#gonna annoy my medieval history nerds friends about it too
viksalos · 2 years
the pentiment soundtrack is pretty good. it’s got those hildegard von bangers
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Random Information
Here’s some random information about my characters that absolutely nobody asked for but I wanted to put down anyway cause I don’t know how else to get it out there and it’s all fun stuff so...
Also, I foresee this getting very long very fast, so I’m gonna place it below the cut: 
She’s 4′11″/150 cm 
The joke is that she was supposed to be a blonde, because all the blondes in the royal family are short (minus Sophie, Sebastian (sort of) and Richard) 
I’m sure that I’ve stated it on here before, but Ana is 90% me. Everything that comes out of her mouth in dialogue or the clothes she wears are 100% thought through and spoken aloud CONSTANTLY 
Also, since I am autistic, Ana is also autistic, although it doesn’t transition as well I’d like in the Sims 4 and so I mostly show it in her dialogue and the way she talks (even though it might only be obvious to me) 
If she wasn’t the Crown Princess then she would want to be a teacher but if she wasn’t able to be a teacher, she’d be a historian and if she wasn’t a historian? Who knows. 
She’s known as the press as the ‘Nerd Princess’ aka a title that Claire once held for like 2 weeks, because she made a very, very subtle but also noticeable reference to Marvel in one of her speeches
She has not stopped and it’s become her thing
Because she’s such a Marvel nerd people are expecting her to name of her kids after a Marvel character (she’s not, but now she’s tempted) 
You know how I’ve been talking about Douxie buying a ton of onesies for the bebe? Ana is too. Not as many as Douxie does, but she’s still buying like one a week because “It has Merida on it, Doux! I love Merida!” 
She also has no idea who her favorite Disney princess is cause it changes constantly
Married Life from Up always made her cry when she was a kid but now that she and Douxie are married, it makes her sob even harder
She also does not care for The Office. Parks and Rec is her preferred comedy. 
He’s 6′3/191 cm (Although he might be taller) 
Ana likes to make Tall jokes to him 
His biggest film was the Henry Puffer series where he played the Henry Puffer equivalent of Ron Weasley and instantly became a fan favorite 
In between films he would do some modelling (that I need to take pictures of for… reasons) and guest appearances on shows, but he would mostly just go to school and spend time with his friends 
Math and Douxie do not get along
At all
He’s okay-ish at history (although he’s better at Modern history cause there’s more information available, while Ana prefers Ancient/Medieval History cause there’s less and that’s what’s exciting to her)
Shakespeare though? He can rattle through Hamlet like it’s NOTHING 
You wanna talk about the Twelfth Night? Douxie can tell you all about it (I cannot) 
While Ana prefers Parks and Rec, Douxie prefers The Office. The only comedy that they can agree on watching is Brooklyn 99 
I... I don’t know what to put for him
He’s like 5′10/178cm so he has to look up (literally) to Douxie and it annoys the ever-loving shit out of him
He also has to look up to Michael but “That’s different”   
 It is not uncommon for a staff member to walk past Richard’s office and here a speaker blasting Celine Dion
No one is quite sure why and they are too afraid to ask
It’s either Celine Dion or it’s Adele 
Alice is the only one of his kids that can stand to be Richard’s presence so he spoils her like CRAZY
You want a pony? You got a pony. You want a tiara? You got a tiara. 
Meanwhile all of his other kids are like... “You never did that to us.” 
Also, I hate to admit it, but Richard is not dumb
He is smart
While he did graduate from university with his bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, he graduated summa cum laude and he earned every grade that he got, even though he was the Crown Prince at the time so... take that what you will
She’s 5′6″/168 cm
Elissa has like... 3 layers on at any given time
Cause her office can get chilly for reasons she doesn’t understand
Her goal after Ana becomes Queen is to install a heating system in the Queen Dowager’s rooms and her old office 
She’s reached out to her niece (her sister’s daughter) to ask her that after Sofia passes could she come by and their (Sofia and Elissa’s) portrait?
The answer was yes 
 Elissa was a early childhood education major so she LOVES kids
She is ready to meet her grandkid and babysit (When needed, of course) 
Elissa, Liliana and Olivia all have a group chat together where they coo about their grandkids
They have one with Richard too but he never texts in it cause he “doesn’t care about group chats”  
They also share memes and Elissa thinks its the best group chat in the world
She, of course, has little inside jokes with each of her kids that Richard does not understand (nor will he ever) 
He might be the most reserved sibling in the public and press’s eyes but he can be the life of the party
He’s an even bigger nerd than Ana is and has an entire room in his house dedicated just to Star Wars 
Michael also has a surprising amount of memes at hand, all to be sent to a variety of different people
Cute, adorable ones for Thalia (because he turns into a puppy around her, she’ll get some nerdy ones too); chaotic, who-knows-what memes to send in the siblings group chat; innocent, funny ones for Elissa and then there’s an entire album saved that’s called: Memes I Want to Send to the King But Won’t Except On His Deathbed Cause He Can’t Do SHIT Then
No one can read nor understand his texts to Sophie
Not even Sophie
He once sent a text to Richard thinking it was Ana and didn’t touch his phone for 3 days out of fear
Oh and he’s like 6′1″/185 cm
She started a group chat with all of her siblings
There’s technically two, one for the professional, royal stuff that they barely touch and then loud, fun one that can have conversations going until 4am
She and Ana joke that Sophie should have been the brunette cause she’s 5′7″/170 cm and Ana should have been the blonde cause their heights are switched 
Every time she sees Richard, she flips him off from behind her back. He hasn’t noticed, but basically everyone else has, including Elissa
She helped Douxie with his proposal to Ana, and helped him pick the place where he ended up proposing
Sophie is the only person who can understand Ana gibberish fully. Douxie can understand most of it, but Sophie knows basically everything. 
Ana: sahifahoifshoiafashidia;fhiaoif
Sophie: Aw, Douxie’s so sweet
Ana: hifaohisdahagoidagoiadgoiihosaihdaifoaih
Like Michael, Sophie also has a ton of memes on her phone. She texts Richard once a month and it’s always a stupid meme that he doesn’t understand. 
Like I said, all the blondes are TINY, and that means that Charles is too
He’s 5′2″/157 cm and he is TIRED of it
He is an absolutely horrible driver. Speed limit? Doesn’t know em. Stop signs? Who needs them? Elissa has banned him from going behind the steering wheel of the car unless he goes to a driver’s school. He drove one time and Elissa decided no more for his safety.
He might be the only kid that looks like Richard (blonde hair, blue eyes), but behind the scenes, he’s a lot quieter and more reserved, and thinks a lot before he speaks. He’s mostly impulsive behind the wheel or when he’s playing sports. 
Charles doesn’t curse a TON, but when he does, you know that he means it. 
His room is an animal paradise. No one is sure where the garden snake came from, since the palace gardens are kept snake free, but Elissa has assured the staff that it’s fine. 
It’s also not uncommon to see him leaving the kitchens at 1am with nothing but snacks in his hands. 
Chef: …
Charles: …
Chef:  …
Charles:  … You saw nothing.
Chef: Duly noted, Your Highness. 
This boy is a charmer, lemme tell you. He is an absolute flirt and he KNOWS it. This man oozes charisma.
He’s exactly 6 feet/183 cm and exactly one inch shorter than Ben and NO he will not shut up about it
He’s a prince and he KNOWS it. 
When asked what he wants to do in the future he will say that he wants to join the military, spend time there, leave, get married, have kids and get a Duchy and run that for the rest of his life. 
Robert and Charles just run in circles around each other causing mischief while Ben looks on in horror. 
In the group chat, he’ll definitely curse a bit (which freaks Ana out cause this is her baby brother, what the f-)
He LOVES kids though. Ana and Douxie’s kid (and future kids)? He is right there on the floor playing with them, he LOVES kids.
The innocent of innocent. He deserves the entire world (in case it wasn’t already obvious). He’s Robert’s total opposite.
This boy never curses. Not ever. He will (and has) censored curses in his texts and has vowed to not curse (I looked through my dialogue of him so far, including future dialogue, not one curse). 
He may not curse, but he “talks back” to Richard like there’s no tomorrow and Richard HATES it. 
Robert may be good with kids, but Ben? He is absolutely AMAZING with them. Someone’s got an emergency and no one else can watch the kids? Ben will be there in a heartbeat with everything a kid could need. 
In the Full-Cousin group chat (aka a group chat with 20+ people in it), Ben is the one that’s ridiculously quiet and pop out of the woodworks, say something absolutely hilarious and then disappear for a week
You wanna talk chaotic? Alice is your girl. 
Sports? Check. Arts? Check. 
I can’t really go much into her cause a LOT of what I want to say about her is spoilers for the future so...
Ana and Sophie are insanely protective over her, especially Ana, even though they have a huge age difference.
When it comes to Douxie and Thalia, Alice literally has not known life without them in it, so they’re her big siblings too. 
I said in the tags of a post, but I’ll say it here, cause why not: When Alice eventually gets married, Richard will have kicked the bucket so the person who’s going to be walking her down the aisle is most likely going to be her big bro, Douxie. 
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applegelstore · 7 years
@neodiji tagged me (actually with the main account, but since I’ll be talking about games of course, let’s post this on the JRPG blog)
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.

I told Neodiji that I could talk for days about any Tales/Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts game that I’ve ever played, and some other things are almost as bad, but we settled for this setup, so get a seat and grab popcorn while I talk about JRPGs.
We’re gonna roll with: Tales of Zestiria Kindgom Hearts The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (because I think this game deserves much more love than it gets. We all love Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild, but I sometimes think Wind Waker and Minish Cap are underrated :,))
In case you’re curious, I’m still open for this (and also THIS MEME) for basically any JRPG I’ve ever played, so feel free to drop asks! Okay, let’s get on with this. Actual Meme is under cut for length!
The first character you loved:

Probably because I just saw her pretty dress and immediately recognized her as a mage type character, and I like the mage types. Obviously, I didn’t try to draw that damned dress at first.

It is a fucking Disney/Final Fantasy crossover, I was biased for the entire supporting crew from the start
I’m so glad the koroks have returned in Breath of the Wild, they’re very neat
The character you never expected to love so much: TOZ:

I mean, I was excited to learn more about them and stuff when the characters were announced, but like, nothing prepared me for how amazing this bunch of nerds is. Rose is not a nerd but still amazing. Every single one of them surprised me in some pleasant way or the other, so they all count, I guess.
Sora is my spirit animal, except he’s an extrovert. Anyway, I didn’t expect that (did I mention I usually dislike JRPG protagonists? Here, have another example of an exception). Also Kingdom Hearts Squall, whom I like a hundred billion times better than his original game self. Although that’s not particularly difficult.
Link, in every single Zelda game actually. Because I strongly dislike silent protagonists. But he’s so smol and helpless and confused, help him
The character you relate to the most: TOZ:

I mean I also want to adopt all the kids
, also everybody and their dogs ship Sormik, so I totally see her point there
That bit being said, I guess I share a few things with Sorey actually, namely:
-doesn’t know how to human

-can’t hide feelings to save a life

-genuinely convinced that icecream is a proper meal

-excitable squirrel and will fangirl to the moon and back

-frequently gushes how amazing their best friend is


-overthinks way too much
-the one person you have to explain sex jokes to (although I’ve become infinitely more perceptive ever since my best friend is my best friend and since I got to know my singing teacher, and I blame her that I ever only get the dirty musical jokes and no others)
-just wants peace and kittens and rainbows
I also used to be the moodmaker in my friend group. Plus I more or less successfully taught myself some Irish in school and have been fascinated with ancient and medieval history and more importantly, myth and legend, so I guess my school days self would have gotten along with him very well. Nowadays it’s pretty much gone and I feel and act more like an Edna, though, snarking and dealing out deathglares.

Anyway, the main difference between me and Sorey is probably that I don’t bang my best friend. Okay, actually the main difference is that I’m as introvert as you can get, and a troubled bundle of nerves 24/7. I still don’t bang my best friend, though.

Sora in Pridelands: we can be the new kings :DDDDDDDD

Everyone else: SORA NO

Sora in Port Royal: I wanna be a pirate, too :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Everyone else: SORA NO

See a pattern?

Still Link, I’m also constantly unable to function and I just wanna release wordless screams into the abyss as I fall into it. Anyway I wish the NPCs could stop hitting on him in every single game for like, 5 minutes, it’s disturbing
The character you’d slap: TOZ:
Sorey whenever he’s mean to Mikleo, but most of the time he’s really sweet, so I guess I’ll let it slide and punch Symonne instead BECAUSE YES PLEASE LET ME BURN HER DOWN TO A PILE OF ASHES
I’ve already got the chance to punch Xemnas, it was very satisfying
(every Zelda game ever) ALL THE OCTOROKS
Three favourite characters (these are in order of preference): TOZ:
Edna, Mikleo, Rose or Lailah (send help) (but honestly, I love the entire playable party so, so much, and Sorey is hands down one of my favourite JRPG protagonists; although that is not particularly difficult because I have an annoying tendency to dislike the heroes and heroines in these)

Sora, Riku, Axel or Demyx (you said 4, didn’t you? Clearly you said 4, see, I just always give you 4, please don’t punch me)

Makar, Medli, Link
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore: TOZ:
They’re still my babies, all of them
Don’t think that happened
same, that’s a fruitless question for me in most cases
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:

I had a rough start with Rose because genki girls can be quite annoying, but she had won me over quickly after joining the party, and now I adore her. Go forth and kill, my child. I love Rose and I want her to get a fucking shepherd’s cloak, goddammit
Saix is an asshole but for some reason I can’t bring myself to hate him.
again, no changes I can think of
3 OTPs:
Have I mentioned that Sormik embody all the relationship goals I ever had, and happen to hit pretty much all the romance tropes I love? Have I? HAVE I???  I want to give them my blessing and oversee their wedding vows. I swear somebody must have invaded my mind before writing this game because they wanted to know for sure what would make me week in the knees. I swear I said goodbye to my heart halfway through the game. I generally suspect that somebody in the writing department must have been spying on me because the game in general uses a bit too many of my favourite tropes to not have done this on purpose.

Other than that, I non-romantically ship the entire party because they’re one wonderful slightly dysfunctional family and they make me cry. They’re basically bestest friends on a classtrip with romantic lighting. In case you haven’t gathered that yet because I totally don’t mention that daily, Rose and Sorey are my brotp and I live for platonic male/female relationships because there are too many people out there and too many instances in media that don’t recognize that boys and girls can be really, really good friends without being romantically or sexually involved. Like, wow. WHAT A SHOCKING DISCOVERY.
Can’t really choose a third one, but I do enjoy romantic Rosali (though not as much as Sormik because they don’t hit the right tropes, and because they don’t have much time for proper development; but I’ll never say no to an arguably canon lesbian couple), and other platonic relationships within the party are also wonderful and good and great and please more. Daddy Dezel and Rose, Edna and Lailah, Edna and Zaveid, Edna and Meebo, Zaveid and basically everyone, Sorey and Sergei, you name it. All is good and fine.
Clearly you meant to say like 9 OTPs
I see where the Sora/Riku comes from. Damn, do I see where it comes from (KH II, D3, I’m looking at you). I don’t mind Kairi in the mix, though. I’ll just accept whatever Squeenix comes up with, yo. Terra/Aqua/Ventus are a fine platonic brotp.
Is like, really not a shippy game. I mean, all the protagonists are kids. Yes, I know that also applies to KH, but it’s not that bad.
Not tagging because I very often don’t tag, but feel free to do this and have fun and force your friends to join you ;)
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