vinayakbhatt-blog · 1 year
Hessonite Gemstone | Gomedh Gemstone
Hessonite Gemstone: Know Your Hessonite Gem Astrologically
Hessonite, which is the gemstone associated with Rahu.Rahu as we know is an important planet in each horoscope and the nature as well as the strength of Rahu can vary from horoscope to horoscope, which means that in some horoscopes, Rahu may be very strong, it may be having average strength in some horoscopes and it may be weak or very weak in some other horoscopes. The strength of Rahu is measured by various methods available in Vedic astrology though some astrologers and people interested in astrology still think that the presence of Rahu in a particular sign is the only factor that can affect the strength of Rahu in a horoscope.
This is not true because there are many factors that can influence the power or weakness of Rahu in a horoscope and the location of Rahu in a particular sign is just one of them. In the future, sometimes Rahu can be weakened in a horoscope due to its location in the weakening mark due to the infliction of one or more malefic planets in the horoscope due to the weak placement in some specific horoscope houses and several other factors. When Rahu weakens in a horoscope, it cannot completely protect its general and special concepts, and therefore native can see bad results or fewer good results related to the significances of Rahu.
If such a weak Rahu acts as a beneficial planet in a horoscope, an extra strength must be given to a Rahu so weak that it can begin to work properly in the horoscope and it may protect its significances. This results in good things happening to the native in various spheres of his life. This extra strength is provided with the help of a particular gemstone called Hessonite, which transfers the energy of Rahu from the planet to the body of native who wears this gemstone.
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trimbak-panditji · 3 months
कालसर्प दोष के लक्षण एवं निवारण के उपाय
In Vedic astrology, the kaal sarp dosh is considered the most dangerous and complex dosh. Its effects are challenging and can lead to severe issues. If left untreated, these effects can be life-threatening and unconquerable. 
Are you also having trouble and experiencing sudden falls and rises in life? Confused if you have this dosh in your horoscope? If yes, then are you wondering about काल सर्प दोष का उपाय? Well, to help you, here is everything you need to know in detail. 
What is Kaal Sarp Dosh?
Kaal sarp dosh is a very dangerous dosh, as per Vedic astrology. It occurs when all the plants end up between the Rahu and Ketu planets. A person with this Dosh faces a lot of troubles and challenges in life. This includes relationships, careers, education, business, health, and others. However, there are about 12 types of Kaal sarp dosh, which include:
Anant kaal sarp dosh 
Kulik kaal sarp dosh 
Vasuki kaal sarp dosh 
Shankhpal kaal sarp dosh 
Padam kaal sarp dosh 
Mahapadam kaal sarp dosh 
Takshak kaal sarp dosh 
Karkotak kaal sarp dosh
Shankhnad kaal sarp dosh 
Ghatak kaal sarp dosh 
Vishdhar kaal sarp dosh 
Sheshnaag kaal sarp dosh 
Symptoms of Kaal Sarp Dosh 
Before you come across काल सर्प दोष का उपाय, it is very important to understand how it affects a person. To help you understand better, here are the symptoms of this Dosh:
A person falls sick more than usual. 
A person gets dreams of snakes and dead people. Besides, he/she may also feel death or be bitten by a snake. 
A person has poor vision. 
A person is often stressed and deals with bad mental health. 
Despite comfort, a person always feels unhappy and stays upset. 
A person may face unexpected and sudden accidents. 
A person may feel sad without any reason, thereby finding it difficult to feel peace and stability.
A person may also fear loneliness and high places. 
A person may feel endless struggles both in education and career, as well as in finance. 
No matter how much the native tries, he/she may face delays and failures. 
A person may face difficulty in relationships due to conflicts, misunderstandings, disagreements, etc. 
A person may face loss, debt, failure in business, loss of property, etc. 
A person may lack spirituality and fulfilment in life. 
What is the Best Remedy for Kaal Sarp Dosh?
Wondering which is the best remedy for Kaal Sarp Dosh? Among all kaal sarp dosh remedies, the best solution is to consult an expert or astrologer for guidance. Based on your birth place, birth date, and birth time, the expert will look into your Kundali and see the dosh you're suffering from. According to your Dosh, he will guide you with the best remedy. For a person with kaal sarp dosh in his/her kundali, the best remedy is Kaal Sarp Dosh puja at Trimbakeshwar. 
This puja opens doors for success and growth. It also heals the natives, both spiritually and mentally. Besides, the person gains back his position in his career and business. His/her relationships and conflicts will also be resolved. Overall, performing this puja is the best remedy, as it helps a person grow in all walks of life along with eliminating the ill and negative effects of this dosh. 
Other Remedies for Kaal Sarp Dosh 
In addition to kaal sarp dosh puja, anyone having this dosh in his/her kundli can follow these remedies for positive results:
To eliminate the ill effects of this dosh, worship Lord Shiva and offer milk, water, and Bilva leaves, along with reciting specific mantras. 
One must chant mantras in dedication to Rahu and Ketu planets. 
In addition to Kaal sarp dosh puja, one may also perform the Navagraha puja, Maha Rudra Abhishekham and Narayan Nagbali puja. 
A person must wear gemstones after consulting experts. This includes Cat’s Eye and Gomedh for Rahu and Ketu. 
One must fast on days that are dedicated to Rahu and Ketu. Additionally, one must also do yoga, and meditation and be involved in other spiritual activities. This will not only eliminate the ill effects of this dosh but also provide peace to mind, body, and soul. 
Pay homage and seek the blessings of your ancestors.
Make donations and support charity by giving money, food, clothes, and other items to the needy and poor. 
Performing havanas and yagyas is also helpful.
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sarnamg · 11 months
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Some of the few gemstones available at Sarnamg are ruby, yellow sapphire, aquamarine, blue sapphire, cat’s eye, diamond, emeralds, gomedh, hakeek, lapis lazuli, moon stone, opal stone, pancha dhatu, pearls, pink sapphire, red coral, tiger’s eye, turquoise, untreated gem, and white sapphire. Gemstone recommendations are provided on request by clients for their health, love life, business, destiny, etc. Physical features make a colored stone valuable. Some prominent physical features of colored stones are color, clarity, cut, unusual optical phenomena, and star effects. https://www.sarnamg.com/product-category/gemstone-consultation/
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Astrological Benefits of Garnet (Gomedh) Gemstone: Protection, Stability, and Success.
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Title: "Astrological Benefits of Garnet (Gomedh) Gemstone: Protection, Stability, and Success" Introduction:Garnet, also known as Gomedh or Hessonite, is a powerful gemstone that has been valued for its astrological benefits since ancient times. Associated with the planet Rahu, this unique gemstone is believed to bring protection, stability, and success to its wearers. In this blog post, we will delve into the various astrological benefits of wearing a Garnet or Gomedh gemstone. Protection from Negative Energies:Garnet is known for its ability to protect the wearer from negative energies, evil eye, and psychic attacks. By acting as a shield against negativity, it promotes mental clarity, focus, and inner peace, allowing the wearer to remain grounded and maintain a positive outlook on life.Professional Success and Financial Stability:Wearing a Garnet gemstone is believed to enhance one's professional life and improve financial stability. It can help in overcoming obstacles, boosting confidence, and attracting new opportunities, leading to career growth and monetary gains.Improved Relationships and Social Status:Garnet is said to have a positive influence on the wearer's relationships and social standing. By enhancing communication skills and fostering understanding, this gemstone can help improve interpersonal relationships, both personally and professionally. It can also aid in overcoming social anxiety and boosting self-esteem.Relief from Mental Stress and Emotional Turmoil:One of the key benefits of wearing Garnet is its ability to help alleviate mental stress and emotional turmoil. By promoting mental clarity and emotional balance, it aids in overcoming fears, anxieties, and depression, providing the wearer with a sense of inner peace and calm.Strengthening Rahu's Influence:Wearing a Garnet gemstone can help strengthen the positive effects of Rahu in an individual's astrological chart. If Rahu is well-placed in one's birth chart, wearing a Garnet can amplify its favorable influence, further enhancing the benefits mentioned above.Health Benefits:Garnet is also believed to provide certain health benefits to its wearers. It is said to help regulate blood circulation, alleviate joint pain, and aid in the treatment of skin disorders. Additionally, it can help boost the immune system and promote overall well-being.Conclusion:The Garnet or Gomedh gemstone holds significant astrological benefits that can positively impact various aspects of a wearer's life, from protection and stability to professional success and personal growth. However, it is essential to consult an experienced astrologer before wearing any gemstone to ensure its suitability based on your birth chart and planetary positions. With the right guidance and a high-quality Garnet gemstone, you can unlock its full potential and enjoy the multitude of blessings it brings. Introduction Yellow Sapphire, also known as Pukhraj, is a powerful and beneficial gemstone believed to bring numerous astrological advantages to those who wear it. Associated with the planet Jupiter or Guru, this vibrant gemstone is believed to positively influence wealth, health, marital happiness, and progeny. In this blog post, we will discuss the various astrological benefits of wearing a Yellow Sapphire. Wealth and Prosperity Yellow Sapphire is known to attract wealth and prosperity by improving the wearer's professional life and financial status. It is believed that wearing this gemstone can lead to an increase in opportunities, promotions, and overall career growth, thus improving one's financial situation. Health Benefits Yellow Sapphire is said to provide various health benefits to its wearers. It is considered beneficial for the heart, lungs, and liver, as it helps regulate the functioning of these organs. Additionally, Yellow Sapphire can help reduce stress and provide mental peace, promoting emotional well-being and overall health.Marital Bliss and Progeny:Yellow Sapphire is believed to bring happiness and harmony to married life. It helps improve relationships between spouses and fosters understanding, love, and affection. This gemstone is also said to bless couples with children and promote a strong bond between family members. Wisdom and Education As Jupiter is the planet of wisdom and knowledge, wearing Yellow Sapphire is thought to enhance one's intelligence, learning abilities, and communication skills. Students and scholars can benefit from wearing this gemstone, as it aids in concentration and helps achieve academic success. Spiritual Growth and Good Fortune Yellow Sapphire is believed to attract good fortune, luck, and abundance. It enhances one's spiritual growth and connection with the divine, allowing the wearer to receive blessings and guidance from higher powers. It also helps in decision-making and provides protection from negative energies. Strengthening Jupiter's Influence Wearing Yellow Sapphire can help strengthen the positive effects of Jupiter in a person's astrological chart. If Jupiter is well-placed in one's birth chart, wearing Yellow Sapphire can amplify its favorable influence, further enhancing the benefits mentioned above. Conclusion The Yellow Sapphire gemstone holds significant astrological benefits that can positively impact various aspects of a wearer's life, from wealth and health to relationships and personal growth. However, it is essential to consult a knowledgeable astrologer before wearing any gemstone to ensure its suitability based on your birth chart and planetary positions. With the right guidance and a high-quality Yellow Sapphire, you can unlock its full potential and enjoy the abundance of blessings it brings. 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Why Blue sapphire is the most Powerful Gemstone? - Can I wear Emerald stone (Panna) without consultation? - Unheated Ruby vs. Heated Ruby Yellow Sapphire For you - Natural Unheated Untreated 6.05 Carat Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj Ratna ) ₹30,000.00 ₹15,125.00 - 6.40 Carat, 6.75 Ratti Natural Pukhraj Ratna Oval shape Ceylon Yellow Sapphire ₹12,500.00 ₹6,400.00 - Natural 4.30 Carat Unheated and Untreated Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) with Certified ₹34,000.00 ₹17,200.00 Contact Us FIND YOUR BEST STONE FROM BELOW COLLECTION Blue Sapphire Yellow Sapphire Emerald Ruby Opal Amethyst Catseye Blue Topaz Yellow Topaz Feroza Garnet Malachite Pearl Red Coral Akik White Coral Peridot Citrine Aquamarine Round CVD Cushion CVD Oval CVD Princess CVD Heart CVD Emerald CVD Radiant CVD Asscher CVD Baguette CVD Pear CVD Marquise CVD Round HPHT Cushion HPHT Oval HPHT Princess HPHT Heart HPHT Emerald HPHT Radiant HPHT Asscher HPHT Baguette HPHT Pear HPHT Marquise HPHT 1 Mukhi 2 Mukhi 3 Mukhi 4 Mukhi 5 Mukhi 6 Mukhi 7 Mukhi 8 Mukhi 9 Mukhi 10 Mukhi 11 Mukhi 12 Mukhi 13 Mukhi 14 Mukhi 15 Mukhi 16 Mukhi 17 Mukhi 18 Mukhi 19 Mukhi 20 Mukhi 21 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Garbh Gauri Shankar Savaar Sidhha Mala Jaap Mala Indra Mala Ganesha Ganesha Read the full article
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9gemca · 5 years
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The Topmost benefit of hessonite gemstone is in the positive impact it has on your love life.
Hessonite Gemstone Premium 5+ 3.05ct
GIN: 11282008
Shop @ https://www.9gem.ca/hessonite-premium-grade/hessonite-fine-11282008.html
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navratangems · 2 years
Hessonite is also recognized as Gomed or Gomedh in Hindi and Gomedika in Sanskrit used to harness the power of Rahu. According to Vedic belief, Hessonite is created from the fingernails of the great devil, Vala, who represents the notorious planet Rahu.
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9gemuk · 5 years
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Hessonite Gemstone Premium 5+ 3.15ct
GIN-: 11282058
Buy Hessonite Gomedh Stonw Online-: https://shop.hessonite.org.in/hessonite-premium-grade/hessonite-fine-11282058.html
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9gemeu · 5 years
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Hessonite Gemstone Premium 4+ 2.7ct
GIN: 11263469
Buy Hessonite Gemstone Online: https://www.9gem.eu/hessonite-premium-grade/hessonite-fine-11263469.html
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sehdevjewellers · 4 years
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Hessonite Gemstone Premium 6+ 3.75ct
SKU: 11282265 The shape/cut-style of this Hessonite Premium 6+ is Oval. This 3.75-carat Hessonite Premium 6+ is available to order and can be shipped anywhere in the world.Gemstone certification is provided by Gem Lab. https://sehdevjewellers.com/hessonite-premium-grade/hessonite-fine-11282265.html
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gemlab · 3 years
Relationships are meant to have ups and downs, but in some cases, they tend to reach an irreversible point when there is no solution. In such cases, according to astrology, gemstones like Hessonite play magic. Wearing the gemstone helps bring clarity of mind that induces negotiation power. It also helps in getting rid of all emotional baggage and this is exactly how the Hessonite gemstone creates an atmosphere of harmony and romance. Are you single for a long time? Looking for the ideal partner? Wear a hessonite stone and your search would end here. Misunderstandings occur when there is no clarity of mind.
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Hessonite garnet gemstone can be described as a gem quality specimen of garnet. It is a calcium-aluminum silicate belonging to garnet.
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9gemaus · 3 years
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Garnet stone also known as gomed in Hindi can be categorized or classified into six different types. Buy best quality & certified gomedh gemstone. For customization queries contact on WhatsApp support number  https://wa.me/+919216113388
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sarnamg · 1 year
Gemstone recommendations by Sarnamg experts 
Some of the few gemstones available at Sarnamg are ruby, yellow sapphire, aquamarine, blue sapphire, cat’s eye, diamond, emeralds, gomedh, hakeek, lapis lazuli, moon stone, opal stone, pancha dhatu, pearls, pink sapphire, red coral, tiger’s eye, turquoise, untreated gem, and white sapphire. Gemstone recommendations are provided on request by clients for their health, love life, business, destiny, etc. Physical features make a colored stone valuable. Some prominent physical features of colored stones are color, clarity, cut, unusual optical phenomena, and star effects. https://www.sarnamg.com/product-category/gemstone-consultation/
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Semi-precious Stones, Gomed Stone Finger - Rudraksha Ratna
Benefits of Gomed Stone have an extremely protective influence on “Evil-Eye” cursing, black magic etc. Hessonite gemstone blesses victory on any negative situation.
For more details visit: https://issuu.com/deepaktiwari94/docs/gomed_stone
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agape-philo-sophia · 4 years
Gems for Healing
• Abortions- Red Coral and Emerald during pregnancy period • Acidity-Emeralds, Blue Sapphire and Moon Stone • Accidents-Red Coral or White Pearl • Acne-White Coral with Lapis Lazuli • Allergy-Yellow/Blue Sapphire, Emerald, Moonstone • Alcoholism -Blue Sapphire, Amethyst & White Sapphire • Amnesia-Red Coral, Emerald • Anaemia-Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire • Anger-Pearl with Moonstone /Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire, Emerald • Apoplexy-Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire • Appendicitis-Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire • Arthritis-Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire • Asthma-Emerald, Yellow Sapphire • Atrophy-Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire • Backache-Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire • Baldness-Emerald and Blue Sapphire • Biliousness-Blue Sapphire & Emerald or Moonstone & White Coral • Bladder Trouble-Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire or White Coral • Bleeding Wounds-Red Coral • Blindness-Ruby & White Coral • Blisters-Red Coral • Blood Pressure (High)- Yellow Sapphire & Pearl • Blood Pressure (Low)-Red Coral, Ruby with Moon Stone or Emerald • Boils- Moon Stone or Lapis Lazuli • Bone Diseases-Red Coral & Moonstone, Lapis Lazuli • Brain Fever (Meningitis):Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire & Emerald • Brain Hemorrhage-Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire with Moon Stone • Brain Tumors- Emerald, Yellow Sapphire & Red Coral • Bronchitis-Red Coral • Burns-Red Coral • Cancer-Blue Sapphire & Red Coral • Cataract-Red Coral & White Pearl • Cerebral Hemorrhage-Red Coral, Emerald & Moonstone • Chickenpox-Red Coral • Cholera- Emerald & Yellow Sapphire • Children Diseases-Red Coral & Moonstone • Colitis-Emerald & Moonstone • Cold, Sinus-Gomedh • Color Blindness-Red Coral, White Pearl • Conjunctivitis-Moonstone • Constipation-Red Coral • Deafness-Red Coral, Emerald • Diabetes-Red Coral & Yellow Sapphire/Lapis Lazuli • Diarrhoea-Emerald & Yellow Sapphire or Moonstone • Digestive Disorders:Emerald & Yellow Sapphire or Moonstone • Dropsy: Red Coral & Yellow Sapphire • Dysentery: Emerald & Yellow Sapphire or Moonstone • Ear Troubles: Emerald & Red Coral • Eczema: White Coral & Yellow Sapphire • Epilepsy: Emerald & Moonstone • Eye Infections: Ruby & Quartz • Fever: Red Coral • Fistula: Red Coral & Moonstone • Fractures: Red Coral • Gall-Stones: Red Coral & Emerald • Gastric Ulcer: Emerald & Yellow Sapphire • Glaucoma: Red Coral & White Pearl • Gout: Red Coral or Yellow Sapphire • Headache: Emerald & Moonstone • Heart Diseases: Emerald, Moonstone & Yellow Sapphire • Hepatitis: Emerald & Yellow Sapphire • Hernia: Red Coral & Yellow Sapphire • Hysteria: Red Coral & Moonstone • Impotency: Red & White Coral • Influenza: Red Coral & Yellow Sapphire • Insanity: Emerald, Red Coral & Moonstone • Insomnia: Emerald, Moonstone & Yellow Sapphire • Jaundice: Red Coral, Blue Sapphire • Kala-Azar: Red Coral & Moonstone • Kidney Problems: White Coral & Blue Sapphire • Leprosy: Gomedha& Red Coral/White Pearl • Leucoderma: Diamond & Emerald • Leukemia: Red Coral &Gomedha/Cats Eye, Yellow Sapphire &Gomedha • Malaria: Red Coral & Moonstone • Measles: Red Coral • Menstrual Disorders:White Pearl • Mental Illness: Emerald, Moonstone & Yellow Sapphire • Mental Depression: Pearl or Moonstone • Miscarriage: Red Coral & Emerald • Myopia: Red Coral & White Pearl • Paralysis: Red Coral & Emerald • Piles: Red/White Coral & Moonstone • Pneumonia: Red Coral & Yellow Sapphire • Smallpox: Red Coral • Sunstroke: Yellow Sapphire or Moonstone • Throat Troubles: Red Coral • Toothache: Red/White Coral • Tonsils: Red Coral • Tuberculosis (T.B.): Red Coral & Yellow Sapphire • Typhoid Fever: Emerald, Yellow Sapphire, Moonstone • Urinary Problems: Pearl, Diamond, Emerald, Red Coral, Yellow • Whooping Cough: Red Coral https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2019/12/26/gems-for-healing/
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9gemca · 5 years
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The health issues like trauma, mental illness, sexual problems, kidney problems, and metabolism problems are being sorted out by wearing Hessonite or garnet stone.
Hessonite Gemstone Premium 4+ 2.7ct
GIN: 11263469
Shop Now: https://www.9gem.ca/hessonite-premium-grade/hessonite-fine-11263469.html
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