#golden nougat theatre troupe
hpurplicious · 7 months
"Let's continue our roll call, everybody!!~"
Part 2/2
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Caramel Frappe Cookie (Age: 28)
A show cannot be made without those who work backstage, and that is what Caramel Frappe Cookie is for! All the props, lighting and sound effects in their shows are taken care of by this cookie. Though there are times where they play as a narrator for certain plays (it's usually either them or Choco Heartlock Cookie).
They are pretty laid back and chill, but is also very passionate when it comes to creating props for any upcoming plays. Yes, they typically do all the props and they tend to pull an all nighters, leaving them extremely tired the next day.
Coffee is the only things that could keep her awake, otherwise, they'd be fast asleep in the theatre's break room. Though Honey Pie Cookie seems to understand and let them rest anyway since she knows they worked so hard to get their props made in time.
Also yes, Caramel Frappe Cookie uses they/them pronouns :>
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Pink Lemonade Cookie (Age: 23)
A young songstress and actress of the troupe! She joined the troupe alongside her two schoolmates; Rhubarb Pie Cookie and Butter Toffee Cookie.
She is an absolute sweetheart that likes to get all pumped up whenever they do script readings and rehersals. She's also a little bit clumsy and could easily panic if she notices something isn't right or she made a mistake (she'll get reassured by her fellow troupe members it's going to be alright).
She fell in love with musicals and theatre when she first saw one with her friends in high school. She's since then decided to try to practice her acting as well as her singing skills since then.
She is the younger sister of Black Lemonade Cookie and she is very supportive of the music her big sister makes. She does her best to attend every single concert her sister is in and listen to every single song Black Lemonade Cookie makes even if rock isn't her favorite genre. Black Lemonade Cookie does appreciate her lil sister's efforts in supporting her (also does her best to support her lil sister's shows).
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Rhubarb Pie Cookie (Age: 22)
A young actor and backstage assistant that hopes to have this experience find his true passion in fine arts. Unlike Pink Lemonade Cookie and Butter Toffee Cookie, he only joined the troupe because his two friends decided to do so and he has no idea what he should do when he finally graduates. He hopes that he'll find his true purpose within the Golden Nougat Theatre.
He is a soft-spoken cookie with a long patience. He is also pretty smart and creative that he can think outside of the box in which helps the troupe come up with plotlines for their plays. He's the one that diffuses any sort of heated argument whether he would try to get things on topic or switch to a new one.
He likes to eat out in Sandwich Cookie's shop and would sometimes hang around with Pink Lemonade Cookie and Butter Toffee Cookie. There are times that the three of them would practice their skills in acting and singing.
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Butter Toffee Cookie (Age: 22)
The most energetic and enthusiastic cookie actor you'll ever meet in the Golden Nougat Theatre Troupe! He is the main reason why Rhubarb Pie Cookie and Pink Lemonade Cookie is in the Golden Nougat Theatre Troupe.
He is very confident about his acting skills that sometimes in script readings, he'd read without his script and it would typically end up in him doing his lines over and over until he gives up and decide to actually read his script. His way of acting is always on point (when he knows what he's doing) and is pretty good at improvising. Honey Pie Cookie absolutely loves his way of improvising since it's either funny or a nice touch to the character he's playing.
He's been doing theatre since his elementary school days. Though cookies in his age tend to shrug him off as an annoying and overconfident cookie, in which would make him feel isolated for the next few years of his school life until he met Pink Lemonade Cookie and Rhubarb Pie Cookie.
There's a certain cookie that made him not give up his dream to become an actor when he was in high school and he's been his hero ever since. He wishes that he'd be able to meet that cookie again, or better yet, they'll get to work together with their troupe and the Golden Nougat Theatre Troupe! But for now, he can only dream...
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hpurplicious · 7 months
"Golden Nougat Theatre Troupe, it's time for a roll call!~"
Part 1/2
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Choco Heartlock Cookie (Age: 27)
The scriptwriter of this theatre troupe that also works as a journalist for the Daily Cookie City News.
She has a passion for writing stories (whether they may be fiction or not) and will not hesitate to stand up for herself.
The golden locked heart on her chocolate hair is a heirloom she had ever since she came to be in Earthbread. She has no idea if there is a key that opens it, but nonetheless, she perceives it as a special item she needs to protect.
Well acquainted with Timekeeper Cookie and is friends with Coffee Candy Cookie (alongside everyone in the Golden Nougat Theatre Troupe)
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Pumpkin Spice Cookie (Age: 30)
An actress that has been in the theatre industry ever since she was a young cookie.
She, Cream Cheese Cookie and Honey Pie Cookie are the founders of the Golden Nougat Theatre (as well as the troupe itself).
She is a sophisticated cookie that prefers to have things pre-planned and organized. She tries her best to keep calm whenever she sees someone with a disorganized or chaotic demeanor (she HATES things not going according to the agenda).
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Cream Cheese Cookie (Age: 31)
An actor and a casting director with the hopes and dreams to be a famous cookie day. He's the oldest cookie amongst the rest of the cookies in the theatre troupe.
He is confident in his acting skills and is slightly egotistical about it. But of course, that doesn't mean he is the greatest among his peers! He uses his knowledge always does his best to teach the younger theatre cookies to better display their acting skills, and whenever he ever makes a mistake, he's sure to apologize and reflect on the ways to improve himself.
Also, he's not just knowledgeable with acting, but he knows a lot about the lore that revolves around Earthbread. He said that the books comes from a relative of him from overseas, whom seems to enjoy to write about such stories and it helps Cream Cheese Cookie get inspiration to act sometimes.
Cookies tend to ask him if he's related with Roguefort Cookie and he's usually offended by it because why would any cookie assume that a well-mannered artist such as himself be in the same jam-line as a phantom thief?? Whether the two know each other or not remains a mystery
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Honey Pie Cookie (Age: 29)
The director for the Golden Nougat Theatre Troupe! She's the one to make sure that her vision for her various plays are just as she envisioned it and will be enjoyable to the audience.
She's the kind of cookie that doesn't want to let opportunities go to waste, and even if it may seem risky, she makes sure that all turns out well in the end. No matter how difficult things may be, she always finds a way to keep going and be positive about it. And of course, a director should hear out the feelings of her fellow theatre cookies and understand them wholeheartedly.
She adores hearing out new concepts and ideas for their next plays. After all, she believes that she isn't the only cookie that could come up with such unique stories! This may just be one of the reasons she begged Choco Heartlock Cookie to join their troupe.
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