gomighty · 11 years
Follow Along As Ten of Our Members Begin A Trip Down Under
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Go Mighty has partnered with Tourism Australia and Air New Zealand to send ten of our members to the land down under! From tea in Sydney to hugging a koala, their goals run the gamut of all Australia has to offer. We could not more thrilled and excited to watch them discover a new country and cross things off their Go Mighty lists!
Over the next few weeks, they’ll be taking off and sharing their experiences along the way. Here's each of their first installments. Take a look and maybe you can crib some of their amazing ideas for your #GoAustralia adventure. 
Todd Porter and Diane Ku of White On Rice Couple
Maile Wilson creator of Epiphanie Bags
Karen Walrond of Chookooloonks
Sean Kent of Modern Dads
Maggie Mason of Mighty Girl
Laura Mayes of Blog Con Queso
Jenny Lawson the Bloggess
Gabriel Cabrera of The Artful Desperado
Jordan Ferney of Oh Happy Day
Win Your Own Australian Adventure Do you want to head to Australia? We can help make that happen. Make a list of all the places you would love to explore and goals you’d like to achieve and tag them #goaustralia on your Go Mighty profile.  On November 1, we’ll select one lucky member from those who participate to travel with a friend to Australia. What are you waiting for? Starting dreaming and planning with us.  Join Us As We Fill-A-Plane  It takes 332 people to fill an Air New Zealand Boeing 777-300 aircraft. That’s how many of you are needed to register your intention to visit Australia in 2014 to trigger a special Air New Zealand flight discount code.  Visit Go Mighty and click on Fill-A-Plane to learn more and enter your email before Oct 31st to receive a code for a discount on the cost of your flight to Australia in 2014.
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reconsideringjoy-blog · 12 years
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Taking it bird by bird. 15 down -- 985 to go #1000papercranes #Gomighty #PicTapGo
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gomighty · 11 years
Announcing: Weekly Challenges on Go Mighty
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Painting by Mike Monteiro, "30″ x 40″ acrylic on paper. 2011. Neutral Milk Hotel lyric (available for purchase here)
Last week marked the launch of our weekly challenge series, where each week brings us closer to completing a goal. Most of us have a class we've been meaning to take or a skill we'd like to acquire on our Life Lists. To get things started, we challenged the Go Mighty community to schedule an hour to: 
Research a goal,
Sign up for a class,
Gather the materials you need,
Or enlist a friend for support,
And share your progress using the tag #hourone.
Bonnie got started on the Artist's Way. Megan did a little meditating. Sarah made something that looks pretty square to us. Lorien, yours is looking good too, girl. Liz got to stepping. Irish style. Rebecca learned a skill she missed in childhood. Amy tried a new writing technique. Karisa is going to be a fly girl in no time. Libby is giving Open Yale a go. Harmony made her union frame official. Daffodil is learning how to design her own book cover. We like Retta's approach to business. And Sharon, have you been working out? Yes.
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This week's challenge is #gosummer. 
September 22 is the last official day of Summer. Did you miss anything? This week why not:
Plan something you hoped to fit in,
Consider what made this summer good, and make a reminder list for next year.
Think big for next summer by making a plan for how you can shift a cause you care about,
Check off some Summer Resolutions if you made a list.
When you do, let us know by writing a story on Go Mighty, tag it #gosummer, and we'll enter you for a chance to win a ticket to Camp Mighty. By searching for #gosummer on Go Mighty you can see all the people who have already joined the challenge.
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