riversidewings · 2 years
胡麻垂れの 味は本より 知りつつも 頬を又温し 君の面影
gomadare no aji wa moto yori shiritsutsu mo hoo mata nukushi kimi no omokage
though I knew the taste of halva long before now it warms my cheeks again this reminder of you
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kzm1nt · 2 months
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『SMOOZ GARAGE 03』XFD :: 参加アーティスト Nikoi (@nikoi0227 ) KARUT (@TriplebulletS ) Mameyudoufu (@mameyudoufu ) VOLTA (@volta342 ) Gomadare (@gomadare252 ) QQZ(@QQZ_official ) :: ボーカル セトナツメ (@St_1072 ) nasaki (@nasakicom ) q'yul (@AchuRoses ) π (@paicore20XX ) 椎名かいね (@kaineneko ) :: イラスト OTOMIKA (@ot0mika ) :: 企画, デザイン & マスタリング Purukichi (@Purukichi3 ) :: デザイン BORSCH+ (@BORSCHTofficial ) :: XFD & PV Kazuma Enta (@kzm1nt ) :: ロゴ Pengu (@_P3NGU ) :: 制作 & スタッフ Dempa.exe (@Dempa_exe2 )
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kichikumaboshi · 1 year
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Long time no post huh? Things are coming together for me to come back soon (I’m sorry, I know I’m later than I expected! I promise it’s coming!), but in the meantime, I realized I should share some recent going-ons! This past Monday, I gathered with a lot of friends to say goodbye to the VTuber who got me started on VTubing and celebrate her graduation, Harune. I managed to get through making this sprite for her, recording a quick video farewell, and even writing on her Kudoboard without crying, but as soon as she responded to any of them, out the tears flowed. T_T The whole thing was put together by Eisu, who’s an absolute madman I can never give enough respect to. He not only compiled all our art and farewells into a single video for her to watch and respond to on her graduation stream, but also drew a wonderful piece of art of a bunch of us running to her, which was so big his art program refused to export it, which I managed to help him out with. I love the art he did of me, and I will never cease being amazed by the final product with everyone! Assuming Tumblr doesn’t crunch the image their names are there for people to look up, but just in case, here’s a link to another host of it that I know won’t crunch it. Links for everyone who has one under the cut.
From left to right:
Noriboshi Arielle
HyperRobo Tenguris
Shanie MyrsTear
Haruka Karibu
Tia Sunshine
Dippy (does not stream, no links to share)
Silvio Nimbus
Gomadare (does not stream I think? No links)
Nemurenai Kai
Kie Kyoko
Natsumi Moe
AlGae (Does not stream, no links to share)
Phos (Does not stream, no links to share)
June Sindo
Rune Bunterra
Hell Soll
Harune (Farewell, and kick butt out there friend!)
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rezadwiandhika · 1 year
Rekomendasi makanan jepang
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Shabu-shabu adalah makanan khas Jepang yang berisi irisan tipis daging, tahu, jamur, dan sayuran. Daging yang biasa digunakan adalah daging sapi, dan terkadang juga daging ayam, ikan, atau gurita. Daging shabu-shabu dapat dinikmati dengan Gomadare atau saus Jepang yang mengandung wijen.
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Ramen memiliki banyak pilihan rasa dan dapat dinikmati dengan kaldu ayam, kaldu sapi, kaldu babi, hingga kaldu sayuran. Penggunaan topping dalam ramen juga bervariasi, tergantung selera. Dari seluruh makanan khas Jepang, ramen adalah salah satu makanan khas Jepang yang paling dapat diterima oleh lidah orang Indonesia.
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Onigiri atau nasi kepal merupakan makanan khas Jepang yang berbahan utama nasi putih. Berbeda dengan sushi, cara membuat onigiri adalah dengan memadatkan nasi dengan tangan atau dengan pencetak khusus onigiri. Biasanya onigiri dibungkus dengan lembaran nori atau rumput laut dan diisi dengan udang atau salmon lalu ditambahkan dengan mayonaise, daun bawang, dan mentaiko atau telur ikan terbang.
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tkijepang · 2 years
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Saat ini sedang musim panas di Jepang, dan seperti halnya musim-musim lain, musim panas di Jepang juga memiliki kuliner khasnya sendiri. 🌞 Kali ini kami ingin memperkenalkan 冷やし中華, atau "hiyashi chuuka" dalam tulisan romawi. Bagi Teman-teman yang mempelajari Bahasa Jepang, mungkin mengetahui bahwa 中華, chuuka dapat diartikan sebagai singkatan dari 中華料理, atau chuuka ryouri yang memiliki makna "makanan Cina". Namun demikian, hiyashi chuuka sama sekali berbeda dengan makanan sejenis menggunakan mie dingin yang berasal dari Tiongkok, dan dianggap sebagai kuliner yang berasal asli dari Jepang. 🍜🌞 Pada hiyashi chuuka, bahan utamanya adalah 冷やし面 (hiyashimen atau mie dingin), yaitu mie yang direndam dalam air dingin sebelum disajikan, dengan pelengkap umumnya berupa irisan daging, sayur-sayuran khas musim panas berwarna cerah seperti timun dan tomat yang dipotong tipis memanjang, 薄焼き卵 (usuyaki tamago), telur yang dibuat sedemikian rupa dengan irisan panjang, dan saus tare yang dibuat dari shoyu serta cuka beras, atau bisa juga tare yang terbuat dari mayonnaise dan biji wijen (campuran ini biasa disebut dengan gomadare). Hiyashi chuuka memiliki nama yang berbeda-beda tergantung daerahnya. Sebagai contoh, di Hokkaido kuliner ini disebut dengan 冷やしラーメン(hiyashi ramen), dan di Prefektur Iwate disebut dengan 冷風麺 (reifuumen). Lalu di Jepang bagian barat, khususnya area Kansai, kuliner ini banyak disebut dengan 冷麺 (reimen). Penggunaan sausnya pun beragam per wilayah. Misalnya mayonnaise banyak digunakan di Prefektur Yamagata dan Tohoku, serta di area Tokai. Trivia: Hiyashi Chuuka seringkali dianggap sebagai kuliner musim panas yang dihidangkan mulai bulan Juli sebagai penanda masuknya musim panas, dan tidak hanya dihidangkan sebagai hidangan rumahan namun juga di restoran. Oleh sebab itu, banyak restoran khas Tiongkok di Jepang yang menempelkan tulisan 「冷やし中華始めました」(kami mulai menghidangkan hiyashi chuuka) di restoran mereka selama musim panas di Jepang. 🍜🌞 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfoGNo0PwRs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vivitawin · 4 years
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ถึงกะทำ #ซอสงา #SesameSauce #GomaDare #ごまだれ เองเลย 😆 (at Rama Property) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCV2ie-JPKgiL9cTJ3bLCmLhcQtNd4uGSUgXKc0/?igshid=1tiu0i9dxy5tt
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Gomadare - Birefringence by ごまだれ https://ift.tt/3eTgaZM
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dc-translator · 5 years
[ENG TL] 201812 haruhana interview
Notice: This translation was completed without any permission or endorsement from the copyright holder. I do not hold the copyright to the original article or the photos used here. As such, a license cannot be specified. This translation will be taken down if the copyright holder wishes so.
Don’t you want to see cute nightmares?
The members all look half asleep in the morning?!
Dreamcatcher finally made their Japanese debut with the single 'What -Japanese ver.-'.
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---How do you feel after your Japanese debut?
JiU: It still doesn't feel like reality, but I am looking forward to the Japanese InSomnias(fans) singing our Japanese songs in unison during our live shows.
Dami: I got advice from a friend who had debuted in Japan earlier. They said "you just need to enjoy it, just like in Korea." I want to enjoy myself a lot.
Yoohyeon: I think communication is very important, so I'm working hard on learning Japanese-!
---What are some points that you want people to notice in 'What -Japanese ver.-'?
Sua: The songs listed in the single such as the Japanese versions of 'What' and 'Chase Me' give off different vibes compared to the Korean versions. Please note the differences in the mood.
Siyeon: In the lyrics of 'Chase Me', there's a part that goes 'Arashi mitai (TL's note: 'like a storm', or 'Like Arashi'). I thought it meant Arashi, the Japanese group. (Laugh) I learned that Arashi means 'storm' during the recording and thought 'Ah, So that's what it means.' That's an episode. (Laugh)
---The regular version includes the original Japanese song 'I miss you'. What kind of song is it?
Handong: It's a bright song that will keep its melodyline ringing in your ear. But the lyrics contain emotional, sad parts as well. I think it's a song that feels Japanese.
Gahyeon: The mood of the song is different from our music up till now, so I was worried about how to sing it. But the composer told me that 'if you sing brightly, it'll be fine'. After that, I was able to relax as I sang it.
---Like the title of your song, was there something recent that made you go 'What' because it was surprising or because you couldn't wrap your head around it?
JiU: Usually, I don't fall asleep easily. But during our Korean promotions, we weren't getting a lot of sleep so we'd fall asleep very quickly. That was surprising.
Siyeon: Especially Gahyeon and Yoohyeon. They fall asleep as soon as they sit down. We'd be talking one minute, and then I'd look and find them asleep in the next. (Laugh) I can't fall asleep unless it's on a bed, so I was surprised!
Sua: When fans come and cheer for us, I'm always very conscious of the time they have to get up to prepare, and also about how they will return home. We get around by car, but the fans are really amazing. They cheer for us from early in the morning to late in the night, so we're very thankful.
Dami: I was playing a racing game on my smartphone, but I’d get disconnected from the network whenever I got first place at the beginning of the race. It kept happening even though I tried multiple times, so that was troublesome.
Yoohyeon: I recently lost my earphones. And they were expensive ones that I had to convince myself to buy... (Cry)
Gahyeon: I too dropped my phone, and the back of it broke. Later, the perfume bottle in my bag broke, spreading its scent...
Handong: I lost my wallet recently. I can't figure out when and where I lost it. (Cry)
---Like in the lyrics, tell us how each member is as she wakes up.
JiU: Everyone only gets half awake.. (Laugh) But Dami wakes up straight away.
Dami: I get surprised and wake up just by the vibration of the alarm. JiU unnie wakes up after we call her name out loud three times, going 'JiU unnie~'.
JiU: Yoohyeon gets up on her own, but then she falls back asleep before you know it.
Yoohyeon: The one who keeps sleeping till late is Gahyeon. The members always have to wake her up.
Gahyeon: Handong unnie wakes up later than I do~ We're roommates, but even after setting multiple alarms, she still can't get up to turn them off.
Handong: I set multiple alarms because I feel uncertain~ Gahyeon can't wake up unless someone shakes her physically.
Sua: Siyeon wakes up with the alarm, but then looks vacant.
Siyeon: Yeah. For about an hour after opening my eyes, it's like my body's awake but my head isn't yet. (Laugh) Sua unnie washes her face right after she wakes up and gets prepared for the day properly.
Sua: It's because I wake up right before we have to leave. I have to get prepared fast. (Laugh)
"What” I love
What Dreamcatcher likes
Relating to 'What', we had Dreamcatcher tell us about the things they like, as well as what they like about the fans and the group!
includes balloon self portraits
Q1. What food do you like? Q2. What animal do you like? Q3. What saying do you like? Q4. What do you like about the InSomnias? Q5. What do you like about Dreamcatcher?
born on 1997 January 7th
‘I like how honest the members are’
Portrait point
Fans draw me like this in their fanarts, but I couldn't draw it very well. What stands out is how close my eyes and eyebrows are to each other.
A1 Ichiran ramen. I like spicy foods, so I tried the ramen that's 9 times hotter than the standard one. It still wasn't that hot.
A2 I think dogs are the best partners for humans. They give you endless affection.
A3 My motto is "There is no end in learning"
The saying, 'there is no end to learning' is my motto. As I age, I want to continue living without forgetting to learn.
A4 I'm happy that they love me, and I'm always thankful. When they come to see us, I think how difficult it must be for them, so I'm thankful.
A5 I like how honest they are and don't hide what they really think. We may have a scary image, but we're all kind.
Born on August 10th 1994
‘Curious about everything! I want to try anything!’
Portrait point
Drawing eyes, nose, and mouths to be big is the secret to drawing memorable drawings. So when I drew it, I emphasized my double eyelids and my high nose as much as possible!
A1 A hamburger set. (Laugh) I never get tired of eating them no matter how many I eat. They're so good. The drink has to be Cola!
A2 I like elephants. They are very wise. Also, I think they have an amazing presence.
A3 'Try everything that I want to do!'
'Try everything that I want to do'. I'm curious about everything. I'm interested in doing my bangs these days, so I carry hair spray around with me. I also want to try driving.
A4 I'm happy just to see them smile when they see me. Them cheering for us in a large voice and telling me that I'm pretty also make me happy.
A5 They're considerate, they help each other do things that can't be done alone, each member has her own good points.
Born on May 17th 1994
‘I'm happy thanks to the cheering of the fans.’
Portrait point
Part the bangs and draw a face beneath it. Once you draw a cute face, that's me. (Laugh) Hahaha! The part that I like within my face are my lips.
A1 I like fruits. My favorites are pineapples, grapes, peaches...I like all of them! (Laugh)
A2 Since fans tell me that I look like a rabbit, I've come to like rabbits.
A3 'Always be happy'
My motto is 'always be happy'. I think being happy is important in life.
A4 It's how considerate they can be in little things. For example, when we look tired, they'll  cheer for us even louder.
A5 We have really amazing unity as a team. I like how we always respect and give constructive opinions to each other.
Born on March 7th 1997
‘Our strong point is how we each have clear personalities’
Portrait point
I have double eyelids and have large whites, so when I'm not making an effort, my eyes look like this. The corners of my mouth also bend upwards like this. The fans draw me like this as well.
A1 Sweet potatoes. I don't get tired of them even if I eat them every day. I like anything that's made of sweet potatoes.
A2 Pandas. They're cute. I like how they're usually gentle and are large, but also have their cute moments.
A3 'There is no answer'
There is no set answer, so I want to do the things that I want to do.
A4 I'm always thankful for them just being there. I'm thankful that the Japanese fans cheer for us despite us being foreign singers to them.
A5 Each member has different strong points, so we each have very clear personalities. That makes us a fun to watch group. I like that.
Born on March 26th 1996
‘The fans are always lovely’
Portrait point
There aren't really points of note in my portrait. I drew my eyes to be big, my face to be small, and drew it to be as cute as possible. (Laugh) Does it look like me~?
A1 In Japan, I put shabu shabu in gomadare(sesame sauce). It was delicious and I got refills for that only. (Laugh)
A2 I like cats. We have a cat in my family home. The name is 'NyanNyannii' in Chinese.
A3 'Nothing is impossible'
'Nothing is impossible,' since things that I thought were impossible in the past are possible now. If I continue making an effort without giving up, I think there's always going to be something that can be accomplished.
A4 There are lots of things that I like about our fans! They always watch over us warmly. They're always lovely.
A5 The gap between how charismatic we are on stage and the bright personalities that we have in real life. Also, the members are all nice!
Born on October 1st 1995
‘Fans give us a reason to exist’
Portrait point
I tried to draw it to look like me as much as possible. I think the easiest way to recognize me may be my hairstyle, so the point is how accurate the hairstyle is.
A1 I can't eat raw onions, but I like the ones that aren't spicy. The onion side dish my mom makes is essential for a meal.
A2 Wolves and cats. Wolves are romantic, and fans call me 'the wolf of the stage'.
A3 'It's all to keep ourselves fed...!'
'It's all to keep ourselves fed...!' I think that in hard times, we have to keep ourselves fed and live on.
A4 I like how they scream my name in loud voices. It gives us a reason to exist and gives us strength.
A5 I can relax when I'm with the members. We're like family. They worry for me, and I'm thankful for that.
Born on February 3rd 1999
‘I was able to become a singer thanks to my mom's words’
Portrait point
My eyes are of different sizes, and my double eyelid lines are also different to each other. I like how plentiful my eyelashes are, so I drew them to look fluffy.
A1 Sushi. I like Salmon and flatfish, but the Unagi sushi that I had in Japan was so good that I keep saying I want to eat it again. (Laugh)
A2 I'm bad at drawing so I can't draw well at all~ (Laugh) I like dogs because they're cute. Cats are cute too, but I prefer dogs.
A3 'Nothing can be gained without effort.'
'Nothing can be gained without effort.' My mom told me this when I was little, and I was able to become a singer thanks to these words.
A4 I like how they think of us and cheer for us to keep our morale up whatever the situation is.
A5 I think it's great how well defined our concept is. You know that it's Dreamcatcher immediately when you see us.
"What" is in the BOX?
What is the content of the box? Game challenge!
Two at a time, they played a game challenge where they try to guess the content of the box just by how it feels on the hand.
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Round 1
Jiu & Yoohyeon try!
Broccoli in the box
JiU responds calmly while being watched
Yoohyeon says 'Why didn't your expression change?'
Sua & Siyeon schemes sneakily...
Sua and Siyeon tells her 'it's a chicken head!', making Yoohyeon scream, 'Kya-!' (Laugh)
After calming down, they touch it and say 'Ah~ It's broccoli'. Excellent, the two were correct!
There's a clear contrast between JiU, who stayed calm from start to finish, and Yoohyeon, who got scared after being duped by the mischievous Sua and Siyeon. It seems like she found out immediately because of the circular texture!
The always curious Gahyeon joins in. She says 'It's staying still!', and even sniffs it.
Round 2
Sua & Siyeon try!
Spider in the box
Yoohyeon goes for a revenge and says that it's 'a worm' in the box, scaring Sua and Siyeon.
Sticking in their hands together
For some reason, they both stick their hand in and make a big fuss, going 'Sua unnie's hand feels strange~!'
'Why are you touching each other's hands?' Yoohyeon says as she bursts out laughing.
After touching it for a bit, Sua realizes what it is in a flash, and screams 'I got it~!'
They answer in one voice, '1, 2, 3, It's a spider doll!'
Surprised that 'It felt cute when we were touching it but it looks gross'
After being told it was a 'Worm!' 'Sea Cucumber!' or 'Shrimp!', they were scared, but they still did well and got the correct answer. They even analyzed that 'it would be scarier to the touch with some water on it' as they looked at it.
Round 3
Dami & Gahyeon try!
Sponge in the box!
Dami puts her hand in without hesitating even a moment. 'What was this called...'
Yoohyeon and Sua taking a peek
Next up, Gahyeon also puts her hand in quickly without any fear
Yoohyeon and Siyeon asking if she's okay
Gahyeon: looks fine
They put their hands in a few times and kept touching it, but finally they seem to have figured the answer out
The two talking...
They answer in one voice, 'Sponge!' The third group also got it right!
Dami and Gahyeon are fearless! ignoring the interference(?) from the other members going 'starfish!' 'conch!,  they did well and got the right answer. Still, Gahyeon said 'but when i was touching it, it felt really weird~'
Round 4
Handong & JiU try!
Konjac in the box
Siyeon: scared
Peeking as always
The members scaring them going 'wouldn't the last one be a bug?; 'Wow, scary~!'
Handong is the most easily scared
Handong, who gets scared easily, isn't unable to put her hand in quickly...
The members force her hand in. (Laugh) But her hand doesn't reach the content of the box
Everyone holds it down...
As soon as she touches it, Handong immediately gets her hand out, shouting 'Kya-!'
Surprised by her voice, the members also scream 'Kya-!!' (Laugh)
The two answer 'squid'. The members are without mercy, saying 'since you got it wrong, you have to touch it one more time.'
Checking from the top
JiU sees inside the box and goes 'ah~!'
Handong says 'It was a really weird feeling.'
After the game was over, other members touched it and checked its smell too. (Laugh)
10/27 Dreamcatcher dances while in a witch costume!
Dreamcatcher held a Halloween Free live in Odaiba VenusFort Church square, Tokyo. The members wore black and red dresses that were only worn on this day, making them look like cute witches. They brought the excitement up with 'You and I' and met fans with a smile on their faces. After that came the first showing of their Japanese debut track, 'What -Japanese ver.-'! They shared how they felt, saying 'When we sing in Japanese, it feels like we're one step closer to you. (JiU).' Last came the sexy and cool performance for 'Full Moon', closing a seemingly magical live show.
When they were drawing their faces on the balloons, the sharpie made squeaking sounds. The members drew even while worrying 'what if it bursts?'
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speedkiran · 2 years
Heaven's Whisper by iole Album : WHITRANS Music:iole Project, Graphic design, Artwork : Purukichi Mastering : Purukichi other members 1.Purukichi - WHITRANS 2.Gomadare - White Out 3.iole - Heaven's Whisper 4.ASTRO MELLOW - Fragments 5.ADA - Kepler-1649c 6.Nekomanma - one last skiing feat. めろう 7.P0cket - Mt.White 8.ZumaTK - Scnenic 9.Purukichi - interface
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motokiesta · 3 years
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Kin no gomadare! The sesame dressing! This is my go to sesame dressing. I use it for shabu shabu sauce as well. #sasamedressing #金のごまだれ https://www.instagram.com/p/CVHbvlDrzXc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sweetiekelly · 3 years
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#lateupload #dinner#Engi restaurant #namaham#withgreenveggiesbread#calamari #grilledveggies w/ gomadare sauce#muscat w/ Camembert cheese#sirlionsteak #seafoodpaella #thankyou Te Haru & rika for coming😊☺️😋😋😋 (at Bistro Engi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTTv1cOr7CEPFOYHEutKrAcMQM1OUnUlY4rotw0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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victorl0 · 3 years
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What is Soba 🍜? Soba (そば) noodles are noodles made of buckwheat flour, roughly as thick as spaghetti, and prepared in various hot and cold dishes. It is rich in protein, fibre, mineral (Iron, Zinc, Phosphorus & Magnesium), Vitamin B1, B2, E & P, fat and cholesterol free! Soba making (そば打ち) is an experience of making soba noodles usually lasts around 1-3 hours and consists of making the dough with buckwheat flour and water, then kneading, rolling and stretching the dough before cutting it into noodles. Come by Kiyoshi which offers 💯% hand-made soba by their head chef 👨‍🍳, Donald Chien with 10 years of making soba experience. 30 limited servings available daily, don’t miss it! Check out the following choices of Soba 🍜 dishes: 🍜 Uni Ikura Soba - Bafun Uni from Hokkaido with a full spoon of Salmon Roe. 🍜 Beef Gomadare Soba - Cooked sliced beef top mix with house made sesame sauce. 🍜 Maguro Natto Soba - Tuna cut in cubes and pair with sticky Nattō. 🍜 Unagi Tororo Soba - Grilled Sea Eel with grated Japanese Yam. 🍜 Nameko Mushroom Ankake Soba - Thick and starchy Dashi sauce with full of mixed Mushroom. 🍜 Sakura Ebi Kakiage Soba - Sakura Shrimp deep fried together with shredded Vegetables. 🍜 Ume Tempura Soba - Warm Soba served with Japanese Plum & Tempura on the side. 🍜 Sansai Soba - Warm Soba served with wild mountain Vegetables. Featured dishes: 🍜 Unagi Tororo Soba - Cold Soba with Sea Eel & grated Japanese Yam. 👍🏻😋 🍜 Uni Ikura Soba - Cold Soba with Sea Urchin & Salmon Roe. 👍🏻😋 🍜 Snow Crab Tempura Zaru Soba - Cold dripping Soba with a side of mixed Tempura. 👍🏻😋 🍽 Premium Sashimi Moriawase - Assorted Sashimi included seasonal sashimi (4-5 Pax) 👍🏻😋😋 🍣 Salmon Mentai Roll & Salmon and Ikura Roll 👍🏻😋 🥚 HM Tamago Yaki - Japanese Egg Omelette. 👍🏻😋 📍Kiyoshi Japanese Restaurant 75 Amoy Street Singapore 069894 🕚 Mondays to Thursdays: 11am to 3pm & 5pm to 10pm 🕚 Fridays & Saturdays: 11am to 3pm & 5pm to 10.30pm 🕚 Sundays: 5pm to 10pm 📞 6223 0995 🚚 https://kiyoshi75.oddle.me/en_SG/ Thanks to @sgfoodlifestyle & @kiyoshi.75 for having me! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 (at Kiyoshi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNOmlpcBIfo/?igshid=1mzcu4lz332pj
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flange5 · 7 years
Are you named after anyone? My maternal grandfather. I narrowly escaped being named after his father, Orazio, but my mother took pity on my and messed with family tradition.
When was the last time you cried? I... don’t remember exactly when, but I was having weird delayed feels about my divorce?
Do you like your handwriting? Ha! It’s like drunken chickenscratch. 
What’s your favorite lunch meat? I’m a vegetarian, and have been for over 20 years, but I remember liking roast beef.
Do you have kids? Noooope.
If you were a different person, would you be friends with you? Ii’d like to think so but I’m enough of an introvert it might be hard for us to have cottoned on to each other. 
Do you use sarcasm? NEVER.
Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.
Would you bungee jump? oh hell no. 
What’s your favorite cereal? Honey Smacks, though I don’t think I’ve had them in like ... 15 or so years? 
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No but I do tend to unlace them when I put them back on. I am hard on shoes.
Do you think you are a strong person? I never thought so, but it’s been brought to my attention that I’m hella resilient.  What’s your favorite ice cream? Don’t make me choose. 
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Eyes, then hair. 
What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself? I’m super short and it’s never changing. 
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?  Very darkwash jeans and bare feet
What are you listening to right now? 
Nothing actually. There’s a train in the distance.
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Midnight blue. 
Favorite smell? Baking. 
Who was the last person you talked on the phone with? My mom. 
Favorite sport to watch? I don’t really, but maybe gymnastics once in a blue moon.
Hair color? naturally, brown turning white. But for the last several years, realllly red.
Eye color? green
Do you wear contacts? Yes
Favorite food? gomadare udon
Scary movie or comedy? 
Comedy, but not embarrassment comedy, I can’t
Last movie you watched? 
Thor 3
What color shirt are you wearing? black
Summer or winter? Summer!
Hugs or kisses? Hugs. 
Book you’re currently reading? right now I’m reading a bunch of academic research on fandom for work. I’m planning on reading Persuasion over break though.
Who do you miss right now? Honestly no one
What’s on your mouse pad? I don’t have one
What’s the last TV program you watched? Great British Bake Off
What’s the best sound? purring
Rolling Stones or The Beatles? I grew up with the Stones more
What’s the furthest you ever traveled? Singapore
Do you have a special talent? ? not really? I decorate cookies in foolishly elaborate ways?
Where were you born? Illinois
tagging: anyone who’s feeling like sharing!
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seanandrewlynch · 6 years
Tumblr media
Gomadare Gyu for Ramen Kazama! #goma #gomadaregyu #gyu #ramenkazama #foodporn #ramenporn #mpls #mplsillustrator #nicollet #nicolletave #eatstreet #digitalillustration #illustration #digital #japanesefood #japaneseramen #japanese #worldmonsterhq — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2DfVji0
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savedbythenotepad · 7 years
flange5 replied to your post “ayapandagirl replied to your post: also hi my name...”
curry udon is awesome, and I'd love to put in a plug for gomadare (roasted sesame) udon. It's amazing hot or cold.
ugh so many delicious dishes and none of them within my reach. ;-;
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speedkiran · 2 years
Warp Drivn’ by KARUT KARUT - Warp Drivn’ Album : SMOOZ DISCO linkco.re/3b4t8pUS Release Label : Dennou.wav @wav-dennou Project : Purukichi @aihj0umonfe6 Artwork:nagosi Graphic design:Pengu, VOLTA @user-647741417 Mastering : Purukichi other members 1.Rareno @Rareno - Velocity 2.Purukichi @aihj0umonfe6 - Toxic love feat. miya 3.VOLTA @user-647741417 - Dark in blue feat.あずきうい @gqoythcfsnhb 4.KARUT @k_arut - Warp Drivn' 5.Gomadare @gomadare-1 - Infatuation 6.ADA @ukuposxlnqdh - Mr. Sandwich 7.Tsukidono @tsukidono - シャンデリアの夢 feat. nasaki 8.KAMIN @kaminiscoming - プラトニズム feat. きゅう @rb3p7iznw6if 9.kero @keron-k-123062218 - If you can meet feat. pinana @762kyuv1nabf 10.KEiG @KEiG324 - BUSY
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