#gom x poc!reader
mercur1e · 3 years
GOM + kagami and hanamiya with a black s/o who smokes
Chill about it
Doesn't really care too much
Might ask for a hit every blue moon
But he's an athlete so I doubt it
Will ask to split an edible though
Off topic but Imayoshi caught you smoking one time and never let's you live it down
You don't really care cause you know he wont snitch
Plus you've got dirt on him too so
Y'all take naps on the roof together
Finds the smell relaxing
Please dont smoke or roll up around this man
Will snatch your shit and throw it away
"NIGGA CAN I SMOKE IN PEACE???" Is something you find yourself often saying
Will lecture you
You have to smoke wherever he isnt
Will smell the smoke on you and loud cap you...ass (only in front the team though)
Gave up on trying to get you to stop because you'd just find loopholes, but still voices his disapproval
"Y/N smoking damages your lungs" Honestly he's a mom nagging you
One time you were eating an edible at practice and Hayama loud capped you
You wanted to kill him
Would never pick up a blunt in his life and scrunches his nose when he smells weed
Mayuzumi is your smoking buddy sometimes
Yall duck off to the roof and share a blunt on occasion
You might get away with gummies idk
Mans lived in California he's doesn't care
Smoked once and freaked out, never did it again
Doesn't really like the fact that you smoke but he's not gonna lecture or beg you to stop
You go to him when you have the munchies
Gives you snacks when you're hungry
Offer him a dab pen and he just might take a hit, just might
Bitches about it like a mad mother
"Y/N this is unacceptable behavior and it can seriously hurt your health andddd now it's a lecture
Not chill about it at all
Always complains
Goes somewhere else when you smoke
Would never take a hit or eat an edible
Tries to get you to stop but it fails, multiple times
Takao though
Yall split an edible on the way to school sometimes
Like Akashi, doesn't let you smoke in peace if he's around, and if he is he's multiple feet away from you, still lecturing lol
Is surprised
Stays away from you when you smoke at school because he doesn't want someone to call him out on the smell
When he's stressed he'll smoke with you
Sometimes he pops an edible before going to school so his fangirls are a little more tolerable
Can get high and not look high
One time someone smelled your weed on him and they thought it was a fancy cologne LMAO
He was sweating bullets
"Y-yeah its uh limited edition"
Has a dab pen
Uses his expensive perfumes to cover up the smell of the weed
Doesn't like the smell
Asks you to sit outside or go somewhere else cuz it fucks with his appetite ig
Yall go on snack runs together
Walmart raids, but for different snacking reasons
The cashiers are sick of yall
Doesn't really care for it, probably wouldn't be able to get him to smoke
Has almost accidentally ate your edibles on multiple occasions
You have to put a label on them
May take a hit of a dab pen
But please dont let get high he will eat everything in sight
You two take naps together after pigging out
Doesn't like it, but whatever it's your life
May try to convince you to stop
You don't smoke around him because you know he doesn't like it and he's not disrespectful like Midorima and Akashi
Will go to Maji burger with you tho
#2 almost got into your edibles but you never told him because you didn't want him to freak out
Keyword almost, you caught him before he could
Asks you stuff about weed and being high just because he's curious about it
Heheheh my man
(Yeah I know most athletes dont smoke because health and fitness but just act like he does)
Yall smoke together all the time
Smokes with you on the roof and chills with you
Brings snacks but sometimes wont share like the shithead he is
Bring your own just in case
Will eat an edible with you in front of other students because he knows they're too afraid of him to tell
The dude that's always smoking in the school bathrooms
If you lay on his chest you'll smell it
High sex
Smoke circle with KiriDai
The one who asks weird but interesting questions when high
Yall nap together on the roof or at each other's houses
You two share a blunt on the way to school
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