt literally take it off [dont get me started on patient consent for this bc there was none]. when joker breaks out, he cant take the tech collar off completely, but he does break the shit out of it and tear the parts off that matter. they fix it occasionally, but cant be fucked to do it every time. anyway this is an idea in concept, im still working on it lmao
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: aymeric cassel x gn reader (Cyberpunk 2077)
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: thanks to modern live translation, international couples can thrive.
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1.05k
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: google-translated german and french
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: reader speaks german, but isn't strictly german nor swiss. why german? i'm learning it (i dont have a picture yet again c'est la vie)
Switzerland is not like he'd imagined. What did he know about it? By comparison, most things are expensive, but compensated by jobs' higher pay; the usual crime gangs are almost nonexistent, not many skyscrapers, just as many homeless, the flag is square.
Eh, well, the people were nice enough. No chit chat, thank God, they tended to be more kept to themselves; he could fit in here.
Oh, but it's all terribly dull–Aurore would say it even worse–and it's all because she is now wanted by a crime syndicate in their own homeland that they are laying low in Switzerland. Agh, at least he speaks one of the languages, he blends in.
But his host, offering to hide him and his twin? The host is good, has been great, will continue to be wonderful, and he is so grateful.
Aymeric's never imagined this, falling in love.
He hasn't imagined finding someone to fall in love with at all, the decade of 2070 isn't exactly filled with the best people, him and his sister included. Plus, he's always been too busy to even think about it, unlike his rambunctious sister. There's always been a current job and another one on the horizon, but now he's got nothing to stress over.
He hasn't imagined the feeling of falling in love either. The sweat, the color on his face, the heat of his cheeks, the yearning in his chest, the warmth of you.
"Comment s'est passée ta journée?"
"Gut, aber...landweilig."
Modern technology, live translation and subtitles, made it easier for international partners to exist together, to love each other.
Aymeric smiles, sitting down on the couch right next to your tired form, handing you a coffee. You take a sip, it's just the way you like it; funny, considering he doesn't drink coffee himself.
"And you?" You ask, leaning against the arm he wraps around the back of the couch, around you. (Und du?)
"Boring too, yeah." He sighs, looking away for a moment. "You are what illuminates my day, after all." (Ennuyeux aussi, ouais. Tu es ce qui illumine ma journée, après tout.)
"What's with the flattery today?" You chuckle, putting your coffee down on the table. You don't need all of it, he's there to wake you. (Was hat es mit der Schmeichelei heute auf sich?)
"Can't I be nice to you?" Aymeric's expression is always quite passive, so the narrowing of his eyes with very clear sass is welcomed with a laugh. (Je ne peux pas être gentil avec toi?)
You shake your head at him, then let it settle against his arm, "No, you're right. Do be nice to me more often, though?" (Nein, du hast recht. Sei aber öfter nett zu mir?)
He rolls his eyes at that, "Oh, shut up." (Oh, ferme la.)
You give him a pointed look, in turn, "Where is being nice now?" (Wo ist jetzt nett zu sein?)
The two of you settle down for some nice relaxation, your head against his arm, your sides pressed against each other, his hand on yours, and watch the TV. Local news, never exciting, the odd traffic accident or two, or something about the government. Much like the time you've spent apart today, it's dull.
"I have an idea." You perk up suddenly, raising your head from his arm. (Ich habe eine Idee.)
"That so?" He sits up a little to better look at you, turning the TV volume down without tearing his eyes away from yours. "What is it?" (C'est vrai? Qu'est-ce que c'est?)
"Let's turn off our translators." (Schalten wir unsere Übersetzer aus.)
"What?" He asks, a sharp quoi? you recognize. It's a silly idea, you know it, he does too. Why would he willingly decide to stop understanding you?
"I wanna see just how much German you've picked up from me." You defend, shooting him a cheeky smile he can't shoot down. (Ich möchte sehen, wie viel Deutsch du von mir gelernt hast.)
He has to tear his eyes away from your smile to consider it in his own terms. "That's..." It wasn't so much a bad idea, actually. It might just be fun. What else has he got to do with his time, anyway? "alright, maybe it does sound fun." (C'est…ok, peut-être que ça a l'air amusant.)
"Sehen? OK." (See?)
You turn off your translator, as does he, washing a momentary blue sheen over both your irises to signal the quick action.
You begin first, tentatively, "Um, also, Aymeric?" (so, Aymeric?)
"Ce n'est pas exactement un mot allemand." He says, in French, and you definitely have no idea what he's saying, or well, you've got a hint: allemand meaning "German", and "Ce n'est pas" being quite a basic French thing: it is not. (That's not exactly a German word.)
You laugh, piecing context together, "Du hast recht, das ist es nicht." (You're right, it isn't.)
His eyes flash for a moment, not blue, but inquisitively. "J'ai raison?"
Raison? Reason? That's kind of English. You've only got the basics from high school you learned what feels like long ago, but you know what reason means. "Oui, du hast...raison." (Yes, you have...reason.)
Oui, he likes the way you say oui, it's cute, especially because you imitate his accent. He thinks back on what he's heard you say, "Kaffee, mit Milch, zwei Würfelzucker." (Coffee, with milk, two sugar cubes.)
You laugh, and though maybe it should make him a little embarrassed, he only thinks about how he likes the sound. He didn't quite nail the "ü" but you understood. "Vous ne buvez café." (You don't drink coffee.)
You had missed some things, mainly "pas de" after "buvez", but he understood. "Du hast recht, ich ne trinke pas kaffee." (You're right, I don't drink coffee.)
And he used French negation instead of German. "Okay, genug davon." You shake your head, "Ich habe tatsächlich etwas zu sagen." (Alright, enough of that. I actually have something to say.)
Aymeric has no idea what you've just said, but knows that perhaps you want to change topics by the way you shake your head. He's still confused, anyhow, but that feeling fades away when he feels your hand reach past his face and touch the cool chrome at the back of his head, one of his most vulnerable points, the netrunner connection. He can't help but gasp, and his eyes follow your arm until he can't see it anymore, past his head; and yet, he doesn't pull your hand away, nor his head away, because he knows he's safe with you.
"Aymeric." You say, catching his attention, calling his eyes back to yours. "Je t'aime." (I love you.)
"Ich liebe dich auch." He returns. His eyes swirl, again, not blue, but with adoration. (I love you too.)
You continue to hold him with a hand of his chrome, while he reaches to hold you, his fingers tracing over the shard port behind your ear. His lips near yours and you kiss, holding each other.
Maybe you will never learn each other's languages, but you will continue to understand each other beyond that.
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