#Vinayak Bhatt Astrologer
vinayakbhatt-blog · 1 year
Hessonite Gemstone | Gomedh Gemstone
Hessonite Gemstone: Know Your Hessonite Gem Astrologically
Hessonite, which is the gemstone associated with Rahu.Rahu as we know is an important planet in each horoscope and the nature as well as the strength of Rahu can vary from horoscope to horoscope, which means that in some horoscopes, Rahu may be very strong, it may be having average strength in some horoscopes and it may be weak or very weak in some other horoscopes. The strength of Rahu is measured by various methods available in Vedic astrology though some astrologers and people interested in astrology still think that the presence of Rahu in a particular sign is the only factor that can affect the strength of Rahu in a horoscope.
This is not true because there are many factors that can influence the power or weakness of Rahu in a horoscope and the location of Rahu in a particular sign is just one of them. In the future, sometimes Rahu can be weakened in a horoscope due to its location in the weakening mark due to the infliction of one or more malefic planets in the horoscope due to the weak placement in some specific horoscope houses and several other factors. When Rahu weakens in a horoscope, it cannot completely protect its general and special concepts, and therefore native can see bad results or fewer good results related to the significances of Rahu.
If such a weak Rahu acts as a beneficial planet in a horoscope, an extra strength must be given to a Rahu so weak that it can begin to work properly in the horoscope and it may protect its significances. This results in good things happening to the native in various spheres of his life. This extra strength is provided with the help of a particular gemstone called Hessonite, which transfers the energy of Rahu from the planet to the body of native who wears this gemstone.
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saptrishisastro · 8 months
Vedic Astrology for Beginners Hindi
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Visit Now: https://saptarishisshop.com/product/vedic-astrology-for-beginners-hindi/
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Easy Predictive Astrology Course English By Vinayak Bhatt Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt has successfully completed 27 years in Vedic Astrological Practices. Born and brought up in a Brahmin family.
1.Timings of events through Vimshottari Dasha 2.Timings of Events through Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati 3. Timings of Events through Yogini Dasha. 4. Secrets of Using Karaka Planets in Timing of events. 5. Secrets of Parashari and Bhrigu Jyotish.
This is only one course which you need for the timing of events.
Part of Vedic Beginner Course's Students. Students of Vedic beginners no need to buy.
By Vinayak Bhatt
Duration:- 2 Months (Every Saturday)
Timings:- English (9.30 AM to 11.30 AM) & Hindi (8.30 PM to 10.30 PM) - IST
Course Starts from 17th July 2021.
15 % Discount for Saptarishis Students.
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Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt Review Published on IndiaTv Website
इंडिया टीवी – देश की पहली फिस्ट्रोलॉजी थेरेपी लांच, जानिए क्या है ये?
हेल्थ डेस्क: भारत में पहली बार फिस्ट्रोलॉजी थेरेपी को लांच किया गया है। वैदिक विज्ञान पर आधारित इस थेरेपी के जरिये बहुत सी गंभीर बीमारियों का इलाज संभव है – ज्योतिषी विनायक भट्ट।
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हेल्थ डेस्क: भारत में पहली बार फिस्ट्रोलॉजी थेरेपी को लांच किया गया है। वैदिक विज्ञान पर आधारित इस थेरेपी के जरिये बहुत सीगंभीर बीमारियों का इलाज संभव है। फिस्ट्रोलॉजी इस तथ्य पर आधारित है कि मानव शरीर ब्रह्मांड के प्रभाव के अधीन है और ग्रहों की गति वमानव शरीर व मस्तिष्क का परस्पर संबंध है। ‘वैदिकग्रेस फाउंडेशन’ ने फिस्ट्रोलॉजी-एक वैदिक साइंस थेरेपी को पेश किया है। फिस्ट्रोलॉजी एकप्रमाणित वैदिक साइंस है जो हॉलैंड व आईडब्ल्यूओए जैसे देशों व संस्थाओं में उपयोग की जाती है। ‘वैदिकग्रेस फाउंडेशन’ की स्थापना ज्योतिषी विनायक भट्ट ने की थी।
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फिस्ट्रोलॉजी के अनुसार, मानव मस्तिष्क में नौ डिवीजन होते हैं और वे ज्योतिष में ग्रहों के समान कार्यक्षमता रखते हैं। थलमस एक न्यूरोन है जोमानव मस्तिष्क में मुख्य और मध्य स्थान में होता है, यह न्यूरोन ठीक सूर्य की तरह कार्य करता है, यह सभी अभिव्यक्तियों के अभिन्न गुणों कोनिर्धारित करता है।
थैलेमस के नीचे हाइपोथैलेमस होता है जो चंद्रमा की तरह काम करता है। यह भावनाओं तथा उसके मस्तिष्क पर प्रभाव से जुड़ा होता है,अमिगडाला मंगल है जो जीवन में मानव गति को नियंत्रित करता है, सुब्थालमस बुध है, ग्लोबस पल्लीदुस बृहस्पति, सबस्टान्सिया निग्रा शुक्र है, प्यूटमेन शनि है, न्यूक्लियस क्यूडाटस हेड राहू है जो मानव की देखने की क्षमता यानी आंखों को नियंत्रित करता है और न्यूक्लियस क्यूडाटस टेलकेतू है जो सेंट्रल नर्वस सिस्टम को नियंत्रित करता है।
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विश्व भर में हजारों लोगों को गंभीर बीमारियों से निजात दिलाने वाले वैदिक ग्रेस फाउंडेशन के फिस्ट्रोलॉजिस्ट विनायक भट्ट बताते हैं कि इन 9 न्यूरॉन्स के माध्यम से मानव मस्तिष्क पूरे शरीर को नियंत्रित करता है। जब अंग के साथ इन न्यूरॉन्स का समन्वय बिगड़ जाता है तो इसकेपरिणामस्वरूप कैंसर, अवसाद, उच्च रक्तचाप, कार्डिएक अटैक, किडनी रोग, अनिद्रा, अवसाद, अल्जाइमर, स्किजोफ्रेनिया जैसे रोग होते हैं।
विनायक भट्ट ने कहा, “इस उपचार के लिए ‘यज्ञ’ के वैज्ञानिक प्रयोग का इस्तेमाल करते हैं जिसमें औषधीय लकड़ियों की आग में विशेष हर्बल पौधेव औषधियां डाली जाती हैं|
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एक विशेष आकार के हवन कुंड में, एक निश्चित अंतराल और मात्रा में हवन साम्रगी डालने से रसायनिक प्रक्रियानियंत्रित रहती है। फिर रसायन के वाष्पीकरण द्वारा औषधीय फाइटोकैमिकल निकलते हैं जिससे रोगी को लाभ मिलता है। यह उपचार विधि थोड़ेलंबे समय तक चलती है।”
Source: https://hindi.indiatvnews.com/lifestyle/health-fistology-therapy-launch-in-india-512485
Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt has 17 years of experience in Vedic astrology. From scholars in different parts of India, he learned Vedas and Vedic astrology. He completed his Vedic studies in Vedic schools which are located in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Ujjain, and Varanasi.
He has many followers in India and abroad. Who always contact him through phone, Skype video call or email to get the guidance of Vinayak ji before taking big decisions or when they are in some trouble.
For astrological consultation please visit Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt's website - www.vedicgrace.com or you call at +91-9899383340 or send an email at [email protected].
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Absolutely Amazing Experiencing with Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt
I took consultation from Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt on 17th January 2019. If I have to explain my experience with him in short, I would say it was a remarkably wonderful and life-changing experience. He is a very good astrologer with amazingly accurate predictions and moreover a great human. Vinayak Ji's explanation was very clear, nice and full of practical reasons so that anyone can understand the concepts of astrology and planetary positions and their movements affect individual's life, which shows he is an expert in astrology. He helps in guiding you in the right direction, rather than forcing his personal opinion or view. My interaction with him was very insightful. Thank god, I consulted him.
I always believed in astrology and it's potential to change one's life but I never consulted any astrologer maybe because till now my all the problems were taken care of by my parents. I completed my studies in 2017 and got a job in Bangalore, for 1 year everything was working out well and I was getting good feedback from seniors and was getting recognition for my work at the office. Recently things changed very drastically in my office and not only that, they transferred me to the Pune office but things got worse here and I have to leave the company and joined a new company in Mumbai after 3 months job search, but here also I was not feeling comfortable, I thought of resigning from this office as well. I was unable to take any decision nor concentrate on my work.  This situation was affecting very badly, I was depressed, not eating properly, not getting proper sleep, my mental and physical health was getting worse, I had to do something about it. At this point of life, it was made or break situation for me, so one day I got the idea to consult an astrologer.
I approached astrologer Vinayak Bhatt on the recommendation of one of my close friends who faced some bad times in a couple of years back. Here is what she has to say about Vinayak Bhatt - "Today the peace and happiness in my family is due to Shri Vinayak Bhatt Ji. The gemstone and the mantra which he gave me worked miraculously. His expertise in astrology is really great. I got his number while surfing the net, I really thank God for helping me to meet him."
So after getting such feedback from her and listening to her experience and results after the consultation, I made my mind to consult him. She gave me his office number, I called the number to get an appointment with Vinayak Bhatt. They explained to me the whole process of getting a consultation from him which was easy and everyone has to follow. As explained to me I booked an appointment for a Skype consultation from Vedicgrace Foundation (Vinayak Ji's organization) website. They scheduled a consultation for next weekend and sent me all the details on my email.
So, I called him at the scheduled time, first he confirmed my birth details and told me some primary information from my charts. Then he started telling me about my career related problems. He explained to me in detail when, where, how and why experiencing those problems and gave me several options to fix the things. His explanation itself was very healing and relaxing to me, now I can see light hope. He told me not to worry about it, it because of some adverse planetary positions in my charts and it is possible to improve the situation by following some remedies. He said though astrology is like a deep ocean…anybody can get knowledge through going deeply in water and get some drops of nectar of this divine knowledge. Since he did masters in Computer application he knows a lot about information technology and today modern world and the problems faced by the youth.
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During the conversation, I cross-questioned him about a couple of things in my charts, I noticed he listened to me very carefully and took interest in responding to those until I am satisfied which gives the whole consultation a casual and personal touch. I also noticed that he does not hide anything during the consultation and tell you everything honestly and transparently without trying to please you. He told me upfront that I will get the results from remedies for sure but it will take around 2 months time for me to see the results provided I do the remedies correctly. Vinayak Ji also explained to me how these remedies work. He didn't give me any false commitments.  
He is quite amusing, that’s his style of going about your chart. You may or may not like his style of reading. While speaking with him, I exceeded my time appointment time but he said its alright and asked me to have faith in God and follow the remedies.
I followed his advise now after 5 months, I have seen results. The predictions he made are true, I must say that his expertise in future predictions is unmatched. I will be consulting him again for sure and I highly recommend his services to everyone who is in search of a good, knowledgeable and professional astrologer.
All the best wishes to everyone. Thank you for reading my experience, hope I was able to help.
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astrologervinayak · 4 years
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Vedic Grace Vedic Astrology is one of the most popular forms of speculating the future of people and that is what Vinayak Bhatt the astrologer at Vedic Grace specializes in. Very popularly known in the city, Vedic Grace has been known to provide accurate solutions to the problems people face in day to day lives. Additionally, one can also get the correct Vastu consultation for their newly constructed house here as well. Where: 1st Floor, East Avenue Grand  Sector-49, Noida Call: 9899383340, Website https://www.vedicgrace.com/astrologer
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Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt’s Review
I want to share my feedback after consulting Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt Ji. You can also consider it as Vinayak Bhatt’s review. 
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Since I was experiencing some problems in jobs and mostly in marriage and relationship with my wife for last a year or so, I was searching for some good astrologer in Delhi area. As I belong to Bhopal I didn’t know any astrologer here so I started reading about astrologers on internet for a couple of days but none of them or I should the information which was available on internet was very helpful to me and none of them convinced me so I continued my search. Fortunately one day I came across an interesting article written by Vinayak Bhatt in 2014, it was titled as Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt Predictions for Year 2015.  After reading that article with the predictions about the events of 2015, I was really amazed to see the accuracy of his predictions.Then I decided to consult him, I contacted him through his beautifully designed website www.vedicgrace.com and got an appointment to consult him through Skype call on 20/12/2018.
First, he verified if the birth details which are with him are correct or not, then he told me some basic things from my chart like lagna, rashi and etc. after that he begins telling me predictions about me and told me about the bad situation of my job and relationship with my wife. I was again surprised, then he asked me to explain everything about the job and relationship. He listened to me very patiently. 
After which he started explaining me the reasons in detail why I was experiencing such problems which planets in my charts are responsible it and what mistakes I did. The way he explained it, was amazing. Vinayak Ji told me everything will be alright with time and with the help of some Vedic remedies. He told me details about some remedies like which remedies can be performed, their uses, how they work, the science behind those remedies and everything. Those remedies now I can say are very very potent as I have seen results in last a couple of months as I consulted him in December last year and in Vinayak Ji’s word we have to give time to remedies to work they don’t work instantly. He also suggested me to learn meditation and practise it daily, the meditation is magical, it really helps a person in every way.  It worked wonders for me. Really all the remedies were very effective and worked really good for me.
In future I happen to have some need for your help, I will definitely be in touch with you for more guidance. Your website - vedicgrace.com is also fantastic and easy to follow and it guides users in a meaningful way, I had to write about your website because of it I got to know about you and your work. It is loaded with useful content on astrology. Thanks for your help and guidance in my time of needs.
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aahwahan · 2 years
Food for Hungry Program By Aahwahan Foundation
"Aahwahan foundation" the most trusted and well-renowned NGO in the city of Bangalore. It was founded by charitable and thoughtful people in the year 2009 with a will to eradicate poverty and complete all their noble objectives. The foundation has a complete and wide variety of expert teams. "Aahwahan foundation" also supports health education, HIV awareness, women empowerment, Education, integrated Agriculture, tree plantation, medical camps, children's wellness, NGO works for Hunger in bangalore and Food for the hungry program for the much-needed people. They are gathering all the good wishes and blessings by filling the stomach of people in need. In this article, let's talk about one of their contribution to the hungry issue and how serious and big the problem of hunger in our country persists. There is a an ancient saying "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Talking about the outstanding work being done there by the "Aahwahan Foundation".
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India stands at rank 2 in the world population statistics, having more than 2 billion population only slightly less than that of china who stands at number 1 position, but India beats all when compared to population density. Packing a large number of people in the same area, not all people have an equal share of land and economic wealth. India has a good total economic growth where all the world leaders acknowledged us as an emerging new world power country, but sadly it's mostly to the top less than 1% of rich people of our country contributing to huge in our GDP. When we remove the rich people’s wealth from our GDP, we see how the major population is suffering from poverty and low income compared to the countries which stand equal to us in the development order.
Food is the most basic need of any citizen of any country and essential for survival and in women the cause of premature delivery. India is the home of the world's largest people hungry and we rank 1st in the world hungry index. Which barely highlights the people’s real needs. But luckily, we have room for the greatest number of NGOs working towards satisfying this basic need of people and providing food to all in need. Here we have NGO from Bangalore the "Aahwahan Foundation" doing better work than all. They have initiated a program for the complex issue called – Food for the hungry. The foundation is also known as one of the Best NGOs in Bangalore and is appreciated all over the country for their remarkable contribution to feeding thousands of people under the feed India association. Their program feed for hungry is the most popular and successful campaign. The Program has proved to resolve the malnutrition amongst children due to low food nutrition intake needed and also my issue related to food scarcity. All children, Men, Women, elderly taking good advantage of this program. This program is severing the good deed all over the country, they have completed this drive-in in Noida, Guwahati, Patna, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Gorakhpur, Hyderabad, Chandigarh, Vishakapatnam, Bhuvaneshwar, Punjab, Kerala, Bangalore and now reaching every corner of India. And as per the founders of Aahwahan Foundation - Mr. Braja Kishore Pradhan, Nitesh Kumar, and Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt, they have severed over 70,000 Meals all over the country and are currently severing more in Chandigarh, Vishakhapatnam, Bhubaneshwar, Punjab, Kerala. They just do not provide the cooking food but also ration to people who can’t afford basic food. These food bags provided by Foundation contained mostly pulses, rice, flour, salt, sugar, spices, and cooking oil. By seeing the success of this program Aahwahan Foundation has started free food supplies in hospitals as well. During the times of covid lakhs of people were helped in terms of medical emergencies and with food packets to cover a maximum of their pain into relief.
All This concludes that it is a major step toward solving the major problem of malnutrition in children lower in the rate of amateur delivery of children and getting our future minds better, they could do better jobs and contribute to the economy help it grow further and lower the hungry rate in our ever-growing population. We result from others joining the same cause and following the step laid by Aahwahan Foundation and supporting their program – Feed for the hungry by donating. We will reach out to every person in need through Aahwahan Foundation not only in feeding people but also in helping in education, health wellbeing, agriculture, and many more. As a society and firstly as humans it is our duty to help people in need and grow equally together.
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vinayakbhattspeaks · 2 years
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Ram Navami and Maas Shunya Tithi || राम रामेति रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे । सहस्त्र नाम तत्तुन्यं राम नाम वरानने || On the occasion of Ram Navami, we all are doing Fasting, Donations, Kanya Pujan (9th Day of Navratri), etc. But very less people are aware of the astrological significance of fasting, donations, etc on this day. Chaitra Maas Shukla Paksha Navami Tithi is also Maas Shunya Tithi. Shunya means void, complete blank. On this day whatever activity we do results will be void or zero. So shastra says to do Punya Karma on this day. Doing fasting etc we can gain Punya . Becasue activity done on Shunya tithi reaches to Devatas and in return we receive Punya. You can donate Ramayan or Ramcharit Manas today to any brahmin or student. Read Namakam Chamakam (Rudrashtadhyayi). Any spiritual activity done on this day gives you punya. In today's Sceicne of Remedies in Vedic Astrology Course By Vinayak Bhatt, we have covered the usage of Medicinal Bath (Aushadhi Snan), also the importance of Shunya Tithi. If anybody intrested in learning all aspect of Tithis in detail they can join my upcoming 2 Days Webinar on Panchang Shuddhi. https://saptarishisshop.com/in/p/Panchang-Shuddhi-By-Vinayak-Bhatt/9473 (at Noida Sector 104) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcMkEJ7BBnI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vinayakbhatt-blog · 1 year
Rahu Effect in 1st House
Rahu is considered a malefic planet and its placement in the 1st house can have some impact on one’s married life. When Rahu is placed in the 1st house, it can influence one’s personality, behavior, and actions in a significant way, potentially leading to some complications in relationships. However, it is important to note that the overall analysis of a horoscope should take into account the placement of other planets and factors as well.
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In Vedic astrology, Marriage Predictions signifies that When it comes to marriage, though, this viewpoint might be problematic. As a person’s natural inclination is to be connected to a large number of individuals, this may have an impact on their relationship. People born with Rahu in their first house would seek a companion who will provide them with sufficient room. After a few years of marriage, such a couple will discover contentment. Generally, they will be alright in terms of marriage provided they marry a compatible person.
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saptrishisastro · 8 months
Vedic Astrology for Beginners Hindi
This comprehensive Vedic Astrology Course is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills to decode the secrets of the universe and gain deep insights into your own life and the lives of others. Led by Vinayak Bhatt – a globally respected Vedic astrologer with 20+ years of experience, this course is your opportunity to delve into the profound art of Vedic astrology & Poonam Swami – has 10+ years in Vedic Astrology. This is the first time, she associated with Saptarishis Astrology.
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Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt has successfully completed 27 years in Vedic Astrological Practices. Born and brought up in a Brahmin family, he has been deeply associated with astrological practices throughout his life. He considers himself to be lucky to have been under guidance of 11 well known names of Indian astrology and considers his father  to be his Guide and Guru. He is a true believer and follower of “His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi”. He has completed the research work in a variety of topics in Vedic Sciences,he has researched on a variety of topics like Vedic Science of Yagya as healing technique in Vedic Astrology and Gemstones and their effects on Human Physiology and Consciousness and has been applauded for them
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Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt Review on Astrology Forecast on GST Implementation
Cosmic Astrology Forecast on GST Implementation
The public will suffer from inflation and price-rise due to GST implementation until April 2018; as the Panchanga elements are not Supportive but the strength of Lagna and Moon shows the success of GST in the next Financial Year, according to Astrology Predictions by Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt, Cosmic Astrologer and founder of Vedicgrace Foundations, who has the first time introduced Science behind astrology in India.
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Proposed in December 2002, after a long journey of 14 years the single biggest ever National TAX Reform System GST finally launched in India on 1st July 2017 by NDA Government amidst resistance of public and business communities. Almost a quarter is about to complete yet there are disputes over procedures, classification, and submission of GST. Experts are still trying to understand its implications.
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However, as per Indian Vedic Astrology, at the time when the GST was introduced at midnight, the Pisces sign was rising which is the 11th house of the Taurus Lagna Foundation chart of India. The rising sign Pisces receiving the aspect of Jupiter and Moon from the 7th house is believed to be very auspicious for the final outcome of GST.
As Mars in the 4th house of GST Muhurat chart shows that there will be some initial opposition to this Tax Reform because of Panchanga elements are not very supportive. The joint aspects of Mars and Sun at the 10th house indicates that the Government will take hard steps to catch the Tax evaders and shell companies.
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8th lord Venus receiving the aspect of Jupiter and Saturn suggest the confusion of people in understanding the crucial aspects of the GST slabs. Since the 8th house of this Muhurat chart rises in its Navamsa, it will also give some unforeseen hindrances in implementation of this new Tax system. Sun and Mars in the fourth house also suggest that people, in general, will suffer, due to inflation and price-rise due to GST implementation. Mars in the fourth house in Mundane charts, particularly indicate the rise in prices of various commodities.
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However, the aspect of Jupiter and Moon on the ascendant shows that after a few months, the Government will reduce the rates of Taxes in GST, to give relief to the general public. but the strength of Lagna and Moon shows the huge success of GST ultimately, informs Vinayak Bhatt, Cosmic Astrologer, Vedic Grace Foundation. The strong Lagna and Moon suggest that the GST implementation will be a huge success for the government of India.
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 Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt is one of the best Indian Astrologer in all over the world. He born in the Brahmin family and his father is also an Astrologer who gave the knowledge about astrology. Apart from this, he is a software Engineer worked in MNC. He has researched on Vedic science and co-founded Vedicgrace Foundation.
With a hope to promote research-based Vedic sciences practices, Vinayak Bhatt founded Vedicgrace Foundation that helps to the ones who are committed to practicing research-based astrology and Vedic Yagya. He offers genuine and trustworthy consultation and has further made the name of Indian astrology in the world.
For astrology consultations, you can book the consultation from Vedicgrace Foundations website - www.vedicgrace.com or call at +91-9899383340 or send an email at [email protected].
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yogitarot · 5 years
Article written by Jyotish scholar, Jyotish guru Vinayak Bhatt.
Longtime tarot practitioners/ readers, and yogi practitioners view astrology as an intrinsic component to their practices. Often, westerners describe astrology as separate from the above practices, which of course exoerrienced practitioners know that astrology is NOT separate and must be consulted for these lifestyle practices and natural health practices. This is not superstitous beliefs or practices. It is simply the "way it is" and is embraced as a legitimate heath care practice as relevant today as it has been since the beginning of time.
This article written by Jyotish scholar/ guru Vinayak Bhatt s useful and is posted here to assist anyone will developing mindful practices such as tarot and other forms of meditation.
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vinayakbhattspeaks · 3 years
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You are invited to a free webinar. Vedic Astrology For Ultra Beginners Topic: How to Judge Horoscope -BV Raman's Technique Speaker : Vinayak Bhatt Time and Date : Nov 20, 2021 04:00 PM India Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwud-mqqzMqHtddCuR-DiXA70jFed7ExthT After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. (at Noida Sector 104) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWN60rhBQft/?utm_medium=tumblr
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