#gonna give yall some funky voices in my head
excusemeaminute · 2 years
Man oh man sometimes I just think of the concept of mutuals/international online besties and my brain leaks a little
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lmelodie · 1 year
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Oh boy OH BOY there’s some good content here today for this one. A good batch that I really like with lots of words under the cut >:) Here ya go:
Robyn Frost, here to cause PROBLEMS. Drawing their funky hair is always so fun. I give to you the highest honor I can bestow: Cool Jacket. 
JACQUELINE MOTHER FUCKING FROST BITCH!!! I realized that I haven't been drawing the titular frost sibling NEARLY as much as I should for how often she lives in my head. I BUSTED this pose out SO FAST cause I also realized that I haven't drawn her being BAD ASS YET??? How this has happened I do not know. It’s a concept sketch, something to add to the pile of things that I could finish someday.
And Spring??? Hello??? I'm not gonna lie, I was a spring hater when I first read Dani’s work. (Mostly because I read them out of order going from Frostmas to Meet the Frosts to CS. First impressions before the rewrite.) And I thought she was a bitch at first. But she's actually really grown on me since then! She’s just got her own inferiority complexes just like everybody else. Can't wait for her to get the closure she deserves on that.
So, when were you guys gonna tell me that BlackIce has been Voxman coded this whole time??? Also, fun fact! My main voice claim for Kills is Professor Venemous (along with Dark older Danny from the ultimate enemy to a lesser extent). He gets the closest to how he sounds in my head so there ya go. He sounds like PV.
More canonical looking winter! I still ended up giving her those weird hair thingies in the back because I cannot stop myself, but double bun winter!
Thawed!Jack hair studies. Because the whole concept of being thawed/frozen isn't a thing in my universe I don't have the excuse to draw thawed jack (plus he looked so lame in the movie why even bother) But! Here is how I think his hair would look like without all the ice. I do think he still freeze dries it, but in my head canon his hair is blue 😌 and his little hair flippy is all limp but not in a depressed way this time.
Ok so, the elephant in the room, a fucking TREAT for yall: Shirtless Killian doodle. Because in all honestly, I just really wanted to try more anatomy stuff. And while I was making it, this really solidified his once ambiguous sexuality as now Very Gay. 
Ive decided that after the break up he has thoroughly given up on love and entered his WHORE ERA. not nearly as egregious as Jack’s whore era, but a slut period none the less. Fuck buddies situation with a vampire happened at one point.
Everyday this man strays further and further into Very Attractive territory (at least to me) and I have to learn how to reel it back SO FAST because this could get out of control SO QUICKLY. No one would be able to stop him if he just keeps getting hotter, it would be a DISASTER.
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ser-rctslcyer · 2 years
truly didn't think anyone wanted to see my bullshitting in the tags but uh here we go
[below the cut is me being very sappy about my love for dragons]
Okay so I know you might mean about got/hotd (and i will get there) but I very much adore dragons and just need to scream about them for a sec.
Ever since I was little, I always had a huge affinity for dragons. I don't know what exactly drew me in but it probably had something to do with their amazing designs, colors, and personalities they got to have. I own like several different dragon books (4-7) because that's how obsessed I was as a kid. I wanted to know anything and everything about them, not realizing dragons have such a vast lore and change between depictions-- but little me did not give a fucking shit. I collected a book that went through like the basic overview of dragons, I got another book (drawing book) that went through different types of dragons, and a few more that I can't remember off the top of my head. Anything remotely dragon related I wanted because I was that kid. Not to mention the vast amount of drawings and writings I did about dragons. I made oc dragons, backstories, came up with a different language — I’m pretty sure I even talked about dragons in my school work. I was obsessed man (still am).
Now I watched a lot of different shows/movies/games even that had some dragon in it-- and it would instantly become my favorite thing from it. So obliviously , I grew attachments to a lot of them but here a just a handful who mean the most to me, the dragon kid--
Mulan - Mushu
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I will never not love this funky lil man, okay? Like who the fuck doesn’t want a little pocket sized dragon to follow you around?
He's giddy, exuberant, and most importantly funny. Honestly, why I probably love Mulan so much is for him alone. I know I wished, for like the longest time, to have a lil dragon who would follow me around everywhere/talk to me— that was the dream for me. Although the boosts himself up to sound all big and bad dragon, he really comes across as friendly which I enjoyed a lot. He’s comedic but in the end proves that’s he’s truly has a big heart. Most book depreciations I had read had always either made the dragon big and scary or like all-knowing and untouchable. For me, as a kid, Mushu was a little hilarious red dragon that could keep me company, give me advice (albeit maybe a little bad), or just chill in my company. He was the almost ideal dragon in my brain I wanted to bond with and take on grand adventures.
Spirited Away - Haku/Kohaku
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Now, I preface this with I have Spirited Away in DVD— and would put that disk in religiously; that was my movie.
I love Spirited Away (one of the first anime movies I ever watched) for all the incredible character designs and to the sheer magnitude of the fantastical setting it take places. As a kid, I wanted to explore those strange worlds between and see all different types of people, creatures and just experience fantasy. Like, yeah is it pretty fucked up watching your parents turn into pigs-- but holy shit, yall see No-Face???? My fucking beloved right there; I adored them immediately when I watched that movie. like their design, although “basic” is very fucking cool and they’re such an amazing fucking character, even without having to say much. Absorbing creatures and using their voices to speak but also gaining their personality-- there is so many layers to No-Face, it’s impossible not be intrigued and infatuated with them. (
I say all this  (not cause i was drawn off subject) to say--
Of course was also drawn to Haku. Yes, kid me had a big fucking crush on him(i mean truly who didn’t have a crush on hm bro); he fits my lovely lil blorbo niche perfectly. The stoic yet observant character was very interesting to me and I wanted to know more about him upon immediately seeing him. Then there was his dragon form, which is one of my favorites till this day; the white and green fur is iconic. He’s a bit more feral in that form but he’s not feral for no reason. His name has been stolen from him, forgotten so he acts accordingly; untrusting, aloof, and callous until Chihiro saves him from Yubaba’s control. Once gets his real name again, he’s free again and he does what he is meant to do. The reveal of him being a river spirit, and the way in which his dragon moves, smooth and flowing like water-- it’s simply perfect!!! 
HTTYD - Toothless
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Now I wasn’t the biggest biggest fan of How To Train Your Dragon (I say having seen the 2nd movie in theater), I did enjoy the seeing all the varied types of dragons in the show, especially Toothless. First off, Night Fury is a hard name for a species of dragon. The concept of a disabled dragon was something I’ve never seen before, and it was very cool to see a dragon adapt to having an artificial limb. Then there was also the retractable teeth, which I thought was fucking cool too. Toothless’s curious, cat-like, personality was very nice to see and I enjoy the little goober. 
Hobbit Trilogy - Smaug
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I know The Hobbit  trilogy gets a lot of shit but I can’t help but to like it for a bunch of different reasons. One of those being Smaug. Look I know every other dragon on this list has been actually either sweet or they’re not really mean but I just had to like this motherfucker. 
Foremost I absolutely adore his design, I think he also has another great and amazing dragon design. The sheer eyes scene at the end of ‘An Unexpected Journey”, had lil ol kid me wiggling in my fucking seat. He’s so fucking big (even though he’s one of the smaller ones in the universe) and seeing how easily he tore about Laketown in meer seconds was terrifying-- but also super cool. His look and movements are very fucking creepy too. The way he shifts around when talking to Bilbo when he first discovers him, it’s very clear it is a predator stalking his prey. He knows he’s intimidating and uses that to his advantage; keeping his movements slow so his “victims” can get the idea that he is this massive, undefeatable being. He’s proper and respectable, his ego and pride getting the best of him because he knows there’s nothing they can do to hurt him; they can’t possibly kill him. Then when he’s finally angered, his stature changes and he begins using his body like the weapon it’s designed to be. He’s agitated and swats with his tail and tries biting a whole lot more because at this point he doesn’t give a fuck. 
Smaug is such a douche of a dragon too, he embodies the typical dragon instincts (wanting his big ol pile of dwarf gold) whilst being a snarky bitch about it. He’s both archetypes of dragons in one, all knowing and an asshole, who doesn’t care who the fuck he’s got to hurt to get to his fucking gold. He toys with Bilbo, simultaneously warning him of Thorin’s downfall but also making him fear the things to come. Then when he finally sees Thorin again, he eggs him on-- knowing how easily he gets under his skin, knowing that really he can’t do anything to hurt him; he does the same thing with Bard. He uses his words to pick and pry at people’s head because he’s got a superiority complex; he is a high being, why should he listen to anyone else? I love how strong his ego was, how much he really gave no shit about anyone else and how even visceral his death was-- like watching a flame finally die out. 
GOT/HOTD - Rhaegal, Viserion, Drogon, Syrax, Caraxes (spoilers btw)
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What you’ve all been waiting for!!! So funnily enough, I did come into the GOT scene pretty late (around s6-ish) and I really enjoyed lots of things about the series-- especially the dragons. 
I adore the design of these boys so much-- they huge, different colors, spiky and look like they can (and very much will) turn your ass to dust. But at the same time we can see their thoughts and emotions through their eyes, how they process the words from Dany or the emotions from others. I truly think they have a level of empathy, besides with Dany, and their little softening expressions as they recognize those emotions and then go about doing their dragon business. 
The depiction of dragons in GOT is really one of my favorite, because just like humans they have bonds, whether it’s between their rider or even each other. Rhaegal, Viserion, and Drogon being Dany’s children was so sweet to me because even through the struggles they recognized her as their rider, their mother and wanted to protect her and they also see each other as family. They’re a unit! It did hurt badly seeing their reactions to Viserion’s death and then Drogon’s was painful because their own little family fell right a part through their fingers. We see how badly Dany takes it but also Drogon who loses his brother’s and his mother in the process. He’s hurting just as bad but there is no comfort as he still wants to follow his mom to the end, and there’s no sympathies for him from anyone. I like to think him burning the throne was a way for him to process his ever growing grief, destroying the thing that had destroyed the only family he had ever known. 
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Okay so with HOTD I am very happy to see dragons back again, like bro I missed them so much.
I love the relationship that Syrax and Rhaenyra have, it’s so sweet and perfectly mimics how Dany was with her children. It’s very clear the dedication the two of them have between each other and she easily picks up on Rhaenyra’s emotions. I love Syrax’s color, although there is something about her face shape that I don’t really like, she’s a beautiful dragon. 
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Then there’s Caraxes (i apologize for the bias that is about to come out). I fucking adore Caraxes, his design is literally everything, like god he’s so fucking badass. The blood red color, the horns; truly a magnificent dragon indeed. I read somewhere that he’s deformed which is why the way he looks like how he does and also sound like that and I still think its amazing. He works with his elongated body, using his long neck like he’s a snake. He’s so fucking beautiful, I adore him. 
It’s very clear he’s got the same strong bond with Daemon and he’s clearly very protective of him. Perhaps they bond in a way because they both feel out of place in the family (dragon lineage for Caraxes) because they’re so different from everyone else. 
In conclusion - i think got/hotd dragons and their riders should go off  and chill on beaches and be happy because they deserve it. 
Now if you made it this far (or just scrolled all the way down), I congratulate you; you made it through me losing my entire fucking mind. Truly I haven’t had a big time to talk about dragons like this in a while or in such detail and if you read I hope you enjoyed my thoughts. There are so many cool and interesting things about these creatures and I always and happy to see all different sorts of approaches to them. Anyways ramble over.
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squarefriend · 3 years
Alrighty how about 14 with Mettaton and 9 with Toriel?
This is a long ass post, so buckle up buttercups >:)
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So, if you really think about it, Mettaton IS a robot now. He fused with his body, considering he can die in Stabby Stabby/Nuetral routes. Robots can’t absorb alcohol, therefore they can’t get drunk.
Now, the argument could be made that he just absorbs the magic that makes up the drink then sends it to his power core, like an organic body. The that funky drunky flow intoxicates him.... But that also contradicts my personal head cannons on how Metta’s body works.
I’ll make this brief (if that’s possible in a post of this length lMAO), but how I think that MTT gets his power is either through electricity or, in a worst case scenario, gasoline mixed with magic. While I believe he can eat and drink monster food, it’s stored in an internal compartment before being broken down into manageable magic chunks over a series of several days. So, alcoholic beverages would give him at most a buzz over the course of like a couple of days.
That being said, there’s hope!!!
Remember when I said that I headcannon Metta runs on gasoline if he can’t get any electricity? Well, the means he can switch between which tank he’s drawing from. And, there is a type of gasoline made with a base of Ethanol! Which is the compound used to make drinks alcoholic! Therefore, the alcohol would be going to his core at the rate needed to actually get drunk.
Which means, if he wants to be drunk he can just switch into gasoline mode and slip into whatever tipsy needs he has! As long as he’s filled up on ethanol!
Now I’m not saying that this was found out by complete accident with Alphys testing out a new fuel type but.....
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That’s exactly what I’m saying.
But!!! Yall didn’t come here to hear about Mettaton’s autonomy, so let’s talk about his drunken habits!!
I like to think he doesn’t drink often, mostly because of the aforementioned not actually realizing he could till he was on the surface. But, some of the best examples of how he is in a drunken state would probably be back when he was a ghost.
It was probably some rough times back then. Shyren’s sister had just fallen down, and it’s inplied the cousins are rather close with the family. Add in a healthy dose of dysphoria and yearning for a greater audience- no, purpose... It must’ve been rough for Metta.
Mabey to cope, the cousins invested in some ghost ale?
I like to think when buzzed, Mettaton is just a (somehow) more confident and showy version of himself. Just with less motor control and a higher chance of making impulsive decisions.
Once we pass into drunk territory... things start getting more emotional. There will be tears. Probably a lot of them. He’s very emotional and can and will state his mind. Heartfelt confessions might happen, rivalries may happen, or he may just tell you what you already know.
If the cousins cracked open a cold one.... Well.... That may of been the first indications (aside from behavior they’d picked up but not said anything about) of what was really on Metta’s mind. About how desperate he was.
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Metta didn’t remember it in the morning. Blookie never told him what they talked about. It was never spoken of again.
Ok!! On a slightly higher note: Toriel!
I’ve always seen Toriel as having a very smooth sounding, mezzo soprano voice. It’s nothing remarkable. She doesn’t belt often, she doesn’t have much of a verbrato, she just sounds like your normal 50ish woman who sings abit too much in the car. But, her voice is warm and soft and perfect to fall asleep too, especially when a smile gets in the way of her vowels.
She sings fairly often, probably the most in the main cast (aside Mettaton and MABEY Papyrus). Be it in the car, or when she has too much to drink, or when singing a lullaby to her kids.
I’ll start with lullabies since I believe they’d be the most personal to her.
We don’t know exactly when the monster human war happened, but I’m of the belief that it happened sometime in the Middle Ages, which would place Toriel’s childhood in medieval times. While she wasn’t born there, I also think both Toriel and Asgore’s families hail from Ireland. Her mother would sing to her every night, sometimes mixing in ancient tales of wild beasts and faeries.
It’s a sentiment she’s passed down to her own children.
Albeit, she changed a few lyrics or scenes in the stories to make them less terrifying, besides when she was caring for some of the older souls. There may also be a touch more happy endings than there were in the older days, and mabey a couple more injuries instead of deaths. But for the most part, they stay the same.
The pieces she dare not change though, are the ones she sings in Gaelic.
Frisk hasn’t learned the language (yet), so Toriel finds no need to change any details to such relics. Plus, they have a lot more of an emotional connection than most of her other songs or stories. Her eldest two children were incredibly fond of them
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(Also the song I used for these doodles is called Bó na leath-adhairce (One Horned Cow). The woman who sings it (Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh) sounds a lot like how I imagine Toriel sounding. But like. With a lot more vocal training. She still sounds like she’s singing through a smile and I love it)
On a much more fun note, let’s talk about Toriel’s drinking songs!
So, this doesn’t happen often, but if the moods right and Toriel’s had JUST enough to drink.... She might attempt to start up a drinking song with whatever crowd she’s got around her. She doesn’t know many songs, and she only half remembers the rest, but goddamn it if she’s not gonna try it.
It’s awful. Any recognizable lyrics are either slurred, butchered, or in a language no one else can understand.
But she looks like she’s having so much fun, no one ever tries to stop her.
Hell, some people might even join in, if there’s been enough to drink in the house. If that happens, and if she’s feeling confident enough, Tori might even get up and dance a little bit, dragging whomever she pleases in as well. If she’s drunk enough to start singing like this in public, then she’s definitely drunk enough to do some dances.
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Mostly though, she just sticks to lullabies.
As for the second part of this prompt, it’s a lot simpler than all of the rest of this post. Toriel enjoys most music, especially the choral verity. She’ll let anything on the radio, so long as it’s appropriate when Frisk’s in the car.
Her favorite genres though, are Classical, Folk, and Celtic. They were the styles she grew up with and remains fond of to this day. They bring back a feeling of Nostalgia without too many memories, just how she likes it. She also quite enjoys Operas, and plans on taking Frisk to see one once she gets the hang of the internet.
She used to adore ballroom music and waltzes but....
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Now they just bring back Memories she’d rather not have.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
The Time Traveler ~ KNJ [Request]
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↱↱↱Word Count: 3.3K
↱↱↱Genre: AU! Time Travel AU! Fluffy
↱↱↱Pairing: Time Traveller!Namjoon x Modern!Reader
↱↱↱A/N: For reference this is set in 1858! I had a lot of fun writing this and yall have turned me into a soft bitch by making me write fluff so be prepared when I come at you with HARD ANGST without happy endings. That being said, I love you all
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It was just another dark night in the lab for Namjoon the only thing lighting up his workspace was the moonlight peaking through the basement window and the small flicking candle that was sitting at the edge of his desk, he'd been working so hard on trying to get his product right all week and it was getting close to the night he was supposed to be presenting it to his boss. The thought had come to him in a dream and he was doing his best to get everything to work correctly,
"Goodnight Namjoon," Jin called from the top of the basement stairs, Namjoon didn't even bother giving him a message back, he was too focused on the wristwatch in his hand. Jin was one of the other inventors that worked in the building but were lucky enough to have a ground floor office instead of the basement that Namjoon was forced into. If it'd worked everything out correctly in his notebook of wonders the watch would work perfectly alongside the giant clock that was centred in the middle of town and he'd become a rich inventor as he had always dreamed as a kid and he'd finally have an office out of the basement. His head turned to look out of the small window and he looked at the clock,
"8:20 pm." He said to himself turning the hands on the small wristwatch to the right time before clicking the button into place and all of a sudden there was a breeze rushing through the basement, Namjoon's head looked from left to right trying to determine where the wind was coming from when there was a flash of bright green light and his vision went cloudly. Everything around him was blurring around him but he was stood in place, people rushed around him but in blurs of vision. The building crumbling around him only to be built back up around him in the blink of an eye, he had no idea what was happening but before he could wrap his head around it everything slowed down and his vision returned back to normal. He was standing in the same basement only this time there were strange fittings on the wall, they looked like small candles but they didn't burn when he touched them.
"I'll be right up there Lady Katherine- Ah! Who-How?!" Your voice came out scared and Namjoon shook his head as he took in your appearance you looked like no one he'd ever seen before. You were wearing pants and they were a fabric that Namjoon hadn't ever seen, you were also sporting a white long coat with a badge on the front with what he assumed was your name on the front.
"Can I help you?" Your voice came out more calm than before and you walked into the room,
"Where am I?" Namjoon questioned as you walked over to a set of drawers and began looking around inside of them,
"My office, what's your name?" You questioned going over to him with a small pen-like object in your hand, he was so confused by everything going on around him. This was his office from what he could remember and yet here you were, a lady, telling him that it was your office.
"Kim Namjoon, w-what is that?" You flashed a light in his eye and he dove backwards hitting a small bed that was behind his legs, he sat down and you sighed going over to him and tilting his head around. His heart began thumping when your hand came into contact with his skin, he'd never been like this around a woman before and now here he was practically nose to nose with you as you stared down into his eyes.
"You must have bumped your head or something, do you hurt anywhere?" You questioned letting go of his head and taking out a small notebook which you got from a pocket in your white coat.
"No, I just...What year is this?" You looked up at him and blinked at him, wondering if he was serious or if this was some kind of joke from the doctors upstairs.
"If this is some kind of joke I'm not in the mood, I have a school full of kids waiting for me and I don't want them to get sick." Namjoon frowned as you spoke so openly and freely like this, he was clearly in another time for if a woman spoke like this in 1858 she'd be thrown into the kitchen but he liked it. He liked that you were so open and honest with him it was like a breath of fresh air, he stared a little longer into your eyes and he realised how beautiful they were.
"S-Sorry, no. No joke, I just I don't know where I am or what year this is...I know this used to be my office but I'm not sure what happened." You stared into his dark brown eyes as you tried to decipher if this was some kind of elaborate prank. The doctors in the offices above you all thought you were a joke anyway so sending someone to prank you wouldn't be totally out of the question, since they hated what you were doing there. You were giving free health care to anyone that might need it, you were a skilled doctor, nurse and minor surgeon - for things like cuts, scrapes, small wounds but nothing large and they hated it. Their way of working was getting all of the money they could from people who didn't have a lot to give.
"You must have seriously hurt your head, here...I erm...I don't feel comfortable leaving you here so you're gonna come with me to the school. I'll keep an eye on you there okay?" Namjoon nodded at you,
"You're in 2020 by the way, and I'm Dr Y/l/n, you can just call me Y/n though I don't really like being called Dr." You laughed nervously, there was no point in lying to yourself by saying the man wasn't good looking because he was, he looked like God's hard carved him in stone and sent him down to torture everyone.
"Your clothes, we might want to do something about them." He was dressed in an old victorian style coat, suit trousers and a waistcoat.
"My clothes? Look at yours, you're wearing pants!" He exclaimed still a little shocked that you were wearing something that wasn't a full-length gown with a petticoat,
"Well, here in 2020 women can wear whatever they want and do whatever they want." You patted his shoulder and that's when you noticed the time on your watch,
"Oh shit, we don't have time. You'll have to come in those. If anyone asks you're a street performer who had a head injury." Although he didn't know what most of the words meant he nodded along with you and got up from the bed, following you up the familiar set of stairs but coming out onto a different set of halls. Instead of the usual six doors that lined the floor, there were three doors, a flight of stairs and what he assumed was more doors up there.
"This way," You whispered grabbing a bag from in front of the door and walking out onto the front doorstep,
"Sneaking off with clients, are we? Maybe you have lost your mind, you should have just stuck with medical school darling!" You rolled your eyes slamming the door behind you,
"Who was that?"
"The man who owns the building rents it out to scumbag doctors who rob people blind." Namjoon nodded and watched as you walked over to a small automobile, he only knew what it was because he'd seen something of similar design within Jimin's notebook back home.
"Get in," You laughed as he stared at the car with wide eyes, you started up the engine and began driving in the direction of the old Catholic Church,
"This place has been standing for years 162 years, my great, great, great, great- Well you get the idea, Grandmother used to work here as a nun. Always looking after the children the church took in." You said as you pulled into a line of traffic,
"162 years ago?" He thought on what you had said,
"Would be around 1858? 1859? My maths is a little funky." You laughed nervously, although you'd only just met him he had the ability to make you more nervous than anyone you'd ever met before, you weren't even this nervous when it came to your exams.
"162 years!" Namjoon yelled almost making you swerve the car, he stared down at his wristwatch and stared at the time, and then at the small clock that was on your car the numbers flashing 20:34 pm.
"You're really not okay, are you? I promise I'll take a proper look when we get to the church." He shook his head and started rambling on about how he was from the future, that the watch on his wrist was what he had invented in 1858 and he was from the past.
"Okay...You're really scaring me." You whispered not knowing what to do, you could have picked up anyone and now you had them in your car.
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The nun that was staring at you was starting to freak you out, you'd been looking over one of the boys while you left Namjoon in the corner of the room to wait for you.
"What?" You questioned looking away from Jimmy and up to her face, there was something about a Nun that made you want to confess everything you'd ever done in life even if the things you had done weren't sins.
"He looks familiar, are you dating?" You scoffed at her and rolled your eyes,
"No, I'm looking after him." You tapped Jimmy on the shoulder and he walked away and straight over to Namjoon, you and the sister turned to watch Namjoon. He had a group of boys all sitting around him and listening to whatever he was saying,
"Been telling them stories about this place, said he knows about them first hand...He's crazy." You laughed at the sister and she walked away from you, you made your way over to Namjoon wanting to hear what he was saying about the church.
"We had the first can opener in 1858, not to mention my best friend Jin began inventing lights." You folded your arms over your chest as you listened to what he was saying, he seemed to be fully convinced on every detail he was telling you.
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Namjoon watched from the corner of the room as you pushed a pair of glasses onto your face and began cleaning up a wound on someone's knee, you somehow looked more beautiful than before and he wanted to speak to you. He'd had nothing on his mind except you all night, he'd been planning on asking you out until he realised he wasn't from his time and he had no idea where he could even take you. Then thoughts of how he would ever get home came to his mind,
"Y/n!" Both of you looked up to see a nun calling you over,
"Hobi, go and sit with Namjoon. He'd got some awesome stories." The little boy nodded and rushed over to Namjoon while you went to greet the sister that had called you over. When Hobi reached Namjoon he noticed how much he resembled another one of his friends back home,
"I'm Jung Hoseok," The little boy couldn't have been any older than 10 and he must have been related to the man that Namjoon once knew.
"Nice to meet you, Kim Namjoon." They shook hands but namjoon's mind kept wondering as to where you had gone, you were no longer in the room you were all gathered in.
"What is it, Sister?" You asked as she dragged you through a series of hallways and into a confessionary room,
"I have nothing to confess." You said quickly as you noticed the confession box she was leading you towards, she rolled her eyes at you and pulled you into a backroom.
"Here...I knew I knew his face!" She pulled out an old dusty photo album and began flicking through the pages until she found what she was looking for. Sitting there in the middle of the page was a black and white photo of the building you worked in, sitting in front of it were seven men all dressed in the same style of clothes Namjoon was wearing.
"Inventors Kim Seokjin, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi, Jeon Jungkook and Kim Namjoon." You read out as you ripped the photo from the album, Namjoon was the spitting image of the Namjoon in the photograph but it was impossible...No one could time travel, the wristwatch hadn't even been invented in 1858 it was invented in 1868 and even if it was...Why would he come to 2020?
"Can I borrow this?" As soon as the nun nodded you practically sprinted from the room and over to Namjoon who was talking to the children,
"Mr Kim, can I speak with you for a second?" The kids all protested and you took him out to an empty hallway and showed him the photograph and pointed the man that looked like him out to him.
"I remember this! We'd just gotten the new building after Jungkook blew up our first one." You stared up at him as you realised that all of what he'd been telling the children was true and what he'd told you in the car was true.
"You're really from the past?" He nodded and looked at you, sliding the photo back into your hand.
"How did you-"
"I invented this," He pulled up his wrist in front of your face and you stared at it, it was just like an ordinary wristwatch,
"What time did you set it to?" You questioned, the watch had no year or date on so you assumed it would only work by time.
"8:20 pm." You nodded, you understood how it had worked to get him here but no the mechanics behind it, you were smart but you weren't time travel and expanding the universe kind of smart.
"I want to go home." He told you as he looked away from the watch,
"Well, I would start by setting the time to-"
"No...I want you to come with me." Your heart started to pound against your chest as though it was trying to leap out and connect with his,
"You don't even know me, I don't know you-"
"We know enough, I know you're a wonderful doctor who is doing so much for people here who don't deserve it...You can come back with me....Make a real change in the world, become some of the first female doctors to make a positive change." The longer you stared into his eyes the more appealing it sounded to you, you had no one here. You were alone in the world, your family had all died when you were younger so it's not as if you had anyone to miss.
"But the kids-"
"Will be just fine without you Y/n, you've taught a lot of us how to do things we never thought we could do without a doctor." You looked over your shoulder to see the same Nun who had given you the photograph,
"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity...Think of the stories you'll have to tell people when you get to 1858...You could write books about it," She joked and looked at Namjoon as if she was trying to read his mind.
"He is of pure heart, you are of pure heart. Go for it." You smiled softly at her and gave her the photograph back,
"Life is an adventure go and live it." She kissed your forehead and you walked over to Namjoon,
"Is that a yes?" You nodded but then yelled no, rushing out of the hall only to come back a couple of seconds later with the huge bag you'd brought with you.
"Ready." Namjoon linked your hands and you felt a jolt run up and down your body, Namjoon blushed as he looked down at you with a smile.
"So turn it to this," You began turning the hands on his watch so it would say '6:58' or in digital time 18:58 and Namjoon clicked the button. The breeze came first and then the flash, you watched in awe as the building around you began to change. Your hand gripped Namjoon's tightly as the building caught fire and was put back out building itself back up once again, everything was too fast for you to begin to process and just like that it was over. You were standing hand in hand in the middle of the same church hall,
"Come on, we should get you back before people see you." You looked down at the floor, it was tiled differently, the halls were lit with candles and you heard footsteps.
"Quickly." Namjoon laughed dragging you through the door and out into the streets, horses were lined up everywhere and the only thing that was lighting up was the moon and bright lanterns on poles.
Namjoon brought you down into the basement where he'd invented the watch and looked up at the clock tower, in your time you'd moved 3 hours in front and the same here, everything was so new and wonderful.
"I just- We just-" He nodded as you tried to process everything that had happened.
"Travelled in time?" He finished and you dropped the bag of items onto the floor,
"I'm in the past...I'm in the 1800s?!" Your voice didn't seem panicked, which was good because you weren't. You were excited to be there so excited that you grabbed Namjoon by the lapels and kissed him passionately, he was shocked at first but he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around you bringing you closer to his body.
"You're going to make a real change here," He whispered pulling back from you and running his hand over your cheek, you smiled at him and looked around.
"Though we are going to have to something about your clothes." You laughed as you remembered saying the same thing to him in your office back home.
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The sister looked down at the photograph with a fond smile, her wrinkled fingers gracing over the image of seven inventors and a female doctor standing in front of a building, 'Inventors Kim Seokjin, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, Min Yoongi, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Namjoon and Doctor Y/n Y/l/n.'
"They look so happy." A voice said from behind her, she turned around slowly to see a man standing there with a smile on his face,
"You're late," She laughed turning the page over to reveal another series of photographs of the same group of people, only this time gathered at Kim Namjoon and Y/n Kim's wedding, all smiling at whoever was taking the photograph.
"They were though, very happy. Young and in love." The man smiled as he got closer to her, wondering how she knew all of that from one photo but that was a secret she was never going to tell anyone. If anyone heard what she had in her mind they'd think she was crazy, time-travelling doctors from the 1800s? They'd have her locked up. She stared down at the photo of the Y/n she used to know so well, smiling widely at the camera, a bouquet was in the air flying towards a group of females and young children are trying to catch it. The moment looked perfect and Y/n looked happier than the Nun had ever seen her before. 
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @yoongisdumplingcheeks @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @fan-atic-blog @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @callingmyangel @rjsmochii @btsiguess-kpop​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​
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gayregis · 5 years
OK first episode reactions
OHHH that was THE KIKIMORE............... im glad we get to see the fight because i mean. i would want some money for doing that crazy shit too. also you noticed how he killed the deer because he was probably starving. 
the moment of hesitation before he enters the tavern......... OK... [jaskier or yennefer voice] dont you just wanna stroke his gross dirty white hair
wait the uhhhh... “tavern scene” occurs in the witcher right, so i dont have to be scared bc this is the lesser evil, right, right, maybe not, idk what theyre switching around
the fucking cease of noise as geralt walks in.... the MOOD
cavill is like way too fine to be playing geralt rn i mean this shot where he says point me to the aldermans house is really showing off his profile. i feel sympathetic for this pretty pretty man
oh im regretting not rereading the lesser evil right now. i cant remember WHAT the fuck happens in that story. he goes to stregobor first though right??? right? he meets with the alderman and the dude’s like nah you cant get shit for that kikimore head, but maybe this wizard will give ya smth
my lesbianisms thinking renfri is pretty VS my morality knowing what shes like VS my witcher fan knowing what the hell happens in this story.... fight
WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE RENFRI SO PRETTY!!!!!!! shes SO pretty and cute..... yall are making me like her fuck you fuck you SO hard.
the voice acting is sending me kind of... this is actually a good geralt voice imo if you dont mind me saying that. i still prefer polish tw3 dub but this is actually better than fuckin delvin mallory in the audiobooks. no disrespect, peter kenny, you did dandelion and yennefer and the hansa well, but geralt..... hm....
okay jk actually i need more geralt lines in order to develop my thoughts on his voice. ill wait until edge of the world where he SHOULD be more talkative
are we really going to stregobor’s fucking tower where a naked woman illusion waits on him and he offers to give geralt a go at this basically fuck doll illusion
“where are you from, geralt?” “rivia.” SURE.... YOU LIAR...... liar .... just WAIT until baptism of fire oooohhh just you wait
also this girl marilka is so sweet, also makes me think because milva said she was called that by some. but thats why she changed her name to milva
“because girls cant be witchers right” OK you reminded me 50% of ciri but now youre literally just proto-ciri
oh.... no foolery with the magic door knocker?
wow this exactly what i pictured the inside of stregobor’s tower to be like lmaooo
oh its so weird to see ciri like. like old at cintra you know what im saying . like im like wait wait how is she alive if geralt hasnt been there as ravix yet. not BAD just weird for me
“speak normally” this reminds me of in bounds of reason dandelions like should i give the account in verse or in prose and then he starts speaking with the most flowery prose and geralts like PROSE prose please
“if you had been alive during falkas rebellion” please dont mention falka already we’re moving too fast soon enough leo fucking bonhart will be at our heels!
“and she possesses the power to destroy us all” “i dont believe anyone has that power.” WAIT UNTIL YOU MEET YOUR DAUGHTER DUDE LOL
wow he’s really full body dressed in black leather. huh . and people say hes heterosexual fml
okay i thought them calling the girls “girl” was kinda tender in the series but now its even more tender when heard aloud.
eist is like really present here and i like him enough its just that calanthe was like way more important than him in the series though right
“it needs to rhyme” and “pretty ballads hide bastard truths” so are we really just stealing every clever word that jaskier can say before he even comes into it
me: is a regis fan / also me: GERALT IS A SHITTY OLD BITCH LMAOO
uh oh spaghettios! its nilfgaard and one of their fun funky officers, son of ceallach! i havent seen him yet but im terrified anyways!
okay see this is how you do a  PROPER adaptation. calanthe in the books committed suicide so she wouldnt be r*ped right as she sat in a stupid castle but this calanthe is on the fucking battlefield. this is why we stan middle aged women
eist: [dies] me: AAAAAA cahir: [is there Waiting] (i think its him maybe) me: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
ah fuck ah fuck fuck
ciri: why [is nilfgaard attacking] ? calanthe knowing DAMN WELL stupid fucking duny is her dad: uhHHhhHhH idk lol
“you will rule this land someday” nope again! [thinks about lady of the lake] nope and nope!
ciri’s “are you dying?” to calanthe on her deathbed is the new “was he human” yennefer asking if regis (as a giant fucking bat) was human
i love how looongggg these episodes areee omgg
but also i always thought of the fall of cintra as something you know like. it happened in two shakes, cahir kinda just took ciri up by her underarms (like longcat) and left
renfri: who were you talking to? geralt: .. my horse.......... all of the fans: [dialing 1-800-TROUBADOUR immediately]
ugh i really thought they were gonna adapt the sex between renfri and geralt out. ugh ugh . too much heterosexuality
ciri you are gonna regret stalling so hard when mr. ceallach marches in. just saying. RUN.
uh.... ok...................... hm not what happened in the books.... where ciri is shot off in the midst of battle and crawls up next to a dead man and acts dead ........ lol cahir is even more evil now how is this possible i didnt think he could get MORE evil
[cahir voice] he deflected the arrow with his sword! ive never seen anything like it!
also have i said already that the cinematography is amazing. like the room where calanthe was on her deathbed.... that renfri dream was pretty cool too... just a lot of things are very pleasing to the eye
due to a injury in the carotid artery blood would be gushing everywhere. also is she prophecizing ciri? stop this there are already so many women in the witcher universe that give prophecy. theres like the girl in baptism of fire, ciri, everyone in ciri’s bloodline, and now renfri?
cahir: nice, GG guys, im gonna go get that cool promotion now, this will be epic, my mom will be SO proud of me-- ciri: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA cahir: OH FUUUUCKKK
well that’s MUCH MORE of a report to file with your superior officers! “yeah so the girl fucking opened up a hole in the earth” instead of “ahh idk i fell asleep and when i woke up she wasnt there :/” .... cahir really is not getting that promotion now, huh
okay yall can say whatever you want about cavill as geralt but when he said “do not touch her” and moved his mouth like that? oh geraltisms.
this is a really nice episode i like how it just went into the action i wasnt convinced at first but ah this is quite nice. i like how it has JUST geralt and ciri in it and later yennefer will come in as her mom. renfri prophecizing was actually pretty ok, at first i thought i wouldnt like the change, but it makes it easier to digest for television. i like how they really emphasize that geralt is hated to all hell, and that ciri is powerful yet still babie. this is a good portrayal of both of them in these stages of their lives you know what im saying. also is cahir gonna chase ciri now for those Good Boy Black Rider points? bc there were shots of him in a forest. ah well whatever lets move to the next episode
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monbabi · 7 years
beautiful in la fanacc!!
• waited in line for 9 mcfreakin hours it was so hot we all bonded over kpop and the wait and wanting to die • at 7pm we went thru security and stood in the pit!!!!!!!!!! very tight but it was fine we were jus chillin • there was a technical problem so the start of the concert was delayed for like 30 more min • thEN THE LIGHTS DIMMED AND THE VCR TURNED ON AND WE WERE LIKE SHAHSKDOSHAGSV • AND MONSTA X CAME OUT IN ALL THEIR BEAUTY AND WE WERE ALL SCREECHING • they got into their positions and performed beautiful it was one of thr most beautiful fucking performances i have ever watched i almost cried • then they went straight into incomparable WHICH WAS FUCKING AMAZING KIHYUN KEPT COMING UP TO THE FRONT AND I WAS LIKE BACK WHERE U CAME FROM DEMON!! I LOVE U SO FUCKING MUCH • i realize now i shouldnt talk abt every single performance bc tht would take way too long • THE SOLO STAGES WERE SO GOOD SEEING HYUNGWON PERFORM FROM ZERO WITH WONHO!!!!!!! GOOD SHIT!!!!!! • and 24k was so…….séxie like it was fun and everyone sang along but their hips are SIN!!!!!!!!! ESPECIALLY MINHYUK!!!!!!! • SHOWNU LIKE DID A SPLIT OR SMTH I DIDNT SEE IT COMPLETELY BUT I SAW HIM DROP AND I WAS LIKE HOLY SHIT?? • mirror was absolutely beautiful and it was such an emotional stage i almost cried kihyun and jooheon did amazing • can i jus say tht minhyuk is absolutely stunningly handsome like im a complete slut for kihyun but my eyes kept wandering to minhyuk bc hes so goddamn beautiful • yall theyre so good live like. ofc theres backtrack but u could hear them so clearly and they were so stable i almost cried • AH all of them did aegyo except changkyun who sang nothing on you by b.o.b and everyone sang along it was fun • omg in the first ment minhyuk was like “im gonna do smth ive been wanting to do in la…….im gonna say hows the weather outside and u say its sunny” and we were like jesus christ okay so he was like HOWS THE WEATHER OUTSIDE and we were like ITS SUNNY!!!!!!! • wonho talking abt how he was in such a good mood bc hyungwon was there w them and he kept making funny faces @ them before the stage • AND IDK I FELT LIKE JOOHEON SMILED A LOT DURING THIS CONCERT LIKE HE WAS ALWAYS SMILING WHILE DANCING AND IT WAS SO CUTE • SO WAS SHOWNU HE KEPT SMILING WHEN HE DANCED IN THE FRONT IT WAS SO NDHSUSDJHSHA • hyungwon seemed kinda tired i jus wanted to scoop him up into my arms and rock him to sleep he didnt talk thaaaaat much but he did whisper amongst the members and laugh like the snarky ass he is • kihyun kept talking to the 2nd floor which was so sweet !!!!!! ahhhhhh!!! im glad they werent left out of anything • oh my god at one point hyungwon like choked on his water it gave me a heart attack • during changkyuns part in 하얀소녀 he started like. swaying his hips and minhyuk kneeled down next to him and started flapping his jacket and wonho joined in it was wild • changkihyuk were hypin up jooheon like “hm ex girl and 하얀소녀 are really good songs……bc U MADE THEM!!!!!!” and jooheon got all shy and squat down in a corner then he stood up and was like “YEA I MADE THOSE SONGS” • wonho kept mouthing along with the translator it was so cute and funny um king of bilingualism? • they kept telling us to “Stop, Calm Down” bc we’re los angeles and we dont shut up ever it was so funny • jooheon said la has a funky way of grooving to the rhythm but out of all the other us concerts we do it the best LOL • wonho: takes off jacket • jooheon: EVERYBODY MAKE SOME NOISE FOR HIS MUSCLES • wonho: turns around and flexes • they were throwing out candy during white sugar but i didnt catch any bc short arms dnhshansbd and they didnt really throw to the front middle pit kihyun kissed one and threw it out i hope tht person who caught it treasures it forever • I WAS MAKING SEVERAL DIFFERENT HEARTS @ KIHYUN USIN MY ARMS AND FINGERS AND SHIT AND HE GAVE FINGER HEARTS AND THREW BIG ARM HEARTS AT ME I ALMOST PASSED THE FUCK OUT • I TURNED AROUND TO SCREAM AT MY FRIEND AND HE WAS LAUGHING AT US AND I CROUCHED DOWN BC I WAS SHY AND DIDNT WANT HIM TO SEE ME SO STUPIDLY EXCITED • i feel like i made a lot of eye contact w shownu and jooheon like idk they couldve been looking at the crowd in general but it felt so personal and directed towards me, the sweaty girl w glasses, a broken lightstick, and a bear phone case so im gonna let my delusional ass believe tht • the hi touch holy fuck the hi touch okay so it was like?? ~20 minutes after the concert ended everyone was chillin in the pit and then monsta mcfreakin x walked out and we all screamed then security lined us up • the order was kihyun, hyungwon, wonho, minhyuk, shownu, jooheon, changkyun * i was praying tht kihyun wouldnt be first so i had time to emotionally prepare but tht didnt work out • so um i. held his hand his grip was pretty firm and i panicked and forgot everything i wanted to say and i was like “marry me” and he laughed and said okay so um BITCH IM ENGAGED TO YOO KIHYUN? his hand was so beautiful okay everyone talks abt kihyuns small ass hands but they were bigger than i imagined and he has some big meaty claws • they were standing on a small platform behind a table so everyone was really tall so high fiving hyungwon was a little hard for my 5'1" body i had to reach for the stars his hand was so bony but it was Large and i said i love u and he smiled i was ready to sink into the ground and lay myself to rest • lets get smth straight wonho is short hes like jus a little taller than kihyun but boy hes Built and he has this cute little smile on his face and his hand was SO SOFT AND SO WARM I WANTED TO CRY i told him i loved him and he said thank u yea haha time to DIE • minhyuk has yaoi hands yall • his hands were so mf gigantic like the hi touch went by fast but holding his hand was so. wow like his hands were really big and warm and i was like i love u!! and he said yea and i laughed jshsgdffjf • SHOWNU IS SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL IRL PICTURES AND VIDEOS DONT DO HIM JUSTICE??? like he was GLOWING and he has such a large and warm presence and his hands are so warm like i felt like my hand was gonna melt yall i was abt to cry he was smiling so big too and i told him i love him and he jus nodded and said me too snshaudhdfshdhf • jooheons hands were kinda cold but they were so soft and beautiful my legs almost gave out he was so cute and smiley and soft and our fingers tangled weirdly and i was like SORRY and he laughed a bit BUT OHM NYOGD I INTERLOCKED FINGERS WITH LEE JOOHEON AND IT WAS AMAZING • changkyun was last and they were starting to rush the line so i could only high five him and say i loved him :(( he said thank u his voice is really attractive guys and he was such a chill dude i wanna be best friends w him • after the hi touch we were immediately lined up again for the group photo which was a ~15 min wait? • they numbered us off then let us in and immediately ppl are looking for spots in front of them someone took the spot in front of kihyun so i was like okay tell me to die first NDHAHDJFGS but my friend found a spot in front of wonho and minhyuk and i stood next to her in front of minhyuk and shownu • it was so funny my friend stumbled a little in front of minhyuk bc she was walking fast and he was like OH MY GOD OH MY GOD and shownu was laughing • STANDING IN FRONT OF THEM JUS MADE ME REALIZE HOW GORGEOUS THEY ARE LIKE,??,,????? • i turned around to look at minhyuk and shownu and felt a piece of me die and i said hi then turned around covering my face bc i got so fuckin embarrassed theyre so HANDSOME • my friends fave is wonho so she turned around and told him she loved him and held his finger I WAS ABT TO SCREAM • AH as they were putting more ppl in the front and this really tall girl stood in front of me and i was like I Am Five Foot One so as a joke before they took the pic i tippytoed and did peace signs and bunny ears my head just barely peeked over her shoulders and i think shownu and minhyuk and jooheon were laughing behind me i hope they were laughing at me i’ll gladly make a fool of myself for them • luckily the rows after us kneeled down! • after the pic they started shooing everyone off and i yelled KIHYUN I LOVE U GOOD NIGHT i dont think he heard me but oh well • SHOWNU SAID BYE TO ME BEFORE I LEFT AND I SAID BYE BACK I ACTUALLY FELT MY LEGS GIVE A LITTLE and changkyun was waving to everyone hes really cute and calm in person i wish i oculdve talked to him more • we walked out completely dazed like we were jus sitting on a bench outside looking fuckin faded
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