#gollum slithered his way back in
theincaprincess · 4 years
Pirate of the rings *Part 2*
Main master list here 
Legolas master list here
Forever tag list @amyf20 @blankdblank @deepestfirefun @moonfaery @catthefearless @meyoko10 @tolkienprincess @starlightintherain89 @southsidesarcasticwriter @fuer-immer-jetzt @fizzyxcustard @lady-of-lies @xxbyimm​ @miabee0706​
Legolas tag list @elaneth-elf-friend​ @boyett514​ @gwendelerynan​ @ziamhathrisen​
Hobbit/LOTR tag list @Slither-in-a-half
Pirate of the rings tag list @thebitchiestnerdtowalktheearth​
Catch up here 
Part 1 
Will Turner x reader 
Legolas x reader
Word count 1,038
Sitting at the side of the campfire you were humming softly as you started to prepared that evening meal for everyone, Sam of course was next to you helping in every way as he loved cooking, and you were glad you had someone to help, Frodo, Merry and Pippin were sleeping soundly next to Gimli, while Aragorn and Legolas were talking low and in elvish, something you came to learn when Legolas wanted to have a moan about the follow members, looking around the camp you noticed Boromir and Will were missing. 
“Sam, where is Boromir and Will?” You asked the hobbit. 
“They are collecting firewood, Miss (y/n)” Sam answered, tipping the mushrooms into the pot, as you nodded and went back to chopping up the tomatoes. 
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Looking up at Boromir, Will picked up a few bits of wood as Boromir was talking about his home, and Will could have a place within Gondor’s army if he wanted to stray here in Middle Earth, turning around Will could see the camp from the high hill he was standing on, looking down at you a small smile appeared on his lips. 
“You like her don’t you?” Boromir said as he stood next to Will and looked down at the camp too. 
“She’s not like any woman I have ever laid eyes on” Will said as he turned and faced Boromir. 
“Aye lad, she’s a hell of a woman, she’s not from here either, she’s like you, woke up here one day, but man to man you’ll have a fight on your hands for her” Boromir said as he bent down and picked up another log of wood seeing Will narrow his eyes at him, “Woah Laddie, not me, I mean the elf, Legolas he stares at her when he thinks no one is looking, the small smile he has when she’s excited about something, you will be fighting him for her affections” Boromir added as he started to walk down the hill back towards camp, leaving Will looking after him before turning his eyes back to you, before seeing the elf walking towards you. 
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Dinner had gone down a storm, and everyone was sleeping soundly apart from you, you had this feeling that something was watching you, slowly you lifted your head up and looked around in the darkness gripping your sword, twisting your head to each side you scanned the area looking for anything that didn’t seem to belong there. 
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Pushing yourself up to a sitting position your eyes, caught the eyeshine of a creature, jumping to your feet you must have scared it away as the eyes disappeared and so did the feeling of being watched, hearing a small exhale you twisted your head to the right and saw Legolas lowing his bow while twisted his head to you.
“That creature has been following us since Moria” Legolas whispered, as you sat yourself back down. 
“What and who is it?” you asked, keeping your voice low. 
“His name is Gollum, he was a prisoner in my home, but he escaped, and we never found him”  Legolas admitted as he placed the arrow back into its quiver. 
“Well it would appear he has found us” you whispered back, as Frodo laid there staring into the direction Gollum had disappeared to, clutching the ring close to his chest, remembering what Bilbo had said about him. 
“Get some sleep (y/n), I’ll take first watch” Legolas spoke as he rose to his feet and walked over to the firepit, relighting the fire in hopes it would keep Gollum away.
Standing in the cleaning the Uruk hai that had been following watched the small creature make its way towards some cliffs muttering to itself about something called precious, turning his eyes back to the glowing spot in the forest he could see the elf walking around the makeshift campsite, huffing to himself the uruk hai, turned himself around and started to run back to his pack, to tell the others he had located the group and had been watching you for a few days, knowing what time you would settle down for the night, and how many of you there was. 
He had run for about 5 miles in the other direction when he heard the clashing of swords and bodies just over the hill, inhaling a deep breath he spirited up the hill and saw not only was his pack fighting, but they were fighting among themselves, letting out a large snarl everyone in the pack stopped and turned towards him dropping to their knees as they saw their leader had returned. 
“I have found the halflings, and the men we were tasked to find, there is also a woman with them” he snarled out, getting barks and snarls from the rest of the pack, “Follow me, we will attack them now” he added with a snarl as he turned and started to run back towards the fellowship, as the rest of his pack let out load calls of “man flesh” before running after their leader.
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Feeling vibrations in the ground Legolas rose to his feet and looked back the way you came, sensing something was wrong, walking over to Aragorn he woke his friend up speaking in fast elvish, while looking around making Aragorn sit up as the hair on the back of his neck started to stand up, as he could feel the elfs anxiety. 
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Being shaking wake you saw Will’s face “the elf says we need to move, and move now” he told you as you sat yourself up and rubbed your eyes looking around the group and seeing Boromir picking up Merry and Pippin who were still fast asleep, as you noticed Legolas acting weird, knowing that was not in his character you jumped to your feet and pulled all your belongings into your backpack and as you jogged to Frodo and Sam’s side with Will behind you, just as Aragon gave the order for you all to run, and not stop until he gave the word, and with that you were running, to where and why you did not know, but you grabbed a hold of Sam and Will’s hand and just kept running.
*Part 3 coming soon*
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roseofgondor · 6 years
Rose of Gondor: A Lord of the Rings Fanfiction
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Excerpt: Chapter Two - Temptation
As Rimiriel shouldered her way through the contingent of men crowding the passageway ahead of her, she wondered what kind of creature could possibly emit the pitiful sounds now reaching her ears. The shrieks reminded her of the days of her childhood when her cousin Erchirion’s new kitten had gotten overly curious and fallen down one of the wells in the gardens of the castle at Dol Amroth. The kitten’s pathetic mewling combined with Erchirion’s wretched sobbing had caused Rimiriel’s heart to swell with sympathy, and it had been the childish ingenuity of she and her cousin Elphir that had resulted in her climbing down the well to save the sodden and miserable feline and return the shivering bundle of fur to Erchirion’s arms.
As she finally managed to shove her way through the last line of rangers blocking her view of the goings-on, that same compassion that had given her the blind courage needed to climb deep down into the garden well, equipped with only a threadbare rope tied around her waist and the trust that Elphir would be capable of pulling her back up, washed over Rimiriel as she took in the sight before her. The Hobbits’ third companion, a gangrel creature with sallow skin drained of color by a lifetime spent in darkness, scrabbled in the dirt in attempt to find enough purchase to regain his feet only to be thwarted in this quest by multiple boots slamming into his ribs, sending him back to the ground with an anguished yelp. To his sister’s horror, Faramir stood against the wall of the tunnel, watching this cruel treatment she would not wish on the most incompetent of hounds with a blank expression.
Letting her anger flood her body, Rimiriel whirled on the company of rangers at her back. “Are there not duties requiring your attentions?” she hissed, mustering her best glare for these comrades of hers that acted as if this meaningless cruelty were some sick form of entertainment, and the idle warriors quickly scurried at the threat of her fury.
Rimiriel waited for the last ranger to disappear into Henneth Annûn’s tunnels before pivoting on her heel to address her brother. “Faramir, what are you doing?” she asked, careful to keep her tone even so as not to seem as if she were directly questioning her captain’s decisions. Brother or not, such an action would be unacceptable.
Faramir turned to Rimiriel and a chill crept down her spine as her brother seemed to stare right through her, shadows clouding the grey eyes nearly identical to her own. The captain brushed off the familiar hand placed on his shoulder and returned his attention to the spectacle before him without gifting her with even the vaguest form of a response. “That is enough!” he finally barked amidst another doleful cry from Gollum.
At their captain’s command, the rangers tasked with punishing the Halflings’ guide threw the creature to the ground before stepping away. Instincts brought on by several years of study in the White City’s Houses of Healing surged through Rimiriel as she watched Gollum crawl into a corner and curl into a ball, her trained eyes cataloguing the bruises already darkening the emaciated creature’s ribs and back as his whole body shook with the force of his sobbing. When she stepped forward, however, a tight grip on her upper arm roughly pulled her back, robbing the healer of her chance for a more thorough evaluation.
Before Rimiriel could protest, Faramir had already released her and swept past, an intimidating picture as he stood over Gollum’s huddled form. “Where are you leading them?” demanded the captain, his voice brutal and harsh. “Answer me!”
Rimiriel focused her attentions on the miserable creature the Hobbits had commissioned as their guide on whatever journey had taken them from their homeland, hoping to distract herself from the resentment pulsing in her veins at the fact that she could do nothing to stop whatever madness had seized Faramir. Gollum paid little attention to his captors, staying curled in his corner with one hand stroking his own shoulder in what some might consider a soothing gesture, but he had begun to speak. It seemed like nonsense to the healer—a back-and-forth conversation with only one participant that made her question the creature’s sanity. Surely it was not normal to talk to oneself so. Still, Gollum’s conversation with himself was strangely entrancing as the creature changed his voice’s inflections, one minute speaking in a soft, scared whimper only to adopt a harsh, angry hiss a second later. This conversation seemed to make some strange kind of sense to Faramir as he clung to every word the odd creature muttered.
“Filthy little Hobbitses!” the angry side of the creature cried as it hit its fist against the cavern wall. “They stole it from us!”
“What did they steal?” asked Faramir even as Gollum’s whimpering double denied the claim. The hair on the back of Rimiriel’s neck stood at the poorly-concealed desire in her brother’s voice. Something was deeply wrong.
Gollum turned on the congregated rangers with a ferocious expression that told Rimiriel the more willful half of the creature’s duality had gained control once again. “Myyy…PRECIOUSSS!”
Rimiriel would freely admit to being startled as the pallid creature before her bared his teeth and growled at his captors, but she forced herself to ignore the alarm that caused her blood to pound in her ears as it sang the song of moverunfight, keeping her feet rooted in the earth and her stance steady as her brother barked orders to the rangers who had served as Gollum’s tormentors. Commanding his men to keep an eye on the Hobbits’ guide, Faramir then whirled to leave, giving Rimiriel a piercing view of the storm in his face, and swept past her and deeper into the recesses of Henneth Annûn without another word. Whatever this ‘precious’ was, the knowledge of it had ignited a fire in Faramir that Rimiriel had never before seen in her brother—a dangerous flame that, if left to blaze out of control, could very well prove destructive. As a deep sense of foreboding slithered into the depths of her gut, the healer quickly turned to follow him...
Continue reading on FF.net 
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mygangtome · 7 years
who were they then, who are they now: richard armitage
My dearest, dearest tumblr user. We’ve been here before, haven’t we? I’ve tried time and again to persuade you to watch this glorious, bonkers, utterly compelling madhouse of a show, and despite my recommendations of yesteryear, you still haven’t been persuaded.
So I’m going to have to bring out the big nose guns.
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pictured here: god he’s so dashing i hate him so muuhuhuhuch
Ladies, gents, and nonbinary friends, I present to you Richard Crispin Armitage. If you don’t know who he is, you probably haven’t been on Tumblr before.
who he was before?
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pictured here: he’s a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity
Back in the hazy, long-gone days of 2006, Richard Armitage already had a more substantial following than a lot of the Robin Hood cast. He’d been around a bit in stage and the small screen; he joined a circus in Budapest, played Macavity in Cats, stood by the side of a pool as eye candy in Cold Feet, gave a career-defining performance as Smug Man At Party in This Year’s Love, and even turned up as an extra in Star Wars.
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pictured here: DIDN’T KNOW THAT, DID YOU, EH?
The sudden explosion of Richard into the public consciousness is primarily due to the BBC’s North and South in 2004, in which he played a brooding Northerner who primarily wears black and holds a position of power.
Then he got cast as Guy of Gisborne, a brooding Midlander who solely wears black and holds a position of power.
Typecasting? What’s that?
who was he then?
I’ve talked extensively for previous My Gang To Me days about Guy’s character, and his excellently melodramatic interactions with other characters on the show. He’s the big baddie in a show which needs one; the sneering, scowling foil to Robin’s optimistic heroism. But he’s also generous to a fault, obsessively loving, and full of thwarted ambitions. No other character divides the fandom more - is he a misunderstood good guy or an overindulged crybaby? Are he and Marion meant to be or an abusive relationship? Does he deserve a redemption arc? I DON’T KNOW, I’M NOT THE BOSS OF ROBIN HOOD, STOP ASKING ME ALL THESE QUESTIONS.
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pictured here: there’s no such thing as too much eyeliner
Two years ago, I wrote the following about Guy, and it holds true:
More often than not we end our hijinks with an exasperated shout of “GISSSSBORRRRRRNE!” echoing through the castle and a shot of Guy slinking off to explain how he got foiled this week… Despite being a handsome devil, he is so deliciously dislikeable in a proper, old-school, tying-people-to-the-railroad tracks kind of way. And I’ll be honest, it’s worth watching the show just for a demonstration of how Armitage is able to smoulder with all parts of his body up to and including his back.
Where the Sheriff revels in his own villainy, Guy never thinks of himself as anything but The Hero Of This Story, and is all the more gloriously villainous for it. It certainly doesn’t hurt that the show is well aware of the fact that Richard looks nice without a shirt on.
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pictured here: how many times can i use this screencap before it become gratuitous
Admittedly, my particular preference is for bearded-and-soulful-Armitage (more on that later on) but you know, any Armitage is good Armitage.
richard on guy
The Thing You Probably Know Already About Richard Armitage is that he is a ~method actor, which means that he takes all his roles Very Seriously. He wrote a diary for Thorin. He underwent waterboarding in order to get in character for his role as Lucas North in Spooks. He got extremely into William Blake for Dolarhyde. And, believe it or not, he also got very emotionally attached to Guy.
Today, [Richard] knocks on [series writer Dominic Minghella’s] door with a pencil and pad. Can he ask me some questions about his character? I tell him, truthfully, that I can’t believe he is here - an actor of his talent, sitting on my sofa, talking to me about playing this part. I feel so lucky. Suddenly, I stop myself - do I destroy what little (gamma-male) authority I have by being so candid? I glance at him. My concerns are unfounded. He is blushing. 
source: interview in sunday telegraph, october 2006
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pictured here: richard cosplaying as 80s investment banking!au guy of gisborne
I can’t even be mad at this point. 
His own opinions on Guy are about as complicated as the fandom’s.
“I’m really hoping that when people sit and watch this, when Gisborne is trying to woo Marian they absolutely squirm in their seats and their skin is crawling. That was my main aim with this character, to make people absolutely despise him.” 
source: interview on bbc robin hood website, october 2006 
“His love for Marian is something which is beginning to unravel him and he’s becoming more human through her. It’s actually surprising him. I don’t think he quite realises what’s happening to him - he’s becoming human throughout the course of the series, I think.” 
source: interview on robin hood audiobook, “will you tolerate this?”
who did he become?
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pictured here: i’ve never seen spooks so i can’t comment but OOH, DASHING
After Robin Hood, Richard officially became a Household Name when he joined the cast of Spooks as Lucas North, a series regular. Technically he started filming it whilst finishing off Robin Hood, which must have been an experience.
He stayed with Spooks for three years, becoming That Guy Off Spooks With The Face, You Know The One, and also turned his hand to a few other television and film roles over the years. 
He warmed the cockles of our collective hearts when he turned up as Dawn French’s love interest and future husband Harry Kennedy in The Vicar of Dibley. Bit of a jump for him, this one, as it’s a handsome and charming accountant, rather than a handsome and charming spy. Still, he rose to the occasion masterfully, and also got to snog Dawn French, so he won on multiple accounts.
In 2011, he turned up as the bespectacled Nazi spy Heinz Kruger in Captain America: The First Avenger. He got to have a secret submarine and run around with tommy guns. One time Chris Evans punched him in the face. It was awesome.
And then Thorin happened.
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pictured here: majesty~
I will keep this brief, because if I talk too much about Thorin Oakenshield I’ll burst into tears, but it was the role that changed his life.
“I just think it’s a really amazing opportunity to take a character from a book that I was brought to as a child. My first experience on stage was in a production of The Hobbit at the Alex Theatre in Birmingham, and I played an elf.  And Gollum was a papier-mache puppet with a man offstage on a microphone. It’s been in my childhood very prominently, so to come to it as an adult,  a middle-aged man, and have another look at it is a brilliant opportunity." 
source: ‘the hobbit’ cast press conference, february 2011
Yes, that’s right, Richard Armitage is a Tolkien nerd. He wore elf ears made from cereal boxes to see the Two Towers in cinemas (he was thirty years old at the time).  And in 2012 he first graced our screens as Thorin, the proud and noble long-lost king of Erebor and a significant change of pace for a man who had developed a career as shifty, morally-dubious hired killers. 
He developed a reputation on set for being “moody and broody” (his words, not mine), due to all that method acting stuff that kept him fretting about the fate of the dwarven race when everyone else was fretting about lunch, but his performance was hailed as one of the best in the trilogy and - of course - it absolutely transformed his career.
who is he now?
Good question, and really one for Richard himself, or his doctor or his therapist or maybe a priest, but we’ll take a stab at it anyway.
After The Hobbit, Richard took a break from the massive media scrutiny and did what all British actors do when they’re scared, which is be in a play. In his case, the play was The Crucible at the Old Vic (I saw it, it was INCREDIBLE) and it earned him an Olivier nomination.
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pictured here: bad timez 4 johnny p
He bounced from that into a couple of movies that you are, on the whole, unlikely to have seen - disaster movie Into The Storm, social drama Urban and the Shed Crew, bizarre fantasy Alice Through The Looking Glass…
But his most iconic role of late has been in Hannibal, as serial-killer-with-a-heart-of-gold-actually-no-wait-he-murders-people Francis Dolarhyde. He joined Hannibal for the last explosive season, and seems to have had a lot of fun killing people and wearing flower crowns and… I don’t know, I don’t go here, I’m doing my best.
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pictured here: @nettlestonenell challenged me to fit at least one additional shirtless shot into this post, so here’s naked dolarhyde doing something that’s probably evil
It seems to have gone down well with the fans. And things are only looking up for our boy, who’s filming season two of his spy thriller Berlin Station as we speak. He’s based in London these days - still famously private about his private life, but happy to chat on twitter and instagram - just finished performing in his off-Broadway debut in Mike Bartlett’s Love, Love, Love, earning rave reviews, and he’s got several movies coming up.
my gang, to me!
Have I persuaded you yet that you want to get to know the man who was Guy of Gisborne? Well, you’re in luck - the boy’s been busy. You might see him on the big screen this year in Pilgrimage, or Ocean’s Eight, or Brain on Fire. He’s aging well, like a fine wine, and you only have to poke a toe into his tumblr tag to find that his ‘army’ of fans are as passionate now as they were when Guy first slithered onto our screens, eleven years ago today.
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pictured here: then & now
I think he might actually be aging in reverse.
Of course, if you want to see more of Richard, there’s one surefire way to do it - and it’s the reason I made this post. Come along and join the gang in Sherwood, and get to know Guy for yourself! Buy some DVDs, or fire up a stream, and settle down with a couple of glorious episodes of the friendliest, loveliest show in television - BBC Robin Hood. 
No matter how famous he gets, to us, he’ll always be Guy. And we wouldn’t have him any other way.
Sorry, guys. We saw him first.
post by @interestinggin / with thanks to richardarmitage.net & richardarmitageonline.com
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