#godzilla 2014 victory roar
jjproduction297 · 4 months
Godzilla 2014 victory roar (HD) :)
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disneydude94 · 3 years
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Here’s a sketch that took place in 2014 when it was way before Amphibia and it’s also a prelude for “Calamity Titan” It’s going to be long summary if you read this.
Five years ago, Anne as 8 years old with her parents are on a road trip to San Francisco where they visiting China town. But their road trip is not a good place when the whole city was forced to evacuated because there are monsters heading this way by order of U.S. government. While her father was driving to leave the city, her mother comforted her daughter that it’s going to be okay. Suddenly the whole power went out including their phones and some vehicles. What they it was just an earthquake, but this just in there’s a loud roar when a monster emerged from huge dust cloud. Everyone panicked and running away from their lives.
Anne’s parents quickly got out of their car and took Anne out of her seat as well. They ran fast by time they took shelter in each building, another monster land from the sky what it turned out to be a male. When dust is cleared, the big monster is a female. Two monsters were called MUTO. They were calling each other as they’re both mates. Female MUTO. was already pregnant which means that if she lay some eggs before they’re hatched and it’s doomsday for all humanity. What’s even worse that her mate gave her a nuclear missile that attracted to radiation.
A female MUTO is building a nest to lay her eggs as starting to wreck the whole city while her mate is on patrol. Anne and her parents were trapped inside a wreckage building. Anne started to cry when she’s scared. Her mother gave her a hug and comfort her while her father tried to figure it out how to get out of there.
Few hours later, when her parents are praying for desperate to be safe until they heard a rumbling sound when there’s a huge fight. Suddenly they a huge roared at while Anne and her parents covered their ears. Her father looked outside and see that not just two MUTO’s, but there’s one giant lizard with dorsal spines on his back. The giant lizard was now called Godzilla. He was surprised that they’re both fighting each other. Her father has to get his wife and daughter out for safety and move the wreckage that blocked the door. It took longer to get this rubble out while his wife helped out as well.
And by then, there’s a huge explosion from the nest causing more building to collapse. Anne and her parents quickly covered themselves from explosions until it’s cleared. Once they get out of the building, they stopped and looked at female MUTO what they didn’t know that she was mourning her hatchlings when they all died from the explosives thanks to a brave soldier. MUTO stopped and looked at the family and growled angrily towards them believe that the humans did this. When MUTO was about kill them when her parents hugged each other while Anne screaming frightfully, but then they heard a sound that was glowing blue on dorsal spines on his back and prepare to breathe atomic blast at MUTO.
Godzilla is buying their time to escape when he was fighting. Her parents are surprised that Godzilla came out of nowhere and attacked MUTO. They have no idea what Godzilla did by saving their lives. As for Anne however, when she’s still traumatized by MUTO while she’s still crying. They ran fast as far away as possible until they heard a female MUTO running towards them, but instead she just passed them what they didn’t know that they’re some soldiers are at the docking bay as they firing at the MUTO. She already killed some quickly to get the missile.
Anne and her parents quickly hide in the alley. They looked and saw Godzilla had already killed a male MUTO by using his tail to slam his opponent against the tallest building. They looked shocked at how Godzilla killed male MUTO in one blow. The whole building collapse on top of Godzilla and they heard some gunshots that came from the docking bay. MUTO already killed some men except for one that made it to the boat. Female MUTO was about to kill this man, but Godzilla quickly showed up and chomped her neck. Godzilla reached her mouth to open up and prepare for a final blow to breathe atomic blast to her mouth until her head was separated from the body.
Godzilla roared for victory and dropped the head into the water. Luckily the whole power is back, except some power were out due to destruction. Anne couldn’t believe that Godzilla was not trying to attack them, but what she didn’t know that Godzilla was trying to restore its nature. Unfortunately, Godzilla was exhausted and quickly fell. Once the dust is settled, Anne quickly ran towards Godzilla while her parents told her to comeback, but she didn’t hear her parents yelling. She climbed up to the rubble until she reached to the top.
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Anne stood right in front of his snout. She can hear Godzilla’s breathing through his nose. Her parents finally catch up with their daughter. Her mom was about to grab her, but her father stop her and wants to see this. When Anne reached her hand to touch Godzilla, he opened his eyes to see a child that touched him. Anne said to him that he saved her. She asked why. Godzilla growled softly. None of them were paying attention when there’s a huge explosion that came from the missile far away from the city.
By then when she felt there’s something deep inside of her heart. She began to glow blue all around her. Her mother covered her mouth with tears while her father was shocked. What they didn’t know is when Godzilla gave his small radiation breath to a child, until he closed his eyes resting. Anne will never forget the day that not only Godzilla saved her and her parents live, but Godzilla had just saved all of humanity.
So what do you guys think? Sorry I took so long to figure it out when I tried to come up with the story. Let me know if you ask me.
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EreHisu Week: Martyrs
A/N: What better way to start off this with a tale of heroics?
In an age before man emerged from the caves, Earth belonged to the Kaiju. Colossal beasts of unimaginable power that shook the ground with their footsteps, take to the skies and cast shadows over vast patches of land, cause tidal waves with their tails, and reshape the world with their brute strength. But despite their destructive power, they were ruled by one who was the strongest of all.
The king of Kaiju was none other than Godzilla, for he was the strongest of them all with a tail longer than his whole body, three rows of spikes along his back, teeth that could rip his prey to shreds, claws used for close combat, and an armored hide as black as hardened lava with scales. He was known to destroy mountains, burn entire islands to the ground using the energy that radiated from his mouth, and brawl with even his own shadow in blind rage. 
Yet despite his infamous wrath, Godzilla was never alone. Wherever he wandered three Kaiju would never be far behind. Anguirus, who was adorned in an impenetrable shell covered in spiny needles, was his closest friend and brother in battle. Rodan, a flyer and master of the skies, who would squawk about for laughs and temper the King’s rage with humor. Finally, there was Mothra. Her domain was over the skies and the land, but she was never that much of a fighter for she was more of a peaceful Kaiju. The only time she would rise up into battle was when those closest to her were threatened, be they her offspring or her closest friends.
But not all was peaceful as the stars seemingly fell from the sky and brought forth legions of ships that housed demons called Xillians scorching the world in fire and brought monsters of their own to battle against the King.
Ghidorah, a golden three-headed dragon, with wings larger than his own bodies was infamous for his maniacal cackling. His gleeful demeanor radiated from his draconic faces adorned with antlers and sharp teeth. Spewing forth lightning from his mouths, Ghidorah reveled in the carnage. 
His compatriot in battle was Gigan. His body was an unholy fusion of flesh and metal with hooks replacing his hands, a saw on his chest, and a singular red visor with a red gem atop that blasted energy. His screeches of sadism echoed loud across the battlefield.
Megalon was the destructive brute of the invading armies. His drills were able to bore through the rocks and earth along with his beetle-like horn atop his head that blasted lightning enabling him to scorch the land and foe alike. His chitin carapace made his body durable enough to withstand blunt force trauma.
The Xillian invaders thought they managed to have an easy victory so that they could conquer the world and harvest its resources, but did not expect resistance to emerge in the form of a massive Kaiju army.
In a matter of what seemed like minutes, their ships were reduced to ashes by Godzilla’s Atomic Breath. Rodan and Mothra took to the skies to blast away the remaining ships with powerful gusts of wind, fire, and lightning.
However, the Kaiju  and the Xillians battle lasted for hours longer as the swarms of ships that crashed onto the ground. Ghidorah and Godzilla battled amidst the flames, Gigan and Anguirus fought with teeth, claws, and metal. Rodan and Mothra used their advantage of flight to outmaneuver Megalon and fly circles around him.
The battle shook the very earth with each blow dealt to one another. The roars echoed across the air and the waters rippled with violent waves. Pieces of the Kaiju, both friend and foe alike took damage from the violent clashes as teeth, claw, scale, spike, and wing alike littered the ground.
The Xillian mother-ship escaped the battle, but her fleet was not so fortunate. The Kaiju had won and Earth was reclaimed and returned to their domains.
As man emerged from the safety of the caves, their minds could barely grasp what had occurred. These ancient beasts defeating an army of monsters that fell from the skies seemed as if it was formed from a fever dream.
Over time the earth healed from the war as history turned to story, stories turned to myths, and myths traveled the world. The Kaiju may have disappeared from Earth, but none knew where they went. Most presumed they died off, others think they simply slumbered all over the world. Despite the questions asked about, remains of the Kaiju were found in the forms of bones, scales, imprints, and footsteps.
Thousands of years later, the Kaiju were worshipped as gods by man. Seen as divine beasts, their mark on the world caused many to question and revere them. Some prayed to them for bountiful harvests, others to drive away evil, but they would all pray one would dare not return: Godzilla. The Omega. The Ender of Worlds. The God of Rage and Destruction.
But the tale of a King of Monsters is not about him. It is now an age where a new King must be crowned. One that is born of both man and beast. And that is where the journey begins.
Eren Jaeger, a man with a troubled past, found himself in an unfamiliar situation. Delirious from whatever occurred the night before, unable to comprehend what was being whispered by the shapes in front of him. His heart beat faster as he struggled to move. His arms and legs were restrained on a metallic slab reinforced by railing while the only thing he had on was a dark blue jumpsuit.
One of the shapes came into focus. It walked like a human but it’s facial structure was anything but. Silver skin, an elongated skull akin to a shark fin, blood red eyes, and sharp teeth.
“You think he’s awake?” it asked.
Eren faded in and out of consciousness unable to grasp his situation. He wondered how he got into this. All he remembered was drinking with his friends one night in The Gaslamp District of San Diego. 
“Where….” Eren mumbled in a haze, ”Where am I?”
Silence. The lack of a response caused something in him to become more assertive.
“Hey. I’m talking, you freak!” Eren spoke. “Where am I?”
The creature leered over and noticed that the patient on the table was coming out of his haze.
“Don’t worry, human. It’s just a hospital and you’re being prepped for surgery.” it spoke.
“I thought alien invaders were better liars.” Eren snarked. “Judging by the failed lying, I’m probably on a space ship somewhere in Earth’s orbit that’s highly advanced enough to dupe any radar systems this blue planet has.”
“Wow…” the alien remarked. “How did you guess?”
“Eh, I’m just savvy based on being raised to appreciate sci-fi stories, both high grade and the pulp variety.” Eren shrugged. “Plus, the whole ‘Earth Hospital thing’? No hospital looks this creepy.”
The alien chuckled at the spunk displayed. “I dunno where he found you, but seems he always did appreciate your smartass temper despite dating his daughter.”
Eren felt his mind surge and priced together what was going on. Even though he tried to not show any hostility to his future father-in-law, he never did get along well with Rod Reiss. 
Historia, Rod’s youngest daughter, took a liking to Eren during her years at college. She happened to encounter him in a theatre class working on his monologues. She asked him for help with character analysis for a literature class. Over their four years at college, they grew close. His two friends Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlett, one the Basketball Star for the Women’s Team and the other having a degree in aviation engineering found those two to be inseparable. 
“Rod, you fucking slime.” Eren snarled as he was being held down by the monster. A sharp sting hit his neck as he felt an injection from a syringe labeled G-LP-WB-2014 of some unknown fluid enter his blood stream. “The fuck was that?!” he asked.
“Just a little something to help you pass our challenges we set up.” it chuckled. “Figured you and The Big Guy would be a match made in heaven.”
“Big Guy?” Eren asked, feeling drowsy.
“Just a king of monsters you humans seem to really love.” the Xiliian shrugged. 
The alien pressed a button that teleported Eren to an arena, similar to a cage for MMA fights. The bright white lights irritated his eyes. In the distance was a gilded room where the Xillian and Rod were sitting together on a lavish couch.
The Xillian, now in a human disguise, grew highly amused by Eren shouting. “He’s a fighter. Now I know you didn’t like him, but I can see why your daughter does.”
“Now, X…” Rod sighed, “Please don’t agitate him.” 
“It’s no biggie.” X said. He then pressed a yellow button that caused the floor in the ring to reveal Eren’s opponent.
In front of him was an eight foot tall humanoid cockroach with a somewhat human face and musculature. The vaguely human appearance made him freeze up with fear as its humanoid maw revealed a large set of teeth like that of an actual humans. 
The first strike from the cockroach monster sent Eren flying into into one of the walls. His whole body was wracked with pain. His ears rang as the beast lumbered closer and grab him. Eren landed back on the ground with a sickening crunch. His arm broken in three separate places. 
X and Rod watched as Eren was being pulverized by the insect. “I thought he was a good candidate for this.” X shrugged. 
“The boy probably needs a push, is all.” Rod suggested. “Play that recording of Historia screaming.”
X turned around to see Rod’s blasé demeanor. X may be an alien criminal hellbent on destroying the planet for shits and giggles and harvest humans like cattle, but showing apathy for his own daughter? That makes him look like a saint. 
“Okay, Jaeger.” X hissed into the microphone. “Since you’re not gonna fight, maybe this’ll help.”
A loud scream from the speakers pierced the air. Eren could tell it was Historia, crying in agony. The scream of her sent him into a catatonic shock. His heart raced as his body shook. Every cell in his body was wracked with new power. The injection he received was altering his body. 
He felt new details emerge from his body. Sharpened claws jolting from his hands as black scales crept upwards from his fingertips. His legs bulked up immensely along with his torso broadening and forming new muscle mass. His teeth sharpened into terrifying fangs as his ears pointed upwards. His green eyes flashed yellow as he screamed in terror while his neck split open to form armored gill slits. After what seemed like an eternity, two minutes in realtime, Eren was now something inhuman. Part human, part Kaiju. A god among humans. The perfect mix of Human and Godzilla DNA.
In his anger, Eren let out a horrifying roar that could instill terror in the hearts of men and monsters alike. It was as if a metallic screech and the screams of hell merged into a cacophony of rage. 
The roach could only stand in horror, the primal horror a primitive human felt when he wandered too far from the warmth of a fire in the cave. All it could see was the pitch black void and a pair of glowing yellow eyes. 
Eren’s newfound strength allowed him to charge at the insect and land a devastating right hook on its head. The resulting shockwave could be felt even in the safety of the viewing room where Rod and X could only watch in horror and amusement.
“He’s perfect!” X yelled in delight.
“Perfect?!” Rod gasped. “You call that thing perfect?! He’s a monster!”
Eren grabbed the downed cockroach and twisted its head until a sickening crunch echoed through the air. He then ripped the monster limb from limb, a sadistic grin forming as its innards spilled out in a gelatinous white mess. 
“Whoa, momma!” X yelped. “This guy is a fighter!”
Rod could feel his stomach lurch as the sight of Eren mangling the cockroach mixed with the sounds of squishy organs falling onto the floor. 
Eren looked up at Rod and X and roared in blind fury. His clawed hands ripped apart a steel pole for the cage and hurled it at the glass window separating Rod and X from harm. The metal beam crashed through impaling the wall behind them.
“Tell me you have a backup plan for this.” Rod pleaded.
“Indeed I actually do.” X remarked as he detonated the floor below Eren and sent him plummeting into darkness as the floor exploded.
Eren’s cries grew further and further until his body landed onto solid ground with a crunch. Eren felt something feel out of place as he regained his senses. A pulsing throb growing stronger and stronger followed by the sting of nerves in pain. His right arm had been shattered upon impact with his radius jutting out like a bayonet. 
The pain caused his eyes to widen. Within seconds, Eren could see the bone sliding back beneath the surface of his scaly appendage and snap back into place. The resulting sting of nerve ending caused his jaw to clench as he hissed as his nerves became exposed to the air and become concealed by the growing patch of scales. 
The sound of footsteps interrupted his thoughts of how he’s now a monster. More roaches. It just meant more insects to smash. But judging by the soon to be victims swarming him, they must be guards. Eren punched his way through the swarm, causing more to surround him. The ensuing numbers piled on him, causing him to feel a burning fire in him, a literal fire growing hotter and hotter until if couldn’t be kept contained.
Eren roared in fury as a blue flash of light emitted from his whole body. The roaches were pushed back by the ensuing blast only to be vaporized to charred husks by the blue light. 
Eren followed the metal pathway from where the roaches ran from. The heat radiating from his body made his clothes singed until the only thing clinging to his new muscled and scaled body.
“A wall?” Eren growled. His newfound power made it easier to create dents in the metal with his fists. “Must be hiding something behind.” he snarls.
The metal framework crumpled like tissue paper in a matter of seconds. Eren’s eyes adjust to the light to reveal a sinister laboratory with a chained woman dressed in a yellow tank top and panties in the center being tortured by mechanical humanoids with syringes, scalpels, and lasers. 
Her hair was a silver glistened white with a pair of antennae jutting out from her forehead. Her skin was a pale hue from the lack of sunlight and her eyes had an unusual blueish tint. The most striking feature of all was her wings, shaped like those of a moth but with the vibrant orange, yellow, black, and white patterns of a Monarch Butterfly. Mothra, according to ancient texts, was said to be a beautiful kaiju, worshipped as a light goddess. Her DNA, now infused in Historia Reiss, created an angelic beauty. One that is now chained and weakened by the hell she is enduring.
“His..Historia..” Eren gasped. His mind surged with every powerful emotion that could hit him. Rage, fear, helplessness, violence. All swirling in his body. His eyes flashed blue as the mechanical foes approached him. His mouth spewed out a blue flame that turned one into a superheated pile of molten slag. 
The other watched as its companion was now melted down. Eren grabbed the head of it and pressed inward as it slowly buckled and caved in like a tin can in a press. The robot jolted and cracked until its head was flattened as Eren took a disturbing level of catharsis in watching it fall. Eren’s foot slammed into the twitching metal frame in order to make sure it was dead.
“Eren…” Historia gasped. Her eyes widened in terror as her lover was now more monstrous and could easily break her.
“I’m sorry.” Eren moped as he freed her from the restraints. “I wish I could have made it sooner, and I know you don’t want to see me looking like this. I-“
“Eren.” Historia groaned. “It’s alright. I’m just glad you’re safe. I…I..” and she collapsed in his arms with her face marked with a contempt smile as she lied in his embrace motionless. Her faint breathing did not catch his ears, making him think she died.
The memories of every happy moment flooded his head. The first time he saw her in class. The awkward bump-in at the college cafe. Days spent in the library studying together. Meeting Rod and being cheered on when he punched him in the stomach for slapping her. Their first kiss on a warm August night as they got ready to head into another year of college. 
The tears streaming down his face gave way to heavy breathing in a staccato rhythm. His love for her was the only thing he could hope to cling onto in his lowest moment. And it all came out in a violent cry, pleading to any god that was listening to heed his plea.
The sound of the beast he had become rang beyond the decimated laboratory. The cry rang across every corridor awakening more like him. These hybrids, born from the splicing of human and Kaiju DNA, could hear the faint cries, but in their minds, the instinct to rise up kicked in.
Armin, now infused with Rodan’s DNA, perked up his triple crested head and raised his arms up to spread his wings and soar onward towards the sound. Jean, embed with spikes on his back forming a shell thanks to his Anguirus infused mutations, broke through his restraints. More and more hybrids followed through and rose up against their guards and rallied forth.
The rumbling of this army echoed until it reached the ears of X and Rod.
“Oh no….” X hissed.
“What?” Rod asked. “Is that shaking bad?”
“No, it’s not bad.” X chuckled before dropping down to a serious tone. “It’s worse.”
“And that roar?” Rod gulped. His skin drenched with sweat as his body shakes.
“Jaeger did it…he actually did it.” X sighed. “He’s ruined everything!” 
“There has to be way to stop it.” Rod suggested.
X remembered his other project. Similar to what he did, a project involving Kaiju and Human DNA, but the donors were of alien origin and some from Earth. Metallic cylinders reaching human height labeled with names such as Ghidorah, Gian, Megalon, Orga, Destroyah, BIollante, Megaguirus, Gaira, Sanda, more than what many assumed there were in terms of viable Kaiju donors. 
X slammed down on a fairly obvious red button, sending the canisters hurtling into space. The amassing army rallied to the cry of Eren while powering through the ship’s hordes of roaches. All the insect could do was hold the line, but the combined might of the hybrids trampled them down to gelatinous bits as they reached the epicenter of the cries.
“What now…” Eren asked as his eyes adjusted to the sight of these newfound compatriots through his tears.
“Eren?” Armin asked. “Is that you? And is that-“
“Armin.” Eren gasped. “You’ve gotten…wings? And Jean?”
“In the flesh.” Jean chuckled. 
“It’s definitely an improvement.” Eren smirked. His face soon felt the impact of his fist. “Good to know you never change.”
“Same with you, you ugly fuck.” Jean chided.
“Move it!” A voice cried out. Frieda Reiss, Historia’s older sister pushed through the chaos. Her body now carried the DNA of Battra which changed her drastically, resulting in red eyes, a triple spiked forehead, black claws, and black wings embedded with gold and red swirling patterns.
“Frieda…” Eren sighed. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t save her.”
“Eren.” Frieda said as she looked him in his eyes. “Give her to me.”
Eren handed Historia to her sister. Frieda cups her face and focuses a wave of energy into her hands. Her whole body illuminates as the energy leaves her older sisters hands forming wave of yellow orbs no bigger than fireflies.
“What are you doing?” Eren asked.
“Watch.” Frieda answered. “I used this trick on myself when I discovered my powers.”
“Hmm, wha?” Historia moaned. Her eyes adjusted to the light as the blurry shapes formed the faces of Eren, Frieda, Armin, Jean, and others. “What happened?”
Eren couldn’t speak, but his body instinctively grasped onto her. His eyes welled with tears as he could hear her breathing again. “Thank god.” he sobbed. 
“Eren, it’s okay.” Historia strained as she felt a bit compressed by his muscles. “Now, just let me breathe, honey.”
“Sorry.” Eren sheepishly said. “Got carried away.”
“So what happened?” Historia asked.
“No clue.” Eren shrugged. “But I guess your dad teamed up with some alien terrorist to create super weapons, kidnapped a lotta people for genetic modification, and now it’s backfiring?”
“Sounds reasonable.” Armin shrugged.
“Are there any escape pods?” Jean asked.
“Dunno.” Eren shrugged. “They have to have it hidden somewhere. Now, where’s that sack of shit?”
Sasha, a stocky woman with claws, magenta scales, and a yellow horn protruding from her head pushed through and flared her nostrils at Historia’s body. “He’s up there.” she pointed towards the ceiling thanks to her sense of smell being enhanced a billion fold.
“Perfect.” Eren snarled as his lips parted into a toothy grin. “Armin, Frieda, find a way out for everyone. Jean, shut the fuck up and don’t fuck it up.”
“But, I haven’t done shit.” Jean huffed.
“And that’s how I know you aren’t fucking it up.”
 He readied his body for his either ballsiest or practically reckless attempt at hauling ass by leaping towards the ceiling and tearing through the levels. 
“Fucking asshole.” Jean hissed as he watched Eren carve a trail of destruction. “Still, it’s good he’s not crazy. Well, crazier.”
Rod started to panic as the shaking grew closer and closer until the floor burst open in a blast of debris. Eren emerged from the explosion with a focused glare, like that of a wild beast stalking its prey before grabbing his neck and crushing his windpipe.
X watched in horror as his accomplice was begging for his life. “Jesus…” X winced as he could hear Rod’s windpipe being crushed. His only instinct is to fire his side arm, holstered on his hip. The metal slug only bounced off Eren’s skin, but the sensation of something hitting his body caused him to drop Rod like the dead weight he was and focus on the alien that realized that he was unarmed.
“Please….” X whimpered. “Mercy…”
Eren, now lost in his anger, grabbed X’s arm and tore it off. The flow of blood combined with the shock of torn muscle exposed cause X to shake in horror before his skull was struck with his severed arm. 
“You think you won?” X hissed weakly. “You think killing me will satisfy your revenge?”
X revealed a small switch held in his attached hand and flicked it. The lights flashed red as if it was warning any one on board the ship will explode.
“Enjoy your victory, while you still can.” X laughed as he picked himself up and scurried to a human sized pod and entered it. X then shut the door and ejected out of the ship knowing that his work will continue somewhere in some way.
Eren looked down at the hole he crawled from to warn everyone below. “Get going! Now!” he bellowed.
Armin frantically looked for anything that could help save everyone. A hologram of the ship outlined that the lab itself was part of a medical drop ship. The mother ship could detach, but Armin, not knowing Xillian linguistics, slammed his hands on the control panel. A siren starts blaring signaling a departure from the mother ship. 
“Get your ass down here, Eren!” Historia screamed. 
“I’ll meet you guys soon.” Eren roared. “Just go.” He turned his attention to a helpless Rod who was now paralyzed with fear as the monster he inadvertently made was now walking towards him.
“Stay back…” Rod panicked. His body sprawled back towards the wall, which was now exposed with sparking wires. Rod’s hand made contact with the live wire and felt 200,000 volts shock his entire body. His whole body fizzled and crackled, his skin turning red and black. His flesh burned with a foul stench emanating from the husk. 
“Historia and Frieda are gonna be pissed at me for this.” Eren sighed. Eren leapt down the hole only to land smack onto shut hatch of the medical ship. His heart raced thinking what the hell is going on. 
“Hey!” Eren screamed. “What the fuck?!”
Historia scampered to the window where she could see Eren growing more and more frantic. “It’s stuck!” she cried out. “I can’t get it open! Armin can’t get this thing to detach!”
Eren saw the mother ship start to break apart. He saw two claw like locks clamping the ship and ripped them apart while Historia pleaded with him to stay with her. However in doing so, he had no way to catch up with the ship that was now falling in Earth’s orbit.
Historia had to be restrained by her sister to keep her from clawing at the door. She could see Eren growing farther and farther before the mother ship started exploding violently.
Eren held onto the piece of metal that was dangling on the mother ship in proximity of the oncoming fireball. Eren closed his eyes and accepted what would happen. “I’m sorry, Historia.” he muttered. 
The heat of the blast and the shockwave shredded his skin, exposing his muscles and organs to a force roughly equivalent to 15 megatons, or equivalent to Castle Bravo. His charred body was launched from the exploding wreckage into free fall. The freezing air stiffened his burned body and all he could feel was the wind slowing his body and at 10 meters a second, his landing was a slap onto the surface of the Pacific Ocean. 
Every bone in his body was pulverized. The nerves on his muscles made contact with the salt water causing blistering agony. The smell of blood in the water was enough to attract sharks for miles on end. This is how he would die. Alone. His last words directed to his love. The mother ship plummets in meteoric chunks into the briny deep
In the damaged medical ship floating in the turgid waters, Historia kept screaming at everyone pleading to look for Eren. “Please!” she screams. “I know he has to be!”
“There’s no way he could survive that.” Armin sighs. His heart starts to ache as the words come out of his mouth. Tears form as the blondes both embrace each other in grief as they try to remember happier times with Eren.
A red and black mass floats idly by in the waves towards them. Jean, Saha, and Frieda all scream in terror as the corpse floated towards them. It started to crawl upwards to the open door and into the occupied space. 
“What is that thing?!” Jean asked. “Someone shoot it!”
The shambling husk then stopped moving. No signs of life. Dead. 
The next sound that came was Historia’s wails as she saw the corpse. Eren’s eyes, wide and aghast, staring back at her. “It’s can’t be!” she cried. “Not him! It should have been me!”
Her heart broke seeing Eren’s body, but she heard it. A faint heartbeat coming back. Slowly, the beating heart added another pulse. First it was 30 beats a minute. Then 45. 60. 75. 80. 80 beats per minute.
His skin grew back in patches. The scales and human features blending together as his nerves felt everything, causing him to jolt upwards screaming. His hair slid out into a luxurious mane of dark brown hair that reached his neck. His lungs filled with oxygen as his body dropped down to his knees. 
“Fuck!” Eren yelped. “Fucking fucking fuck! Shit fuckers, cocksucker, that hurts!”
He felt Historia’s arms wrap around his exposed torso and could only breathe as his anger wafted away. Armin could only marvel at how Eren wa still alive after all that. 
“Welcome back.” Armin chuckled as he held Eren’s palm and compared it to his.
“Good to be back.” Eren sighed. He turned his attention to the petite moth sobbing into his pecs. “Sorry about the whole thing and also for kind of being kill stealer in regards to your dad.”
“I don’t care.” Historia choked. “I’m just glad you’re still alive.” She felt a pair of lips press against her forehead, causing her antennae to wiggle in delight.
All their worries resided as the sight to the California mainland came into focus. The crew sighed at how their newfound abilities will probably be trickier to manage but still allowing them a chance at living a normal life. 
Elsewhere, in the void of space, X awoke to the sight of metal canisters that spread across the surface of the moon, away from Earth satellites noticing anything. X pressed a small button in front to call for the Xillian home world. “Project Hybrid was mostly successful, but suffered heavy casualties.” X recorded. “Notify home world that Project Hybrid 2.0 will commence once contact is made with cargo on dark side of Earth’s moon. X, out!” 
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ask-the-pilot · 6 years
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Name: Dinogoji
Codename: Godzilla, Gojira
Height: 108m
Length: 110 meters
Weight: 55,000 metric tons
Occupation: King of the monsters, Terrifying/Force of Nature, Anti-Hero
Homeworld: Earth
Species: Iradiated Tyrannosauridae
Gender: Male
Eye Colour: White clera with orange iris and black pupil
Land speed- 40 mph (walking), 50 mph (running)
Swimming speed- 54 knots
Personality: Dinogoji’s behavior seems to be that of a territorial animal. Godzilla is the driving force to restore balance to nature whenever that balance is disrupted, suggesting that he essentially considers the entire Earth to be his territory.
However, unlike previous incarnations, he doesn't blatantly attack or plow through ships at sea simply because they're there. In fact, with larger ships like aircraft carriers, he simply dives down under them. Even when he was attacked by the military, he didn't noticeably react or fight back and simply continued to hunt any Kaijus, even when he was being followed in close proximity by four naval ships. As opposed to any sort of morality, it appears to be that he simply considers humans to be tiny and insignificant and does not care about their general well-being but at the same time does not consider them worth destroying even though they, without harming him at all, fire at him nonstop.
Powers/Abilities: Atomic Breath (Concentrated Beam of Radioactive Fire) Occurs Whenever His Dorsal Plate Glows in Neon Blue Color At the tip of his tail and the tip of his back, also
It Glows to his dorsal plates aswell, Dinosaur like advantages attacks, headbutt, bite force, kicking, Iguanadon thumbs, Tail Whip, Hand Claw Swipe, Power Stomp/Kick, Sharp Dorsal Plates, Chomp/Bite Attack, Enhanced Strength/Speed, Regeneration and healing factor G-1 Cells, Nuclear Pulse, Atomic Blast, Blue spiral ray.
Food Supply: Absorbing Pure Radiation, carnivorous.
Story: in 1945, Godzilla is started as the normal-sized dinosaur that survived from the Mesozoic era in the island until the fallout atomic test mutated the creatures, the humanity's corporation of the natural world. That is until he was awakened in 1954 6 Aug 1954- 9 Aug 1954. American nuclear submarine unknowingly awakened him when it reached the lower depths of the ocean, drawing him to the surface in search of new sources of radiation. Godzilla attacked and fed on American and Soviet nuclear submarines in the South Pacific Ocean, with each nation believing the other was responsible for the attacks.
When Godzilla's existence became known, the American military began detonating a series of nuclear bombs in the Marshall Islands to try and kill him, under the guise of nuclear testing. On March 1st, 1954, Godzilla was lured ashore at Bikini Atoll, where the American military detonated their first-ever dry-fuel hydrogen bomb, code named Castle Bravo, in an attempt to kill him. Godzilla vanished following the detonation, and the United States covered up all evidence of his existence. As it turns out, he survived and has lay dormant for 60 years.
Then later years passed until 2014, he was awakened by the explosion of oil platform as for as he could sense is the another monster attacked it then he proceed to follow to it's location in night-time. The next day, he was risen up from the surface then he was disturbed by the US navy Ships, he doesn’t seem to mind as he passed through then pursuing to the Sakhalin island. He reached there as he still continued to follow to his enemy's location while like possibly sensed it then later two bomber planes fired him with two missiles to the face and get's nuked by the bomber plane. soon afterwards, Godzilla still survived as he still proceeds to follow where his enemy is going as he dove into the ocean. At this point, Dinogoji consumed radiation from the nuclear bomb that just hits him. In evening, Godzilla finally arrive at Tokyo of Japan as the capital city has been under attack by a mutant pteranodon name “Rodan”. Godzilla came ashore to fight the mutated monster that lived during his time. Godzilla confronted Rodan at the Tokyo City, engaging in a brief clash until Rodan tries to fly away until Godzilla blasted Rodan with his atomic breath seemly killing him, while Rodan has been killed. Godzilla let out his victoriously roar as dove underwater and swimed away.
Years passed now in 2016, he detected the echo roar(King Ghidorah). Godzilla arrived at United States and came assure to fight his new enemy. King Ghidorah. As two monsters engaged a long fighting clash, King Ghidorah get's an upper-hand as he was choking him, suddenly he used his nuclear pulse as his ability, as King Ghidorah loosen his grip, Godzilla manages to fight back and kill him with a final blow with his atomic breath as he was retreating in Tokyo in japan. As the battle ended. As tokyo was in ruins, he turn back and began walking back out to the ocean. Godzilla let out one last victorious roar before diving into the sea and disappearing beneath the waves.
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repwincostl4m0a2 · 8 years
'Kong: Skull Island' Crushes The Competition At The Box Office
LOS ANGELES (Variety.com) - “Kong: Skull Island” emerged victorious after a battle of the beasts that pitted the giant ape movie against the Wolverine’s last stand. Cresting a wave of good reviews, “Kong: Skull Island” topped the domestic box office, racking up a mighty $61 million. That handily beat estimates, which had “Kong: Skull Island” debuting to between $45 million and $50 million.
King Kong’s roar didn’t totally drown out Wolverine’s berserker rage. In its second weekend, Fox’s “Logan” dropped 58% to $37.8 million, pushing its stateside total to $152.6 million. The R-rated comic book adventure is Hugh Jackman’s swan song as Wolverine after nearly two decades playing the X-Men team member.
“Kong: Skull Island” gets bragging rights for topping expectations, but the film isn’t out of the woods yet. It cost a hefty $185 million to produce, which means that it will need to be a hit overseas if Legendary and Warner Bros., the studios behind the film, want to make a profit. On the domestic front, “Kong: Skull Island” is also staring down Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast,” a live-action fairy tale that is expected to premiere to as much as $120 million next weekend. That will likely suck up most of the oxygen in the multiplexes, making it difficult for other films to keep drawing in big crowds. 
Legendary and Warner Bros. have grand ambitions for King Kong. The film is the second installment in a planned monster franchise. The first chapter, 2014’s “Godzilla,” opened to $93.2 million in the States before topping out at $529.1 million globally. The plan is for King Kong and Godzilla to meet in an epic showdown of primordial creatures at some point in the not-too-distant future.
“The movie is pure fun and that’s translating into the box office,” said Jeff Goldstein, domestic distribution chief at Warner Bros. He went on to predict that the film would benefit from rolling spring breaks that will see more than 20% of the nation’s schoolchildren on vacation and looking for something to occupy their time. The opening weekend crowd for the film was 56% male and 35% under the age of 25. Imax showings accounted for $7.5 million worth of ticket sales.
Because of its massive production and marketing costs, “Kong: Skull Island” will need to do roughly $500 million worldwide to be considered a success. To that end, the film debuted to $81.6 million in 65 foreign markets. A lot is riding on how the movie performs in China, the world’s second-largest film market. “Kong: Skull Island” opens in the Middle Kingdom in two weeks.
Set in the waning days of the Vietnam War, “Kong: Skull Island” exchanges embassy helicopter rescues for oversized primates looming large against a fog-encrusted jungle setting. Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who made a splash with the Sundance favorite “Kings of Summer,” directed the picture, with Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, and Brie Larson heading up an ensemble cast. Critics embraced the decision to give an “Apocalypse, Now” sheen to the oft-filmed story of King Kong, with Variety’s Owen Gleiberman hailing it as “a rousing and smartly crafted primordial-beastie spectacular.”
With Wolvie and Kong duking it out for the top slot, Blumhouse and Universal’s “Get Out” snagged third place. The low-budget thriller about a black man whose visit to his white girlfriend’s hometown takes a sinister turn picked up $21.1 million. It has earned $111 million in three weeks of release ― a fantastic return on its $4.5 million budget.
The top five was rounded out by Lionsgate’s “The Shack” and Warner Bros.’ “The Lego Batman Movie,” which earned $10.1 million and $7.8 million, respectively. “The Shack,” a faith-based drama, has grossed $32.3 million in two weeks of release. The latest Lego movie has earned $159 million after five weeks in theaters.
Among limited releases, CBS Films’ “The Sense of an Ending,” an adaptation of Julian Barnes’ prize-winning novel, opened to $42,000 from four locations, while Focus World’s “Raw,” a horror film about a vegetarian student who turns to cannibalism, debuted to $25,230 from two theaters.
Ticket sales were up nearly 25% from the same weekend in 2016 ― a period that overlapped with the second weekend of “Zootopia” and the debut of “10 Cloverfield Lane.” Revenues are up roughly 2% year-to-date, as the combination of “Logan,” “Get Out,” and now “Kong: Skull Island” are translating into a busy time at the box office. Next weekend brings the release of “Beauty and the Beast,” which should expand 2017’s lead.
“This could be the biggest March on record,” said Paul Dergarabedian, senior media analyst at ComScore. “You don’t have to wait until May to release blockbusters any more.”
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