#going back to infinite star trek rewatch which does in fact compel me more than this
tea-earl-grey · 3 months
yeah okay i finished episode 4 of the live action atla series and... i'm not in a hurry to keep watching. i was moderately happy with the first episode and was hopeful that we'd continue uphill as with the original series but atm nothing is really compelling me to keep watching. it's not a train wreck by any means and there have been a few good scenes but it's just incredibly milquetoast. i knew and even hoped that it would be different to the original series but i feel like the priority was to cover as many plot points/moments of the original atla and forgetting about the core of the characters and relationships. when... if you're going to do any sort of decent remake it should be the other way around. i would much rather we forget about episodes/plots like Jet and the Tinkerer and Secret Tunnel and Omashu/Bumi and create new stories that take the characters on a similar emotional journey. i do like the new Aang and i think the actor is doing really well but it just feels wrong that his arc this season is about wanting to save the Northern Water Tribe and we ignore his conflict aversion and y'know. him actually learning waterbending. and it's been said before but Katara's character is just completely unrecognizable from her original character. i feel like the writers chose to remove some of her bossy and overbearing traits to avoid sexism? i guess? same with Sokka. (ignoring the fact that even if it was clumsy, the original series very much did deal with the sexism it presented.) but i think the series just forgot to give Katara other character traits.
the look of the series is great and nothing is bad, it just was so afraid of being like The Movie That Doesn't Exist or betraying the fans that it was caught in a weird place where it was mimicking the original series & avoiding risks without trying to actually capture the characters. in other words – pretty typical remake/sequel syndrome. i'll probably get around to watching it sometime but i'm not in any hurry.
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