#going through my producecore foodcel phase rn
ilaiyayaya · 6 months
"Take your pills" - Sonozaki Shion
Every interaction with my family is like the most rage-inducing thing imaginable, like it's impressive how rarely I see most of them yet of the like 2 times I see each of them each year most of them always find some way to piss me off, like it's actually impressive, like they take 2 shots and somehow get a headshot both times. See my uncle for the first time since Christmas (hopefully the last time until next Christmas too, or preferably forever if life goes well in the next few months), literally never talk to this particular uncle btw, despite that he's fucking like, weirdly perceptive? at least compared to the rest of my dad's side of my family (which tbf, is an extremely low bar), I probably say one sentence to him every year and yet he's the only person who's caught onto me not being christian, and also that I was suicidal as fuck a few years ago. Realistically, surely by this point at least a couple of the others have at least figured out I'm not religious, as dense as they are there's fucking no way they haven't connected the dots by now, but they definitely didn't until long after he did, which would be dangerous as fuck if I was in a worse position, because he is probably the most religious person in my family, and very high up there with the most religious people I've ever met in general, luckily as far as I'm aware he's very silent about other people's business, so that's good.
Point is. I think he may have clocked me as trans lol. Which if he has, at this point, would be really fucking funny, actually hilarious, because there is quite literally nothing he could do to cause any problems for me with that information. He probably hasn't figured it out fully, I think I do a pretty good job at hiding that particular thing, and at least keeping it well within the realm of plausible deniability, but he's almost definitely at least a little bit suspicious. I went to my grandmother's house, they were there for some reason, I blanked out for most of that encounter so I don't remember any of what led up to this, but like 5 minutes in, completely unprompted he asks "how do you feel about transgenders?"
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It was so fucking weird, like I said I don't talk to him like, at all, ever, even when I am in the same room as him, and the rare times when I do the conversation is usually just like, basic filler conversations. Of course I answer in the most Plausible Deniability™ way possible and say "complete indifference, believe it or not I don't really spend a lot of time formulating opinions on things that have absolutely no impact on me I think it's kind of a waste of energy" with that exact fucking wording and it could not have worked better, almost immediately ends the topic, but not before he calls trans people "kinda fruity" and says something about not being "politically correct" like actual fucking elon musk incel right-wing buzzword, this man is like in his fucking 50s. Also in the last 6 months I've switched from responding in the most short, basic way possible to all of my family members' questions to just like, being an asshole lmao, like it feels so good to be in a position where like, they already know I despise all of them, I'm on the verge of moving out of my father's house, after which I will never speak to any of them again, and if I were to get kicked out before then, I'd be perfectly fine I have enough safety nets, they cannot do anything to me so it is just so fun to just rip into them at every opportunity I get. Like if you're gonna say things that you know will set me off at least be prepared to be told to fuck off.
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At least it's like, kinda good rage, motivating rage, satisfying rage, instant snapping out of apathy and into mania rage, like at this point it's extremely rare that they actually have any impact on like, my self image or like, esteem or anything like that, my opinion of my family is far too low at this point for anything they say to really get under my skin. Still obnoxious tho, very annoying. Honestly it's kinda just funny more than anything, like they're so predictable, actual fucking caricatures half the time, I've started making a mental bingo game out of it, like which topics are they gonna bring up completely unprompted this time, and which one of them is gonna do it? It makes it kinda fun, plus when I know what they're gonna say I can fuck with them, skirt the line of what I can say without them catching on y'know, it's fun.
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I hope my entire family rots, and maybe cute little mushrooms grow on their skeletons and possibly a bit of mold, maybe form a natural little fungus ecosystem around their skeletons. Is that too far? Am I skirting the line of getting banned for that does that count as a death threat? Like does just saying I hope they die count? I mean I didn't include anything about flying hammers so like it's probably fine I guess.
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