#golden trio of unordinary
crazydaymycrazyway · 7 months
Vaghun catching Remi, Isen and Blyke doing vigilante activities for the nth time
Vaghun: Why is it, when something happens, it's always you three?
Isen: Believe me, sir, I've been asking myself the same question for the past few months
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serlinesstuff · 2 years
Isen, texting Remi
Isen: Help, I'm being kidnapped!
Remi: Where are you?
Isen: I'm with some random stranger. In a car. Help.
Remi: Wait a sec, I'll call Blyke
Blyke, picking up his phone: Hello??
Remi: Have you seen Isen? He just texted me saying he got kidnapped
Blyke: Wdym?? Isen's right next to me--
Blyke: I'll call you back *hangs up*
Isen: WHO ARE YOU?!?
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deliciousspancakes · 3 years
they're cute
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annalycheee · 3 years
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imagine they met in the infirmary after blyke and isen got their asses kicked by arlo and remi’s like sup nerds
i actually wrote a oneshot on that i think
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stingro · 4 years
The amount of people that are STILL defending John is appalling. The amount of people STILL calling the Royals hypocrites is appalling. I'll just point out that after the Trio went to get Waldo, Blyke realized ON HIS OWN how low-tiers were treated. Blyke has been making an effort to change since episode 100 or so. He tried being friends with John, and while John had no reason to be friends with him, Blyke tried regardless. Remi has seen the problem in person and has done her best to expand her efforts EVEN WHILE she's canonically grieving. Isen is learning, realizing that it doesn't always have to be "stronger = right". Seraphina even said she DESERVED to be crippled for ignoring the plight of lower tiers for so long! Which included John at the time, because he was still seen as a low tier despite his confidence and unorthodox behavior! She's making an effort to change herself and the people around her no matter how small her impact is now. Arlo has done some fucked up things: using and betraying John was fucked up. I think he's still learning, trying to change his mindset! It's difficult when it's all you've ever known. I don't excuse his actions, but I can see he's changing.
"I have to agree with John because no one cared before." A. Not even true. REMI tried helping him, and while I understand John realized and apologized for his actions, he was still rude to her and slapped her hand away. B. Him getting beaten up isn't an excuse for his behavior now! You know who uses those excuses? Abusers! Gaslighters! You know people can still do morally reprehensibke actions and still have a reason that ISN'T justifiable, right? "You shouldn't blame them, they were also abused—" that's minimizing. Minimizing the pain others have felt, minimizing what John has put people through just because he went through it first.
I don't give a fuck if you like him or not. Just stop calling the Royals hypocrites and stop justifying John. He's not a hero or a villain, he's a kid who has been through fucked up shit, but also put his friends through that shit and has hurt other people. He was an abusive friend to Claire and Adrion, and has hurt and lied to Sera.
I'm so angry at the fucking Jimps. So angry.
(Credits to @/jasperiwinkle for the Jimps nickname)
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remixblykexisen · 4 years
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I love this panel a normal amount-
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viewmasterfeeling · 4 years
S O...
As you may know I love the webtoon UnOrdinary and the trio of Blyke, Isen, and Remi...
So I made a blog for them. @remixblykexisen :)))
I’m not obsessed i swear
But hey, go give it a follow if you want!
(istg if my posts dont start appearing in the tags i will rIOT)
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crazydaymycrazyway · 7 months
Blyke: In my defense, I was left unsupervised
Remi: Wasn't Isen with you?
Isen: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised
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crazydaymycrazyway · 7 months
Isen: Wait a minute! We don't go TOWARDS the wierd scary sound!
Remi: Yeah we do.
Blyke: We always do.
Isen: I hate that about us.
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crazydaymycrazyway · 7 months
Blyke: What's the plan?
Remi: It mostly involves not dying
Isen: That's a good plan! I like that plan!
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remixblykexisen · 4 years
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remixblykexisen · 4 years
you're the one who hung the stars
Blyke & Isen & Remi (unOrdinary), Blyke/Isen/Remi (unOrdinary)
If you didn’t know Isen, then you wouldn’t have noticed anything off about him.
Of course, Remi and Blyke did.
(In which Isen feels worthless, and Remi and Blyke remind him that he's not)
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remixblykexisen · 4 years
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( :|
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remixblykexisen · 4 years
I think we can all agree that the X Rei arc
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remixblykexisen · 4 years
Ship Blemi all you want, but Isen as a third wheel is so dead imo
Thank you for coming to my TED-Talk
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remixblykexisen · 4 years
My goals? Simple. Get more people on board with shipping the trio, writing fics for them on ao3, start an army...
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