#gonna be a famous trans femboy
elbdot · 1 year
Don't answer this if you don't want to, but out of curiosity, do you have headcanons as for the sexualities of the Alolan Adventures cast?
Aaah I think the rest of the community is way more invested in that than I am, I rarely think of headcanons for character's sexualities
But I think we can all agree that ILIMA SCREAMS LGBTQ+ -coded character. When he got first revealed I was convinced he was a girl until his character information dropped - NEXT thing I thought "omg could he possibly be trans??? IS GAMEFREAK ACTUALLY GONNA DO THAT????" but OF COURSE THEY DIDN'T
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However, I VERY randomly found myself shipping Kiawe with Ilima a few years later...or maybe NOT so randomly I was thinking about how Ilima had been studying abroad in Kalos (I think his mom even is a famous actress over there??) and how Kiawe's dream is to afford studying dance in Kalos and then I thought "maybe Ilima has ties strong enough he'd be able to help Kiawe study in Kalos" and then brain went "omg this is a fanfiction setup, boyfriends in PARIS" and now I ship them
So I guess I'd be headcanoning Kiawe as bi and Ilima as gay, possibly trans? (but I know too little about it that I'd be comfortable enough in labeling him as such, the trans community knows WAY more about this than I do so I'd love to hear YOUR personal headcanons on Ilima!) EDIT: FEMBOY seems to be the term I was looking for, so not trans, this actually feels FAR more fitting, thank you for your input!!
But yeah, those are pretty much my ONLY headcanons in that regard. I don't even have many more ships for Alola, I ship Hau with Lillie, and then Olivia with WHOEVER is gonna be her boyfriend, but she sure as heck DESERVES one (EVERYONE IN THE GAME KEEPS COMMENTING ON HER BEING SINGLE and she's obviously not very happy about it 😭) Oh and I ship Gladion x Therapy Actually Guzma x Therapy too Actually A LOT of characters deserve proper therapy
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femboy-trainee · 4 years
whole new me
new username, new aesthetic, new me aaaand a new schedule uwu.
i will be streamin on twitch on monday, tuesday, and saturdays for now on
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